[SCM] Debian packaging of libconfig-model-perl branch, master, updated. debian/2.035-1-9-gad8f8c2

Dominique Dumont dod at debian.org
Sun May 26 12:30:19 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit d70339c04b5af7e37cb88c009671c59607ac614f
Author: Dominique Dumont <dod at debian.org>
Date:   Sun May 26 12:39:37 2013 +0200

    removed unused patches

diff --git a/debian/patches/fix-unsaved-changes b/debian/patches/fix-unsaved-changes
deleted file mode 100644
index 9090698..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/fix-unsaved-changes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-Description: Fix unsaved changes when changing hash keys
- See description in debian bug. 
-Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=681353
-Forwarded: yes
-Origin: upstream
-Applied-Upstream: yes
---- a/lib/Config/Model/ListId.pm
-+++ b/lib/Config/Model/ListId.pm
-@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@
-     if ($ok or $check eq 'no') {
-         $self->_store($to, $moved) ;
-         $moved->index_value($to) ;
-+        $self->notify_change(note => "moved from index $from to $to") ;
-         my $imode = $self->instance->get_data_mode ;
-         $self->set_data_mode( $to, $imode ) ;
-     }
-@@ -304,8 +305,7 @@
-     $self->{data}[$ida] = $objb ;
-     $self->{data}[$idb] = $obja ;
--    $self->notify_change(index => $ida) ;
--    $self->notify_change(index => $idb) ;
-+    $self->notify_change(note => "swapped index $ida and $idb") ;
- }
- #die "check index number after wap";
---- a/lib/Config/Model/HashId.pm
-+++ b/lib/Config/Model/HashId.pm
-@@ -280,6 +280,8 @@
-         delete $self->{warning_hash}{$from} ;
-         # update index_value attribute in moved objects
-         $self->{data}{$to}->index_value($to) ;
-+        $self->notify_change(note => "rename key from $from to $to");
-         # data_mode is preset or layered or user. Actually only user
-         # mode makes sense here
-@@ -333,6 +335,7 @@
-     my $list = $self->{list} ;
-+    my $msg ;
-     if (defined $ref_key) {
-         for (my $idx = 0; $idx <= $#$list; $idx ++ ) {
-             if ($list->[$idx] eq $ref_key) {
-@@ -340,9 +343,16 @@
-                 last;
-             }
-         }
-+        $msg = "moved key $key_to_move after $ref_key" ;
-     } else {
-         unshift @$list , $key_to_move ;
-+        $msg = "moved key $key_to_move at beginning" ;
-     }
-+    $self->notify_change( note => $msg ) ;
- }
-@@ -363,9 +373,13 @@
-         if ($list->[$idx] eq $key) {
-             $list->[$idx]   = $list->[$idx-1];
-             $list->[$idx-1] = $key ;
-+            $self->notify_change(note => "moved up key $key") ;
-             last ;
-         }
-     }
-+    # notify_change is placed in the loop so the notification
-+    # is not sent if the user tries to move up idx 0
- }
-@@ -386,9 +400,13 @@
-         if ($list->[$idx] eq $key) {
-             $list->[$idx]   = $list->[$idx+1];
-             $list->[$idx+1] = $key ;
-+            $self->notify_change(note => "moved down key $key") ;
-             last ;
-         }
-     }
-+    # notify_change is placed in the loop so the notification
-+    # is not sent if the user tries to move past last idx
- }
diff --git a/debian/patches/test-fix-unsaved-changes b/debian/patches/test-fix-unsaved-changes
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c4004d..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/test-fix-unsaved-changes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-Description: Test fix unsaved changes
- test for the above patch
-Origin: upstream
-Applied-Upstream: yes
---- a/t/hash_id_of_values.t
-+++ b/t/hash_id_of_values.t
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
- use ExtUtils::testlib;
--use Test::More tests => 88;
-+use Test::More tests => 94;
