[libtest-bdd-cucumber-perl] 20/52: extracted i18n code from the parser and put it in a dedicated module

Intrigeri intrigeri at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jun 19 10:18:33 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

intrigeri pushed a commit to annotated tag 0.19
in repository libtest-bdd-cucumber-perl.

commit 9991bfdab9fb6ca98c550b23f1e6d8356b53ed8e
Author: glauschwuffel <glauschwuffel at nomaden.org>
Date:   Mon May 19 20:56:26 2014 +0200

    extracted i18n code from the parser and put it in a dedicated module
 lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/{Parser.pm => I18n.pm} | 340 +-------------
 lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Parser.pm              | 674 +--------------------------
 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 998 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Parser.pm b/lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/I18n.pm
similarity index 67%
copy from lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Parser.pm
copy to lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/I18n.pm
index e234f4c..0eb6e4d 100644
--- a/lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Parser.pm
+++ b/lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/I18n.pm
@@ -1,347 +1,33 @@
-package Test::BDD::Cucumber::Parser;
-=head1 NAME
-Test::BDD::Cucumber::Parser - Parse Feature files
-Parse Feature files in to a set of data classes
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- # Returns a Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Feature object
- my $feature = Test::BDD::Cucumber::Parser->parse_file(
-    't/data/features/basic_parse.feature' );
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 parse_string
-=head2 parse_file
-Both methods accept a single string as their argument, and return a
-L<Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Feature> object on success.
+package Test::BDD::Cucumber::I18n;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use Ouch;
-use utf8;
 use Encode qw(encode);
 use JSON::XS;
-use File::Slurp;
-use Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Document;
-use Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Feature;
-use Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Scenario;
-use Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Step;
-use Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::TagSpec;
-# https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber/wiki/Multiline-Step-Arguments
-# https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber/wiki/Scenario-outlines
+use utf8;
-# Parse keywords hash for all supported languages from DATA segment
+# Parse keywords hash for all supported languages from the DATA segment
 my $json      = join '', (<DATA>);
 my $json_utf8 = encode('UTF-8', $json);
-my $LANGUAGES = decode_json( $json_utf8 );
-sub parse_string {
-	my ( $class, $string, $tag_scheme ) = @_;
-	return $class->_construct( Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Document->new({
-		content => $string
-	}), $tag_scheme );
-sub parse_file   {
-	my ( $class, $string, $tag_scheme) = @_;
-	return $class->_construct( Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Document->new({
-		content  => scalar( read_file( $string, { binmode => ':utf8' } ) ),
-		filename => $string
-	}), $tag_scheme );
-sub _construct {
-	my ( $class, $document, $tag_scheme ) = @_;
-	my $feature = Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Feature->new({ document => $document });
-        my @lines = $class->_remove_next_blanks( @{ $document->lines } );
-	$feature->language($class->_extract_language(\@lines));
-	my $self = { keywords => $LANGUAGES->{$feature->language} };
-        bless $self, $class;
-	$self->_extract_scenarios(
-	$self->_extract_conditions_of_satisfaction(
-	$self->_extract_feature_name(
-        $feature, @lines
-	)));
-	return $feature;
-sub _extract_language {
-    my ($self, $lines)=@_;
-    # return default language if we don't see the language directive on the first line
-    return 'en' unless $lines->[0]->raw_content =~ m{^\s*#\s*language:\s+(.+)$};
-    # remove the language directive if we saw it ...
