[libcatalyst-perl] 01/06: Merge tag 'upstream/5.90051'

Florian Schlichting fsfs at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Nov 24 21:46:07 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

fsfs pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libcatalyst-perl.

commit 202a1f38d23fce552573defc861c7bc03bcaa77a
Merge: 0e5226a 22a82dd
Author: Florian Schlichting <fsfs at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Nov 24 21:06:08 2013 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/5.90051'
    Upstream version 5.90051

 Changes                                            |  97 +++++
 MANIFEST                                           |  21 +-
 META.yml                                           |  17 +-
 Makefile.PL                                        |  22 +-
 lib/Catalyst.pm                                    | 399 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 lib/Catalyst/ActionRole/ConsumesContent.pm         | 164 +++++++++
 lib/Catalyst/Component.pm                          |   6 +-
 lib/Catalyst/Controller.pm                         |  74 +++-
 lib/Catalyst/Delta.pod                             |   2 +-
 lib/Catalyst/DispatchType/Chained.pm               |  15 +-
 lib/Catalyst/Dispatcher.pm                         |   9 +-
 lib/Catalyst/Engine.pm                             |  22 +-
 lib/Catalyst/Engine/HTTP.pm                        |   2 +-
 lib/Catalyst/Log.pm                                |   4 +-
 lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Unicode/Encoding.pm            |   6 +-
 lib/Catalyst/Request.pm                            | 159 +++++---
 lib/Catalyst/Response.pm                           |  63 +++-
 lib/Catalyst/Runtime.pm                            |   2 +-
 lib/Catalyst/Script/Create.pm                      |   3 +-
 lib/Catalyst/Script/Server.pm                      |  22 +-
 lib/Catalyst/ScriptRole.pm                         |   3 +-
 lib/Catalyst/Test.pm                               |   7 +-
 lib/Catalyst/Upgrading.pod                         |   2 +-
 lib/Catalyst/Utils.pm                              |  78 +++-
 t/aggregate.t                                      |   2 -
 t/aggregate/c3_appclass_bug.t                      |   6 +-
 t/aggregate/caf_backcompat.t                       |   5 +-
 ...ve_component_controller_action_auto_doublebug.t |   2 -
 t/aggregate/custom_live_path_bug.t                 |   2 -
 t/aggregate/error_page_dump.t                      |   8 +-
 .../live_component_controller_action_action.t      |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_auto.t        |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_begin.t       |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_chained.t     |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_default.t     |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_detach.t      |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_die_in_end.t  |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_component_controller_action_end.t |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_forward.t     |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_global.t      |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_component_controller_action_go.t  |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_index.t       |   2 -
 ..._component_controller_action_index_or_default.t |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_inheritance.t |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_local.t       |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_multipath.t   |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_path.t        |   2 -
 ..._component_controller_action_path_matchsingle.t |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_private.t     |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_streaming.t   |   2 -
 .../live_component_controller_action_visit.t       |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_component_controller_args.t       |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_component_controller_attributes.t |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_component_view_single.t           |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_request_auth.t             |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_request_body.t             |   1 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_request_body_demand.t      |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_request_cookies.t          |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_request_env.t              |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_request_escaped_path.t     |   1 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_request_headers.t          |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_request_parameters.t       |   2 -
 .../live_engine_request_prepare_parameters.t       |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_request_remote_user.t      |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_request_uploads.t          |  10 +-
