[libcode-tidyall-perl] 175/374: typo

Jonas Smedegaard js at alioth.debian.org
Sun Sep 29 22:26:13 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libcode-tidyall-perl.

commit 426b106a9288fe37e4dd7eb85d77794934c7c240
Author: Jonathan Swartz <swartz at pobox.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 4 21:44:20 2012 -0700

 bin/tidyall                        |    2 +-
 lib/Code/TidyAll/Git/Prereceive.pm |   70 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Git.pm          |   79 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 3 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/tidyall b/bin/tidyall
index ea84a3d..e4d538e 100755
--- a/bin/tidyall
+++ b/bin/tidyall
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ according to C<tidyall>, and rejects the commit if not.
 L<Code::TidyAll::Git::Precommit|Code::TidyAll::Git::Precommit> and
 L<Code::TidyAll::Git::Prereceive|Code::TidyAll::Git::Prereceive> implement git
-precommit and pre-receive hooks, respectively, that check if all files are
+pre-commit and pre-receive hooks, respectively, that check if all files are
 tidied and valid according to C<tidyall>.
 =item *
diff --git a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Git/Prereceive.pm b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Git/Prereceive.pm
index ccd96c4..4ae4c45 100644
--- a/lib/Code/TidyAll/Git/Prereceive.pm
+++ b/lib/Code/TidyAll/Git/Prereceive.pm
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 package Code::TidyAll::Git::Prereceive;
 use Code::TidyAll;
-use Code::TidyAll::Util qw(realpath);
-use Log::Any qw($log);
+use Code::TidyAll::Util qw(realpath tempdir_simple write_file);
 use IPC::System::Simple qw(capturex run);
 use Moo;
 use SVN::Look;
@@ -25,28 +24,17 @@ sub check {
         my $root_dir = realpath();
         local $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $root_dir;
-        my $conf_file = join( "/", $root_dir, $self->conf_file );
-        die "could not find conf file '$conf_file'" unless -f $conf_file;
-        my $tidyall = $self->tidyall_class->new_from_conf_file(
-            $conf_file,
-            no_cache   => 1,
-            check_only => 1,
-            mode       => 'commit',
-            %{ $self->tidyall_options },
-        );
-        $log->info("----------------------------");
-        my @results;
+        my ( @results, $conf_file, $tidyall );
         while ( my $line = <> ) {
             my ( $base, $commit, $ref ) = split( /\s+/, $line );
             next unless $ref eq 'refs/heads/master';
+            # Create tidyall using configuration found in first commit
+            #
+            $tidyall ||= $self->create_tidyall($commit);
             my @files = $self->get_changed_files( $base, $commit );
-            $log->infof( "base='%s', commit='%s', files=[%s]", $base, $commit,
-                join( " ", @files ) );
             foreach my $file (@files) {
                 my $contents = $self->get_file_contents( $file, $commit );
                 push( @results, $tidyall->process_source( $contents, $file ) );
@@ -55,24 +43,42 @@ sub check {
         if ( my @error_results = grep { $_->error } @results ) {
             my $error_count = scalar(@error_results);
-            $fail_msg = join(
-                "\n",
-                sprintf(
-                    "%d file%s did not pass tidyall check",
-                    $error_count, $error_count > 1 ? "s" : ""
-                ),
-                map { join( ": ", $_->path, $_->msg ) } @error_results
-            );
+            $fail_msg = sprintf( "%d file%s did not pass tidyall check",
+                $error_count, $error_count > 1 ? "s" : "" );
     catch {
         my $error = $_;
-        $log->error($error);
-        die $error if $params{reject_on_error};
+        if ( $params{reject_on_error} ) {
+            die $error;
+        }
+        else {
+            print STDERR "*** Error running pre-receive hook (allowing push to proceed):\n$error";
+        }
     die $fail_msg if $fail_msg;
+sub create_tidyall {
+    my ( $self, $commit ) = @_;
+    my $temp_dir = tempdir_simple();
+    my $conf_contents = $self->get_file_contents( $self->conf_file, $commit )
+      or die sprintf( "could not find conf file '%s' in repo root", $self->conf_file );
+    my $conf_file = "$temp_dir/tidyall.ini";
+    write_file( $conf_file, $conf_contents );
+    my $tidyall = $self->tidyall_class->new_from_conf_file(
+        $conf_file,
+        mode  => 'commit',
+        quiet => 1,
+        %{ $self->tidyall_options },
+        no_cache   => 1,
+        no_backups => 1,
+        check_only => 1,
+    );
+    return $tidyall;
 sub get_changed_files {
     my ( $self, $base, $commit ) = @_;
     my $output = capturex( $self->git_path, "diff", "--numstat", "--name-only", "$base..$commit" );
@@ -162,7 +168,13 @@ Subclass to use instead of L<Code::TidyAll|Code::TidyAll>
 =item tidyall_options
