[libtype-tiny-perl] 03/08: Merge tag 'upstream/0.042'
Jonas Smedegaard
js at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Apr 30 14:24:05 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
js pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libtype-tiny-perl.
commit 93b71b1640e9e7705f12981c731cef037ca0bf17
Merge: 1bed62b c8c5af5
Author: Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>
Date: Wed Apr 30 02:46:56 2014 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/0.042'
Upstream version 0.042
.travis.yml | 10 -
COPYRIGHT | 286 +-
CREDITS | 31 +-
Changes | 1682 +++++--
INSTALL | 38 +
LICENSE | 6 +-
MANIFEST | 251 +-
META.json | 253 +
META.ttl | 2548 ----------
META.yml | 141 +-
Makefile.PL | 257 +-
NEWS | 83 +-
README | 81 +-
SIGNATURE | 335 +-
dist.ini | 3 +
doap.ttl | 4899 ++++++++++++++++++++
examples/benchmark-coercions.pl | 16 +-
examples/benchmark-constraints.pl | 20 +-
examples/benchmark-mkopt.pl | 24 -
examples/benchmark-param-validation.pl | 16 +-
inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm | 930 ----
inc/Module/Install.pm | 470 --
inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm | 93 -
inc/Module/Install/AutoManifest.pm | 45 -
inc/Module/Install/Base.pm | 83 -
inc/Module/Install/Can.pm | 154 -
inc/Module/Install/Contributors.pm | 24 -
inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm | 93 -
inc/Module/Install/Include.pm | 34 -
inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm | 418 --
inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm | 722 ---
inc/Module/Install/Package.pm | 323 --
inc/Module/Install/TrustMetaYml.pm | 50 -
inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm | 64 -
inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm | 63 -
inc/Module/Package.pm | 71 -
inc/Module/Package/Dist/RDF.pm | 47 -
inc/Test/Fatal.pm | 2 +-
inc/YAML/Tiny.pm | 643 ---
lib/Devel/TypeTiny/Perl56Compat.pm | 11 +-
.../TypeTiny/{Perl56Compat.pm => Perl58Compat.pm} | 35 +-
lib/{Type/Exception.pm => Error/TypeTiny.pm} | 46 +-
.../Exception => Error/TypeTiny}/Assertion.pm | 107 +-
.../Exception => Error/TypeTiny}/Compilation.pm | 22 +-
.../TypeTiny}/WrongNumberOfParameters.pm | 22 +-
lib/Eval/TypeTiny.pm | 43 +-
lib/Exporter/TypeTiny.pm | 413 --
lib/Reply/Plugin/TypeTiny.pm | 18 +-
lib/Test/TypeTiny.pm | 47 +-
lib/Type/Coercion.pm | 249 +-
lib/Type/Coercion/{Union.pm => FromMoose.pm} | 50 +-
lib/Type/Coercion/Union.pm | 31 +-
lib/Type/Library.pm | 20 +-
lib/Type/Params.pm | 184 +-
lib/Type/Parser.pm | 33 +-
lib/Type/Registry.pm | 121 +-
lib/Type/Tiny.pm | 629 ++-
lib/Type/Tiny/Class.pm | 65 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Duck.pm | 61 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Enum.pm | 59 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Intersection.pm | 57 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Manual.pod | 34 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Manual/Coercions.pod | 157 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Manual/Libraries.pod | 16 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Manual/Params.pod | 68 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Manual/Policies.pod | 112 +
