[libmarpa-r2-perl] 19/32: Packaging

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Sat Nov 22 18:38:38 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a commit to annotated tag Marpa-R2-2.087_000
in repository libmarpa-r2-perl.

commit da5251fc70ad6569831d3ff6dd45c8490eec09c6
Author: Jeffrey Kegler <JKEGL at cpan.org>
Date:   Sat Jul 5 14:34:30 2014 -0700

 cpan/inc/Marpa/R2/Build_Me.pm | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 cpan/lib/Marpa/R2.pm          | 13 +++---------
 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cpan/inc/Marpa/R2/Build_Me.pm b/cpan/inc/Marpa/R2/Build_Me.pm
index 3c3e35a..29438b0 100644
--- a/cpan/inc/Marpa/R2/Build_Me.pm
+++ b/cpan/inc/Marpa/R2/Build_Me.pm
@@ -281,11 +281,31 @@ sub process_xs {
     my $libmarpa_build_directory =
         File::Spec->catdir( $self->base_dir(), 'libmarpa_build' );
+    my $switched_to_file =
+        File::Spec->catdir( $libmarpa_build_directory, 'SWITCHED_TO' );
     if ( defined $self->args('libmarpa-external') ) {
-        my $libmarpa_external_flags = $self->args('libmarpa-external'); 
+        my $libmarpa_external_flags = $self->args('libmarpa-external');
         push @extra_linker_flags, split q{ }, $libmarpa_external_flags;
-    } else
-    {
+        $self->log_info("Using external Libmarpa\n");
+        $self->log_info("Deleting $switched_to_file\n");
+        File::Path::rmtree( $switched_to_file, 0, 0 );
+        die "Couldn't remove '$switched_to_file': $!\n"
+            if -e $switched_to_file;
+        $switched_to_file = undef;
+    } ## end if ( defined $self->args('libmarpa-external') )
+    else {
+        # Is there a switched to file?
+        # If not create it.
+        if ( not -e $switched_to_file ) {
+            open my $fh, q{>}, $switched_to_file;
+            print {$fh}
+                "DO NOT EDIT -- automatically generated by $PROGRAM_NAME\n",
+                "Last switch to built-in Libmarpa: "
+                . localtime()->datetime . qq{\n}
+                or die "print failed: $ERRNO";
+            close $fh;
+        } ## end if ( not -e $switched_to_file )
         my $libmarpa_archive;
         FIND_LIBRARY: {
             if ($Marpa::R2::USE_PERL_AUTOCONF) {
@@ -302,7 +322,7 @@ sub process_xs {
                 File::Spec->catfile( $libmarpa_libs_dir, 'libmarpa.a' );
         } ## end FIND_LIBRARY:
         push @{ $self->{properties}->{objects} }, $libmarpa_archive;
-    }
+    } ## end else [ if ( defined $self->args('libmarpa-external') ) ]
     # .xs -> .bs
     $self->add_to_cleanup( $spec->{bs_file} );
@@ -318,22 +338,32 @@ sub process_xs {
     } ## end unless ( $self->up_to_date( $xs_file, $spec->{bs_file} ) )
     # .o -> .(a|bundle)
-    return marpa_link_c( $self, $spec, \@extra_linker_flags );
+    return marpa_link_c( $self, $spec, \@extra_linker_flags, $switched_to_file );
 } ## end sub process_xs
 # The following was initially copied from Module::Build, and has
 # been customized for Marpa.
 sub marpa_link_c {
-    my ( $self, $spec, $extra_linker_flags ) = @_;
+    my ( $self, $spec, $extra_linker_flags, $switched_to_file ) = @_;
     my $p = $self->{properties};                             # For convenience
     $self->add_to_cleanup( $spec->{lib_file} );
     my $objects = $p->{objects} || [];
-    return $spec->{lib_file}
-        if $self->up_to_date( [ $spec->{obj_file}, @{$objects} ],
-        $spec->{lib_file} );
+    my @dependencies = ($spec->{obj_file});
+    push @dependencies, @{$objects};
+    push @dependencies, $switched_to_file if defined $switched_to_file;
+    # Always relink if libmarpa-external is specified
+    if (
+    not  defined $self->args('libmarpa-external') and
+    $self->up_to_date( \@dependencies,
+            $spec->{lib_file}
+        )
+        )
+    {
+        return $spec->{lib_file};
+    } ## end if ( $self->up_to_date( [ $spec->{obj_file}, @{$objects...}]))
     my $module_name = $spec->{module_name} || $self->module_name;
diff --git a/cpan/lib/Marpa/R2.pm b/cpan/lib/Marpa/R2.pm
index 595633b..5547ce6 100644
--- a/cpan/lib/Marpa/R2.pm
+++ b/cpan/lib/Marpa/R2.pm
@@ -76,20 +76,13 @@ LOAD_EXPLICIT_LIBRARY: {
     $Marpa::R2::LIBMARPA_FILE = $file;
-eval {
+my $ok = eval {
     require XSLoader;
     XSLoader::load( 'Marpa::R2', $Marpa::R2::STRING_VERSION );
-} or do {
-    say STDERR "XSLoader problem: ", $EVAL_ERROR;
-    say STDERR "Trying DynaLaoder";
-    require DynaLoader;
-## no critic(ClassHierarchies::ProhibitExplicitISA)
-    push @ISA, 'DynaLoader';
-    Dynaloader::bootstrap Marpa::R2 $Marpa::R2::STRING_VERSION;
-# or Carp::croak("Could not load XS version of Marpa::R2: $EVAL_ERROR");
+Carp::croak( "Marpa::R2 failed due to an XSLoader problem\n" . $EVAL_ERROR )
+    if not $ok;
 if ( not $ENV{'MARPA_AUTHOR_TEST'} ) {
     $Marpa::R2::DEBUG = 0;

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libmarpa-r2-perl.git

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