-    shift @$lines;
-    # ... and return the language it declared
-    return $1;
-sub _remove_next_blanks {
-    my ( $self, @lines ) = @_;
-    while ($lines[0] && $lines[0]->is_blank) {
-        shift( @lines );
-    }
-    return @lines;
-sub _extract_feature_name {
-	my ( $self, $feature, @lines ) = @_;
-	my @feature_tags = ();
-	while ( my $line = shift( @lines ) ) {
-		next if $line->is_comment;
-		last if $line->is_blank;
-		if ( $line->content =~ m/^(?:$self->{keywords}->{feature}): (.+)/ ) {
-			$feature->name( $1 );
-			$feature->name_line( $line );
-			$feature->tags( \@feature_tags );
-			last;
-		# Feature-level tags
-		} elsif ( $line->content =~ m/^\s*\@\w/ ) {
-			my @tags = $line->content =~ m/\@([^\s]+)/g;
-			push( @feature_tags, @tags );
-		} else {
-			ouch 'parse_error', "Malformed feature line", $line;
-		}
-	}
-	return $feature, $self->_remove_next_blanks( @lines );
-sub _extract_conditions_of_satisfaction {
-	my ( $self, $feature, @lines ) = @_;
-	while ( my $line = shift( @lines ) ) {
-		next if $line->is_comment || $line->is_blank;
-		if ( $line->content =~ m/^((?:$self->{keywords}->{background}):|(?:$self->{keywords}->{scenario}):|@)/ ) {
-			unshift( @lines, $line );
-			last;
-		} else {
-			push( @{ $feature->satisfaction }, $line );
-		}
-	}
-	return $feature, $self->_remove_next_blanks( @lines );
-sub _extract_scenarios {
-	my ( $self, $feature, @lines ) = @_;
-	my $scenarios = 0;
-	my @scenario_tags;
-	while ( my $line = shift( @lines ) ) {
-		next if $line->is_comment || $line->is_blank;
-		if ( $line->content =~ m/^((?:$self->{keywords}->{background})|(?:$self->{keywords}->{scenario}))(?: Outline)?: ?(.+)?/ ) {
-			my ( $type, $name ) = ( $1, $2 );
-			# Only one background section, and it must be the first
-			if ( $scenarios++ && $type =~ m/^($self->{keywords}->{background})/ ) {
-				ouch 'parse_error', "Background not allowed after scenarios",
-					$line;
-			}
-			# Create the scenario
-			my $scenario = Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Scenario->new({
-				( $name ? ( name => $name ) : () ),
-				background => $type =~ m/^($self->{keywords}->{background})/ ? 1 : 0,
-				line       => $line,
-				tags       => [@{$feature->tags}, @scenario_tags]
-			});
-			@scenario_tags = ();
+my $keywords  = decode_json( $json_utf8 );
-			# Attempt to populate it
-			@lines = $self->_extract_steps( $feature, $scenario, @lines );
-			if ( $type =~ m/^($self->{keywords}->{background})/ ) {
-				$feature->background( $scenario );
-			} else {
-				push( @{ $feature->scenarios }, $scenario );
-			}
-		# Scenario-level tags
-		} elsif ( $line->content =~ m/^\s*\@\w/ ) {
-			my @tags = $line->content =~ m/\@([^\s]+)/g;
-			push( @scenario_tags, @tags );
-		} else {
-			ouch 'parse_error', "Malformed scenario line", $line;
-		}
-	}
-	return $feature, $self->_remove_next_blanks( @lines );
+sub languages {
+    return keys $keywords;
-sub _extract_steps {
-	my ( $self, $feature, $scenario, @lines ) = @_;
-        my @givens = split( /\|/, $self->{keywords}->{given} );
-	my $last_verb = $givens[-1];
-	while ( my $line = shift( @lines ) ) {
-		next if $line->is_comment;
-		last if $line->is_blank;
-		# Conventional step?
-		if ( $line->content =~ m/^((?:$self->{keywords}->{given})|(?:$self->{keywords}->{and})|(?:$self->{keywords}->{when})|(?:$self->{keywords}->{then})|(?:$self->{keywords}->{but})) (.+)/ ) {
-			my ( $verb, $text ) = ( $1, $2 );
-			my $original_verb = $verb;
-			$verb = 'Given' if $verb =~ m/($self->{keywords}->{given})/;
-			$verb = 'When' if  $verb =~ m/($self->{keywords}->{when})/;
-			$verb = 'Then' if  $verb =~ m/($self->{keywords}->{then})/;
-			$verb = $last_verb if $verb =~ m/^($self->{keywords}->{and})/ or $verb =~ m/^($self->{keywords}->{but})/;
-            $last_verb = $verb;
-			my $step = Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Step->new({
-				text => $text,
-				verb => $verb,
-				line => $line,
-				verb_original => $original_verb,
-			});
-			@lines = $self->_extract_step_data(
-				$feature, $scenario, $step, @lines );
-			push( @{ $scenario->steps }, $step );
-		# Outline data block...
