[libcode-tidyall-perl] 17/374: ton of changes

Jonas Smedegaard js at alioth.debian.org
Sun Sep 29 22:25:41 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libcode-tidyall-perl.

commit 2fd46502363e543a22bfd372f52a201ae0153aeb
Author: Jonathan Swartz <swartz at pobox.com>
Date:   Fri Jun 15 18:03:26 2012 -0500

    ton of changes
 bin/tidyall                                        |  179 +++++++++----
 lib/Code/TidyAll.pm                                |  270 ++++++++++----------
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin.pm                         |   65 +----
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PerlTidy.pm                |   14 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PodTidy.pm                 |    6 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/perlcritic.pm              |    4 -
 .../Test/Plugin/{RepeatBar.pm => RepeatFoo.pm}     |    6 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/ReverseFoo.pm         |    4 -
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/UpperText.pm          |    4 -
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Util.pm                           |    6 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Basic.pm                        |  115 +++++----
 11 files changed, 355 insertions(+), 318 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/tidyall b/bin/tidyall
index d6c34aa..a4ede36 100755
--- a/bin/tidyall
+++ b/bin/tidyall
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 use Getopt::Long;
 use Pod::Usage;
-use Code::TidyAll::Util qw(can_load);
+use Code::TidyAll::Util qw(can_load dirname);
 use Hash::MoreUtils qw(slice_def);
 use strict;
 use warnings;
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ sub usage {
     my $msg = shift;
     print "$msg\n" if $msg;
     require Pod::Usage;
-    Pod::Usage::pod2usage( { verbose => 2 } );
+    Pod::Usage::pod2usage( { verbose => 1 } );
-my ( %params, $help );
+my ( %params, $help, $all );
 my $class = 'Code::TidyAll';
@@ -22,22 +22,30 @@ GetOptions(
     'data-dir=s'   => \$params{data_dir},
     'no-backups'   => \$params{no_backups},
     'no-cache'     => \$params{no_cache},
-    'c|conf=s'     => \$params{conf_file},
+    'a|all'        => \$all,
     'h|help'       => \$help,
-    'r|recursive'  => \$params{recursive},
     'v|verbose'    => \$params{verbose},
 ) or usage();
-usage("") if $help;
-usage("-c|--conf required") if !defined( $params{conf_file} );
+Pod::Usage::pod2usage( { verbose => 2 } ) if $help;
 die "cannot load '$class'" unless can_load($class);
 %params = slice_def( \%params );
-my @paths = @ARGV or usage("path(s) required");
-my $ct = $class->new(%params);
+if ($all) {
+    my $start_dir = shift(@ARGV) || cwd();
+    $params{conf_file} = $class->find_conf_file( $start_dir, "tidyall.ini" );
+    my $ct = $class->new(%params);
+    $ct->process_all();
+else {
+    my @files = @ARGV or die "file(s) or -a required";
+    my $start_dir = dirname( $files[0] );
+    $params{conf_file} = $class->find_conf_file( $start_dir, "tidyall.ini" );
+    my $ct = $class->new(%params);
+    $ct->process_files(@files);
@@ -49,20 +57,29 @@ tidyall - Your all-in-one code tidier and validator
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-    # Process one or more specific files
-    tidyall -c /path/to/config file [file...]
+    # Create a tidyall.ini at the top of your project
+    [PerlTidy]
+    argv = -noll -it=2
+    select = **/*.{pl,pm,t}
+    [PerlCritic]
+    argv = -severity 3
+    select = lib/**/*.pm
+    ignore = lib/UtterHack.pm
+    # Process all files in the current project, look upwards from the cwd for tidyall.ini
+    % tidyall -a
-    # Process all files under a directory
-    tidyall -c /path/to/config -r dir
+    # Process one or more specific files, look upwards from the first file for tidyall.ini
+    % tidyall file [file...]
 =head1 OPTIONS
- -c, --conf       Required configuration file
+ -a, --all        Process all files in the project
  -h, --help       Print help message
- -r, --recursive  Descend into directories recursively
- --backup-ttl     When backup files can be purged. Defaults to "1d"
+ --backup-ttl     When backup files can be purged. Defaults to "1h"
  --class          Code::TidyAll subclass to use. Defaults to "Code::TidyAll"
- --data-dir       Container for backups, cache, etc. Defaults to dir of conf file
+ --data-dir       Contains data like backups and cache. Defaults to root_dir/.tidyall.d
  --no-backup      Don't backup files
  --no-cache       Don't cache last processed times; process all files every time
@@ -89,38 +106,80 @@ L<xmllint|http://xmlsoft.org/xmllint.html>.
 Many tidiers are also validators, e.g. C<perltidy> will throw an error on badly
 formed Perl.
+C<tidyall> works on a project basis, where a project is just a directory
+hierarchy of files. svn or git working directories are typical examples
+of projects.
+The top of the project is called the I<root directory>. In the root directory
+you'll need a C<tidyall.ini> config file. It defines how various tidiers
+and validators will be applied to the files in your project.
-An INI-style config file, specified with -c, is required to use C<tidyall>. If
-the path is of the form I<dir>/.../I<file>, it will look upwards from I<dir>
-for I<file>.
