[libdbix-class-resultset-recursiveupdate-perl] 01/08: Merge tag 'upstream/0.30'

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat Sep 21 21:49:17 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libdbix-class-resultset-recursiveupdate-perl.

commit 7525ad9d0a1b4280c7838618a7d9d95b725132b6
Merge: 3cc0bd9 434fc66
Author: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Sep 21 23:42:47 2013 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.30'
    Upstream version 0.30

 96.out                                             |  178 -------
 Changes                                            |   17 +
 LICENSE                                            |    6 +-
 MANIFEST                                           |  159 +++++-
 META.json                                          |   72 +--
 META.yml                                           |   70 +--
 Makefile.PL                                        |    7 +-
 README                                             |    4 +-
 dist.ini                                           |    8 +-
 lib/DBIx/Class/ResultSet/RecursiveUpdate.pm        |  308 ++++++------
 t/01_basic.t                                       |  362 ++++++++++++++
 t/belongs_to_including_pks.t                       |   65 +++
 t/conditional_has_many.t                           |   94 ++++
 t/lib/AnotherTestDB/OnePK/Schema.pm                |    9 +
 .../OnePK/Schema/Result/ConditionItem.pm           |   33 ++
 t/lib/AnotherTestDB/OnePK/Schema/Result/Item.pm    |   32 ++
 .../OnePK/Schema/Result/RelatedItem.pm             |   40 ++
 t/lib/AnotherTestDB/TwoPK/Schema.pm                |    9 +
 .../TwoPK/Schema/Result/ConditionItem.pm           |   33 ++
 t/lib/AnotherTestDB/TwoPK/Schema/Result/Item.pm    |   32 ++
 .../TwoPK/Schema/Result/RelatedItem.pm             |   40 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest.pm                                  |  277 +++++++++++
 t/lib/DBICTest/ErrorComponent.pm                   |    8 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/FakeComponent.pm                    |    7 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/ForeignComponent.pm                 |   11 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/ForeignComponent/TestComp.pm        |    9 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/OptionalComponent.pm                |    7 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Plain.pm                            |   40 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Plain/Test.pm                       |   18 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/ResultSetManager.pm                 |    7 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/ResultSetManager/Foo.pm             |   10 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema.pm                           |   55 +++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Artist.pm                    |   79 +++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/ArtistSourceName.pm          |    8 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/ArtistSubclass.pm            |    8 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/ArtistUndirectedMap.pm       |   20 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Artwork.pm                   |   26 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Artwork_to_Artist.pm         |   28 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Bookmark.pm                  |   32 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/BooksInLibrary.pm            |   32 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/CD.pm                        |   88 ++++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/CD_to_Producer.pm            |   31 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Collection.pm                |   30 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/CollectionObject.pm          |   24 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Dummy.pm                     |   23 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Employee.pm                  |   45 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Event.pm                     |   22 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/EventTZ.pm                   |   19 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/FileColumn.pm                |   21 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/ForceForeign.pm              |   41 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/FourKeys.pm                  |   28 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/FourKeys_to_TwoKeys.pm       |   32 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Genre.pm                     |   30 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Image.pm                     |   35 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/LinerNotes.pm                |   29 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Link.pm                      |   36 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/LyricVersion.pm              |   31 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Lyrics.pm                    |   28 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/NoPrimaryKey.pm              |   15 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/NoSuchClass.pm               |    6 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/OneKey.pm                    |   22 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Owners.pm                    |   21 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Producer.pm                  |   32 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/SelfRef.pm                   |   21 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/SelfRefAlias.pm              |   20 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/SequenceTest.pm              |   37 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Serialized.pm                |   13 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Tag.pm                       |   31 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Track.pm                     |   47 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/TreeLike.pm                  |   28 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/TwoKeyTreeLike.pm            |   21 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/TwoKeys.pm                   |   30 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/TypedObject.pm               |   28 ++
 t/lib/DBICTest/Stats.pm                            |   63 +++
 t/lib/DBICTest/SyntaxErrorComponent1.pm            |    9 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/SyntaxErrorComponent2.pm            |    9 +
 t/lib/DBICTest/SyntaxErrorComponent3.pm            |    5 +
 t/lib/DebugObject.pm                               |   33 ++
 t/lib/RunTests.pm                                  |  368 --------------
 t/lib/TwoPkHasManyDB/Schema.pm                     |    9 +
 t/lib/TwoPkHasManyDB/Schema/Result/Item.pm         |   30 ++
 t/lib/TwoPkHasManyDB/Schema/Result/RelatedItem.pm  |   32 ++
 t/lib/TwoPkHasManyDB/Schema/Result/RelatedItem2.pm |   32 ++
 t/lib/sqlite.sql                                   |    9 -
 t/moosified-rs.t                                   |   22 -
 t/pg.t                                             |   17 -