-		} elsif ( $line->content =~ m/^($self->{keywords}->{examples}):$/ ) {
-			return $self->_extract_table( 6, $scenario,
-			    $self->_remove_next_blanks( @lines ));
-		} else {
-		    warn $line->content;
-			ouch 'parse_error', "Malformed step line", $line;
-		}
-	}
-	return $self->_remove_next_blanks( @lines );
+sub has_language {
+    my ($language) = @_;
+    exists $keywords->{$language};
-sub _extract_step_data {
-	my ( $self, $feature, $scenario, $step, @lines ) = @_;
-    return unless @lines;
-    if ( $lines[0]->content eq '"""' ) {
-		return $self->_extract_multiline_string(
-		    $feature, $scenario, $step, @lines );
-    } elsif ( $lines[0]->content =~ m/^\s*\|/ ) {
-        return $self->_extract_table( 6, $step, @lines );
-    } else {
-        return @lines;
-    }
+sub keywords {
+    my ($language) = @_;
+    return unless has_language($language);
+    return $keywords->{$language};
-sub _extract_multiline_string {
-	my ( $self, $feature, $scenario, $step, @lines ) = @_;
-	my $data = '';
-    my $start = shift( @lines );
-    my $indent = $start->indent;
-	# Check we still have the minimum indentation
-	while ( my $line = shift( @lines ) ) {
-		if ( $line->content eq '"""' ) {
-			$step->data( $data );
-			return $self->_remove_next_blanks( @lines );
-		}
-		my $content = $line->content_remove_indentation( $indent );
-		# Unescape it
-		$content =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
-		push( @{ $step->data_as_strings }, $content );
-		$content .= "\n";
-		$data .= $content;
-	}
-	return;
-sub _extract_table {
-	my ( $self, $indent, $target, @lines ) = @_;
-	my @columns;
-    my $data = [];
-    $target->data($data);
-	while ( my $line = shift( @lines ) ) {
-		next if $line->is_comment;
-		return ($line, @lines) if index( $line->content, '|' );
-		my @rows = $self->_pipe_array( $line->content );
-		if ( $target->can('data_as_strings') ) {
-			my $t_content = $line->content;
-			$t_content =~ s/^\s+//;
-			push( @{ $target->data_as_strings }, $t_content );
-		}
-		if ( @columns ) {
-			ouch 'parse_error', "Inconsistent number of rows in table", $line
-				unless @rows == @columns;
-            $target->columns( [ @columns ] ) if $target->can('columns');
-			my $i = 0;
-			my %data_hash = map { $columns[$i++] => $_ } @rows;
-			push( @$data, \%data_hash );
-		} else {
-			@columns = @rows;
-		}
-	}
-	return;
-sub _pipe_array {
-	my ( $self, $string ) = @_;
-	my @atoms = split(/\|/, $string);
-	shift( @atoms );
-	return map { $_ =~ s/^\s+//; $_ =~ s/\s+$//; $_ } @atoms;
-L<Test::BDD::Cucumber> uses L<Ouch> for exception handling. Errors originating in this
-class tend to have a code of C<parse_error> and a L<Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Line>
-object for data.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Peter Sergeant C<pete at clueball.com>
-=head1 LICENSE
-Copyright 2011, Peter Sergeant; Licensed under the same terms as Perl
 	"en": {
diff --git a/lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Parser.pm b/lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Parser.pm
index e234f4c..1e974b5 100644
--- a/lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Parser.pm
+++ b/lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Parser.pm
@@ -29,9 +29,6 @@ use strict;
 use warnings;
 use Ouch;
-use utf8;
-use Encode qw(encode);
-use JSON::XS;
 use File::Slurp;
 use Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Document;
@@ -39,15 +36,11 @@ use Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Feature;
 use Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Scenario;
 use Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Step;
 use Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::TagSpec;
+use Test::BDD::Cucumber::I18n;
 # https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber/wiki/Multiline-Step-Arguments
 # https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber/wiki/Scenario-outlines
-# Parse keywords hash for all supported languages from DATA segment
-my $json      = join '', (<DATA>);
-my $json_utf8 = encode('UTF-8', $json);
-my $LANGUAGES = decode_json( $json_utf8 );
 sub parse_string {
 	my ( $class, $string, $tag_scheme ) = @_;
@@ -72,7 +65,8 @@ sub _construct {
-	my $self = { keywords => $LANGUAGES->{$feature->language} };
+	my $self = { keywords => 
+		     Test::BDD::Cucumber::I18n::keywords($feature->language) };
         bless $self, $class;
@@ -341,665 +335,3 @@ Peter Sergeant C<pete at clueball.com>
 Copyright 2011, Peter Sergeant; Licensed under the same terms as Perl
-	"en": {
-	  "name": "English",
