[libcode-tidyall-perl] branch master updated (fb72821 -> 3b9f7e6)

Jonas Smedegaard js at alioth.debian.org
Sun Sep 29 22:25:38 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a change to branch master
in repository libcode-tidyall-perl.

      from  fb72821   Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
       new  c13ea22   Add github URL as alternate source.
       new  b66bb75   Stop track md5sum of upstream tarball.
       new  98a510f   Improve watch file to use both www.cpan.org/authors URL (for newest info) and search.cpan.org/dist URL (for change of author). Switch get-orig-source target to use www.cpan.org/authors URL.
       new  74f5e58   init
       new  6c7199c   add
       new  759dfc8   various
       new  5cfe6ce   various
       new  01bb45f   various
       new  83754eb   add-a
       new  16c355e   various
       new  1bffe4c   remove git and svn mode for now
       new  805b7bd   add class-based tests
       new  278379c   various
       new  b932587   test backups
       new  543f950   1 or 2 backups
       new  cd1226d   test 'not underneath root dir' error
       new  14dc07a   test no_cache, no_backups, conf file
       new  c5d9a33   check param validity
       new  80b4f55   test CLI
       new  2fd4650   ton of changes
       new  5cd0d67   add
       new  9bba2b6   add .tidyall.d
       new  761c69b   add --root-dir, --conf-file
       new  1fe0aa4   add result object
       new  9b1132e   document exit status
       new  b29e601   add pod to plugins
       new  020a1f6   also process tidyall
       new  79d75ec   tidy
       new  877eb88   fixes
       new  9a47317   fix inf loop in find_conf_file, other changes
       new  9cad50a   fixups
       new  a631218   add docs
       new  df5c7b1   remove HTMLTidy from example config
       new  6749541   eliminate recursive option from tests
       new  e13f03e   add
       new  12efded   updating date for 0.01
       new  6feb4d6   update deps
       new  3aba356   realpath root_dir
       new  5ee2cc0   fix tests for new API
       new  dbdd6a6   updating date for 0.01
       new  2d9aa0a   acknowledgements
       new  eb79c54   updating date for 0.01
       new  35328d0   add List::MoreUtils
       new  d5f3a54   add a few more
       new  d7bb693   no depend on perltidy etc
       new  342398d   fixups
       new  6677066   fix
       new  afec77b   updating to next version 0.02
       new  d1ac066   known bugs
       new  bd92d09   can't redirect to scalar stderr
       new  18e61a2   redirect errorfile to scalar and die if present
       new  c9dae21   make sure each file is a file and not a symlink
       new  5803d87   add quiet
       new  b5a88c8   uppercase
       new  dedb21e   add --only-plugins
       new  996960f   process_file works on a copy of file
       new  87e21cb   implement output_suffix and refresh_cache
       new  2082fda   add prefilter, postfilter; allow tidyall_class to be specified in conf file
       new  eafa9a4   List::Pairwise
       new  3f9fd7d   remove only_plugins, add mode
       new  4c11ef6   remove only_plugins, add mode
       new  2188bce   update
       new  a742ee2   document mode
       new  47d96b8   needs 0.12 of Capture::Tiny
       new  ec8e671   process_source_or_file only needs basename
       new  663d8b8   implement check_only/--check-only; return result from each process_file
       new  1b6b4ab   add
       new  7b57793   docs
       new  8491fa0   Specifying options in configuration
       new  05f65f5   docs
       new  4108d8e   more docs
       new  66762fd   simplify
       new  1257b0f   implement validate_source, validate_file; document Plugin.pm
       new  aebc6db   fix test
       new  9e482dc   0.02
       new  c6f030d   standardize tests
       new  0fcf512   tweak
       new  0d4cf95   updating to next version 0.03
       new  f4341b1   add
       new  623fd62   only call _find_matched_files for process_all. otherwise, use Code::TidyAll::Util::Zglob::zglob_to_regex to find the plugins for each specified file
       new  e2698e1   0.03
       new  8160e9f   test zglob_to_regex
       new  d81b227   Scalar::Util
       new  e1a8b36   refactor into process_source
       new  60d42cd   simplify process_files