 t/sqlite.t                                         |   10 -
 t/twopk_has_many.t                                 |   62 +++
 t/update_introspectable_m2m.t                      |  400 +++++++++++++++
 t/var/dvdzbr.db                                    |  Bin 36864 -> 36864 bytes
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest.pm                             |  518 ++++++++++++++++++++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/BaseResult.pm                  |   35 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/BaseResultSet.pm               |   16 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/BaseSchema.pm                  |   12 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Cursor.pm                      |    7 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/DeployComponent.pm             |   16 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/ErrorComponent.pm              |    8 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/FakeComponent.pm               |    7 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/ForeignComponent.pm            |   11 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/ForeignComponent/TestComp.pm   |    9 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/OptionalComponent.pm           |    7 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/ResultSetManager.pm            |    7 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/ResultSetManager/Foo.pm        |   10 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/RunMode.pm                     |  184 +++++++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema.pm                      |  229 +++++++++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Artist.pm               |  162 ++++++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/ArtistGUID.pm           |   35 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/ArtistSourceName.pm     |    8 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/ArtistSubclass.pm       |    8 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/ArtistUndirectedMap.pm  |   21 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Artwork.pm              |   49 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Artwork_to_Artist.pm    |   66 +++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/BindType.pm             |   33 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Bookmark.pm             |   31 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/BooksInLibrary.pm       |   36 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/CD.pm                   |  132 +++++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/CD_to_Producer.pm       |   25 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Collection.pm           |   30 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/CollectionObject.pm     |   24 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/ComputedColumn.pm       |   34 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/CustomSql.pm            |   17 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Dummy.pm                |   26 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Employee.pm             |   51 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Encoded.pm              |   41 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Event.pm                |   36 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/EventSmallDT.pm         |   18 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/EventTZ.pm              |   24 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/EventTZDeprecated.pm    |   25 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/EventTZPg.pm            |   30 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/ForceForeign.pm         |   32 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/FourKeys.pm             |   29 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/FourKeys_to_TwoKeys.pm  |   33 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Genre.pm                |   25 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Image.pm                |   28 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/LinerNotes.pm           |   21 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Link.pm                 |   32 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/LyricVersion.pm         |   25 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Lyrics.pm               |   21 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Money.pm                |   21 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/NoPrimaryKey.pm         |   15 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/NoSuchClass.pm          |    6 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/OneKey.pm               |   22 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Owners.pm               |   23 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Producer.pm             |   24 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/PunctuatedColumnName.pm |   31 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/SelfRef.pm              |   21 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/SelfRefAlias.pm         |   20 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/SequenceTest.pm         |   37 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Serialized.pm           |   13 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Tag.pm                  |   35 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/TimestampPrimaryKey.pm  |   17 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Track.pm                |  106 ++++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/TreeLike.pm             |   28 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/TwoKeyTreeLike.pm       |   21 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/TwoKeys.pm              |   30 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/TypedObject.pm          |   28 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/VaryingMAX.pm           |   34 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Year1999CDs.pm          |   39 ++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Schema/Year2000CDs.pm          |   19 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Stats.pm                       |   63 +++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/SyntaxErrorComponent1.pm       |    9 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/SyntaxErrorComponent2.pm       |    9 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/SyntaxErrorComponent3.pm       |    5 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Taint/Classes/Auto.pm          |    7 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Taint/Classes/Manual.pm        |    7 +
 .../lib/DBICTest/Taint/Namespaces/Result/Test.pm   |    7 +
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Util.pm                        |  135 +++++
 t_dbic/lib/DBICTest/Util/OverrideRequire.pm        |  134 +++++
 {t => t_dbic}/lib/sqlite.sql                       |  494 ++++++++++---------
 t_dbic/might_have.t                                |   38 ++
 170 files changed, 7043 insertions(+), 1074 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libdbix-class-resultset-recursiveupdate-perl.git

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