[libmodule-cpants-analyse-perl] branch master updated (7bcdab1 -> 41a3c99)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Fri Oct 17 19:40:17 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libmodule-cpants-analyse-perl.
from 7bcdab1 update changelog
new 3691917 Drop repacking framework, the files are gone in the new release.
new 30ad89c update changelog
new bce5fc5 Add debian/upstream/metadata
new 96c5ec0 Update debian/changelog
adds 96975b4 imported old repository (without history...)
adds 83a6529 applied doc patch submitted by MSTEVENS as RT #26379
adds a2a3d61 hopefully fixed RT #25207 (test failures on Win32) reported (and patched..) by HEMINGWAY
adds a57bfb0 switched from Getopt::Std to Getopt::Long, added --no_capture option for easier debugging, added --verbose options
adds 4475e03 skip very large test-files, only check *.t files (not everything in t/) as suggested by CASIANO
adds 58c8e70 FindModules: do not check META.yml for provides
adds dd5bcf5 resolved RT #25198 reported by bdfoy using his patch
adds 5855041 fixed RT #24228 reported by THALJEF - t/99_critic.t now only runs if $ENV{AUTHOR_TEST} is set
adds bc154a6 has_examples now also checks for p(m|od) file
adds 2578f3f fixed RT #26535 reported by MTHURN
adds 649c147 has_license now also checks for LICENCE (as suggested by David Cantrell)
adds cdd47a2 fixed tests, updated CHANGES
adds c2d132a updated CHANGES
adds 9dddc76 add Kwalitee::NeedsCompiler first version, checking .c, .h. .xs files in the distro
adds f95cd94 NeedsCompiler also if module depends on either Inline:: or ExtUtils::CBuilderor or ExtUtils::ParseXS
adds b3d2834 noted Gabors patch in Changes
adds 1bfb193 added patches by Barbie to fix Windows directory seperator and improve MetaYAML testing
adds b72e88f added --yaml to cpants_lint.pl
adds 671ad32 added --yaml to cpants_lint.pl
adds e108b5b set dist to a usable default if a package is not extractable
adds d0947af implemented to_file dumping
adds 9272eea added docs to cpants_lint.pl
adds e0bdada dist housekeeping
adds 9b8858d added version to dump file
adds 824b322 fixed bad parenthese in MCK::NeedsCompiler, as reported by several people
adds 11c761c space vs tab mixup
adds 244e7c8 bumped version
adds 2cc3d81 work around Pod::Simple::Checker returning strange data
adds ccc15b4 fixed bug in MCK::MetaYML::check_spec_conformance, which caused wrong results in metayml_conforms_spec*
adds 6f175bb switched to YAML::Syck
adds 2439509 more metayml fixes
adds e5740a0 added workaround for metayaml bugs
adds eb94bc5 fixed some tests, bumped version
adds 61208f5 added version.pm to prereq
adds 48d204e added
adds c2a960e added optional metric use_warnings, added directory 'xt' as a potential location for test files
adds 2235214 finally applied patch provided by Adriano Ferreira to fix some issues in MCK::Manifest. See RT #28982
adds f97b907 updated MANIFEST
adds 3f127ca dist housekeeping
adds f8c8bae reworded metayml_is_parsable remedy
adds 0da0799 removed workaround in MCK::MetaYML (Barbie fixed it the problem in Test::YAML::Meta)
adds 05fc8d7 added needs_db to metrics and removed hardcoded workaround for is_prereq
adds 688b47d prereq_matches_use stuff
adds 481050f fixed typoes
adds 7595ac9 changed data structure: all errors are now in a hashref called 'error'
adds 667c341 made 'prereq_matches_use' and 'build_prereq_matches_use' optional metrics
adds 13747ab dist housekeeping
adds 3e8e8f5 add TODO
adds 903c1ac more TODO
adds 8ad330d add to TODO
adds 108e8e8 more TODO
adds 40c89c8 add no_generated_files metric to the analyzer
adds 0c0775d add kwalitee to data so we can have nested metrics
adds f48c6e6 add easily repackageable metrics
adds 573ce0a add Repackageable.pm
adds 9fc22b4 add metric has_version_in_each_file
adds fb4a83a add easily_repackagable_by_debian
adds a716b90 add has_test_in_t_dir metric
adds 3cc8e34 add checking for STDIN in Makefile.PL or Build.PL
adds 9fc6388 add no_stdin_for_prompting metric checking for STDIN in Makefile.PL and Build.PL
adds 5a760fd fixed the typo in easily_repackageagble
adds 105f66f moved has_version_in_each_file into MCK::Version & fixed a bug in it
adds 561e162 upgraded 2 metric to core ones
adds 2f05388 bumped version numbers
adds d25a82b downgraded new tests to is_extra again, to not upset people to much..