-	  "native": "English",
-	  "feature": "Feature|Business Need|Ability",
-	  "background": "Background",
-	  "scenario": "Scenario",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Scenario Outline|Scenario Template",
-	  "examples": "Examples|Scenarios",
-	  "given": "[*]|Given",
-	  "when": "[*]|When",
-	  "then": "[*]|Then",
-	  "and": "[*]|And",
-	  "but": "[*]|But"
-	},
-	"ar": {
-	  "name": "Arabic",
-	  "native": "العربية",
-	  "feature": "خاصية",
-	  "background": "الخلفية",
-	  "scenario": "سيناريو",
-	  "scenario_outline": "سيناريو مخطط",
-	  "examples": "امثلة",
-	  "given": "[*]|بفرض",
-	  "when": "[*]|متى|عندما",
-	  "then": "[*]|اذاً|ثم",
-	  "and": "[*]|و",
-	  "but": "[*]|لكن"
-	},
-	"bm": {
-	  "name": "Malay",
-	  "native": "Bahasa Melayu",
-	  "feature": "Fungsi",
-	  "background": "Latar Belakang",
-	  "scenario": "Senario",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Menggariskan Senario ",
-	  "examples": "Contoh ",
-	  "given": "[*]|Bagi",
-	  "when": "[*]|Apabila",
-	  "then": "[*]|Kemudian",
-	  "and": "[*]|Dan",
-	  "but": "[*]|Tetapi"
-	},
-	"bg": {
-	  "name": "Bulgarian",
-	  "native": "български",
-	  "feature": "Функционалност",
-	  "background": "Предистория",
-	  "scenario": "Сценарий",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Рамка на сценарий",
-	  "examples": "Примери",
-	  "given": "[*]|Дадено",
-	  "when": "[*]|Когато",
-	  "then": "[*]|То",
-	  "and": "[*]|И",
-	  "but": "[*]|Но"
-	},
-	"ca": {
-	  "name": "Catalan",
-	  "native": "català",
-	  "background": "Rerefons|Antecedents",
-	  "feature": "Característica|Funcionalitat",
-	  "scenario": "Escenari",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Esquema de l'escenari",
-	  "examples": "Exemples",
-	  "given": "[*]|Donat|Donada|Atès|Atesa",
-	  "when": "[*]|Quan",
-	  "then": "[*]|Aleshores|Cal",
-	  "and": "[*]|I",
-	  "but": "[*]|Però"
-	},
-	"cy-GB": {
-	  "name": "Welsh",
-	  "native": "Cymraeg",
-	  "background": "Cefndir",
-	  "feature": "Arwedd",
-	  "scenario": "Scenario",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Scenario Amlinellol",
-	  "examples": "Enghreifftiau",
-	  "given": "[*]|Anrhegedig a",
-	  "when": "[*]|Pryd",
-	  "then": "[*]|Yna",
-	  "and": "[*]|A",
-	  "but": "[*]|Ond"
-	},
-	"cs": {
-	  "name": "Czech",
-	  "native": "Česky",
-	  "feature": "Požadavek",
-	  "background": "Pozadí|Kontext",
-	  "scenario": "Scénář",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Náčrt Scénáře|Osnova scénáře",
-	  "examples": "Příklady",
-	  "given": "[*]|Pokud|Za předpokladu",
-	  "when": "[*]|Když",
-	  "then": "[*]|Pak",
-	  "and": "[*]|A také|A",
-	  "but": "[*]|Ale"
-	},
-	"da": {
-	  "name": "Danish",
-	  "native": "dansk",
-	  "feature": "Egenskab",
-	  "background": "Baggrund",
-	  "scenario": "Scenarie",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Abstrakt Scenario",
-	  "examples": "Eksempler",
-	  "given": "[*]|Givet",
-	  "when": "[*]|Når",
-	  "then": "[*]|Så",
-	  "and": "[*]|Og",
-	  "but": "[*]|Men"
-	},
-	"de": {
-	  "name": "German",
-	  "native": "Deutsch",
-	  "feature": "Funktionalität",
-	  "background": "Grundlage",
-	  "scenario": "Szenario",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Szenariogrundriss",
-	  "examples": "Beispiele",
-	  "given": "[*]|Angenommen|Gegeben sei",
-	  "when": "[*]|Wenn",
-	  "then": "[*]|Dann",
-	  "and": "[*]|Und",
-	  "but": "[*]|Aber"
-	},
-	"en-au": {
-	  "name": "Australian",
-	  "native": "Australian",
-	  "feature": "Pretty much",
-	  "background": "First off",
-	  "scenario": "Awww, look mate",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Reckon it's like",
-	  "examples": "You'll wanna",
-	  "given": "[*]|Y'know",
-	  "when": "[*]|It's just unbelievable",
-	  "then": "[*]|But at the end of the day I reckon",
-	  "and": "[*]|Too right",
-	  "but": "[*]|Yeah nah"
-	},
-	"en-lol": {
-	  "name": "LOLCAT",
-	  "native": "LOLCAT",
-	  "feature": "OH HAI",
-	  "background": "B4",
-	  "scenario": "MISHUN",
-	  "scenario_outline": "MISHUN SRSLY",
-	  "examples": "EXAMPLZ",
-	  "given": "[*]|I CAN HAZ",
-	  "when": "[*]|WEN",
-	  "then": "[*]|DEN",
-	  "and": "[*]|AN",
-	  "but": "[*]|BUT"
-	},
-	"en-pirate": {
-	  "name": "Pirate",
-	  "native": "Pirate",
-	  "feature": "Ahoy matey!",
-	  "background": "Yo-ho-ho",
-	  "scenario": "Heave to",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Shiver me timbers",
-	  "examples": "Dead men tell no tales",
-	  "given": "[*]|Gangway!",
-	  "when": "[*]|Blimey!",
-	  "then": "[*]|Let go and haul",
-	  "and": "[*]|Aye",
-	  "but": "[*]|Avast!"