       new  6b8dcf9   clean up plugins_for_path, uses of small_path
       new  3602fe8   tweak
       new  4fd6cad   add path
       new  12a5828   document process_source
       new  e334c7e   make plugins_for_path public
       new  64b024a   0.03
       new  ba234c3   remove unused root_dir
       new  9158f42   add
       new  6d34af1   add realpath
       new  2deb621   add SVN test
       new  c48da04   document msg
       new  a132ada   send back individual error messages; fix find_root_for_file inf loop
       new  f1197d3   fix tests
       new  5e745d5   more
       new  25c1de2   shuffle
       new  0679911   add perlcriticrc
       new  7e5b02e   SVN author test
       new  b28564c   require Moo
       new  7f006e1   document, add tests, fix error handling
       new  f5e2609   document svn precommit
       new  c94be26   put () around qw
       new  004ddab   add -I
       new  0f1d93d   0.03
       new  47d0f2e   change msg
       new  0511ed0   change method names to transform_ and validate_; implement plugin preprocess and postprocess
       new  bc2a408   add IgnoreMethodSignaturesSimple, AlignMooseAttributes
       new  217cc62   tidy
       new  c168862   add lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/Perl
       new  3240efb   0.03
       new  bfd2000   instead of modes: only_modes and except_modes
       new  56de739   convert to Moo
       new  f829c50   convert to Moo
       new  5692160   switch to find_conffile
       new  e8613e2   no more Object::Tiny
       new  d378f68   Moo
       new  dd2a14e   switch to Moo, and new_with_conf_file
       new  7d9ef56   0.03
       new  c978ce6   when caching, add sorted plugin names to key, so that diff modes are cached appropriately
       new  f30655c   0.03
       new  174d167   docs
       new  412a909   doc improvements
       new  90dc3e4   updating date for 0.03
       new  0e1aa47   don't skip plugins
       new  b9f0441   implement --svn
       new  cadd364   ignore Plugin/Mason as well
       new  07796aa   updating date for 0.03
       new  059747b   remove VERSION
       new  0e3fc53   fix
       new  4727c1f   0.03
       new  d5a147d   fix
       new  7df559a   add emergency_comment_prefix ("NO TIDYALL" by default)
       new  22c186f   fix docs
       new  e12b903   fix tidyall -a
       new  c1b8943   --check-only takes no arg
       new  4ea342e   updating date for 0.03
       new  e264443   remove bad skips
       new  cd4e8d3   0.03
       new  7c8e1da   fix
       new  67533ec   0.04
       new  ec69c85   0.04
       new  5a0d628   0.04
       new  5197171   --git not implemented yet
       new  892ba7c   updating to next version 0.05
       new  bc01eb7   fix typo
       new  1ca6127   add etc/editors/tidyall.el
       new  81bbe06   updating date for 0.05
       new  18e34aa   don't print 'no plugins apply' message unless verbose
       new  5f525da   updating date for 0.05
       new  f54e71b   0.05
       new  bff3f43   updating date for 0.05
       new  13be442   updating to next version 0.06
       new  2755185   consistency
       new  5dd898e   only return files (not directories) from svn_uncommitted_files
       new  997dcdb   0.06
       new  bad16ca   mv
       new  1813b50   mv
       new  8557838   mv
       new  fdb6826   mv
       new  7fbe8ad   add File::pushd
       new  a57bb26   actually add our own implementation of pushd
       new  944645f   various
       new  e2290c2   document --git
       new  e25a967   updating date for 0.06
       new  5c0a838   updating date for 0.06
       new  7b5acdb   0.06
       new  f6f5e0c   updating to next version 0.07
       new  9046879   add
       new  f29f5d5   show filenames corresponding with errors, even in quiet mode
       new  98eef1d   document how to use hook and caveats
       new  92bb454   add comments
       new  ecfae61   fix git_path default
       new  c991a34   mention git
       new  426b106   typo
       new  c7d6676   add extra_conf_files
       new  6507414   0.07
       new  b283347   updating date for 0.07
       new  40443eb   0.07
       new  8aa8f5d   fixups
       new  4431aee   clarify
       new  d32f092   clarify
       new  5b3d8b0   updating to next version 0.08