+C<tidyall> will find your root directory and config file automagically
+depending on how you call it:
-Here's a sample config file:
+=item tidyall file [file...]
+C<tidyall> will search upwards from the first I<file> for C<tidyall.ini>.
+=item tidyall -a dir
+C<tidyall> will search upwards from I<dir> for C<tidyall.ini>.
+=item tidyall -a
+C<tidyall> will search upwards from the current working directory for C<tidyall.ini>.
+=head2 Configuration format
+The config file is in L<Config::INI|Config::INI> format. Here's a sample:
     argv = -noll -it=2
-    include = *.pl *.pm *.t
+    select = **/*.{pl,pm,t}
     argv = -severity 3
+    select = lib/**/*.pm
+    ignore = lib/UtterHack.pm
+    select = lib/**/*.{pm,pod}
     argv = -wrap 70 -indent
+    select = docs/**/*.html
-Section 1 says to apply C<PerlTidy> with settings "-noll -it=2" to all Perl
-scripts, modules and test files.
-Section 2 says to apply C<PerlCritic> with severity 3. Since there is no
-C<include> clause, the default for C<PerlCritic> plugin is used, which happens
-to be the same as above: "*.pl *.pm *.t".
+In order, the four sections declare:
-Section 3 says to apply C<PodTidy> with default settings, to the same set of
-default files "*.pl *.pm *.t".
+=item *
-Section 4 says to apply C<HTMLTidy> with settings "-wrap 70 -indent" against
-the default set of files, in this case "*.html *.htm".
+Apply C<PerlTidy> with settings "-noll -it=2" to all *.pl, *.pm, and *.t
+=item *
+Apply C<PerlCritic> with severity 3 to all Perl modules somewhere underneath
+"lib/", except for anything matching "Tmp".
+=item *
+Apply C<PodTidy> with default settings to all .pm and .pod files underneath
+=item *
+Apply C<HTMLTidy> with settings "-wrap 70 -indent" to all *.html files under
 =head2 Standard configuration elements
@@ -138,32 +197,59 @@ with a '+', e.g.
     # Uses plugin My::TidyAll::Plugin
-=item include
+=item select
+A L<File::Zglob|File::Zglob> pattern indicating which files to select. The
+pattern is relative to the root directory and should have no leading slash.
+Special characters are:
+=item C<< * >>
-One or more glob patterns indicating which files to include, separated by
-whitespace. If not specified, use the default set for the plugin.
+At the beginning of a component, matches zero or more characters except a period (.). Otherwise matches zero or more sequence of any characters.
-=item exclude
+=item C<< ** >>
-One or more glob patterns indicating which files to exclude, separated by
-whitespace. This overrides C<include>.
+Matches zero or more components that match *. For example, src/**/*.h matches
+    src/*.h
+    src/*/*.h
+    src/*/*/*.h
+    ...
+=item C<< ? >>
+At the beginning of a component, matches a character except a period (.). Otherwise, it matches any single character.
+=item C<< [chars] >>
+Matches any one of the set.
+=item C<< {pm,pl} >>
+Matches any of the alternatives.
+=item ignore
+A L<File::Zglob|File::Zglob> pattern indicating which files to ignore.
+This overrides C<select>.
-C<tidyall> keeps cache and backup files (below) under a data directory. It can
-be specified with C<--data-dir>; by default it is a directory named
-".tidyall.d" in the same path as the config file.
+=head2 Last-processed cache
 C<tidyall> keeps track of each file's signature after it was last processed. On
 subsequent runs, it will only process a file if its signature has changed.
+The cache is kept in files under the data dir.
 You can turn off this behavior with C<--no-cache>.
-=head1 BACKUPS
+=head2 Backups
 C<tidyall> will backup each file before modifying it. The timestamped backups
 are kept in a separate directory hierarchy under the data dir.
@@ -175,4 +261,3 @@ run. It may be specified as "30min" or "4h" or any string acceptable to
 L<Time::Duration::Parse>. It defaults to "1h" (1 hour).
 You can turn off backups with C<--no-backups>.
