[SCM] libpath-tiny-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, release-0.004, created. release-0.004

David Golden dagolden at cpan.org
Tue May 28 15:57:54 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, release-0.004 has been created
        at  126bf6582706b699bb6e961beadd2267b337e96c (tag)
   tagging  abbeef6c1791354e9b67972285599dcccb2b09b4 (commit)
  replaces  release-0.003
 tagged by  David Golden
        on  Tue Feb 5 19:20:05 2013 -0500

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------

Chris 'BinGOs' Williams (1):
      Fix filesystem test that never raises an exception when run as root

David Golden (34):
      bump Changes
      note stringification in SYNOPSIS
      add benchmarking examples
      optimized children method
      update children benchmarks
      add large slurp benchmark
      optional File::Slurp support for :raw I/O
      force spew flush when not using File::Slurp
      add _raw I/O methods
      comment out Path::Class in tests
      documentation of new features
      update meta files
      add more benchmarking scripts
      replace File::Slurp in slurp with read on :unix
      change benchmark scripts to Benchmark::Forking
      remove benchmark results from repo
      finish removing File::Spec in favor of :unix unbuffered read/write
      rewrote benchmark tests as a harness plus snippets
      move benchmark files to top-level bench dir and prune it from releases
      updated Changes
      use getcwd in tests, just like absolute does
      fix tests if read-only files aren't
      updated Changes
      add tests for _raw functions
      improve test coverage
      updated docs
      fix test for copying onto read-only file
      Added realpath function
      tidying code
      fix flocking
      tighten up code; prune dead branches
      fix spelling and stopwords
      add canonpath method

Karen Etheridge (1):
      plug the types library


libpath-tiny-perl Debian packaging

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