lib/Type/Tiny/Manual/UsingWithMoo.pod | 8 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Manual/UsingWithMoose.pod | 21 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Manual/UsingWithMouse.pod | 21 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Manual/UsingWithOther.pod | 28 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Role.pm | 46 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/Union.pm | 81 +-
lib/Type/Tiny/_HalfOp.pm | 93 +
lib/Type/Utils.pm | 123 +-
lib/Types/Common/Numeric.pm | 180 +
lib/Types/Common/String.pm | 216 +
lib/Types/Standard.pm | 1054 +----
lib/Types/Standard/ArrayRef.pm | 159 +
lib/Types/Standard/Dict.pm | 379 ++
lib/Types/Standard/HashRef.pm | 160 +
lib/Types/Standard/Map.pm | 187 +
lib/Types/Standard/ScalarRef.pm | 152 +
lib/Types/Standard/Tuple.pm | 326 ++
lib/Types/TypeTiny.pm | 112 +-
meta/changes.pret | 892 ----
meta/doap.pret | 32 -
meta/makefile.pret | 26 -
meta/people.pret | 57 -
meta/rights.pret | 83 -
t/00-begin.t | 13 +-
t/01-compile.t | 11 +-
t/02-api.t | 5 +-
t/03-leak.t | 93 +
t/20-unit/Devel-TypeTiny-Perl56Compat/basic.t | 35 +
t/20-unit/Devel-TypeTiny-Perl58Compat/basic.t | 39 +
.../Error-TypeTiny-Assertion/basic.t} | 73 +-
.../Error-TypeTiny/stacktrace.t} | 8 +-
t/{eval.t => 20-unit/Eval-TypeTiny/basic.t} | 4 +-
.../Eval-TypeTiny/lexical-subs.t} | 4 +-
t/20-unit/Test-TypeTiny/basic.t | 116 +
t/20-unit/Test-TypeTiny/extended.t | 71 +
t/20-unit/Type-Coercion-FromMoose/basic.t | 79 +
.../Type-Coercion-Union/basic.t} | 2 +-
t/{coercion.t => 20-unit/Type-Coercion/basic.t} | 28 +-
.../Type-Coercion/frozen.t} | 2 +-
.../Type-Coercion/inlining.t} | 2 +-
.../Type-Coercion/parameterized.t} | 92 +-
.../Type-Library/assert.t} | 2 +-
.../Type-Library/inheritance.t} | 25 +-
t/{library-is.t => 20-unit/Type-Library/is.t} | 2 +-
t/{library-to.t => 20-unit/Type-Library/to.t} | 2 +-
.../Type-Library/types.t} | 2 +-
.../Type-Params/badsigs.t} | 2 +-
.../Type-Params/carping.t} | 4 +-
.../Type-Params/coerce.t} | 4 +-
.../Type-Params/methods.t} | 2 +-
.../Type-Params/mixednamed.t} | 2 +-
t/20-unit/Type-Params/multisig.t | 116 +
t/{params-named.t => 20-unit/Type-Params/named.t} | 2 +-
.../Type-Params/noninline.t} | 2 +-
.../Type-Params/optional.t} | 4 +-
.../Type-Params/positional.t} | 2 +-
.../Type-Params/slurpy.t} | 2 +-
t/{parser.t => 20-unit/Type-Parser/basic.t} | 6 +-
t/20-unit/Type-Parser/moosextypes.t | 41 +
t/{registry.t => 20-unit/Type-Registry/basic.t} | 9 +-
t/20-unit/Type-Registry/moosextypes.t | 51 +
.../Type-Tiny-Class/basic.t} | 2 +-
.../Type-Tiny-Class/plus-constructors.t} | 4 +-
t/{type-duck.t => 20-unit/Type-Tiny-Duck/basic.t} | 2 +-
t/{type-enum.t => 20-unit/Type-Tiny-Enum/basic.t} | 2 +-
.../Type-Tiny-Intersection/basic.t} | 2 +-
t/{type-role.t => 20-unit/Type-Tiny-Role/basic.t} | 2 +-
.../Type-Tiny-Union/basic.t} | 26 +-
