[libtest-harness-perl] branch master updated (2cbb436 -> 6be3c3e)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Fri Oct 11 18:05:26 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libtest-harness-perl.

      from  2cbb436   releasing package libtest-harness-perl version 3.28-1
      adds  0081d2f   Imported Upstream version 3.29
       new  98cbf60   Merge tag 'upstream/3.29'
       new  3019e64   New upstream release.
       new  8137636   Update manpage-error.patch; parts applied upstream.
       new  6be3c3e   releasing package libtest-harness-perl version 3.29-1

The 4 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Changes                                      |   14 +++
 MANIFEST                                     |    3 +-
 META.json                                    |  106 +++++++++---------
 META.yml                                     |  106 +++++++++---------
 Makefile.PL                                  |    6 +-
 NotBuild.PL                                  |    1 +
 bin/prove                                    |    5 +-
 debian/changelog                             |    7 ++
 debian/patches/manpage-error.patch           |   40 +------
 examples/bin/tprove_gtk                      |    1 +
 examples/t/10-stuff.t                        |    1 +
 inc/MyBuilder.pm                             |   10 +-
 lib/App/Prove.pm                             |   15 ++-
 lib/App/Prove/State.pm                       |    9 +-
 lib/App/Prove/State/Result.pm                |    6 +-
 lib/App/Prove/State/Result/Test.pm           |    7 +-
 lib/TAP/Base.pm                              |   15 +--
 lib/TAP/Formatter/Base.pm                    |   11 +-
 lib/TAP/Formatter/Color.pm                   |    8 +-
 lib/TAP/Formatter/Console.pm                 |   27 +++--
 lib/TAP/Formatter/Console/ParallelSession.pm |   11 +-
 lib/TAP/Formatter/Console/Session.pm         |   10 +-
 lib/TAP/Formatter/File.pm                    |   10 +-
 lib/TAP/Formatter/File/Session.pm            |   11 +-
 lib/TAP/Formatter/Session.pm                 |   10 +-
 lib/TAP/Harness.pm                           |   13 +--
 lib/TAP/Harness/Beyond.pod                   |    7 +-
 lib/TAP/Harness/Env.pm                       |  149 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/TAP/Object.pm                            |   13 +--
 lib/TAP/Parser.pm                            |   19 ++--
 lib/TAP/Parser/Aggregator.pm                 |   10 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Grammar.pm                    |    9 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Iterator.pm                   |   13 +--
 lib/TAP/Parser/Iterator/Array.pm             |   10 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Iterator/Process.pm           |   13 ++-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Iterator/Stream.pm            |   10 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/IteratorFactory.pm            |   15 +--
 lib/TAP/Parser/Multiplexer.pm                |   11 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Result.pm                     |   13 +--
 lib/TAP/Parser/Result/Bailout.pm             |    9 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Result/Comment.pm             |    9 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Result/Plan.pm                |    9 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Result/Pragma.pm              |    9 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Result/Test.pm                |   11 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Result/Unknown.pm             |   11 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Result/Version.pm             |    9 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Result/YAML.pm                |    9 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/ResultFactory.pm              |   38 +++----
 lib/TAP/Parser/Scheduler.pm                  |    7 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Scheduler/Job.pm              |    6 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Scheduler/Spinner.pm          |    6 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Source.pm                     |   10 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler.pm              |   17 ++-
 lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/Executable.pm   |   12 +--
 lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/File.pm         |    9 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/Handle.pm       |    9 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/Perl.pm         |   18 ++--
 lib/TAP/Parser/SourceHandler/RawTAP.pm       |    9 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/Utils.pm                      |   72 -------------
