[libclass-method-modifiers-perl] 01/06: Merge tag 'upstream/2.05'

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Tue Sep 17 18:25:51 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libclass-method-modifiers-perl.

commit d35caf15e772951f0f79627a19eb7263fecef584
Merge: 1b6a228 3e24a55
Author: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Sep 17 20:13:46 2013 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/2.05'
    Upstream version 2.05

 Build.PL                                           |    3 +
 Changes                                            |  119 ++--
 INSTALL                                            |   44 ++
 LICENSE                                            |    6 +-
 MANIFEST                                           |   41 +-
 MANIFEST.SKIP                                      |   59 --
 META.json                                          |  464 +++++++++++++
 META.yml                                           |  337 ++++++++-
 Makefile.PL                                        |   23 -
 README                                             |  210 +-----
 dist.ini                                           |    9 +
 inc/Module/Install.pm                              |  470 -------------
 inc/Module/Install/AuthorRequires.pm               |   38 --
 inc/Module/Install/AutoLicense.pm                  |   63 --
 inc/Module/Install/Base.pm                         |   83 ---
 inc/Module/Install/Can.pm                          |  154 -----
 inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm                        |   93 ---
 inc/Module/Install/GithubMeta.pm                   |   51 --
 inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm                     |  418 ------------
 inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm                     |  722 --------------------
 inc/Module/Install/ReadmeFromPod.pm                |  138 ----
 inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm                        |   64 --
 inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm                     |   63 --
 lib/Class/Method/Modifiers.pm                      |   76 ++-
 t/00-check-deps.t                                  |   11 +
 t/00-compile.t                                     |   44 ++
 t/000-load.t                                       |    1 -
 t/001-error.t                                      |    1 -
 t/002-cache.t                                      |    1 -
 t/003-basic.t                                      |    5 +-
 t/004-around.t                                     |    1 -
 t/005-return.t                                     |    1 -
 t/010-before-args.t                                |    1 -
 t/011-after-args.t                                 |    1 -
 t/012-around-args.t                                |    1 -
 t/020-multiple-inheritance.t                       |    1 -
 t/030-multiple-before.t                            |    1 -
 t/031-multiple-after.t                             |    1 -
 t/032-multiple-around.t                            |    1 -
 t/034-multiple-everything.t                        |    1 -
 t/035-multiple-everything-twice.t                  |    1 -
 t/040-twice-orig.t                                 |    1 -
 t/041-modify-parent.t                              |    1 -
 t/051-undef-list-ctxt.t                            |    1 -
 t/060-caller.t                                     |    1 -
 t/070-modify-multiple-at-once.t                    |    1 -
 t/080-multiple-modifiers.t                         |    1 -
 t/081-sub-and-modifier.t                           |    1 -
 t/090-diamond.t                                    |    1 -
 t/100-class-mop-method-modifiers.t                 |    1 -
 t/120-fresh.t                                      |    2 -
 t/130-clean-underscore.t                           |    1 -
 t/140-lvalue.t                                     |   78 +++
 t/release-pod-syntax.t                             |   14 -
 xt/author/pod-spell.t                              |   19 +
 xt/release/changes_has_content.t                   |   41 ++
 xt/release/cpan-changes.t                          |   11 +
 xt/release/distmeta.t                              |    7 +
 xt/release/eol.t                                   |    8 +
 xt/release/kwalitee.t                              |    4 +
 xt/release/minimum-version.t                       |    8 +
 xt/release/mojibake.t                              |   12 +
 xt/release/no-tabs.t                               |    8 +
 .../release/pod-coverage.t                         |   10 +-
 xt/release/pod-no404s.t                            |   21 +
 xt/release/pod-syntax.t                            |    7 +
 xt/release/test-version.t                          |   22 +
 xt/release/unused-vars.t                           |    8 +
 68 files changed, 1311 insertions(+), 2801 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libclass-method-modifiers-perl.git

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