[libmoosex-role-parameterized-perl] annotated tag 0.24 created (now a0ecb65)

Intrigeri intrigeri at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Aug 27 21:13:26 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

intrigeri pushed a change to annotated tag 0.24
in repository libmoosex-role-parameterized-perl.

        at  a0ecb65   (tag)
   tagging  4821e40a2d41cc2a36bfd8b98b13541e94ec8797 (commit)
 tagged by  Shawn M Moore
        on  Tue Mar 1 00:49:48 2011 -0500

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (Darwin)


Florian Ragwitz (2):
      Remove the & prototype hack now Moose::Exporter doesn't throw prototypes away anymore.
      Add testcase applying not-yet-loaded parameterized roles to parameterized roles.

Jesse Luehrs (1):
      handle metaclass reinitialization properly

Karen Etheridge (2):
      add missing use statement for Module::Install plugin.
      convert all uses of Test::Exception to Test::Fatal.

Oliver Charles (3):
      Allow specifying custom metaclasses for parameterized roles
      Test the new metaclass support
      Add my lame attempt at writing documentaton

Ricardo Signes (1):
      allow user-supplied role names for generate_rol

Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek (2):
      added tests for composite role application
      added Test::Exception prereq, replaced eval's in tests

Shawn M Moore (209):
      Make a trunk
      Add an empty Parameters class and a basic test for it..
      Set up the metaclass of parameterized roles
      Test that we can get a parameter class out of a parameterized role
      We want a parameter_metaclass attribute; each role application will get an instance of the class it describes
      parameter keyword
      API for constructing a parameter object
      Make parameter_metaclass rw, if a user wants to shoot himself in the foot I'll load his gun
      role sugar, which sets role_generator
      First stab at generate_role; metas within metas..
      More tests to make sure we keep the same parameter metaclass
      cleanup of role generation
      Actually, don't even pass $self until I can think of a good hash key :)
      Begin writing tests
      Let the parameter keyword take an arrayref of names
      Begin working on the rest of the sugar
      We don't need the metametaclass, we just want to operate on the metaclass
      Test fixes and improvements
      Begin moving Meta::Role to Meta::Role::Parameterizable
      Finish the move
      Add a new role metaclass for roles that have been parameterized
      no Moose
      Begin supporting methods by defining get_method_map and add_method which don't poke at packages (should probably port these back up to Moose and CMOP for anon classes)
      "method" keyword
      method tests
      use CMOPC->initialize instead of ->meta
      new_object instead of construct_instance
      Shouldn't this be enough? :)
      Add another test file
      More tests for application
      More tasks
      Class name fix
      Test that the type constraint is checked too
      Use method_metaclass; the other hardcoded classnames are easily overridden or fleeting
      Use Moose's new create_anon_role API
      Remove kludges previously required because we didn't have anonymous roles
      Test fix
      Anonymous roles are no longer an issue :D
      Implement a few more keywords; these are easy, they're just errors :)
      with()ing ordinary roles
      Make sure with()ing another parameterized role works
      Implement "requires" for parameterized roles
      Sketch out a tutorial :)
      Begin writing excludes.. seeing some weird errors, but.. heading to bed
      TODOify the test for now
      Finish excludes tests
      before, after, around
      Make sure we export blessed and confess
      We have all the keywords now
      Make sure we can pass references to roles
      Begin working out the tutorial
      Allow passing in an already constructed parameter object
      More docs
      For now, forbid "alias" and "excludes" as keywords
      Remove TODO, it's now sufficiently generic
      Make sure renaming the role block export works
      Minor fixes
      Remove #!/usr/bin/env perl
      dist.ini (dzil is diesel)
      More caveat tweaks
      Basic doc for each module
      Doc tweak
      Dist tweaks; this commit is 0.01
      POD fix
      Failing test for an unparameterized method
      Failing test for role metaobjects knowing their parameters
      Apply the parameterizable role to the parameterized role 8)
      Make sure we can use all of the keywords outside of the role block, and that they will make it into the eventual class
      Doc tweaks to reflect that keywords can be used outside of role {}
      Begin cleaning up the primary code
      Oops, this is applying the parameteriz*able* role, so rename the method
      Point to MooseX::Role::Matcher, it's a parameterized role
      Depend on a currently unreleased Moose so you don't go crazy with the failing test :)
      Doc tweaks
      Throw an error if there's no parameter name provided