 lib/TAP/Parser/YAMLish/Reader.pm             |    9 +-
 lib/TAP/Parser/YAMLish/Writer.pm             |    9 +-
 lib/Test/Harness.pm                          |   62 +++++------
 t/000-load.t                                 |    1 +
 t/aggregator.t                               |    1 +
 t/bailout.t                                  |    1 +
 t/base.t                                     |    4 +-
 t/callbacks.t                                |    1 +
 t/compat/env.t                               |    1 +
 t/compat/env_opts.t                          |    1 +
 t/compat/failure.t                           |    1 +
 t/compat/inc-propagation.t                   |    1 +
 t/compat/inc_taint.t                         |    1 +
 t/compat/regression.t                        |    1 +
 t/compat/subclass.t                          |    1 +
 t/compat/switches.t                          |    1 +
 t/compat/test-harness-compat.t               |    1 +
 t/compat/version.t                           |    1 +
 t/console.t                                  |    1 +
 t/errors.t                                   |    1 +
 t/file.t                                     |    3 +-
 t/glob-to-regexp.t                           |    1 +
 t/grammar.t                                  |    1 +
 t/harness-bailout.t                          |    1 +
 t/harness-subclass.t                         |    1 +
 t/harness.t                                  |    9 +-
 t/iterator_factory.t                         |    1 +
 t/iterators.t                                |    4 +-
 t/lib/App/Prove/Plugin/Dummy.pm              |    1 +
 t/lib/App/Prove/Plugin/Dummy2.pm             |    1 +
 t/lib/EmptyParser.pm                         |    6 +-
 t/lib/MyCustom.pm                            |    1 +
 t/lib/MyFileSourceHandler.pm                 |    7 +-
 t/lib/MyGrammar.pm                           |    7 +-
 t/lib/MyIterator.pm                          |    7 +-
 t/lib/MyPerlSourceHandler.pm                 |    6 +-
 t/lib/MyResult.pm                            |    7 +-
 t/lib/MyResultFactory.pm                     |    6 +-
 t/lib/MySourceHandler.pm                     |    7 +-
 t/lib/TAP/Harness/TestSubclass.pm            |    1 +
 t/lib/TAP/Parser/SubclassTest.pm             |    7 +-
 t/lib/Test/Builder.pm                        |   11 +-
 t/lib/Test/Builder/Module.pm                 |    4 +-
 t/lib/Test/More.pm                           |   20 ++--
 t/lib/Test/Simple.pm                         |   12 +--
 t/multiplexer.t                              |    1 +
 t/nested.t                                   |    1 +
 t/nofork-mux.t                               |    1 +
 t/nofork.t                                   |    1 +
 t/object.t                                   |    4 +-
 t/parse.t                                    |   10 +-
 t/parser-config.t                            |    3 +-
 t/parser-subclass.t                          |    3 +-
 t/perl5lib.t                                 |    1 +
 t/premature-bailout.t                        |    1 +
 t/process.t                                  |    1 +
 t/prove.t                                    |    8 +-
 t/proveenv.t                                 |    1 +
 t/proverc.t                                  |    1 +
 t/proverun.t                                 |   14 ++-
 t/proveversion.t                             |    1 +
 t/regression.t                               |   11 +-
 t/results.t                                  |    6 +-
 t/scheduler.t                                |    1 +
 t/source.t                                   |    7 +-
 t/source_handler.t                           |    1 +
 t/spool.t                                    |    1 +
 t/state.t                                    |    1 +
 t/state_results.t                            |    1 +
 t/streams.t                                  |    1 +
 t/taint.t                                    |    1 +
 t/testargs.t                                 |    4 +-
 t/unicode.t                                  |    1 +
 t/utils.t                                    |   61 -----------
 t/yamlish-output.t                           |    1 +
 t/yamlish-writer.t                           |    1 +
 t/yamlish.t                                  |    1 +
 xt/author/pod-coverage.t                     |    1 +
 xt/author/pod.t                              |    1 +
 xt/author/stdin.t                            |    1 +
 139 files changed, 705 insertions(+), 726 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/TAP/Harness/Env.pm
 delete mode 100644 lib/TAP/Parser/Utils.pm
 delete mode 100644 t/utils.t

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libtest-harness-perl.git

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