[SCM] libpath-tiny-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, release-0.005, created. release-0.005

David Golden dagolden at cpan.org
Tue May 28 15:57:55 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, release-0.005 has been created
        at  2e54240f4da8d1170294395fc47e57e7eff99feb (tag)
   tagging  ddeabddbc25749033dee1a3dd82972e940ec096e (commit)
  replaces  release-0.004
 tagged by  David Golden
        on  Thu Feb 7 15:53:24 2013 -0500

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------

David Golden (31):
      bump Changes
      work in progress on benchmark chart generation
      chart generation working
      cluster benchmarks into subdirectories
      fix slurp-raw benchmark test
      improve benchmark stability and chart output
      improve bench harness and chart output
      add corpus generators for benchmarking
      refactored slurp tests
      split out raw slurp benchmarks
      refactor Unicode benchmark files
      code tidying
      add optional Unicode::UTF8 support to slurp_utf8
      add Unicode::UTF8 support to other _utf8 methods
      ensure :raw:encoding(UTF-8) when we use it
      add docs for unicode and other tweaks
      fix pod typo
      revise construction benchmark tests
      update and fix more benchmarks
      add chart ordering options for benchmarking
      optimize spew slightly
      add spew benchmarks
      use Unicode::UTF8 for lines()
      add spew-raw benchmarks
      note idea for unsafe spewage
      added utf8 spew tests
      append \n instead of creating new scalar
      fix test for symlinked /sbin
      Replace /bin and /sbin in realpath tests
      updated README
      shut up Perl::Critic


libpath-tiny-perl Debian packaging

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