-	},
-	"en-Scouse": {
-	  "name": "Scouse",
-	  "native": "Scouse",
-	  "feature": "Feature",
-	  "background": "Dis is what went down",
-	  "scenario": "The thing of it is",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Wharrimean is",
-	  "examples": "Examples",
-	  "given": "[*]|Givun|Youse know when youse got",
-	  "when": "[*]|Wun|Youse know like when",
-	  "then": "[*]|Dun|Den youse gotta",
-	  "and": "[*]|An",
-	  "but": "[*]|Buh"
-	},
-	"en-tx": {
-	  "name": "Texan",
-	  "native": "Texan",
-	  "feature": "Feature",
-	  "background": "Background",
-	  "scenario": "Scenario",
-	  "scenario_outline": "All y'all",
-	  "examples": "Examples",
-	  "given": "[*]|Given y'all",
-	  "when": "[*]|When y'all",
-	  "then": "[*]|Then y'all",
-	  "and": "[*]|And y'all",
-	  "but": "[*]|But y'all"
-	},
-	"eo": {
-	  "name": "Esperanto",
-	  "native": "Esperanto",
-	  "feature": "Trajto",
-	  "background": "Fono",
-	  "scenario": "Scenaro",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Konturo de la scenaro",
-	  "examples": "Ekzemploj",
-	  "given": "[*]|Donitaĵo",
-	  "when": "[*]|Se",
-	  "then": "[*]|Do",
-	  "and": "[*]|Kaj",
-	  "but": "[*]|Sed"
-	},
-	"es": {
-	  "name": "Spanish",
-	  "native": "español",
-	  "background": "Antecedentes",
-	  "feature": "Característica",
-	  "scenario": "Escenario",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Esquema del escenario",
-	  "examples": "Ejemplos",
-	  "given": "[*]|Dado|Dada|Dados|Dadas",
-	  "when": "[*]|Cuando",
-	  "then": "[*]|Entonces",
-	  "and": "[*]|Y",
-	  "but": "[*]|Pero"
-	},
-	"et": {
-	  "name": "Estonian",
-	  "native": "eesti keel",
-	  "feature": "Omadus",
-	  "background": "Taust",
-	  "scenario": "Stsenaarium",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Raamstsenaarium",
-	  "examples": "Juhtumid",
-	  "given": "[*]|Eeldades",
-	  "when": "[*]|Kui",
-	  "then": "[*]|Siis",
-	  "and": "[*]|Ja",
-	  "but": "[*]|Kuid"
-	},
-    "fa": {
-        "name": "Persian",
-        "native": "فارسی",
-        "feature": "وِیژگی",
-        "background": "زمینه",
-        "scenario": "سناریو",
-        "scenario_outline": "الگوی سناریو",
-        "examples": "نمونه ها",
-        "given": "[*]|با فرض",
-        "when": "[*]|هنگامی",
-        "then": "[*]|آنگاه",
-        "and": "[*]|و",
-        "but": "[*]|اما"
-    },
-	"fi": {
-	  "name": "Finnish",
-	  "native": "suomi",
-	  "feature": "Ominaisuus",
-	  "background": "Tausta",
-	  "scenario": "Tapaus",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Tapausaihio",
-	  "examples": "Tapaukset",
-	  "given": "[*]|Oletetaan",
-	  "when": "[*]|Kun",
-	  "then": "[*]|Niin",
-	  "and": "[*]|Ja",
-	  "but": "[*]|Mutta"
-	},
-	"fr": {
-	  "name": "French",
-	  "native": "français",
-	  "feature": "Fonctionnalité",
-	  "background": "Contexte",
-	  "scenario": "Scénario",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Plan du scénario|Plan du Scénario",
-	  "examples": "Exemples",
-	  "given": "[*]|Soit|Etant donné|Etant donnée|Etant donnés|Etant données|Étant donné|Étant donnée|Étant donnés|Étant données",
-	  "when": "[*]|Quand|Lorsque|Lorsqu'<",
-	  "then": "[*]|Alors",
-	  "and": "[*]|Et",
-	  "but": "[*]|Mais"
-	},
-	"he": {
-	  "name": "Hebrew",
-	  "native": "עברית",
-	  "feature": "תכונה",
-	  "background": "רקע",
-	  "scenario": "תרחיש",
-	  "scenario_outline": "תבנית תרחיש",
-	  "examples": "דוגמאות",
-	  "given": "[*]|בהינתן",
-	  "when": "[*]|כאשר",
-	  "then": "[*]|אז|אזי",
-	  "and": "[*]|וגם",