       new  1a940db   fix spacing
       new  fc8dc4f   adjust plugin subclasses to be Moo classes, take arguments from config
       new  ddc2f01   0.08
       new  5755090   add -p/--pipe
       new  f998a83   make them Moo
       new  af5f333   test -p/--pipe
       new  dc1b7b3   put error message in Result::error, remove redundant msg
       new  263d448   0.08
       new  4b808d7   --pipe fixes
       new  9f44c81   overhaul tidyall-buffer to work with stdin/stdout instead of with temporary files; allows it to work in narrowed region
       new  77c3d21   clarify
       new  16aed61   add per-plugin tests
       new  93d2e08   doc fixes
       new  cc6ceac   add trim
       new  ca1bc52   tidy
       new  f9f2f90   add JSHint and JSBeautify
       new  b885083   add PodChecker
       new  fce8ca9   elim deps
       new  f8c2bae   oops
       new  0f5fb2e   0.08
       new  1809594   add podchecker, jsbeautify, jshint
       new  234876b   Remove unused module, SVN::Look
       new  95564c1   Merge branch 'patch-1' of https://github.com/melo/perl-code-tidyall
       new  6d69b5b   Remove unused module, SVN::Look
       new  6e900d1   Merge branch 'patch-2' of https://github.com/melo/perl-code-tidyall
       new  cefe795   Filter just files from git status in Code::TidyAll::Git::Precommit (Pedro Melo)
       new  9352aaa   js-beautify
       new  f6d0a72   updating date for 0.08
       new  c3a46ed   updating to next version 0.09
       new  83e8bc2   add IPC::System::Simple
       new  25aa67c   don't need read_dir
       new  f0b76f9   0.09
       new  2e00da2   updating date for 0.09
       new  d557251   elim use of Hash::MoreUtils from bin/tidyall
       new  4f8b993   add Pod::Usage, Getopt::Long
       new  b2fac9a   0.09
       new  54f7daa   updating to next version 0.10
       new  064b032   doc fixups
       new  60557d8   add
       new  e833de4   updating date for 0.10
       new  397c5c5   add
       new  552e5bd   0.10
       new  1c0624a   updating to next version 0.11
       new  2e5a6d9   add -l/--list; eliminate double-printed error in -p/--pipe
       new  c3d47f0   Merge stdout and stderr and output all to stderr, so that stdout is dedicated to the tidied content
       new  95322ae   add --conf-name; specify which options take arguments in docs
       new  48b1452   0.11
       new  385fc23   add zglobs_to_regex
       new  9fb78fa   support conf_name, list_files
       new  e3885dd   support multiple selects/ignores
       new  3930648   handle perltidy option errors
       new  1c6ba32   don't use capture_merged here - it ends up capturing the output from subsequent system()s that ought to be captured
       new  c6c24d4   0.11
       new  c0fcdef   handle errors correctly in JSBeautify, JSHint
       new  29195c9   test badoption
       new  e9bce65   get rid of dp
       new  95d8a06   handle errors correctly in MasonTidy; use internal MasonTidy API
       new  1c5051d   add Text::ParseWords
       new  94bc033   handle errors correctly in PerlCritic
       new  311b009   test indent size 3
       new  96d46b0   test_selects_and_ignores
       new  1f12907   Allow multiple select and ignore patterns separated by whitespace (doc)
       new  05913d9   Allow multiple select and ignore patterns on separate lines
       new  10aec0c   add separate Conf test
       new  243d232   fixup docs
       new  25c6cd2   update MasonTidy test
       new  9c73ace   updating date for 0.11
       new  212116c   delete tidyall error buffer on success
       new  aed3ad9   0.11
       new  9aae8c9   updating to next version 0.12
       new  db22f4e   add masontidy/jslint mention
       new  df7b702   fix comments
       new  6cc5581   no File::Slurp
       new  b1782fc   elim File::Slurp
       new  4e76206   spell checking
       new  96ffb81   IPC::Run3
       new  ca93ea6   add PodSpell
       new  d510165   better usage message
       new  b8c6651   remove Pod::Usage
       new  e3c7510   Allow .tidyallrc as alternative to tidyall.ini
       new  4d9d67e   cleanup tempdirs
       new  7d9d158   message
       new  9b492f1   remove long pathname from errors
       new  bffdbe6   more flexible