- use Test::Memory::Cycle;
- use Config::Model ;
- use Test::Exception ;
-@@ -322,6 +322,7 @@
- $inst->clear_changes ;
- $oh ->swap(qw/z x/) ;
-+is($inst->needs_save,1,"verify instance needs_save status after swap") ;
- print scalar $inst->list_changes,"\n" if $trace ;
- $inst->clear_changes ;
-@@ -333,12 +334,19 @@
- eq_or_diff([$oh->fetch_all_indexes], [qw/x a z/],
- 	 "check index order of ordered_hash after swap(a z)") ;
-+$inst->clear_changes ;
- $oh ->move_up(qw/a/) ;
-+is($inst->needs_save,1,"verify instance needs_save status after move_up") ;
-+print scalar $inst->list_changes,"\n" if $trace ;
-+$inst->clear_changes ;
- eq_or_diff([$oh->fetch_all_indexes], [qw/a x z/],
- 	 "check index order of ordered_hash after move_up(a)") ;
- $oh ->move_down(qw/x/) ;
-+is($inst->needs_save,1,"verify instance needs_save status after move_down") ;
-+print scalar $inst->list_changes,"\n" if $trace ;
-+$inst->clear_changes ;
- eq_or_diff([$oh->fetch_all_indexes], [qw/a z x/],
- 	 "check index order of ordered_hash after move_down(x)") ;
-@@ -346,6 +354,10 @@
- is($oh->fetch_with_id('x')->fetch, '2x',"Check copied value") ;
- $oh->copy(qw/x d/) ;
-+is($inst->needs_save,1,"verify instance needs_save status after copy") ;
-+print scalar $inst->list_changes,"\n" if $trace ;
-+$inst->clear_changes ;
- eq_or_diff([$oh->fetch_all_indexes], [qw/a z x d/],
- 	 "check index order of ordered_hash after copy(x d)") ;
- is($oh->fetch_with_id('d')->fetch, '2x',"Check copied value") ;
-@@ -355,13 +367,20 @@
- 	 "check index order of ordered_hash after copy(a e)") ;
- is($oh->fetch_with_id('e')->fetch, '3a',"Check copied value") ;
-+$inst->clear_changes ;
- $oh->move_after('d') ;
- eq_or_diff([$oh->fetch_all_indexes], [qw/d a z x e/],
- 	 "check index order of ordered_hash after move_after(d)") ;
-+is($inst->needs_save,1,"verify instance needs_save status after move_after") ;
-+print scalar $inst->list_changes,"\n" if $trace ;
-+$inst->clear_changes ;
- $oh->move_after('d','z') ;
- eq_or_diff([$oh->fetch_all_indexes], [qw/a z d x e/],
- 	 "check index order of ordered_hash after move_after(d z)") ;
-+is($inst->needs_save,1,"verify instance needs_save status after move_after") ;
-+print scalar $inst->list_changes,"\n" if $trace ;
-+$inst->clear_changes ;
- $oh->move_after('d','e') ;
- eq_or_diff([$oh->fetch_all_indexes], [qw/a z x e d/],
---- a/t/array_id.t
-+++ b/t/array_id.t
-@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- use Config::Model::AnyId;
- use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy :levels) ;
--BEGIN { plan tests => 105; }
-+BEGIN { plan tests => 107; }
- use strict;
-@@ -246,7 +246,13 @@
-     $ol->fetch_with_id( $i++ )->fetch_element($e)->store($v);
- }
-+$inst->clear_changes ;
- $ol->move( 3, 4 );
-+is($inst->needs_save,1,"verify instance needs_save status after move") ;
-+print scalar $inst->list_changes,"\n" if $trace ;
-+$inst->clear_changes ;
- is( $ol->fetch_with_id(3)->fetch_element('Z')->fetch,
-     undef, "check after move idx 3 in 4" );
- is( $ol->fetch_with_id(4)->fetch_element('Z')->fetch,
-@@ -256,6 +262,10 @@
- } ( 0 .. 4 );
- $ol->swap( 0, 2 );
-+is($inst->needs_save,1,"verify instance needs_save status after move") ;
-+print scalar $inst->list_changes,"\n" if $trace ;
-+$inst->clear_changes ;
- is( $ol->fetch_with_id(0)->fetch_element('X')->fetch,
-     undef, "check after move idx 0 in 2" );
- is( $ol->fetch_with_id(0)->fetch_element('Y')->fetch, 'Av',
-@@ -401,4 +411,4 @@
- eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_indexes ], [0] ,"check that only layered stuff was cleared");
- is($pl->fetch_with_id(0)->fetch,'bar',"check that bar was moved from 1 to 0");
- $pl->clear ;
-+memory_cycle_ok($model,"memory cycles");

Debian packaging of libconfig-model-perl

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