[libtest-bdd-cucumber-perl] 35/52: Added temp var for langdef so the lines referring to it read a bit nicer. Reformatted changed functions with perltidy (tabs are gone now). Minor corrections to keyword regexes.
intrigeri at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jun 19 10:18:35 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
intrigeri pushed a commit to annotated tag 0.19
in repository libtest-bdd-cucumber-perl.
commit 8f71cf553c8ea2503f8117e8e4f9f463825d70d3
Author: glauschwuffel <glauschwuffel at nomaden.org>
Date: Sat May 31 07:47:20 2014 +0200
Added temp var for langdef so the lines referring to it read a bit nicer. Reformatted changed functions with perltidy (tabs are gone now). Minor corrections to keyword regexes.
lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Parser.pm | 204 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
1 file changed, 108 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Parser.pm b/lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Parser.pm
index d3b2d6e..d05d52c 100644
--- a/lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Parser.pm
+++ b/lib/Test/BDD/Cucumber/Parser.pm
@@ -128,113 +128,125 @@ sub _extract_feature_name {
sub _extract_conditions_of_satisfaction {
- my ( $self, $feature, @lines ) = @_;
- while ( my $line = shift( @lines ) ) {
- next if $line->is_comment || $line->is_blank;
- if ( $line->content =~ m/^((?:$self->{langdef}->{background}):|(?:$self->{langdef}->{scenario}):|@)/ ) {
- unshift( @lines, $line );
- last;
- } else {
- push( @{ $feature->satisfaction }, $line );
- }
- }
+ my ( $self, $feature, @lines ) = @_;
+ while ( my $line = shift(@lines) ) {
+ next if $line->is_comment || $line->is_blank;
+ my $langdef = $self->{langdef};
+ if ( $line->content =~ m/^((?:$langdef->{background}):|(?:$langdef->{scenario}):|@)/) {
+ unshift( @lines, $line );
+ last;
+ } else {
+ push( @{ $feature->satisfaction }, $line );
+ }
+ }
- return $feature, $self->_remove_next_blanks( @lines );
+ return $feature, $self->_remove_next_blanks(@lines);
sub _extract_scenarios {
- my ( $self, $feature, @lines ) = @_;
- my $scenarios = 0;
- my @scenario_tags;
- while ( my $line = shift( @lines ) ) {
- next if $line->is_comment || $line->is_blank;
- if ( $line->content =~ m/^((?:$self->{langdef}->{background})|(?:$self->{langdef}->{scenario}))(?: Outline)?: ?(.+)?/ ) {
- my ( $type, $name ) = ( $1, $2 );
- # Only one background section, and it must be the first
- if ( $scenarios++ && $type =~ m/^($self->{langdef}->{background})/ ) {
- ouch 'parse_error', "Background not allowed after scenarios",
- $line;
- }
- # Create the scenario
- my $scenario = Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Scenario->new({
- ( $name ? ( name => $name ) : () ),
- background => $type =~ m/^($self->{langdef}->{background})/ ? 1 : 0,
- line => $line,
- tags => [@{$feature->tags}, @scenario_tags]
- });
- @scenario_tags = ();
- # Attempt to populate it
- @lines = $self->_extract_steps( $feature, $scenario, @lines );
- if ( $type =~ m/^($self->{langdef}->{background})/ ) {
- $feature->background( $scenario );
- } else {
- push( @{ $feature->scenarios }, $scenario );
- }
- # Scenario-level tags
- } elsif ( $line->content =~ m/^\s*\@\w/ ) {
- my @tags = $line->content =~ m/\@([^\s]+)/g;
- push( @scenario_tags, @tags );
- } else {
- ouch 'parse_error', "Malformed scenario line", $line;
- }
- }
+ my ( $self, $feature, @lines ) = @_;
+ my $scenarios = 0;
+ my @scenario_tags;
+ while ( my $line = shift(@lines) ) {
+ next if $line->is_comment || $line->is_blank;
+ my $langdef = $self->{langdef};
+ if ( $line->content =~ m/^((?:$langdef->{background})|(?:$langdef->{scenario}))(?: Outline)?: ?(.+)?/) {
+ my ( $type, $name ) = ( $1, $2 );
+ # Only one background section, and it must be the first
+ if ( $scenarios++ && $type =~ m/^($langdef->{background})/ ) {
+ ouch 'parse_error', "Background not allowed after scenarios",
+ $line;
+ }
+ # Create the scenario
+ my $scenario = Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Scenario->new(
+ {
+ ( $name ? ( name => $name ) : () ),
+ background => $type =~ m/^($langdef->{background})/ ? 1 : 0,
+ line => $line,
+ tags => [ @{ $feature->tags }, @scenario_tags ]
+ }
+ );
+ @scenario_tags = ();
+ # Attempt to populate it
+ @lines = $self->_extract_steps( $feature, $scenario, @lines );
+ if ( $type =~ m/^($langdef->{background})/ ) {
+ $feature->background($scenario);
+ } else {
+ push( @{ $feature->scenarios }, $scenario );
+ }
+ # Scenario-level tags
+ } elsif ( $line->content =~ m/^\s*\@\w/ ) {
+ my @tags = $line->content =~ m/\@([^\s]+)/g;
+ push( @scenario_tags, @tags );
+ } else {
+ ouch 'parse_error', "Malformed scenario line", $line;
+ }
+ }
- return $feature, $self->_remove_next_blanks( @lines );
+ return $feature, $self->_remove_next_blanks(@lines);
sub _extract_steps {
- my ( $self, $feature, $scenario, @lines ) = @_;
- my @givens = split( /\|/, $self->{langdef}->{given} );
- my $last_verb = $givens[-1];
- while ( my $line = shift( @lines ) ) {
- next if $line->is_comment;
- last if $line->is_blank;
- # Conventional step?
