[postfwd] 09/96: remove shipped example config and removed 2nd cause unclear license
Jan Wagner
waja at alioth.debian.org
Tue Nov 5 20:09:29 UTC 2013
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
waja pushed a commit to branch master
in repository postfwd.
commit 44d7d35f56c76ae5587042b3b7948a4043c3cad8
Author: Jan Wagner <waja at cyconet.org>
Date: Sat May 31 20:10:16 2008 +0000
remove shipped example config and removed 2nd cause unclear license
debian/README.Debian | 1 +
debian/changelog | 4 +-
debian/example-cfg.txt | 108 -----------------------------------------------
debian/example-cfg2.txt | 103 --------------------------------------------
debian/rules | 2 +-
5 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 214 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/README.Debian b/debian/README.Debian
index 4561613..5b90ed2 100644
--- a/debian/README.Debian
+++ b/debian/README.Debian
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ postfwd for Debian
Please provide a config file, usualy /etc/postfix/postfwd.cf. Examples are
located in /usr/share/doc/postfwd/examples/.
+An other can be found at: http://hege.li/howto/spam/etc/postfwd/postfwd.conf
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index fa23309..3e5bfc5 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-postfwd (1.10pre7c-1) unstable; urgency=low
+postfwd (1.10pre7c-1) experimental; urgency=low
* Initial release (Closes: #470356).
- -- Jan Wagner <waja at cyconet.org> Mon, 12 May 2008 22:43:55 +0200
+ -- Jan Wagner <waja at cyconet.org> Sat, 31 May 2008 22:07:08 +0200
diff --git a/debian/example-cfg.txt b/debian/example-cfg.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 49efb5f..0000000
--- a/debian/example-cfg.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# downloaded from http://postfwd.org/example-cfg.txt
-# check for more recent versions!
-## Definitions
-# Maintenance times
- date=15.01.2007 ; \
- date=15.04.2007 ; \
- date=15.07.2007 ; \
- date=15.10.2007 ; \
- time=03:00:00-04:00:00 ; \
-# Whitelists
- client_address= ; \
- client_address= ; \
- client_name~=\.domain1\.net$ ; \
- client_name~=\.domain2\.de$ ; \
- sasl_username==bob ; \
- sasl_username==alice ; \
- ccert_fingerprint==11:22:33:44:55:66:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF ; \
- ccert_fingerprint==AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF:11:22:33:44:55:66 ; \
- encryption_keysize>=64 ; \
- client_name~=\.gmx\.net$ ; \
- client_name~=\.web\.de$ ; \
- client_name~=\.(aol|yahoo|h(ush|ot)mail)\.com$ ; \
-&&STATIC { \
- # contains freemailers
- &&FREEMAIL ; \
- client_name~=[\.\-]static[[\.\-] ; \
- client_name~=^(mail|smtp|mout|mx)[\-]*[0-9]*\. ; \
-# Spamchecks
-&&BADHELO { \
- client_name~=!!($$(helo_name)) ; \
-&&DYNAMIC { \
- client_name~=^unknown$ ; \
- client_name~=(\-.+){4} ; \
- client_name~=\d{5} ; \
- client_name~=[_\.\-]([axt]{0,1}dsl|br(e|oa)dband|ppp|pppoe|dynamic|dynip|ADSL|dial(up|in)|pool|dhcp|leased)[_\.\-] ; \
-&&RBLS { \
- rbl=zen.spamhaus.org ; \
- rbl=list.dsbl.org ; \
- rbl=bl.spamcop.net ; \
- rbl=dnsbl.sorbs.net ; \
- rbl=ix.dnsbl.manitu.net ; \
-&&RHSBLS { \
- rhsbl=rddn.dnsbl.net.au ; \
- rhsbl=rhsbl.ahbl.org ; \
- rhsbl=rhsbl.sorbs.net ; \
-## Ruleset
-# temporary reject and drop connection during maintenance window
-id=M_001 ; &&MAINTENANCE ; action=421 maintenance - please try again later
-# stress-friendly behaviour (will not match on postfix version pre 2.5)
-id=STRESS ; stress==yes ; action=dunno
-# Whitelists
-id=WL_001 ; &&TRUSTED_NETS ; action=dunno
-id=WL_002 ; &&TRUSTED_HOSTS ; action=dunno
-id=WL_003 ; &&TRUSTED_USERS ; action=dunno
-id=WL_004 ; &&TRUSTED_TLS ; action=dunno
-# DNSBL checks
-id=RBL_001 ; &&RHSBLS ; &&RBLS ; \
- rhsblcount=all ; rblcount=all ; \
- action=set(HIT_rhls=$$rhsblcount,HIT_rbls=$$rblcount)
-id=RBL_002 ; HIT_rhls>=1 ; HIT_rbls>=1 ; action=554 5.7.1 blocked using $$HIT_rhls RHSBLs and $$HIT_rbls RBLs
-id=RBL_003 ; HIT_rhls>=2 ; action=554 5.7.1 blocked using $$HIT_rhls RHSBLs
-id=RBL_004 ; HIT_rbls>=2 ; action=554 5.7.1 blocked using $$HIT_rbls RBLs
-id=RBL_005 ; HIT_rbls>=1 ; &&DYNAMIC ; action=REJECT listed on RBL and $$client_name looks like dynip
-id=RBL_006 ; HIT_rhls>=1 ; &&DYNAMIC ; action=REJECT listed on RHSBL and $$client_name looks like dynip
-id=RBL_007 ; HIT_rbls>=1 ; &&BADHELO ; action=REJECT listed on RBL and $$helo_name does not match $$client_name
-id=RBL_008 ; HIT_rhls>=1 ; &&BADHELO ; action=REJECT listed on RHSBL and $$helo_name does not match $$client_name
-# Selective greylisting
-id=GREY_001 ; action=dunno ; &&STATIC
-id=GREY_002 ; action=dunno ; $$client_name~=$$(sender_domain)$
-id=GREY_003 ; action=greylisting ; &&DYNAMIC
-id=GREY_004 ; action=greylisting ; HIT_rhls>=1
-id=GREY_005 ; action=greylisting ; HIT_rbls>=1
-# greylisting should be safe during out-of-office times
-id=GREY_006 ; action=greylisting ; days=Sat-Sun
-id=GREY_007 ; action=greylisting ; days=Mon-Fri ; time=!!06:00:00-20:00:00
diff --git a/debian/example-cfg2.txt b/debian/example-cfg2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b0d203..0000000
--- a/debian/example-cfg2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# downloaded from http://hege.li/howto/spam/etc/postfwd/postfwd.conf
-# check for more recent versions!