diff --git a/lib/Code/TidyAll.pm b/lib/Code/TidyAll.pm
index 27fe77c..a125a9f 100644
--- a/lib/Code/TidyAll.pm
+++ b/lib/Code/TidyAll.pm
@@ -2,11 +2,14 @@ package Code::TidyAll;
 use Cwd qw(realpath);
 use Config::INI::Reader;
 use Code::TidyAll::Cache;
-use Code::TidyAll::Util qw(basename can_load dirname dump_one_line mkpath read_file write_file);
+use Code::TidyAll::Util
+  qw(abs2rel basename can_load dirname dump_one_line mkpath read_dir read_file uniq write_file);
 use Date::Format;
 use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1_hex);
 use File::Find qw(find);
+use File::Zglob;
 use Time::Duration::Parse qw(parse_duration);
+use Try::Tiny;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
@@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ use Object::Tiny qw(
+  matched_files
@@ -49,37 +53,27 @@ sub new {
             join( ", ", sort map { "'$_'" } @bad_params ) );
-    # Read params from conf file, if provided; handle .../ upward search syntax
+    # Read params from conf file
-    if ( my $conf_file = delete( $params{conf_file} ) ) {
-        if ( my ( $start_dir, $search_file ) = ( $conf_file =~ m{^(.*)\.\.\./(.*)$} ) ) {
-            $start_dir = '.' if !$start_dir;
-            $start_dir = realpath($start_dir);
-            if ( my $found_file = $class->_find_file_upwards( $start_dir, $search_file ) ) {
-                $conf_file = $found_file;
-            }
-            else {
-                die "cound not find '$search_file' upwards from '$start_dir'";
-            }
-        }
-        my $conf_params = Config::INI::Reader->read_file($conf_file);
-        if ( ref($conf_params) ne 'HASH' ) {
-            die "'$conf_file' did not evaluate to a hash";
-        }
+    if ( my $conf_file = $params{conf_file} ) {
+        my $conf_params = $class->_read_conf_file($conf_file);
         my $main_params = delete( $conf_params->{'_'} ) || {};
-        %params = ( plugins => $conf_params, %$main_params, %params );
-        $params{root_dir} ||= dirname($conf_file);
+        %params = (
+            plugins  => $conf_params,
+            root_dir => realpath( dirname($conf_file) ),
+            %$main_params, %params
+        );
+    }
+    else {
+        die "conf_file or plugins required"  unless $params{plugins};
+        die "conf_file or root_dir required" unless $params{root_dir};
-    die "conf_file or plugins required"  unless $params{plugins};
-    die "conf_file or root_dir required" unless $params{root_dir};
     $class->msg( "constructing %s with these params: %s", $class, \%params )
       if ( $params{verbose} );
     my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%params);
-    $self->{root_dir} = realpath( $self->{root_dir} );
     $self->{data_dir} ||= $self->root_dir . "/.tidyall.d";
     unless ( $self->no_cache ) {
@@ -96,9 +90,11 @@ sub new {
     my $plugins = $self->plugins;
     $self->{base_sig} = $self->_sig( [ $Code::TidyAll::VERSION || 0, $plugins ] );
     $self->{plugin_objects} =
-      [ map { $self->load_plugin( $_, $plugins->{$_} ) } keys( %{ $self->plugins } ) ];
+      [ map { $self->load_plugin( $_, $plugins->{$_} ) } sort keys( %{ $self->plugins } ) ];
+    $self->{matched_files} = $self->_find_matched_files;
     return $self;
@@ -110,46 +106,26 @@ sub load_plugin {
         ? substr( $plugin_name, 1 )
         : "Code::TidyAll::Plugin::$plugin_name"
-    if ( can_load($class_name) ) {
-        return $class_name->new(
-            conf => $plugin_conf,
-            name => $plugin_name
-        );
-    }
-    else {
-        die "could not load plugin class '$class_name'";
-    }
-sub process_paths {
-    my ( $self, @paths ) = @_;
-    foreach my $path (@paths) {
-        $self->process_path($path);
+    try {
+        can_load($class_name) || die "not found";
+    catch {
+        die "could not load plugin class '$class_name': $_";
+    };
+    return $class_name->new(
+        conf => $plugin_conf,
+        name => $plugin_name
+    );
-sub process_path {
-    my ( $self, $path ) = @_;
-    $path = realpath($path);
-    unless ( index( $path, $self->root_dir ) == 0 ) {
-        $self->msg( "%s: skipping, not underneath root dir '%s'", $path, $self->root_dir );
-        return;
-    }
+sub process_all {
+    my $self = shift;
-        ( -f $path ) ? $self->_process_file($path)
-      : ( -d $path ) ? $self->_process_dir($path)
-      :                $self->msg( "%s: not a file or directory", $path );
+    $self->process_files( keys( %{ $self->matched_files } ) );
-sub _process_dir {
-    my ( $self, $dir ) = @_;
-    unless ( $self->recursive ) {
-        $self->msg( "%s: skipping dir, not in recursive mode", $self->_small_path($dir) );
-        return;
-    }
-    return if basename($dir) eq '.tidyall.d';
-    my @files;
-    find( { follow => 0, wanted => sub { push @files, $_ if -f }, no_chdir => 1 }, $dir );
+sub process_files {
+    my ( $self, @files ) = @_;
     foreach my $file (@files) {
@@ -158,36 +134,62 @@ sub _process_dir {
 sub _process_file {
     my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
-    my $cache      = $self->cache;
+    my @plugins    = @{ $self->matched_files->{$file} || [] };
     my $small_path = $self->_small_path($file);
-    if ( $self->no_cache
-        || ( ( $cache->get("sig/$small_path") || '' ) ne $self->_file_sig($file) ) )
-    {
-        my $matched = 0;
