[SCM] Debian native package for Config::Model::Dpkg branch, master, updated. debian/2.036-17-gdc3acc3

Dominique Dumont dod at debian.org
Mon May 20 14:21:15 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit d497d3dcdb1e493606f6ee2cdab08ff4c15d2876
Author: Dominique Dumont <dod at debian.org>
Date:   Mon May 20 16:03:47 2013 +0200

    now dependency check and fix is called *after* parsing

diff --git a/lib/Config/Model/Dpkg/Dependency.pm b/lib/Config/Model/Dpkg/Dependency.pm
index 834ed34..bdd5e37 100644
--- a/lib/Config/Model/Dpkg/Dependency.pm
+++ b/lib/Config/Model/Dpkg/Dependency.pm
@@ -155,12 +155,6 @@ sub check_dependency {
     my ($value, $check, $silent, $notify_change, $ok, $callback,$apply_fix) 
         = @args{qw/value check silent notify_change ok callback fix/} ;
-    # check_value is always called with a callback. This callback must
-    # must called *after* all asynchronous calls are done (which depends on the
-    # packages listed in the dependency). So use begin and end on this condvar and
-    # nothing else, not send/recv
-    my $pending_check = AnyEvent->condvar ;
     # value is one dependency, something like "perl ( >= 1.508 )"
     # or exim | mail-transport-agent or gnumach-dev [hurd-i386]
@@ -169,52 +163,80 @@ sub check_dependency {
     # to get package list
     # wget -q -O - 'http://qa.debian.org/cgi-bin/madison.cgi?package=perl-doc&text=on'
-    $value = $self->{data} if $apply_fix ; # check_value may have modified data in this case
-    my $old = $value ;
-    my @fixed_dep ; # filled by callback and used when applying fixes
-    # this callback will be launched when all checks are done. this can be at
-    # the 'end' call at this end of this sub if all calls of check_depend are
-    # synchronous (which may be the case if all dependency informations are in cache)
-    # or it can be in one of the call backs
-    my $on_check_all_done = sub {
-        if ($logger->is_debug) {
-            my $new = $value // '<undef>' ;
-            $async_log->debug("in check_dependency callback for ",$self->composite_name,
-                " ($new) fix is $apply_fix")
-                if $async_log->is_debug;
-            no warnings 'uninitialized';
-            $logger->debug("'$old' done".($apply_fix ? " changed to '$new'" : ''));
+    my @dep_chain ;
+    if (defined $value) {
+        $logger->debug("calling check_depend with Parse::RecDescent with '$value'");
+        my $ret = dep_parser->dependency ( $value ) ;
+        my $ok = shift @$ret ;
+        if ($ok) {
+            @dep_chain = @$ret ;
+        else {
+            $self->add_error(@$ret) ;
+        }
+    }
+    # check_dependency is always called with a callback. This callback must
+    # must called *after* all asynchronous calls are done (which depends on the
+    # packages listed in the dependency). So use begin and end on this condvar and
+    # nothing else, not send/recv
+    my $pending_check = AnyEvent->condvar ;
-        # "ideal" dependency is always computed, but it does not always change
-        my $new = $self->struct_to_dep(@fixed_dep) ;
+    my $old = $value ;
-        {
-            no warnings 'uninitialized';
-            $self->_store_fix($old, $new) if $apply_fix and $new ne $old;
-        }
-        $callback->(%args) if $callback ;
+    my $check_depend_chain_cb = sub {
+        # blocking with inner async calls
+        $self->check_depend_chain($apply_fix, \@dep_chain, $old ) ;
+        $self->on_check_all_done($apply_fix,\@dep_chain,$old, sub { $callback->(%args) if $callback; });
     } ;
     $async_log->debug("begin for ",$self->composite_name, " fix is $apply_fix") if $async_log->is_debug;
-    $pending_check->begin($on_check_all_done) ;
+    $pending_check->begin($check_depend_chain_cb) ;
-    if (defined $value) {
-        $logger->debug("calling check_depend with Parse::RecDescent with '$value'");
-        dep_parser->check_depend ( $value,1,$self,$pending_check,$apply_fix, \@fixed_dep) 
-            // $self->add_error("dependency '$value' does not match grammar") ;
+    foreach my $dep (@dep_chain) {
+        next unless ref($dep) ; # no need to check variables
+        $pending_check->begin ;
+        my $cb = sub {
+            $self->check_or_fix_essential_package($apply_fix, $dep, $old) ; # sync
+            $self->check_or_fix_dep($apply_fix, $dep, $old, sub { $pending_check -> end}) ; # async
+        };
+        $self->check_or_fix_pkg_name($apply_fix, $dep, $old, $cb) ; # async
