[SCM] Debian packaging of Test-BDD-Cucumber CPAN distribution annotated tag, debian/0.14-1, created. debian/0.14-1
intrigeri at boum.org
Sun May 19 13:18:37 UTC 2013
The annotated tag, debian/0.14-1 has been created
at b01c81b7ca5b8fbfd5c3a4cc16649a72583d70c5 (tag)
tagging 07ffe27deaf46ee8a7cdfb019c6e0ad9752f02f4 (commit)
replaces debian/0.11-1
tagged by intrigeri
on Sun May 19 15:18:17 2013 +0200
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
libtest-bdd-cucumber-perl Debian release 0.14-1
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Neil Kirsopp (2):
Add prove-like lib flags to pherkin
Fix ordering issue
Peter Sergeant (66):
First checkin
Small changes
Intermediate checkin
Mostly working
Better docs
Added the feature_parser
Broke the executor but started to move towards a much more sensible model
Fixed up the context. Steps need to be able to use Test::Builder-related methods
Test::Builder is localized - you can now use Test::More and friends in your steps...
Update TODO
Added a Calculator example, which fails its tests, but the tests get run properly...
Fixed calculator
Calculator example works with multi-line step examples and scenarios!
Proper Test::Builder integration
Added pretty coour output and saner step loading and step skipping and stuff
Fixed parser, added auto orpus
Internal renames
Moved directories around for rename
Minor README update
Made this a safe package
Testing if README.pod symbolic link works
Better docs coming in
Made some progress on the tutorial
Finished off the tutorial
Removed vestigial and incorrect Tutorial file
Tidied up the 'pherkin' app and t/900_run_features.t
Removed some defunct files
Fixed up docs some more
Added a bunch more documentation
Make the examples function as basic tests
More docs
Removed old binaries
Steps manual first stab done
Make a release from this
Documentation fixes, and remove a collision in example steps
Commit some work I'd been doing during down-time
Remove trial flag
0.02 Changes
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:sheriff/test-bdd-cucumber-perl
Fixing up broken tests and a few other small changes
Moving towards a 0.3 release
Added List::Util dep
Made the tests all pass
Improved docs
Fixed up docs
0.03 release
Release 0.04, in which we fix a greedy step parser
0.05 - Fixed a bug with scenario parsing
Link-back to MetaCPAN
Fixed a typo in link to Pherkin, thanks SawyerX
Background's done properly, as per https://github.com/sheriff/test-bdd-cucumber-perl/issues/3
pherkin now returns a non-zero exit code on failure
Added tag support
Tiny doc fix
Added a target list of cucumber-tck scenarios that have content
Fixed a typo. Rebuilding tarball on a clean environment so it doesn't pull in OmniO cruft
Typos fixed and minimal manpage added to pherkin
Silly editor
More detailed documentation for pherkin
Tense-changes made at the request of a packager for pherkin man page to be consistent with other man pages
Clone::Fast -> Clone
Fixed tag-related issues, thanks to a patch by Craig Caroon
Reintroduced auto-corpus tests, and moved around bits of the test suite
Merge pull request #7 from cursork/master
v0.14 - now with tb stuff
Salvatore Bonaccorso (4):
Change Vcs-Git to canonical URI (git://anonscm.debian.org)
update changelog
Change search.cpan.org based URIs to metacpan.org based URIs
update changelog
intrigeri (3):
Imported Upstream version 0.14
Merge tag 'upstream/0.14'
libtest-bdd-cucumber-perl (0.14-1) unstable
Debian packaging of Test-BDD-Cucumber CPAN distribution
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