-        foreach my $plugin ( @{ $self->plugin_objects } ) {
-            if ( $plugin->matcher->($small_path) ) {
-                if ( !$matched++ ) {
-                    $self->msg( "%s", $small_path );
-                    $self->_backup_file($file);
-                }
-                $self->msg( "  applying '%s'", $plugin->name ) if $self->verbose;
-                eval { $plugin->process_file($file) };
-                if ( my $error = $@ ) {
-                    $self->msg( "*** '%s': %s", $plugin->name, $error );
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
+    if ( !@plugins ) {
+        $self->msg( "[no plugins apply] %s", $small_path );
+    }
+    my $cache = $self->cache;
+    my $error;
+    my $orig_contents = read_file($file);
+    if ( $cache && ( my $sig = $cache->get("sig/$small_path") ) ) {
+        return if $sig eq $self->_file_sig( $file, $orig_contents );
+    }
+    foreach my $plugin (@plugins) {
+        try {
+            $plugin->process_file($file);
-        $cache->set( "sig/$small_path", $self->_file_sig($file) ) unless $self->no_cache;
+        catch {
+            $error = sprintf( "*** '%s': %s", $plugin->name, $_ );
+        };
+        last if $error;
+    my $new_contents = read_file($file);
+    my $was_tidied   = $orig_contents ne $new_contents;
+    my $status       = $was_tidied ? "[tidied]  " : "[checked] ";
+    my $plugin_names =
+      $self->verbose ? sprintf( " (%s)", join( ", ", map { $_->name } @plugins ) ) : "";
+    $self->msg( "%s%s%s", $status, $small_path, $plugin_names );
+    $self->_backup_file( $file, $orig_contents ) if $was_tidied;
+    if ($error) {
+        $self->msg( "%s", $error );
+    }
+    else {
+        $cache->set( "sig/$small_path", $self->_file_sig( $file, $new_contents ) ) if $cache;
+    }
+sub _read_conf_file {
+    my ( $class, $conf_file ) = @_;
+    my $conf_string = read_file($conf_file);
+    my $root_dir    = basename($conf_file);
+    $conf_string =~ s/\$ROOT/$root_dir/g;
+    my $conf_hash = Config::INI::Reader->read_string($conf_string);
+    die "'$conf_file' did not evaluate to a hash"
+      unless ( ref($conf_hash) eq 'HASH' );
+    return $conf_hash;
 sub _backup_file {
-    my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
+    my ( $self, $file, $contents ) = @_;
     unless ( $self->no_backups ) {
         my $backup_file = join( "/", $self->backup_dir, $self->_backup_filename($file) );
         mkpath( dirname($backup_file), 0, 0775 );
-        write_file( $backup_file, read_file($file) );
+        write_file( $backup_file, $contents );
@@ -223,7 +225,7 @@ sub _purge_backups {
-sub _find_file_upwards {
+sub find_conf_file {
     my ( $class, $search_dir, $search_file ) = @_;
     $search_dir  =~ s{/+$}{};
@@ -243,16 +245,41 @@ sub _find_file_upwards {
+sub _find_matched_files {
+    my ($self) = @_;
+    my %matched_files;
+    foreach my $plugin ( @{ $self->plugin_objects } ) {
+        my @selected = $self->_zglob( $plugin->select );
+        if ( defined( $plugin->ignore ) ) {
+            my %is_ignored = map { ( $_, 1 ) } $self->_zglob( $plugin->ignore );
+            @selected = grep { !$is_ignored{$_} } @selected;
+        }
+        foreach my $file (@selected) {
+            $matched_files{$file} ||= [];
+            push( @{ $matched_files{$file} }, $plugin );
+        }
+    }
+    return \%matched_files;
+sub _zglob {
+    my ( $self, $expr ) = @_;
+    return File::Zglob::zglob( join( "/", $self->root_dir, $expr ) );
 sub _small_path {
     my ( $self, $path ) = @_;
-    die "'%s' is not underneath root dir '%s'!" unless index( $path, $self->root_dir ) == 0;
+    die sprintf( "'%s' is not underneath root dir '%s'!", $path, $self->root_dir )
+      unless index( $path, $self->root_dir ) == 0;
     return substr( $path, length( $self->root_dir ) + 1 );
 sub _file_sig {
-    my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
+    my ( $self, $file, $contents ) = @_;
     my $last_mod = ( stat($file) )[9];
-    my $contents = read_file($file);
+    $contents = read_file($file) if !defined($contents);
     return $self->_sig( [ $self->base_sig, $last_mod, $contents ] );
@@ -282,81 +309,54 @@ Code::TidyAll - Engine for tidyall, your all-in-one code tidier and validator
     use Code::TidyAll;
     my $ct = Code::TidyAll->new(
-        data_dir => '/tmp/.tidyall',
-        recursive => 1,
+        conf_file => '/path/to/conf/file'
+    );
+    # or
+    my $ct = Code::TidyAll->new(
+        root_dir => '/path/to/root',
         plugins  => {
             perltidy => {
-                include => qr/\.(pl|pm|t)$/,
+                select => qr/\.(pl|pm|t)$/,
                 options => { argv => '-noll -it=2' },
             perlcritic => {
-                include => qr/\.(pl|pm|t)$/,
+                select => qr/\.(pl|pm|t)$/,
                 options => { '-include' => ['layout'], '-severity' => 3, }
-            },
-            podtidy => {
-                include => qr/\.(pl|pm|t)$/,
-                options => { columns => 80 }
-            },
-            htmltidy => {
-                include => qr/\.html$/,
-                options => {
-                    output_xhtml => 1,
-                    tidy_mark    => 0,
-                }
-            },
-            '+My::Javascript::Tidier' => {
-                include => qr/\.js$/,
-                ...