     $async_log->debug("end for ",$self->composite_name) if $async_log->is_debug;
-sub check_debhelper {
+# this callback will be launched when all checks are done. this can be at
+# the 'end' call at this end of this sub if all calls of check_depend are
+# synchronous (which may be the case if all dependency informations are in cache)
+# or it can be in one of the call backs
+sub on_check_all_done {
+    my ($self, $apply_fix, $dep_chain, $old, $next) = @_ ;
+    # "ideal" dependency is always computed, but it does not always change
+    my $new = $self->struct_to_dep(@$dep_chain);
+    if ( $logger->is_debug ) {
+        my $new //= '<undef>';
+        $async_log->debug( "in on_check_all_done callback for ",
+            $self->composite_name, " ($new) fix is $apply_fix" )
+          if $async_log->is_debug;
+        no warnings 'uninitialized';
+        $logger->debug( "'$old' done" . ( $apply_fix ? " changed to '$new'" : '' ) );
+    }
+    {
+        no warnings 'uninitialized';
+        $self->_store_fix( $old, $new ) if $apply_fix and $new ne $old;
+    }
+    $next->();
+sub check_debhelper_version {
     my ($self, $apply_fix, $depend) = @_ ;
-    my ( $dep_name, $oper, $dep_v ) = @$depend ;
+    my ( $dep_name, $oper, $dep_v, @archs ) = @$depend ;
     my $dep_string = $self->struct_to_dep($depend) ;
     my $lintian_dep = Lintian::Relation->new( $dep_string ) ;
@@ -282,11 +304,17 @@ sub struct_to_dep {
     foreach my $d (@input) {
         my $line = '';
         # empty str or ref to empty array are skipped
-        if( ref ($d) and @$d and @$d) {
+        if( ref ($d) and @$d) {
             $line .= "$d->[0]";
             # skip test for relations like << or < 
             $skip ++ if defined $d->[1] and $d->[1] =~ /</ ;
             $line .= " ($d->[1] $d->[2])" if defined $d->[2];
+            if (@$d > 3) {
+                $line .= ' ['. join(' ',@$d[3..$#$d]) .']' ;
+            }
         elsif (not ref($d) and $d) { 
             $line .= $d ; 
@@ -300,13 +328,12 @@ sub struct_to_dep {
     return wantarray ? ($actual_dep, $skip) : $actual_dep ;
-# called in Parse::RecDescent grammar
 # @input contains the alternates dependencies (without '|') of one dependency values
 # a bit like @input = split /|/, $dependency
 # will modify @input (array of ref) when applying fix
 sub check_depend_chain {
-    my ($self, $pending_check, $apply_fix, $input) = @_ ;
+    my ($self, $apply_fix, $input, $old) = @_ ;
     my ($actual_dep, $skip) = $self->struct_to_dep (@$input);
     my $ret = 1 ;
@@ -320,7 +347,6 @@ sub check_depend_chain {
     $async_log->debug("begin check alternate deps for $actual_dep") ;
-    $pending_check->begin;
     foreach my $depend (@$input) {
         if (ref ($depend)) {
             # is a dependency (not a variable a la ${perl-Depends})
@@ -329,14 +355,12 @@ sub check_depend_chain {
                 .(defined $dep_v ? " $dep_v" : ''));
             if ($dep_name =~ /lib([\w+\-]+)-perl/) {
                 my $pname = $1 ;
-                # AnyEvent condvar is involved in this method
+                # AnyEvent condvar is involved in this method, blocks while inner async call are in progress
                 $ret &&= $self->check_perl_lib_dep ($apply_fix, $pname, $actual_dep, $depend,$input);
-    $async_log->debug("waiting end check alternate deps for $actual_dep") ;
-    $pending_check->end ;
     $async_log->debug("end check alternate deps for $actual_dep") ;
     if ($logger->is_debug and $apply_fix) {
@@ -348,7 +372,7 @@ sub check_depend_chain {
     return $ret ;
-# called in Parse::RecDescent grammar through check_depend_chain
+# called through check_depend_chain
 # does modify $input when applying fix
 sub check_perl_lib_dep {
     my ($self, $apply_fix, $pname, $actual_dep, $depend, $input) = @_;
@@ -480,7 +504,8 @@ sub check_versioned_dep {
     my $cb = sub {
         my @dist_version = @_ ;
-        $async_log->debug("in check_versioned_dep callback with @$dep_info -> @dist_version");
+        $async_log->debug("in check_versioned_dep callback with ". $self->struct_to_dep($dep_info)
+            ." -> @dist_version") if $async_log->is_debug;
         if ( @dist_version  # no older for unknow packages
              and defined $oper 
@@ -548,7 +573,7 @@ sub check_or_fix_essential_package {
     my $is_essential = 0;
     $is_essential++ if (defined $cache_item and $cache_item->get('Flags') =~ /essential/i);
