[libxml-encoding-perl] 01/10: Merge tag 'upstream/2.09'

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat Jun 7 12:31:08 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libxml-encoding-perl.

commit c5abb8ba78c0c4edc8b31e87c944e52f7717af2c
Merge: a6b7cd5 dc7ed24
Author: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Jun 7 14:22:37 2014 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/2.09'
    Upstream version 2.09

 Changes                           |    86 +-
 MANIFEST                          |   103 +-
 META.json                         |    63 +
 META.yml                          |    58 +-
 Makefile.PL                       |   110 +-
 README                            |     0
 bin/compile_encoding              |     2 +-
 bin/make_encmap                   |     2 +
 encoding.h                        |     0
 lib/XML/Encoding.pm               |     4 +-
 maps/IANA-assigned-character-sets |     0
 maps/Japanese_Encodings.msg       |     0
 maps/README                       |     0
 maps/big5.xml                     |     0
 maps/encmap.dtd                   |     0
 maps/iso-8859-1.xml               |     0
 maps/iso-8859-10.xml              |     0
 maps/iso-8859-11.xml              |     0
 maps/iso-8859-13.xml              |     0
 maps/iso-8859-14.xml              |     0
 maps/iso-8859-15.xml              |     0
 maps/iso-8859-16.xml              |     0
 maps/iso-8859-2.xml               |     0
 maps/iso-8859-3.xml               |     0
 maps/iso-8859-4.xml               |     0
 maps/iso-8859-5.xml               |     0
 maps/iso-8859-6.xml               |     0
 maps/iso-8859-7.xml               |     0
 maps/iso-8859-8.xml               |     0
 maps/iso-8859-9.xml               |     0
 maps/kana-and-kanji.ent           | 12854 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 maps/oem.ent                      |  1546 ++---
 maps/windows-1250.xml             |     0
 maps/windows-1251.xml             |     0
 maps/windows-1252.xml             |     0
 maps/windows-1253.xml             |     0
 maps/windows-1254.xml             |     0
 maps/windows-1255.xml             |     0
 maps/windows-1256.xml             |     0
 maps/windows-1257.xml             |     0
 maps/windows-1258.xml             |     0
 maps/x-euc-jp-jisx0221.xml        |     0
 maps/x-euc-jp-part1.ent           |     0
 maps/x-euc-jp-part2.ent           |     0
 maps/x-euc-jp-part3.ent           |     0
 maps/x-euc-jp-part4.ent           |     0
 maps/x-euc-jp-unicode.xml         |     0
 maps/x-sjis-cp932.xml             |     0
 maps/x-sjis-jdk117.xml            |     0
 maps/x-sjis-jisx0221.xml          |     0
 maps/x-sjis-unicode.xml           |     0
 t/test.t                          |     2 +
 52 files changed, 7497 insertions(+), 7333 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libxml-encoding-perl.git

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