[SCM] libpath-tiny-perl Debian packaging annotated tag, release-0.018, created. release-0.018

David Golden dagolden at cpan.org
Tue May 28 15:57:58 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, release-0.018 has been created
        at  f8fc23504ad906bec2086d0822d923d638335835 (tag)
   tagging  c353881f9513bafff669abdbec30fcf43b2bfd35 (commit)
  replaces  release-0.017
 tagged by  David Golden
        on  Mon Apr 8 12:44:56 2013 -0400

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------

David Golden (10):
      bump Changes
      consolidate IO method Pod
      updated README and meta
      consolidate pod for additional methods
      consolidate tempfile/tempdir pod
      defend iterator against symlink attack
      throw error if iterator opendir fails
      fix regression in lines to return count in scalar context
      optionally export cwd, rootdir, tempfile, tempdir
      updated meta files


libpath-tiny-perl Debian packaging

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