- if ( $line->content =~ m/^((?:$self->{langdef}->{given})|(?:$self->{langdef}->{and})|(?:$self->{langdef}->{when})|(?:$self->{langdef}->{then})|(?:$self->{langdef}->{but})) (.+)/ ) {
- my ( $verb, $text ) = ( $1, $2 );
- my $original_verb = $verb;
- $verb = 'Given' if $verb =~ m/^($self->{langdef}->{given}$)/;
- $verb = 'When' if $verb =~ m/^($self->{langdef}->{when}$)/;
- $verb = 'Then' if $verb =~ m/^($self->{langdef}->{then}$)/;
- $verb = $last_verb if $verb =~ m/^($self->{langdef}->{and}$)/ or $verb =~ m/^($self->{langdef}->{but}$)/;
+ my ( $self, $feature, $scenario, @lines ) = @_;
+ my $langdef = $self->{langdef};
+ my @givens = split( /\|/, $langdef->{given} );
+ my $last_verb = $givens[-1];
+ while ( my $line = shift(@lines) ) {
+ next if $line->is_comment;
+ last if $line->is_blank;
+ # Conventional step?
+ if ( $line->content =~
+m/^((?:$langdef->{given})|(?:$langdef->{and})|(?:$langdef->{when})|(?:$langdef->{then})|(?:$langdef->{but})) (.+)/
+ )
+ {
+ my ( $verb, $text ) = ( $1, $2 );
+ my $original_verb = $verb;
+ $verb = 'Given' if $verb =~ m/^($langdef->{given})$/;
+ $verb = 'When' if $verb =~ m/^($langdef->{when})$/;
+ $verb = 'Then' if $verb =~ m/^($langdef->{then})$/;
+ $verb = $last_verb
+ if $verb =~ m/^($langdef->{and})$/
+ or $verb =~ m/^($langdef->{but}$)/;
$last_verb = $verb;
- my $step = Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Step->new({
- text => $text,
- verb => $verb,
- line => $line,
- verb_original => $original_verb,
- });
- @lines = $self->_extract_step_data(
- $feature, $scenario, $step, @lines );
- push( @{ $scenario->steps }, $step );
- # Outline data block...
- } elsif ( $line->content =~ m/^($self->{langdef}->{examples}):$/ ) {
- return $self->_extract_table( 6, $scenario,
- $self->_remove_next_blanks( @lines ));
- } else {
- warn $line->content;
- ouch 'parse_error', "Malformed step line", $line;
- }
- }
+ my $step = Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Step->new(
+ {
+ text => $text,
+ verb => $verb,
+ line => $line,
+ verb_original => $original_verb,
+ }
+ );
+ @lines =
+ $self->_extract_step_data( $feature, $scenario, $step, @lines );
+ push( @{ $scenario->steps }, $step );
+ # Outline data block...
+ } elsif ( $line->content =~ m/^($langdef->{examples}):$/ ) {
+ return $self->_extract_table( 6, $scenario,
+ $self->_remove_next_blanks(@lines) );
+ } else {
+ warn $line->content;
+ ouch 'parse_error', "Malformed step line", $line;
+ }
+ }
- return $self->_remove_next_blanks( @lines );
+ return $self->_remove_next_blanks(@lines);
sub _extract_step_data {
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