t/20-unit/Type-Tiny-_HalfOp/overload-precedence.t | 42 +
t/{ => 20-unit/Type-Tiny}/arithmetic.t | 2 +-
t/{type.t => 20-unit/Type-Tiny/basic.t} | 2 +-
t/{ => 20-unit/Type-Tiny}/coercion-modifiers.t | 2 +-
t/{ => 20-unit/Type-Tiny}/parameterization.t | 15 +-
t/20-unit/Type-Tiny/smartmatch.t | 60 +
t/{ => 20-unit/Type-Tiny}/syntax.t | 10 +-
t/{ => 20-unit/Type-Utils}/dwim-moose.t | 4 +-
t/{ => 20-unit/Type-Utils}/dwim-mouse.t | 2 +-
t/{ => 20-unit/Type-Utils}/match-on-type.t | 2 +-
t/20-unit/Types-Common-Numeric/basic.t | 96 +
t/20-unit/Types-Common-String/basic.t | 100 +
t/20-unit/Types-Common-String/coerce.t | 58 +
t/20-unit/Types-Common-String/unicode.t | 60 +
t/{stdlib.t => 20-unit/Types-Standard/basic.t} | 4 +-
.../Types-Standard/deep-coercions.t} | 78 +-
.../Types-Standard/mxtmlb-alike.t} | 2 +-
.../Types-Standard/optlist.t} | 4 +-
.../Types-Standard/overload.t} | 2 +-
.../Types-Standard/strmatch.t} | 2 +-
.../Types-Standard/structured.t} | 62 +-
t/{stdlib-tied.t => 20-unit/Types-Standard/tied.t} | 2 +-
.../Class-InsideOut/basic.t} | 2 +-
.../Exporter-Tiny/basic.t} | 6 +-
.../Exporter-Tiny/installer.t} | 4 +-
.../Exporter-Tiny/role-conflict.t} | 2 +-
.../Function-Parameters/basic.t} | 11 +-
t/30-integration/Kavorka/basic.t | 64 +
t/{moo.t => 30-integration/Moo/basic.t} | 2 +-
.../Moo/coercion.t} | 2 +-
.../Moo/exceptions.t} | 10 +-
.../Moo/inflation.t} | 2 +-
t/30-integration/Moo/inflation2.t | 61 +
t/30-integration/Moops/basic.t | 62 +
t/30-integration/Moops/library-keyword.t | 53 +
.../Moose/accept-moose-types.t} | 2 +-
t/{moose.t => 30-integration/Moose/basic.t} | 114 +-
.../Moose/coercion.t} | 66 +-
.../MooseX-Types/basic.t} | 10 +-
t/30-integration/MooseX-Types/extending.t | 54 +
.../MooseX-Types/more.t} | 2 +-
t/{mouse.t => 30-integration/Mouse/basic.t} | 16 +-
.../Mouse/coercion.t} | 2 +-
.../MouseX-Types/basic.t} | 2 +-
.../Object-Accessor/basic.t} | 2 +-
t/30-integration/Return-Type/basic.t | 140 +
t/{subquote.t => 30-integration/Sub-Quote/basic.t} | 2 +-
t/30-integration/Switcheroo/basic.t | 62 +
t/30-integration/Type-Tie/basic.t | 106 +
.../Validation-Class-Simple/basic.t} | 2 +-
t/30-integration/match-simple/basic.t | 40 +
t/40-regression/73f51e2d.pl | 36 +
t/40-regression/73f51e2d.t | 40 +
t/{ => 40-regression}/gh1.t | 2 +-
t/{ => 40-regression}/rt85911.t | 2 +-
t/{ => 40-regression}/rt86004.t | 2 +-
t/{ => 40-regression}/rt86233.t | 2 +-
t/{ => 40-regression}/rt86239.t | 2 +-
t/40-regression/rt90096-2.t | 47 +
t/40-regression/rt90096.t | 37 +
t/40-regression/rt92571-2.t | 40 +
t/40-regression/rt92571.t | 59 +
t/40-regression/rt92591.t | 75 +
t/40-regression/rt94196.t | 51 +
t/99-moose-std-types-test.t | 1313 ++++++
t/README | 33 +
t/TODO | 1 +
t/lib/BiggerLib.pm | 4 +-
t/lib/DemoLib.pm | 2 +-
t/mk-test-manifest.pl | 115 +
t/not-covered.pl | 22 +
205 files changed, 15659 insertions(+), 11194 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libtype-tiny-perl.git
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