      Using "parameter" inside the role block is an error
      Make sure we're throwing errors on alias/excludes
      Remove punctuation so the errors read better
      Date the Changes file; this commit is 0.02
      Correction: THIS commit is 0.02
      Bump to 0.03
      POD fix (thanks arcanehl)
      Make sure we can use traits => parameterized_role => { params } in an attribute
      Test fixes
      Parameterized traits work in 0.64
      New parameter metaclass (subclass of Moose::Meta::Attribute)
      Use the parameter metaclass
      Make sure this length parameter is r/o
      Make sure our new attribute metaclass is being used
      Rename parameter_metaclass to parameters_metaclass
      Use attribute_metaclass in the constructor for parameters_metaclass, and
      Better make_immutable invocation, because metaclass constructors are
      Default parameters to read-only
      Changes entry
      Document this new default
      Bump to 0.04
      Change the API of generate_role to a hash so we can specify more
      Pass consumer to generate_role
      Basic tests for the consumer argument being passed
      Document the consumer argument
      Bump to 0.05
      Only 8 tests
      Properly todoify these role-role tests
      All sorts of examples!
      Update Changes
      Bump to 0.06
      Fix the name of dieter's p-role user
      Fix some composite role application tests
      Add role_for_combination to fix prole-role combination
      Depend on Moose 0.78
      role_for_combination became private
      Doc for Parameter metaclass
      various doc improvements
      Move Tutorial to .pod
      Answer "why an object"
      Expand tutorial a bit more
      Remove implementation notes
      Use class_of
      Factor out duplication in method modifiers
      Be gentle
      Changes thus far
      Add NetHack::Item::Role::IncorporatesStats example
      Changes date
      Bump to 0.07
      Link to my prole blog post
      Convert to Module::Install, update POD
      We don't need to subclass Moose::Exporter any more
      Changes, bump to 0.08
      Bump to 0.09
      Give all modules a version number
      Bump to 0.10
      Fix the accessor-less attribute in a test now that Moose complains about it
      Update Changes
      Slightly less circular abstract :)
      Link to stevan's article
      Test-require Test::Moose for Fedora packaging
      Better synopsis
      0.11 changes and version
      More MXRPs
      Sort the examples
      More changes
      Depend on 5.8.1
      Bump to 0.12
      Traits can be more than str.. for example parameterized traits!
      Remove hyphen from parameteriz-ed and parameteriz-able
      Fix link
      Use is => bare if you need to
      Add a current_metaclass method to MXRP for forward compat
      0.12 changes
      Tests for current_metaclass
      Bump to 0.13
      MooseX::WithCache uses MXRP now
      Another use case: additional validation
      Simplify the synopsis a bit
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/nothingmuch/MooseX-Role-Parameterized
      Add link to my slides; changes
      Skip t/018-parameter-roles.t
      Bump to 0.14
      add skipped tests for curried p-role
      Make parameters_class an attribute instead of a class
      Add has_parameter method
      Keep track of the genitor of each parameterized role
      More tests to ensure everything goes where it needs to
      Only complain if the parameter keyword is called in the specific package
      Doc the Parameterized attributes
      Document MXRP::Meta::Role::Parameterizable
      Bump to 0.15
      Move the guts of MXRPMR::Parameterized into a trait
      Bump packages to version 0.15
      0.15 changes
      tutorial tweaks
      Doc tweaks
      Remove curried parameterized role test(!)
      Dep fixes
      0.16 changes
      Bump to 0.16
      0.17 packaging
      Improve the error message when you leave off the role {} block
      0.18 releng
      Remove listing of examples, just check cpants
      copyright year update
      Another article, this one rafl announcing MX::Declare support
      More verbosity in the tutorial
      Extending doc improvements
      0.19 releng
      Minor test refactoring to fix blead support [rt.perl.org #78244]
      Bump to 0.20
      Bump to 0.21, give rjbs credit :)
      Bump to 0.22 and its Changes
      Move the Test::More 0.96 dep from t/002-role-block to Makefile.PL
      Don't specify a new parameterized_role_metaclass
      Prose improvements
      More prose improvements
      0.23 and its Changes
      Note #63222 in Changes
      Add chromatic's blog post to SEE ALSO
      Refactor the SEE ALSO section
      Add jjnapiorkowski's post about p-roles and method traits
      Merge remote branch 'doy/master'
      0.24 and its Changes

Todd Hepler (1):
      TODO test for how I expected ->does to work

Yuval Kogman (2):
      use replace_constructor
      Add a failing test for parameter roles


No new revisions were added by this update.

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