-	  "but": "[*]|אבל"
-	},
-	"hr": {
-	  "name": "Croatian",
-	  "native": "hrvatski",
-	  "feature": "Osobina|Mogućnost|Mogucnost",
-	  "background": "Pozadina",
-	  "scenario": "Scenarij",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Skica|Koncept",
-	  "examples": "Primjeri|Scenariji",
-	  "given": "[*]|Zadan|Zadani|Zadano",
-	  "when": "[*]|Kada|Kad",
-	  "then": "[*]|Onda",
-	  "and": "[*]|I",
-	  "but": "[*]|Ali"
-	},
-	"hu": {
-	  "name": "Hungarian",
-	  "native": "magyar",
-	  "feature": "Jellemző",
-	  "background": "Háttér",
-	  "scenario": "Forgatókönyv",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Forgatókönyv vázlat",
-	  "examples": "Példák",
-	  "given": "[*]|Amennyiben|Adott",
-	  "when": "[*]|Majd|Ha|Amikor",
-	  "then": "[*]|Akkor",
-	  "and": "[*]|És",
-	  "but": "[*]|De"
-	},
-	"id": {
-	  "name": "Indonesian",
-	  "native": "Bahasa Indonesia",
-	  "feature": "Fitur",
-	  "background": "Dasar",
-	  "scenario": "Skenario",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Skenario konsep",
-	  "examples": "Contoh",
-	  "given": "[*]|Dengan",
-	  "when": "[*]|Ketika",
-	  "then": "[*]|Maka",
-	  "and": "[*]|Dan",
-	  "but": "[*]|Tapi"
-	},
-	"is": {
-	  "name": "Icelandic",
-	  "native": "Íslenska",
-	  "feature": "Eiginleiki",
-	  "background": "Bakgrunnur",
-	  "scenario": "Atburðarás",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Lýsing Atburðarásar|Lýsing Dæma",
-	  "examples": "Dæmi|Atburðarásir",
-	  "given": "[*]|Ef",
-	  "when": "[*]|Þegar",
-	  "then": "[*]|Þá",
-	  "and": "[*]|Og",
-	  "but": "[*]|En"
-	},
-	"it": {
-	  "name": "Italian",
-	  "native": "italiano",
-	  "feature": "Funzionalità",
-	  "background": "Contesto",
-	  "scenario": "Scenario",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Schema dello scenario",
-	  "examples": "Esempi",
-	  "given": "[*]|Dato|Data|Dati|Date",
-	  "when": "[*]|Quando",
-	  "then": "[*]|Allora",
-	  "and": "[*]|E",
-	  "but": "[*]|Ma"
-	},
-	"ja": {
-	  "name": "Japanese",
-	  "native": "日本語",
-	  "feature": "フィーチャ|機能",
-	  "background": "背景",
-	  "scenario": "シナリオ",
-	  "scenario_outline": "シナリオアウトライン|シナリオテンプレート|テンプレ|シナリオテンプレ",
-	  "examples": "例|サンプル",
-	  "given": "[*]|前提<",
-	  "when": "[*]|もし<",
-	  "then": "[*]|ならば<",
-	  "and": "[*]|かつ<",
-	  "but": "[*]|しかし<|但し<|ただし<"
-	},
-	"ko": {
-	  "name": "Korean",
-	  "native": "한국어",
-	  "background": "배경",
-	  "feature": "기능",
-	  "scenario": "시나리오",
-	  "scenario_outline": "시나리오 개요",
-	  "examples": "예",
-	  "given": "[*]|조건<|먼저<",
-	  "when": "[*]|만일<|만약<",
-	  "then": "[*]|그러면<",
-	  "and": "[*]|그리고<",
-	  "but": "[*]|하지만<|단<"
-	},
-	"lt": {
-	  "name": "Lithuanian",
-	  "native": "lietuvių kalba",
-	  "feature": "Savybė",
-	  "background": "Kontekstas",
-	  "scenario": "Scenarijus",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Scenarijaus šablonas",
-	  "examples": "Pavyzdžiai|Scenarijai|Variantai",
-	  "given": "[*]|Duota",
-	  "when": "[*]|Kai",
-	  "then": "[*]|Tada",
-	  "and": "[*]|Ir",
-	  "but": "[*]|Bet"
-	},
-	"lu": {
-	  "name": "Luxemburgish",
-	  "native": "Lëtzebuergesch",
-	  "feature": "Funktionalitéit",
-	  "background": "Hannergrond",
-	  "scenario": "Szenario",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Plang vum Szenario",
-	  "examples": "Beispiller",
-	  "given": "[*]|ugeholl",
-	  "when": "[*]|wann",
-	  "then": "[*]|dann",
-	  "and": "[*]|an|a",
-	  "but": "[*]|awer|mä"
-	},
-	"lv": {
-	  "name": "Latvian",
-	  "native": "latviešu",