-## Check DNS Whitelisting
-id=OK_DNSWL; \
- rbl=list.dnswl.org/127/43200; \
- rbl=hostkarma.junkemailfilter.com/127.0.0.[13]; \
- action=OK
-## Check HELO and reverse DNS
-id=SET_HELO; \
- helo_name=^(\[|[^.]+$|.*?[0-9.-]{8}); \
- action=set(HIT_helo=1)
-id=SET_NODNS; \
- client_name=^unknown$; \
- action=set(HIT_nodns=1)
- HIT_helo==1; HIT_nodns==1; \
- action=REJECT Your HELO is suspicious and no reverse DNS
-## Check ZEN for immediate blocking
- rbl=zen.spamhaus.org; \
- action=REJECT You are listed in zen.spamhaus.org DNSBL
-## Check DNSBLs
-&&DNSBLS { \
- rbl=bl.spamcop.net; \
- rbl=dnsbl-1.uceprotect.net; \
- rbl=psbl.surriel.org; \
- rbl=dnsbl.ahbl.org; \
- rbl=dnsbl.njabl.org; \
- rbl=list.dsbl.org; \
- rbl=dnsbl.sorbs.net; \
- rbl=ix.dnsbl.manitu.net; \
- rbl=hostkarma.junkemailfilter.com/; \
- &&DNSBLS; rblcount=all; \
- action=set(HIT_rbls=$$rblcount)
- HIT_rbls>=2; \
- action=REJECT You are listed in several DNSBLs
-## Check RHSBLs
- rhsbl_reverse_client=l1.apews.org; \
- rhsbl_reverse_client=rddn.dnsbl.net.au; \
- rhsbl_reverse_client=dynamic.rhs.mailpolice.com; \
- rhsbl_sender=multi.uribl.com; \
- rhsbl_sender=multi.surbl.org; \
- rhsbl_sender=rhsbl.ahbl.org; \
- rhsbl_sender=rhsbl.sorbs.net; \
- rhsbl_sender=dsn.rfc-ignorant.org; \
- &&RHSBLS_REVERSE; &&RHSBLS_SENDER; rhsblcount=all; \
- action=set(HIT_rhsbls=$$rhsblcount)
- HIT_rhsbls>=2; \
- action=REJECT You are listed in several RHSBLs
-## Combined checks
- HIT_rbls>=1; HIT_rhsbls>=1; \
- action=REJECT You are DNSBL and RHSBL listed
- HIT_rbls>=1; HIT_helo==1; \
- action=REJECT You are DNSBL listed and HELO is suspicious
- HIT_rbls>=1; HIT_nodns==1; \
- action=REJECT You are DNSBL listed and no reverse DNS
- HIT_rhsbls>=1; HIT_helo==1; \
- action=REJECT You are RHSBL listed and HELO is suspicious
- HIT_rhsbls>=1; HIT_nodns==1; \
- action=REJECT You are RHSBL listed and no reverse DNS
-## Greylist suspicious
-id=GREY_RBL; HIT_rbls>=1; action=check_postgrey
-id=GREY_RHSBL; HIT_rhsbls>=1; action=check_postgrey
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 11e0b20..298e25b 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ install: build
install -D -m 644 sbin/postfwd debian/postfwd/usr/sbin/postfwd
install -d -m 0755 debian/postfwd/usr/share/doc/postfwd/examples/
- cp debian/example-cfg*.txt debian/postfwd/usr/share/doc/postfwd/examples/
+ #cp debian/example-cfg*.txt debian/postfwd/usr/share/doc/postfwd/examples/
cp etc/postfwd.cf debian/postfwd/usr/share/doc/postfwd/examples/example-cfg.txt
# Build architecture-independent files here.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/postfwd.git
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