 t/aggregate/live_engine_response_body.t            |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_response_cookies.t         |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_response_emptybody.t       |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_response_errors.t          |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_response_headers.t         |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_response_large.t           |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_response_print.t           |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_response_redirect.t        |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_response_status.t          |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_setup_basics.t             |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_engine_setup_plugins.t            |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_loop.t                            |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_plugin_loaded.t                   |   2 -
 t/aggregate/live_priorities.t                      |   2 -
 t/aggregate/meta_method_unneeded.t                 |   1 -
 t/aggregate/unit_core_action_for.t                 |   2 -
 t/aggregate/unit_core_classdata.t                  |   2 -
 t/aggregate/unit_core_engine_fixenv-iis6.t         |   2 -
 t/aggregate/unit_core_engine_fixenv-lighttpd.t     |   2 -
 t/aggregate/unit_core_plugin.t                     |   2 -
 t/aggregate/unit_core_script_cgi.t                 |   7 +-
 t/aggregate/unit_core_script_create.t              |  15 +-
 t/aggregate/unit_core_script_fastcgi.t             |   6 +-
 t/aggregate/unit_core_script_help.t                |   7 +-
 .../unit_core_script_server-without_modules.t      |   4 +-
 t/aggregate/unit_core_script_server.t              |   4 +-
 t/aggregate/unit_core_scriptrunner.t               |   6 +-
 t/aggregate/unit_core_setup_log.t                  |   1 -
 t/aggregate/unit_core_uri_for_action.t             |   2 -
 t/aggregate/unit_load_catalyst_test.t              |  12 +-
 ..._metaclass_compat_extend_non_moose_controller.t |   6 +-
 t/aggregate/unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose.t      |   1 -
 .../unit_metaclass_compat_non_moose_controller.t   |   6 +-
 t/aggregate/unit_utils_prefix.t                    |   2 -
 t/author/http-server.t                             |   3 +-
 t/author/spelling.t                                |   3 +-
 t/author/unicode_plugin_nested_params.t            |   2 -
 t/content_negotiation.t                            | 130 +++++++
 t/custom_exception_class_simple.t                  |  12 +-
 t/data_handler.t                                   |  34 ++
 t/dead_load_bad_args.t                             |   2 -
 t/dead_load_multiple_chained_attributes.t          |   2 -
 t/dead_no_unknown_error.t                          |   2 -
 t/dead_recursive_chained_attributes.t              |   2 -
 t/deprecated.t                                     |   2 -
 .../Catalyst/Plugin/Test/MangleDollarUnderScore.pm |   5 +-
 t/lib/TestApp.pm                                   |   3 +-
 t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Fork.pm                   |   1 -
 t/lib/TestApp/View/Dump.pm                         |   4 +
 t/lib/TestApp/View/Dump/Request.pm                 |   2 +-
 t/lib/TestAppPluginWithConstructor.pm              |   6 +-
 t/lib/TestContentNegotiation.pm                    |  13 +
 t/lib/TestContentNegotiation/Controller/Root.pm    |  50 +++
 t/lib/TestContentNegotiation/share/file.txt        |  50 +++
 t/lib/TestDataHandlers.pm                          |   9 +
 t/lib/TestDataHandlers/Controller/Root.pm          |  15 +
 t/lib/TestFromPSGI.pm                              |  12 +
 t/lib/TestFromPSGI/Controller/Root.pm              |  56 +++
 t/lib/TestMiddleware.pm                            |  38 ++
 t/lib/TestMiddleware/Controller/Root.pm            |  13 +
 t/lib/TestMiddleware/Custom.pm                     |   8 +
 t/lib/TestMiddleware/share/static/forced.txt       |   1 +
 t/lib/TestMiddleware/share/static/message.txt      |   1 +
 t/lib/TestMiddleware/share/static2/message2.txt    |   1 +
 t/lib/TestMiddleware/share/static3/message3.txt    |   1 +
 t/live_fork.t                                      |   1 -
 t/live_stats.t                                     |   2 -
 t/more-psgi-compat.t                               |  53 +++
 t/optional_apache-cgi-rewrite.pl                   |   2 -
 t/optional_apache-cgi.pl                           |   2 -
 t/optional_apache-fastcgi-non-root.pl              |   2 -
 t/optional_apache-fastcgi.pl                       |   2 -
 t/optional_lighttpd-fastcgi-non-root.t             |   2 -
 t/optional_lighttpd-fastcgi.t                      |   2 -
 t/optional_memleak.t                               |   2 -
 t/optional_stress.t                                |   2 -
 t/optional_threads.t                               |   2 -
 t/plack-middleware.t                               |  57 +++
 t/plugin_new_method_backcompat.t                   |   1 -
 t/psgi_file_testapp_engine_plackup_compat.t        |   6 +-
 t/unicode_plugin_config.t                          |   2 -
 t/unicode_plugin_live.t                            |   2 -
 t/unicode_plugin_no_encoding.t                     |   2 -
 t/unicode_plugin_request_decode.t                  |   2 -
 t/unit_core_script_test.t                          |   6 +-
 t/unit_stats.t                                     |   2 -
 t/unit_utils_load_class.t                          |  12 +-
 152 files changed, 1702 insertions(+), 365 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libcatalyst-perl.git

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