-            }, 
+            }
-    $ct->process_path($path1, $path2);
+    $ct->process_paths($path1, $path2);
-=item plugins
+This is the engine used by L<tidyall|tidyall>, which you can use from your
+own program instead of calling C<tidyall>.
-Required. A hash of one or more plugin specifications.
-Each key is the name of a plugin; it is automatically prefixed with
-C<TidyAll::Plugin::> unless it is a full classname preceded by a '+'.
-Each value is a configuration hash for the plugin. The configuration hash may
+These options are the same as the equivalents in C<tidyall>, replacing dashes
+with underscore (e.g. the C<backup-ttl> option becomes C<backup_ttl> here).
-=item include
-A regex or code reference which is applied to each full pathname to determine
-whether it should be processed with this plugin.
-=item exclude
+=item backup_ttl
-A regex or code reference which is applied to each full pathname to determine
-whether it should be excluded. This overrides C<include> above.
+=item conf_file
-=item options
-Options specific to the plugin to be used for its tidying/validation.
-=item cache
+=item data_dir
-A cache object, or a hashref of parameters to pass to L<CHI|CHI> to construct a
-cache. This overrides the default cache.
+=item no_backups
-=item data_dir
+=item no_cache
-Data directory for backups and cache.
+=item plugins
 =item recursive
-Indcates whether L</process> will follow directories. Defaults to false.
+=item root_dir
+=item verbose
diff --git a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin.pm b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin.pm
index 322b0f2..4014a29 100644
--- a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin.pm
+++ b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin.pm
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 package Code::TidyAll::Plugin;
-use Object::Tiny qw(conf exclude include matcher name options root_dir);
+use Object::Tiny qw(conf ignore matcher name options root_dir select);
 use Code::TidyAll::Util qw(read_file write_file);
+use strict;
+use warnings;
 sub new {
     my $class = shift;
@@ -8,16 +10,17 @@ sub new {
     die "conf required" unless $self->{conf};
     die "name required" unless $self->{name};
-    $self->{include} = $self->_build_include();
-    $self->{exclude} = $self->_build_exclude();
-    $self->{matcher} = $self->_build_matcher();
+    my $name = $self->{name};
+    $self->{select} = $self->{conf}->{select} or die "select required for '$name'";
+    die "select for '$name' should not begin with /" if substr( $self->{select}, 0, 1 ) eq '/';
+    $self->{ignore} = $self->{conf}->{ignore};
+    die "ignore for '$name' should not begin with /"
+      if defined( $self->{ignore} ) && substr( $self->{ignore}, 0, 1 ) eq '/';
     $self->{options} = $self->_build_options();
     return $self;
-sub defaults { return {} }
 sub process_file {
     my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
     my $source = read_file($file);
@@ -25,58 +28,16 @@ sub process_file {
     write_file( $file, $dest );
-sub _build_matcher {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $conf = $self->conf;
-    my $include = $self->_match_spec_to_coderef( 'include', $self->include );
-    my $exclude = $self->_match_spec_to_coderef( 'exclude', $self->exclude );
-    return sub { my $file = shift; return $include->($file) && !$exclude->($file) };
-sub _build_include {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return
-         $self->conf->{include}
-      || $self->defaults->{include}
-      || die sprintf( "did not specify include for plugin '%s', and no default", $self->name );
-sub _build_exclude {
-    my $self = shift;
-    return $self->conf->{exclude} || $self->defaults->{exclude} || sub { 0 };
+sub process_source {
+    my ( $self, $source ) = @_;
+    die sprintf( "plugin '%s' must implement either process_file or process_source", $self->name );
 sub _build_options {
     my $self    = shift;
     my %options = %{ $self->{conf} };
-    delete( @options{qw(include exclude)} );
+    delete( @options{qw(select ignore)} );
     return \%options;
-sub _match_spec_to_coderef {
-    my ( $self, $type, $spec ) = @_;
-    $spec = $self->_glob_to_regex($spec) if !ref($spec);
-    if ( ref($spec) eq 'Regexp' ) {
-        return sub { $_[0] =~ $spec };
-    }
-    elsif ( ref($spec) eq 'CODE' ) {
-        return $spec;
-    }
-    else {
-        die sprintf( "bad '%s' conf value for plugin '%s': '%s'", $type, $self->name, $spec );
-    }
-sub _glob_to_regex {
-    my ( $self, $spec ) = @_;
-    my @patterns = split( /\s+/, $spec );
-    foreach (@patterns) { s/\./\\\./g; s/\*/.*/g }
-    my $regex = join( '|', @patterns );
-    return qr/$regex/;
diff --git a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PerlTidy.pm b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PerlTidy.pm
index 5fb431f..8c9fe83 100644
--- a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PerlTidy.pm
+++ b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PerlTidy.pm