adds a4af78e very hacky workaround for problems with Meta.YML, version objects, etc
adds 9bad5b5 regex that actually works for workaround;
adds 59392b1 more minor fiddling
adds 6ca218e dist housekeepking
adds f60f15b create the fits_fedora_license from the easily_repackageable_by_fedora license
adds c00d6d9 factor out the _aggregator call in the repackageable metrics and replace the is_aggregate key by the aggregates key listing the aggregated keys
adds d730792 add TODO
adds 07e002d renamed some error fields
adds d0be809 TODO and Changes and better checking for STDIN in Makefile.PL
adds 47ac719 add metayml_declares_perl_version metric
adds e938906 replace File::Find by File::Find::Rule
adds c567105 some refactoring
adds 5dddb26 add no_large_files metric
adds 9b94c80 cleanup tests
adds 7e6ad9c move the author related tests to xt/
adds ca8cd22 turned metayml_declares_perl_version into is_extra
adds e571ec8 move some test over
adds fcebc3f add Text-CSV_XS-0.40.tgz to the test
adds fbb5fb5 skip files_hahs
adds 024307e dist housekeeping
adds 6ec42cc add two more distros to test to increase coverage
adds f40961a fix qq
adds 5bd00ad fix test broken in released version
adds cd6b162 add more unit tests and fix the $ display issue. A bit
adds fd2aaa9 simplify the way the VERSION number is looked up
adds ee2d851 increase the no_large_files limit to 200_000
adds 118c322 some unit test fixes thanks to Tux
adds f998729 in some cases pass ARRAY refs to the {error} field instead of strings
adds 371ffff disregard order of files in test
adds 8b5bfe8 add eg/ file that was missed in previous commit
adds bf07741 collect the license information of each file using Software::LicenseUtils, add LICENCE to the list of special files (not only LICENSE)
adds cc1b4a3 add has_separate_license_file metric add has_license_in_source_file metric
adds 5ebe3b6 add metayml_has_provides metric, make all experimental metrics optional per default, fiddled with tests
adds 4340ab3 added bin and script dirs to has_example regex
adds 39c70c4 fixed t/analyse.t for new has_example
adds 31c9272 bumped version
adds 5747776 upgreade to Software::License 0.003
adds fa368e8 made FindModules smarter
adds 5059edc fixed doc bug in SYNOPSIS (reported by ADAMOWSKI as RT#34773)
adds 3c39e10 added RT#32777 to TODO
adds 5ed2bdb dist housekeeping
adds 4332982 honor META.yml key 'no_index'. Fixes RT#32777 and an IRC complaint by BinGOs
adds 7dfccd7 updated minimum version of Test::YAML::Meta::Version to 0.09
adds 80953a5 calculate real average kwalitee
adds 8a53fb6 fixed a broken regex, which caused problems for dist containt one pm in basedir
adds 4f0246c added some TODO entries
adds ba64512 better remedy for use warnings
adds ff70bfd rename some test files to execute early
adds f29e0aa add new kwalitee metric distributed_by_debian move around some test files
adds b7ffa7e add 3 more metrics and some unit test
adds ac6d0da change the verbose mode to be a main::logger() function
adds eca3f4c adding more tests - for NoWarings, some use strict and use warnings in the tests take apart the reporing about license attempt to fix the bug reported by David Golden about not noticing LICENS files remove the double checking for license in POD the {license} key does not hold the name of the license any more but actually it should have never been used for that anyway just the above bug was hiding its other possible valiues
adds 113699c add t/eg/Term-Title-0.03.tar.gz that was already in use
adds 3c53034 add new metric called uses_test_nowarnings that should check if Test::NoWarnings was used in all the public test scripts (in t/* excluding xt/*) appropriate unit test added
adds a3d68f9 'use Moose' now counts for using stric added Text::CSV_XS to Build.PL
adds dcbc6a2 added another dist to test
adds a49e216 quick fix for has_humanreadable_license
adds cf6fe48 change error messages
adds ffccdf4 Experimental Metric handling
adds db4b50a upgraded to META.yml 1.4 sort of fixed some tests (failing because auf not finished changes in License checking)