       new  b4fdfea   use Code::TidyAll->default_conf_names
       new  10c60dd   adjust to use tidyall.ini or .tidyallrc
       new  566459a   make it work with tidyall.ini or .tidyallrc
       new  16559a1   make it work with tidyall.ini or .tidyallrc
       new  dbae428   add util test
       new  c2546f2   s/tidyall.ini/configuration
       new  6c6029f   keep whole input
       new  08b5b84   allow_repeated_push
       new  d68b290   0.12
       new  7aab707   test allow_repeated_push
       new  4c0a431   tweaks to strict construction
       new  cc52f43   elim dp
       new  0d88232   Add --iterations flag to run tidier transforms multiple times
       new  11f7a03   compress list of plugins
       new  b1e595b   updating date for 0.12
       new  d48d5a6   updating to next version 0.13
       new  6434648   Adjust MasonTidy plugin for new API
       new  f000708   updating date for 0.13
       new  eff4aab   Adjust MasonTidy plugin for new API; Adjust MasonTidy plugin for new API
       new  6c930c4   updating to next version 0.14
       new  8b76581   Add -r/--recursive flag to process directories recursively
       new  b03911f   add link to full docs
       new  acc1c6a   and Options:
       new  48ed9e0   add --version
       new  f2e3b87   Make git prereceive hook more modular, so they can be combined with custom checks
       new  04a1802   s/$prereceive/$hook
       new  facda27   remove check for refs/heads/master
       new  322b3fd   don't process blank or single-line (possibly symlink) files
       new  e039aaa   don't process blank or single-line (possibly symlink) files
       new  8f89312   no single-line files (symlinks)
       new  10c9666   fix spell
       new  471fa5c   add stderr
       new  3aef32f   fix check_repeated_push
       new  da74e53   improve pipe no_match error
       new  649de05   In -p/--pipe mode, mirror input to output in case of error (Justin Devuyst)
       new  18b5289   Allow a plugin to be listed multiple times in config with different configuration
       new  da9e0a5   clarify
       new  a88cab2   Specify order that plugins run (tidiers before validators, then alpha) and document that they are applied atomically
       new  d7fc9b1   fix pipe doc
       new  e8ce646   adjust for pipe stdout passthrough; always save even when not changed
       new  069e0c9   handle local files in -l/--list
       new  3455303   Fix -l/--list handling of local files
       new  e958984   add
       new  8f9fb32   mention that process_source doesn't use cache
       new  18e1fd9   add
       new  5fc636a   Add etc/editors/tidyall.vim for Vim
       new  a4021e2   fix links to editors
       new  41f4d1d   more
       new  fda3bb3   add
       new  543c950   not sure want to support this yet
       new  9d5b02b   credit justin
       new  46e34ab   updating date for 0.14
       new  0b43ef3   masontidy no longer adds newline at end
       new  1b1b135   updating to next version 0.15
       new  6c2d2e0   fix
       new  96c12b3   require contents and path
       new  185949e   Fix test_dirs test to not rely on file ordering
       new  3919532   updating date for 0.15
       new  89dd482   PHPCodeSniffer support.
       new  f7f8d22   Merge pull request #8 from holybit/master
       new  4f5c430   updating to next version 0.16
       new  9e17d46   select first in examples
       new  7994097   add PHPCodeSniffer
       new  ddcc26c   use capture_merged
       new  68173cc   add cssunminifier
       new  03e7387   updating date for 0.16
       new  a54014a   add SortLines
       new  a00bb27   0.16
       new  20811f6   updating to next version 0.17
       new  7f2b171   Rename API method process_files to more accurate process_paths; Fix recursive processing of directories
       new  2c762eb   sortlines
       new  845945a   updating date for 0.17
       new  0ba5e1a   Fixes typo
       new  1170881   Removes empty =item
       new  9f33a86   Merge pull request #9 from oalders/master
       new  4a274e6   Changes extension for setup shell script from .pl to .sh
       new  e66b77a   cd to the .git/hooks directory before creating the symlink.
       new  c367d9f   Ensure hook is executable, so that it doesn't get ignored silently.