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 package Code::TidyAll::Plugin::PerlTidy;
+use Code::TidyAll::Util qw(can_load);
 use Hash::MoreUtils qw(slice_exists);
-use Perl::Tidy;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use base qw(Code::TidyAll::Plugin);
-sub defaults {
-    return { include => qr/\.(pl|pm|t)$/ };
 sub process_source {
     my ( $self, $source ) = @_;
-    my $options = $self->options;
+    my $options            = $self->options;
+    my $perl_tidy_class    = $self->options->{perl_tidy_class} || 'Perl::Tidy';
+    my $perl_tidy_function = $perl_tidy_class . "::perltidy";
+    die "cannot load '$perl_tidy_class'" unless can_load($perl_tidy_class);
     # Determine parameters
     my %params = slice_exists( $self->options, qw(argv prefilter postfilter perltidyrc) );
-    Perl::Tidy::perltidy(
+    no strict 'refs';
+    &$perl_tidy_function(
         source      => \$source,
         destination => \my $destination,
diff --git a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PodTidy.pm b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PodTidy.pm
index a133be9..72a55ea 100644
--- a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PodTidy.pm
+++ b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/PodTidy.pm
@@ -6,10 +6,6 @@ use strict;
 use warnings;
 use base qw(Code::TidyAll::Plugin);
-sub defaults {
-    return { include => qr/\.(pl|pm|t)$/ };
 sub process_file {
     my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
     my $options = $self->options;
@@ -24,7 +20,7 @@ sub process_file {
             verbose  => 1,
-    die $output if $output =~ /\S/;
+    die $output if $output =~ /\S/ && $output !~ /does not contain Pod/;
diff --git a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/perlcritic.pm b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/perlcritic.pm
index 98d6443..48e9987 100644
--- a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/perlcritic.pm
+++ b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Plugin/perlcritic.pm
@@ -6,10 +6,6 @@ use strict;
 use warnings;
 use base qw(Code::TidyAll::Plugin);
-sub defaults {
-    return { include => qr/\.(pl|pm|t)$/ };
 sub process_file {
     my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
     my $options = $self->options;
diff --git a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/RepeatBar.pm b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/RepeatFoo.pm
similarity index 71%
rename from lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/RepeatBar.pm
rename to lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/RepeatFoo.pm
index 10f5a5c..98d952c 100644
--- a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/RepeatBar.pm
+++ b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/RepeatFoo.pm
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
-package Code::TidyAll::Test::Plugin::RepeatBar;
+package Code::TidyAll::Test::Plugin::RepeatFoo;
 use Code::TidyAll::Util qw(read_file write_file);
 use base qw(Code::TidyAll::Plugin);
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-sub defaults {
-    return { include => qr/foo[^\/]+$/ };
 sub process_source {
     my ( $self, $source ) = @_;
     my $times = $self->options->{times} || die "no times specified";
diff --git a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/ReverseFoo.pm b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/ReverseFoo.pm
index 6abe867..cebe571 100644
--- a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/ReverseFoo.pm
+++ b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/ReverseFoo.pm
@@ -4,10 +4,6 @@ use base qw(Code::TidyAll::Plugin);
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-sub defaults {
-    return { include => qr/foo[^\/]+$/ };
 sub process_file {
     my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
     write_file( $file, scalar( reverse( read_file($file) ) ) );
diff --git a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/UpperText.pm b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/UpperText.pm
index 4f7a2f1..5edea5d 100644
--- a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/UpperText.pm
+++ b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Test/Plugin/UpperText.pm
@@ -3,10 +3,6 @@ use base qw(Code::TidyAll::Plugin);
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-sub defaults {
-    return { include => qr/\.txt$/ };
 sub process_source {
     my ( $self, $source ) = @_;
     if ( $source =~ /^[A-Z]*$/i ) {
diff --git a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Util.pm b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Util.pm
index aba9f2b..1f9ecac 100644
--- a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Util.pm
+++ b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Util.pm
@@ -2,15 +2,17 @@ package Code::TidyAll::Util;
 use Data::Dumper;
 use File::Basename;
 use File::Path;
-use File::Slurp qw(read_file write_file);
+use File::Slurp qw(read_file write_file read_dir);
+use File::Spec::Functions qw(abs2rel);
 use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