-Hashref of options to pass to the L<Code::TidyAll|Code::TidyAll> constructor
+Hashref of options to pass to the L<Code::TidyAll|Code::TidyAll> constructor.
+You can use this to override the default options
+    mode  => 'commit',
+    quiet => 1,
+or pass additional options.
diff --git a/lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Git.pm b/lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Git.pm
index 7ff598d..db44392 100644
--- a/lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Git.pm
+++ b/lib/Code/TidyAll/t/Git.pm
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ use Capture::Tiny qw(capture_stdout capture_stderr capture);
 use Code::TidyAll::Git::Util qw(git_uncommitted_files);
 use Code::TidyAll::Util qw(dirname mkpath pushd read_file realpath tempdir_simple write_file);
 use Code::TidyAll;
-use IPC::System::Simple qw(run);
+use IPC::System::Simple qw(capturex run);
 use Test::Class::Most parent => 'Code::TidyAll::Test::Class';
-my ( $precommit_hook_template, $tidyall_ini_template );
+my ( $precommit_hook_template, $prereceive_hook_template, $tidyall_ini_template );
 sub test_git : Tests {
     my ($self) = @_;
@@ -14,16 +14,20 @@ sub test_git : Tests {
     my $temp_dir  = tempdir_simple;
     my $work_dir  = "$temp_dir/work";
     my $hooks_dir = "$work_dir/.git/hooks";
-    my ( $stdout, $stderr );
+    my $output;
     my $committed = sub {
-        $stdout = capture_stdout { system('git status') };
-        like( $stdout, qr/nothing to commit/, "committed" );
+        like( capturex( 'git', 'status' ), qr/nothing to commit/, "committed" );
     my $uncommitted = sub {
-        $stdout = capture_stdout { system('git status') };
-        unlike( $stdout, qr/nothing to commit/, "uncommitted" );
+        unlike( capturex( 'git', 'status' ), qr/nothing to commit/, "committed" );
+    };
+    my $pushed = sub {
+        unlike( capturex( 'git', 'status' ), qr/Your branch is ahead/, "pushed" );
+    };
+    my $unpushed = sub {
+        like( capturex( 'git', 'status' ), qr/Your branch is ahead/, "unpushed" );
     # Create the repo
@@ -59,17 +63,57 @@ sub test_git : Tests {
     # Try to commit, make sure we get error
-    $stderr = capture_stderr { system( "git", "commit", "-m", "changed", "-a" ) };
-    like( $stderr, qr/1 file did not pass tidyall check/ );
-    like( $stderr, qr/needs tidying/ );
+    $output = capture_stderr { system( "git", "commit", "-m", "changed", "-a" ) };
+    like( $output, qr/1 file did not pass tidyall check/, "1 file did not pass tidyall check" );
+    like( $output, qr/needs tidying/, "needs tidying" );
     # Fix file and commit successfully
     write_file( "$work_dir/foo.txt", "ABC" );
-    $stderr = capture_stderr { system( "git", "commit", "-m", "changed", "-a" ) };
-    like( $stderr, qr/\[checked\] foo\.txt/ );
+    $output = capture_stderr { run( "git", "commit", "-m", "changed", "-a" ) };
+    like( $output, qr/\[checked\] foo\.txt/, "checked foo.txt" );
+    $committed->();
+    # Create a bare shared repo, then a clone of that
+    #
+    my $shared_dir = "$temp_dir/shared";
+    my $clone_dir  = "$temp_dir/clone";
+    run( "git", "clone", "--bare", $work_dir, $shared_dir );
+    run( "git", "clone", $shared_dir, $clone_dir );
+    chdir($clone_dir);
+    $committed->();
+    # Add prereceive hook to shared repo
+    #
+    my $prereceive_hook_file = "$shared_dir/hooks/pre-receive";
+    my $prereceive_hook = sprintf( $prereceive_hook_template, realpath("lib") );
+    write_file( $prereceive_hook_file, $prereceive_hook );
+    chmod( 0775, $prereceive_hook_file );
+    # Unfix file and commit
+    #
+    write_file( "$clone_dir/foo.txt", "def" );
+    run( "git", "commit", "-m", "changed", "-a" );
+    $committed->();
+    # Try to push, make sure we get error back
+    #
+    $unpushed->();
+    $output = capture_stderr { system( "git", "push" ) };
+    like( $output, qr/master -> master/,                  "master -> master" );
+    like( $output, qr/1 file did not pass tidyall check/, "1 file did not pass tidyall check" );
+    like( $output, qr/needs tidying/,                     "needs tidying" );
+    $unpushed->();
+    # Fix file and push successfully
+    #
+    write_file( "$clone_dir/foo.txt", "DEF" );
+    $output = capture_stderr { run( "git", "commit", "-m", "changed", "-a" ) };
+    $output = capture_stderr { system( "git", "push" ) };
+    like( $output, qr/master -> master/, "master -> master" );
+    $pushed->();
 $precommit_hook_template = '#!/usr/bin/perl
@@ -83,6 +127,15 @@ Code::TidyAll::Git::Precommit->check(
+$prereceive_hook_template = '#!/usr/bin/perl
+use lib qw(%s);
+use Code::TidyAll::Git::Prereceive;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
 $tidyall_ini_template = '
 select = **/*.txt

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libcode-tidyall-perl.git

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