       new  2c0e010   Use Precommit module after strictures are enabled.
       new  f6d6928   /usr/bin/env perl in pre-commit hook.
       new  7d58423   Merge git pre-commit hook fixes from Olaf Anders
       new  2b5fc68   remove process_all, add find_matched_files to docs
       new  dbffcc7   remove --badoption, js-beautify doesn't always die
       new  dc3da47   updating date for 0.17
       new  a2c8293   0.17
       new  f164861   Clarifies docs on how to set up hooks
       new  c31c3df   Merge pull request #11 from oalders/master
       new  09efd96   updating to next version 0.18
       new  4b80756   add
       new  3316e94   tidy
       new  0d2815a   improve error message
       new  139d302   fix
       new  bc69965   0.18
       new  67732ac   updating date for 0.18
       new  14d5038   fix for no more --release flag
       new  1d76024   delete
       new  04b897e   add perltidy.LOG
       new  5418d45   updating date for 0.18
       new  929c891   tidy
       new  3f69e52   add
       new  41026e1   Imported Upstream version 0.18
       new  1dc4744   Merge tag 'upstream/0.18'
       new  a414bfb   Unfuzz patch 1001.
       new  3b9f7e6   Prepare for release: Update changelog and copyright hints.

The 374 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Changes                                      |    6 ++++++
 MANIFEST                                     |    3 ++-
 META.json                                    |    4 ++--
 META.yml                                     |    4 ++--
 Makefile.PL                                  |   22 ++++++++++++++++++----
 README                                       |    2 +-
 bin/tidyall                                  |    2 +-
 debian/changelog                             |   17 +++++++++++++++++
 debian/copyright                             |    1 +
 debian/copyright_hints                       |    3 ++-
 debian/patches/1001_Use_Digest::SHA.patch    |    2 +-
 debian/rules                                 |    3 +--
 debian/watch                                 |    3 ++-
 lib/Code/TidyAll.pm                          |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Cache.pm                    |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Config/INI/Reader.pm        |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Git/Precommit.pm            |   21 ++++++++++++++++-----
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Git/Prereceive.pm           |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Git/Util.pm                 |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin.pm                   |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/CSSUnminifier.pm     |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/JSBeautify.pm        |   11 +++++++----
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/JSHint.pm            |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/JSLint.pm            |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/MasonTidy.pm         |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PHPCodeSniffer.pm    |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PerlCritic.pm        |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PerlTidy.pm          |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PodChecker.pm        |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PodSpell.pm          |    9 +++++----
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PodTidy.pm           |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/SortLines.pm         |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Result.pm                   |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/SVN/Precommit.pm            |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/SVN/Util.pm                 |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Class.pm               |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/AToZ.pm         |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/CheckUpper.pm   |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/RepeatFoo.pm    |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/ReverseFoo.pm   |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/UpperText.pm    |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Util.pm                     |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Util/Zglob.pm               |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Basic.pm                  |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Conf.pm                   |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Git.pm                    |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Plugin.pm                 |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Plugin/CSSUnminifier.pm   |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Plugin/JSBeautify.pm      |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Plugin/JSHint.pm          |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Plugin/JSLint.pm          |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Plugin/MasonTidy.pm       |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Plugin/PHPCodeSniffer.pm  |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Plugin/PerlCritic.pm      |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Plugin/PerlTidy.pm        |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Plugin/PodChecker.pm      |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Plugin/PodSpell.pm        |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Plugin/PodTidy.pm         |    4 ++--
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Plugin/SortLines.pm       |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/SVN.pm                    |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Util.pm                   |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Zglob.pm                  |    2 +-
 lib/Pod/Weaver/Section/SeeAlsoCodeTidyAll.pm |    2 +-
 lib/Test/Code/TidyAll.pm                     |   11 ++++++-----
 perltidy.LOG                                 |   21 +++++++++++++++++++++
 t/author-Plugin-PHPCodeSniffer.t             |   11 -----------
 xt/tidyall.t                                 |    3 +++
 67 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 perltidy.LOG
 delete mode 100644 t/author-Plugin-PHPCodeSniffer.t
 create mode 100755 xt/tidyall.t

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libcode-tidyall-perl.git

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