 use Try::Tiny;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use base qw(Exporter);
 our @EXPORT_OK =
-  qw(basename can_load dirname dump_one_line mkpath read_file tempdir_simple write_file );
+  qw(abs2rel basename can_load dirname dump_one_line mkpath read_dir read_file tempdir_simple uniq write_file );
 sub can_load {
diff --git a/lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Basic.pm b/lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Basic.pm
index 14b1664..0e27307 100644
--- a/lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Basic.pm
+++ b/lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Basic.pm
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ use File::Find qw(find);
 use Test::Class::Most parent => 'Code::TidyAll::Test::Class';
 sub test_plugin { "+Code::TidyAll::Test::Plugin::$_[0]" }
-my $UpperText  = test_plugin('UpperText');
-my $ReverseFoo = test_plugin('ReverseFoo');
-my $RepeatBar  = test_plugin('RepeatBar');
+my %UpperText  = ( test_plugin('UpperText')  => { select => '**/*.txt' } );
+my %ReverseFoo = ( test_plugin('ReverseFoo') => { select => '**/foo*' } );
+my %RepeatFoo  = ( test_plugin('RepeatFoo')  => { select => '**/foo*' } );
 my ( $conf1, $conf2 );
 sub create_dir {
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ sub tidy {
-    my $output = capture_stdout { $ct->process_paths($root_dir) };
+    my $output = capture_stdout { $ct->process_all() };
     if ( $params{errors} ) {
         like( $output, $params{errors}, "$desc - errors" );
@@ -57,21 +57,21 @@ sub test_basic : Tests {
         desc    => 'one file no plugins',
-        plugins => { $UpperText => {} },
-        source  => { "foo.txt"  => "abc" },
-        dest    => { "foo.txt"  => "ABC" },
+        plugins => {%UpperText},
+        source  => { "foo.txt" => "abc" },
+        dest    => { "foo.txt" => "ABC" },
         desc    => 'one file UpperText',
-        plugins => { $UpperText => {}, $ReverseFoo => {} },
+        plugins => { %UpperText, %ReverseFoo },
         source => { "foo.txt" => "abc", "bar.txt" => "def", "foo.tx" => "ghi", "bar.tx" => "jkl" },
         dest   => { "foo.txt" => "CBA", "bar.txt" => "DEF", "foo.tx" => "ihg", "bar.tx" => "jkl" },
         desc => 'four files UpperText ReverseFoo',
-        plugins => { $UpperText => {} },
-        source  => { "foo.txt"  => "abc1" },
-        dest    => { "foo.txt"  => "abc1" },
+        plugins => {%UpperText},
+        source  => { "foo.txt" => "abc1" },
+        dest    => { "foo.txt" => "abc1" },
         desc    => 'one file UpperText errors',
         errors  => qr/non-alpha content/
@@ -82,34 +82,39 @@ sub test_caching_and_backups : Tests {
     foreach my $no_cache ( 0 .. 1 ) {
         foreach my $no_backups ( 0 .. 1 ) {
+            my $desc     = "(no_cache=$no_cache, no_backups=$no_backups)";
             my $root_dir = $self->create_dir( { "foo.txt" => "abc" } );
-            my $ct = Code::TidyAll->new(
-                plugins  => { $UpperText => {} },
+            my $ct       = Code::TidyAll->new(
+                plugins  => {%UpperText},
                 root_dir => $root_dir,
                 ( $no_cache ? ( no_cache => 1 ) : () ), ( $no_backups ? ( no_backups => 1 ) : () )
             my $output;
             my $file = "$root_dir/foo.txt";
             my $go   = sub {
-                $output = capture_stdout { $ct->process_paths($file) };
+                $output = capture_stdout { $ct->process_files($file) };
-            is( read_file($file), "ABC",       "file changed" );
-            is( $output,          "foo.txt\n", 'output' );
+            is( read_file($file), "ABC", "first file change $desc" );
+            is( $output, "[tidied]  foo.txt\n", "first output $desc" );
             if ($no_cache) {
-                is( $output, "foo.txt\n", 'output' );
+                is( $output, "[checked] foo.txt\n", "second output $desc" );
             else {
-                is( $output, '', 'no output' );
+                is( $output, '', "second output $desc" );
+            write_file( $file, "ABCD" );
+            $go->();
+            is( $output, "[checked] foo.txt\n", "third output $desc" );
             write_file( $file, "def" );
-            is( read_file($file), "DEF",       "file changed" );
-            is( $output,          "foo.txt\n", 'output' );
+            is( read_file($file), "DEF", "fourth file change $desc" );
+            is( $output, "[tidied]  foo.txt\n", "fourth output $desc" );
             my $backup_dir = $ct->data_dir . "/backups";
             mkpath( $backup_dir, 0, 0775 );
@@ -117,13 +122,16 @@ sub test_caching_and_backups : Tests {
             find( { follow => 0, wanted => sub { push @files, $_ if -f }, no_chdir => 1 },
                 $backup_dir );
             if ($no_backups) {
-                ok( @files == 0, "no backup files" );
+                ok( @files == 0, "no backup files $desc" );
             else {
-                ok( scalar(@files) == 1 || scalar(@files) == 2, "1 or 2 backup files" );