-    if ($is_essential and @$dep_info == 1) {
+    if ($is_essential and not defined $oper) {
         $logger->debug( "found unversioned dependency on essential package: $pkg");
         if ($apply_fix) {
             @$dep_info = ();
@@ -569,9 +594,11 @@ my %pkg_replace = (
 ) ;
 sub check_or_fix_pkg_name {
-    my ( $self, $pending_check_cv, $apply_fix, $dep_info ) = @_;
+    my ( $self, $apply_fix, $dep_info, $old, $next ) = @_;
     my ( $pkg,  $oper,      $vers )    = @$dep_info;
-    $logger->debug("called with '", scalar $self->struct_to_dep($dep_info), "' and fix $apply_fix") if $logger->is_debug;
+    $logger->debug("called with '", scalar $self->struct_to_dep($dep_info), "' and fix $apply_fix")
+        if $logger->is_debug;
     my $new = $pkg_replace{$pkg} ;
     if ( $new ) {
@@ -590,55 +617,59 @@ sub check_or_fix_pkg_name {
     # check if this package is defined in current control file
     if ($self->grab(step => "- - binary:$pkg", qw/mode loose autoadd 0/)) {
         $logger->debug("dependency $pkg provided in control file") ;
-        return;
+        $next->() ;
+    else {
+        my $cb = sub {
+            if ( @_ == 0 ) {
+                # no version found for $pkg
+                # don't know how to distinguish virtual package from source package
+                $logger->debug("unknown package $pkg");
+                $self->add_warning(
+                    "package $pkg is unknown. Check for typos if not a virtual package.");
+            }
+            $async_log->debug("callback for check_or_fix_pkg_name -> end for $pkg");
+            $next->( );
+        };
-    my $cb  = sub {
-        if (@_ == 0) { # no version found for $pkg
-            # don't know how to distinguish virtual package from source package
-            $logger->debug("unknown package $pkg") ;
-            $self->add_warning("package $pkg is unknown. Check for typos if not a virtual package.") ;
-        }
-        $async_log->debug("callback for check_or_fix_pkg_name -> end for $pkg") ;
-        $pending_check_cv->end ;
-    } ;
-    # is asynchronous
-    $async_log->debug("begin on $pkg") ;
-    $pending_check_cv->begin ;
-    $self->get_available_version($cb,$pkg ) ;
-    # if no pkg was found
+        # is asynchronous
+        $async_log->debug("begin on $pkg");
+        $self->get_available_version( $cb, $pkg );
+        # if no pkg was found
+    }
 # all subs but one there are synchronous
 sub check_or_fix_dep {
-    my ( $self, $pending_check_cv, $apply_fix, $dep_info ) = @_;
+    my ( $self, $apply_fix, $dep_info, $old, $next ) = @_;
     my ( $pkg,  $oper,      $vers, @archs )    = @$dep_info;
-    $logger->debug("called with '", scalar $self->struct_to_dep($dep_info), "' and fix $apply_fix") if $logger->is_debug;
+    $logger->debug("called with '", scalar $self->struct_to_dep($dep_info), "' and fix $apply_fix")
+        if $logger->is_debug;
-    if ( $pkg eq 'debhelper' ) {
-        $self->check_debhelper( $apply_fix, $dep_info );
-        return;
+    if(not defined $pkg) {
+        # pkg may be cleaned up during fix
+        $next->() ;
+    elsif ( $pkg eq 'debhelper' ) {
+        $self->check_debhelper_version( $apply_fix, $dep_info );
+        $next->() ;
+    }
+    else {
+        my $cb = sub {
+            my ( $vers_dep_ok, @list ) = @_ ;
+            $async_log->debug("callback for check_or_fix_dep with @_") ;
+            $self->warn_or_remove_vers_dep ($apply_fix, $dep_info, \@list) unless $vers_dep_ok ;
-    $self->check_or_fix_pkg_name($pending_check_cv, $apply_fix, $dep_info) ;
-    my $cb = sub {
-        my ( $vers_dep_ok, @list ) = @_ ;
-        $async_log->debug("callback for check_or_fix_dep with @_") ;
-        $self->warn_or_remove_vers_dep ($apply_fix, $dep_info, \@list) unless $vers_dep_ok ;
-        $self->check_or_fix_essential_package ($apply_fix, $dep_info);
-        $async_log->debug("callback for check_or_fix_dep -> end") ;
-        $pending_check_cv->end ;
-    } ;
-    $async_log->debug("begin") ;
-    $pending_check_cv->begin ;
-    $self->check_versioned_dep($cb,  $dep_info );
+            $async_log->debug("callback for check_or_fix_dep -> end") ;
+            $next->() ;
+        } ;
+        $async_log->debug("begin") ;
+        $self->check_versioned_dep($cb,  $dep_info );
-    return 1;
+    }
 sub warn_or_remove_vers_dep {

Debian native package for Config::Model::Dpkg

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