[SCM] Debian packaging of libproc-processtable-perl branch, master, updated. debian/0.47-1-6-g11b7787

Salvatore Bonaccorso carnil at debian.org
Mon May 27 05:22:24 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit aaa972846f76cba9d15149cbc612d85bafd86e3e
Author: Salvatore Bonaccorso <carnil at debian.org>
Date:   Mon May 27 06:57:05 2013 +0200

    Drop 646785-add-new-states.patch
    Patch slightly modified applied upstream.

diff --git a/debian/patches/646785-add-new-states.patch b/debian/patches/646785-add-new-states.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 16717ba..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/646785-add-new-states.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-Description: Add support for 't (tracing stop)', 'X (dead)', 'x (dead)'
- and 'K (wakekill)' states of processes
-Origin: vendor
-Bug: https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=71976
-Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/646785
-Forwarded: yes
-Author: Salvatore Bonaccorso <carnil at debian.org>
-Last-Update: 2011-10-27
---- a/os/Linux.c
-+++ b/os/Linux.c
-@@ -484,6 +484,9 @@
-         case 'W':
-             prs->state = get_string(WAIT);
-             break;
-+        case 'K':
-+            prs->state = get_string(WAIT);
-+            break;
-         case 'R':
-             prs->state = get_string(RUN);
-             break;
-@@ -499,6 +502,15 @@
-         case 'T':
-             prs->state = get_string(STOP);
-             break;
-+        case 't':
-+            prs->state = get_string(STOP);
-+            break;
-+        case 'X':
-+            prs->state = get_string(DEAD);
-+            break;
-+        case 'x':
-+            prs->state = get_string(DEAD);
-+            break;
-         /* unknown state, state is already set to NULL */
-         default:
-             ppt_warn("Ran into unknown state (hex char: %x)", (int) prs->state_c);
---- a/os/Linux.h
-+++ b/os/Linux.h
-@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
- 	STOP,
-+	DEAD,
- };
-@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@
- static const char strings[] =
- {
- /* process state */
--	"sleep\0" "wait\0" "run\0" "idle\0" "defunct\0" "stop\0" "uwait\0"
-+	"sleep\0" "wait\0" "run\0" "idle\0" "defunct\0" "stop\0" "uwait\0" "dead\0"
- /* error messages */
- 	"/proc unavailable\0"
- 	"intilization failed\0"
-@@ -116,55 +117,55 @@
- static const size_t strings_index[] =
- {
- /* process status strings */
--	0, 6, 11, 15, 20, 28, 33,
-+	0, 6, 11, 15, 20, 28, 33, 39,
- /* error messages */
--	39,	57,
-+	44,	62,
- /* fields */
--	77,
--	81,
--	85,
--	89,
--	95,
--	100,
-+	82,
-+	86,
-+	90,
-+	94,
-+	99,
- 	105,
- 	110,
--	117,
--	123,
--	130,
--	138,
--	145,
--	153,
--	159,
--	165,
--	172,
--	179,
--	188,
--	194,
-+	115,
-+	122,
-+	128,
-+	135,
-+	143,
-+	150,
-+	158,
-+	164,
-+	170,
-+	177,
-+	184,
-+	193,
- 	199,
--	203,
--	209,
-+	204,
-+	208,
- 	214,
--	220,
--	226,
-+	219,
-+	225,
- 	231,
- 	236,
- 	241,
- 	246,
- 	251,
- 	256,
--	263,
--	270,
--	279,
-+	261,
-+	268,
-+	275,
- 	284,
-+	289,
- /* default format string (pre lower casing) */
--	288
-+	293
- };
- enum string_name {
--	/* NOTE: we start this enum at 7, so we can use still keep using the
-+	/* NOTE: we start this enum at 8, so we can use still keep using the
-   	 * state enum, and have those correspond to the static strings */
- /* error messages */
- /* fields */
-@@ -250,41 +251,41 @@
- static const char* const field_names[] =
- {
--	strings + 77,
--	strings + 81,
--	strings + 85,
--	strings + 89,
--	strings + 95,
-+	strings + 82,
-+	strings + 86,
-+	strings + 90,
-+	strings + 94,
- 	strings + 100,
- 	strings + 105,
- 	strings + 110,
--	strings + 117,
--	strings + 123,
--	strings + 130,
--	strings + 138,
--	strings + 145,
--	strings + 153,
--	strings + 159,
--	strings + 165,
--	strings + 172,
--	strings + 179,
--	strings + 188,
--	strings + 194,
-+	strings + 115,
-+	strings + 122,
-+	strings + 128,
-+	strings + 135,
-+	strings + 143,
-+	strings + 150,
-+	strings + 158,
-+	strings + 164,
-+	strings + 170,
-+	strings + 177,
-+	strings + 184,
-+	strings + 193,
- 	strings + 199,
--	strings + 203,
--	strings + 209,
-+	strings + 204,
-+	strings + 208,
- 	strings + 214,
--	strings + 220,
--	strings + 226,
-+	strings + 219,
-+	strings + 225,
- 	strings + 231,
- 	strings + 236,
- 	strings + 241,
- 	strings + 246,
- 	strings + 251,
- 	strings + 256,
--	strings + 263,
--	strings + 270,
--	strings + 279,
--	strings + 284
-+	strings + 261,
-+	strings + 268,
-+	strings + 275,
-+	strings + 284,
-+	strings + 289
- };
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 2e86906..4cafd07 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@

Debian packaging of libproc-processtable-perl

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