+                ok( scalar(@files) == 1 || scalar(@files) == 2, "1 or 2 backup files $desc" );
                 foreach my $file (@files) {
-                    like( $file, qr|\.tidyall\.d/backups/foo\.txt-\d+-\d+\.bak|,
-                        "backup filename" );
+                    like(
+                        $file,
+                        qr|\.tidyall\.d/backups/foo\.txt-\d+-\d+\.bak|,
+                        "backup filename $desc"
+                    );
@@ -145,25 +153,27 @@ sub test_errors : Tests {
     qr/unknown constructor param\(s\) 'bad_param', 'worse_param'/;
-    throws_ok { Code::TidyAll->new( root_dir => $root_dir, plugins => { 'DoesNotExist' => {} } ) }
+    throws_ok {
+        Code::TidyAll->new(
+            root_dir => $root_dir,
+            plugins  => { 'DoesNotExist' => { select => '**/*' } }
+        );
+    }
     qr/could not load plugin class/;
-    my $ct = Code::TidyAll->new( plugins => { $UpperText => {} }, root_dir => $root_dir );
-    my $output = capture_stdout { $ct->process_paths("$root_dir/foo/bar.txt") };
-    is( $output,                            "foo/bar.txt\n", "filename output" );
-    is( read_file("$root_dir/foo/bar.txt"), "ABC",           "tidied" );
-    $output = capture_stdout { $ct->process_paths("$root_dir/foo") };
-    is( $output, "foo: skipping dir, not in recursive mode\n" );
+    my $ct = Code::TidyAll->new( plugins => {%UpperText}, root_dir => $root_dir );
+    my $output = capture_stdout { $ct->process_files("$root_dir/foo/bar.txt") };
+    is( $output, "[tidied]  foo/bar.txt\n", "filename output" );
+    is( read_file("$root_dir/foo/bar.txt"), "ABC", "tidied" );
     my $other_dir = realpath( tempdir_simple() );
     write_file( "$other_dir/foo.txt", "ABC" );
-    $output = capture_stdout { $ct->process_paths("$other_dir/foo.txt") };
-    like( $output, qr/foo.txt: skipping, not underneath root dir/ );
+    throws_ok { $ct->process_files("$other_dir/foo.txt") } qr/not underneath root dir/;
 sub test_conf_file : Tests {
     my $self      = shift;
     my $root_dir  = $self->create_dir();
-    my $conf_file = "$root_dir/.tidyallrc";
+    my $conf_file = "$root_dir/tidyall.ini";
     write_file( $conf_file, $conf1 );
     my $ct = Code::TidyAll->new( conf_file => $conf_file );
@@ -175,9 +185,9 @@ sub test_conf_file : Tests {
         root_dir   => dirname($conf_file),
         data_dir   => "$root_dir/.tidyall.d",
         plugins    => {
-            PerlTidy => { argv => '-noll -it=2', include => '*.pl *.pm *.t' },
-            PodTidy  => {},
-            PerlCritic => { argv => '-severity 3' },
+            PerlTidy   => { argv   => '-noll -it=2', select => '**/*.{pl,pm,t}' },
+            PodTidy    => { select => '**/*.{pl,pm,t}' },
+            PerlCritic => { argv   => '-severity 3', select => '**/*.pm' },
     while ( my ( $method, $value ) = each(%expected) ) {
@@ -188,20 +198,16 @@ sub test_conf_file : Tests {
 sub test_cli : Tests {
     my $self      = shift;
     my $root_dir  = $self->create_dir();
-    my $conf_file = "$root_dir/.tidyallrc";
+    my $conf_file = "$root_dir/tidyall.ini";
     write_file( $conf_file,          $conf2 );
     write_file( "$root_dir/foo.txt", "hello" );
-    my $output =
-      capture_stdout { system( "$^X", "bin/tidyall", "-c", $conf_file, "-v", "-r", $root_dir ) };
+    my $output = capture_stdout { system( "$^X", "bin/tidyall", "$root_dir/foo.txt", "-v" ) };
     my ($params_msg) = ( $output =~ /constructing Code::TidyAll with these params:(.*)/ );
     ok( defined($params_msg), "params msg" );
-    like( $params_msg, qr/backup_ttl => '15m'/,                                 'backup_ttl' );
-    like( $params_msg, qr/recursive => '?1'?/,                                  'recursive' );
-    like( $params_msg, qr/verbose => '?1'?/,                                    'verbose' );
-    like( $params_msg, qr/\Qroot_dir => '$root_dir'\E/,                         'root_dir' );
-    like( $output,     qr/foo\.txt/,                                            'foo.txt' );
-    like( $output,     qr/applying '\+Code::TidyAll::Test::Plugin::UpperText'/, 'UpperText' );
-    like( $output,     qr/applying '\+Code::TidyAll::Test::Plugin::RepeatBar'/, 'RepeatBar' );
+    like( $params_msg, qr/backup_ttl => '15m'/,                              'backup_ttl' );
+    like( $params_msg, qr/verbose => '?1'?/,                                 'verbose' );
+    like( $params_msg, qr/\Qroot_dir => '$root_dir'\E/,                      'root_dir' );
+    like( $output,     qr/\[tidied\]  foo.txt \(.*RepeatFoo, .*UpperText\)/, 'foo.txt' );
     is( read_file("$root_dir/foo.txt"), "HELLOHELLOHELLO", "tidied" );
@@ -212,23 +218,26 @@ recursive = 1
 argv = -noll -it=2
-include = *.pl *.pm *.t
+select = **/*.{pl,pm,t}
+select = **/*.{pl,pm,t}
 argv = -severity 3
+select = **/*.pm
-$conf2 = "
+$conf2 = '
 backup_ttl = 15m
 verbose = 1
+select = **/*.txt
+select = **/foo*
 times = 3
-include = *.txt

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libcode-tidyall-perl.git

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