-	  "feature": "Funkcionalitāte|Fīča",
-	  "background": "Konteksts|Situācija",
-	  "scenario": "Scenārijs",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Scenārijs pēc parauga",
-	  "examples": "Piemēri|Paraugs",
-	  "given": "[*]|Kad",
-	  "when": "[*]|Ja",
-	  "then": "[*]|Tad",
-	  "and": "[*]|Un",
-	  "but": "[*]|Bet"
-	},
-	"nl": {
-	  "name": "Dutch",
-	  "native": "Nederlands",
-	  "feature": "Functionaliteit",
-	  "background": "Achtergrond",
-	  "scenario": "Scenario",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Abstract Scenario",
-	  "examples": "Voorbeelden",
-	  "given": "[*]|Gegeven|Stel",
-	  "when": "[*]|Als",
-	  "then": "[*]|Dan",
-	  "and": "[*]|En",
-	  "but": "[*]|Maar"
-	},
-	"no": {
-	  "name": "Norwegian",
-	  "native": "norsk",
-	  "feature": "Egenskap",
-	  "background": "Bakgrunn",
-	  "scenario": "Scenario",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Scenariomal|Abstrakt Scenario",
-	  "examples": "Eksempler",
-	  "given": "[*]|Gitt",
-	  "when": "[*]|Når",
-	  "then": "[*]|Så",
-	  "and": "[*]|Og",
-	  "but": "[*]|Men"
-	},
-	"pl": {
-	  "name": "Polish",
-	  "native": "polski",
-	  "feature": "Właściwość|Funkcja|Aspekt|Potrzeba biznesowa",
-	  "background": "Założenia",
-	  "scenario": "Scenariusz",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Szablon scenariusza",
-	  "examples": "Przykłady",
-	  "given": "[*]|Zakładając|Mając",
-	  "when": "[*]|Jeżeli|Jeśli|Gdy|Kiedy",
-	  "then": "[*]|Wtedy",
-	  "and": "[*]|Oraz|I",
-	  "but": "[*]|Ale"
-	},
-	"pt": {
-	  "name": "Portuguese",
-	  "native": "português",
-	  "background": "Contexto|Cenário de Fundo|Cenario de Fundo|Fundo",
-	  "feature": "Funcionalidade|Característica|Caracteristica",
-	  "scenario": "Cenário|Cenario",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Esquema do Cenário|Esquema do Cenario|Delineação do Cenário|Delineacao do Cenario",
-	  "examples": "Exemplos|Cenários|Cenarios",
-	  "given": "[*]|Dado|Dada|Dados|Dadas",
-	  "when": "[*]|Quando",
-	  "then": "[*]|Então|Entao",
-	  "and": "[*]|E",
-	  "but": "[*]|Mas"
-	},
-	"ro": {
-	  "name": "Romanian",
-	  "native": "română",
-	  "background": "Context",
-	  "feature": "Functionalitate|Funcționalitate|Funcţionalitate",
-	  "scenario": "Scenariu",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Structura scenariu|Structură scenariu",
-	  "examples": "Exemple",
-	  "given": "[*]|Date fiind|Dat fiind|Dati fiind|Dați fiind|Daţi fiind",
-	  "when": "[*]|Cand|Când",
-	  "then": "[*]|Atunci",
-	  "and": "[*]|Si|Și|Şi",
-	  "but": "[*]|Dar"
-	},
-	"ru": {
-	  "name": "Russian",
-	  "native": "русский",
-	  "feature": "Функция|Функционал|Свойство",
-	  "background": "Предыстория|Контекст",
-	  "scenario": "Сценарий",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Структура сценария",
-	  "examples": "Примеры",
-	  "given": "[*]|Допустим|Дано|Пусть",
-	  "when": "[*]|Если|Когда",
-	  "then": "[*]|То|Тогда",
-	  "and": "[*]|И|К тому же|Также",
-	  "but": "[*]|Но|А"
-	},
-	"sv": {
-	  "name": "Swedish",
-	  "native": "Svenska",
-	  "feature": "Egenskap",
-	  "background": "Bakgrund",
-	  "scenario": "Scenario",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Abstrakt Scenario|Scenariomall",
-	  "examples": "Exempel",
-	  "given": "[*]|Givet",
-	  "when": "[*]|När",
-	  "then": "[*]|Så",
-	  "and": "[*]|Och",
-	  "but": "[*]|Men"
-	},
-	"sk": {
-	  "name": "Slovak",
-	  "native": "Slovensky",
-	  "feature": "Požiadavka",
-	  "background": "Pozadie",
-	  "scenario": "Scenár",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Náčrt Scenáru",
-	  "examples": "Príklady",
-	  "given": "[*]|Pokiaľ",
-	  "when": "[*]|Keď",
-	  "then": "[*]|Tak",
-	  "and": "[*]|A",
-	  "but": "[*]|Ale"
-	},
-	"sr-Latn": {
-	  "name": "Serbian (Latin)",
-	  "native": "Srpski (Latinica)",
-	  "feature": "Funkcionalnost|Mogućnost|Mogucnost|Osobina",
-	  "background": "Kontekst|Osnova|Pozadina",
-	  "scenario": "Scenario|Primer",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Struktura scenarija|Skica|Koncept",
-	  "examples": "Primeri|Scenariji",
-	  "given": "[*]|Zadato|Zadate|Zatati",
-	  "when": "[*]|Kada|Kad",
-	  "then": "[*]|Onda",
-	  "and": "[*]|I",
-	  "but": "[*]|Ali"
-	},
-	"sr-Cyrl": {
-	  "name": "Serbian",
-	  "native": "Српски",
-	  "feature": "Функционалност|Могућност|Особина",
-	  "background": "Контекст|Основа|Позадина",
-	  "scenario": "Сценарио|Пример",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Структура сценарија|Скица|Концепт",
-	  "examples": "Примери|Сценарији",
-	  "given": "[*]|Задато|Задате|Задати",
-	  "when": "[*]|Када|Кад",
-	  "then": "[*]|Онда",
-	  "and": "[*]|И",
-	  "but": "[*]|Али"
-	},
-	"tr": {
-	  "name": "Turkish",
-	  "native": "Türkçe",
-	  "feature": "Özellik",
-	  "background": "Geçmiş",
-	  "scenario": "Senaryo",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Senaryo taslağı",
-	  "examples": "Örnekler",
-	  "given": "[*]|Diyelim ki",
-	  "when": "[*]|Eğer ki",
-	  "then": "[*]|O zaman",
-	  "and": "[*]|Ve",
-	  "but": "[*]|Fakat|Ama"
-	},
-	"uk": {
-	  "name": "Ukrainian",
-	  "native": "Українська",
-	  "feature": "Функціонал",
-	  "background": "Передумова",
-	  "scenario": "Сценарій",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Структура сценарію",
-	  "examples": "Приклади",
-	  "given": "[*]|Припустимо|Припустимо, що|Нехай|Дано",
-	  "when": "[*]|Якщо|Коли",
-	  "then": "[*]|То|Тоді",
-	  "and": "[*]|І|А також|Та",
-	  "but": "[*]|Але"
-	},
-	"uz": {
-	  "name": "Uzbek",
-	  "native": "Узбекча",
-	  "feature": "Функционал",
-	  "background": "Тарих",
-	  "scenario": "Сценарий",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Сценарий структураси",
-	  "examples": "Мисоллар",
-	  "given": "[*]|Агар",
-	  "when": "[*]|Агар",
-	  "then": "[*]|Унда",
-	  "and": "[*]|Ва",
-	  "but": "[*]|Лекин|Бирок|Аммо"
-	},
-	"vi": {
-	  "name": "Vietnamese",
-	  "native": "Tiếng Việt",
-	  "feature": "Tính năng",
-	  "background": "Bối cảnh",
-	  "scenario": "Tình huống|Kịch bản",
-	  "scenario_outline": "Khung tình huống|Khung kịch bản",
-	  "examples": "Dữ liệu",
-	  "given": "[*]|Biết|Cho",
-	  "when": "[*]|Khi",
-	  "then": "[*]|Thì",
-	  "and": "[*]|Và",
-	  "but": "[*]|Nhưng"
-	},
-	"zh-CN": {
-	  "name": "Chinese simplified",
-	  "native": "简体中文",
-	  "feature": "功能",
-	  "background": "背景",
-	  "scenario": "场景|剧本",
-	  "scenario_outline": "场景大纲|剧本大纲",
-	  "examples": "例子",
-	  "given": "[*]|假如<|假设<|假定<",
-	  "when": "[*]|当<",
-	  "then": "[*]|那么<",
-	  "and": "[*]|而且<|并且<|同时<",
-	  "but": "[*]|但是<"
-	},
-	"zh-TW": {
-	  "name": "Chinese traditional",
-	  "native": "繁體中文",
-	  "feature": "功能",
-	  "background": "背景",
-	  "scenario": "場景|劇本",
-	  "scenario_outline": "場景大綱|劇本大綱",
-	  "examples": "例子",
-	  "given": "[*]|假如<|假設<|假定<",
-	  "when": "[*]|當<",
-	  "then": "[*]|那麼<",
-	  "and": "[*]|而且<|並且<|同時<",
-	  "but": "[*]|但是<"
-	}

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libtest-bdd-cucumber-perl.git

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