adds 2cdb088 dist housekeeping
adds 3b94a5c has_test_pod and has_test_pod_coverage are now optional metrics bumped version to 0.82_01
adds f36f472 add some todo
adds a9bf808 skip the debian metrics and downloading the debian file when in LINT
adds 2b9e549 another bug added to the TODO
adds fc82917 some ideas
adds fde63cb ignore no_index when searching for examples
adds a526370 fixed some tests
adds d430186 fixed LICENSE & COPYRIGHT (submitted by Peter Pentchev)
adds c11e24e bumped version to 0.83, dist housekeeping
adds 7527046 require Test::Warn 0.11
adds 0a3b488 require Test::More and perl 5.6
adds 2c10a36 fix typos
adds 3629091 add .gitignore
adds 7c11ad2 update .gitignore
adds cb3df5a add LWP::Simple to deps
adds e1ba36a calc_test_yaml_meta.t will work on correct Debian_CPANTS.txt
adds 27b92e8 add 0.83 in Changes
adds 74980fa added missing changes from 0.82 to 0.83
adds 327e0aa typo
adds d9d42f6 release 0.84
adds 3020fcb Fix fails on non-Win32, release 0.85
adds 572a013 add "Debian_CPANTS.txt" to cleanup
adds 79d8daa make 'moose_as_strict.t' fail
adds 07e9352 fix for failing 'moose_as_strict.t' (case when strict is not used anywhere in dist)
adds a836755 add info about MIN_PERL_VERSION
adds 7cd338f advice to use Perl::MinimumVersion
adds 87f3f9b fill entry in 'Changes'
adds 7d3abca 'metayml_declares_perl_version' moved from experimental to extra
adds 86a3ed6 comment about modules simulating "use strict;"
adds d07bb06 require Test::YAML::Meta::Version 0.12 due to better support of 'resources' key
adds d4869e8 require latest Test::YAML::Meta::Version
adds 872f54c detect auto_install for M::I
adds 81f299c pod coverage: get_debian_data() is internal
adds 42aa1b1 pod coverage: experimental_indicator_names()
adds 41d6746 rt#65903 - No more Test::YAML::Meta::Version on CPAN
adds 4354fea refresh from ExtUtils::Manifest 1.58
adds 037888a specify correct dependency
adds 8873046 update tests to account for indicator has_better_auto_install
adds 39c830f fix File::Temp warning "cannot remove path when cwd is …"
adds 0496143 remove generated files from version control
adds 99139f8 require newer Archive::Tar
adds c5189da replace YAML::Syck with YAML::Any
adds 0c09b57 no_symlinks checks only files in MANIFEST, use ExtUtils::Manifest::maniread
adds d8aaddf Add more strict equivalents for use_strict test
adds a231c5e Add warnings equivalents for use_warnings test
adds 8e2910d docs for 41d6746
adds 69cb8a6 sort diagnostic data structures
adds 93fd47f when a new indicator is added, the test data for existing indicators need not be updated
adds a30041b Count strict/warnings usage per-module, not per-dist
adds 5180725 silence a warning
adds ae6b310 update dist metadata
adds 83e937a silence distmeta build step warning
adds 4018870 typo
adds 787c791 some more equivalents (leont++, charsbar++)
adds aa4b88e when a new indicator is added, the test data for existing indicators need not be updated
adds 908a8a1 implement valid_signature
adds 02d8853 ignore generated files
adds d4b18fd remove generated files from version control
adds 3837008 change of dist maintainer
adds 9161de7 Pod overhaul
adds 976245b 0.86
adds fc27e0c RT#80225: Test::CPAN::Meta::YAML::Version 0.21 compat
adds 7e0cb29 Fix Bug Tracker URL that is broken for everyone not presently logged in to RT
adds 258980e Solve hash-randomization bug by arbitrarily sorting errors
adds 6b1109a require newer version of Module::ExtractUse due to changes in Parse::RecDescent
adds 1d74c22 Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Manifest broken for MANIFESTs containing files with spaces
adds 0cee3e3 typo
adds a49fbfa 0.87
adds fe7d423 -TRIAL version should be a proper version, fixes https://github.com/charsbar/www-cpants/issues/16
adds a8b7bb2 don't slurp unless it's readable
adds 84d4c60 we have several more special files now: META.json, MYMETA.* dist.ini, cpanfile
adds 49f58ec these days README.md is not uncommon
adds 90f6f28 -l test should be done against the full path of a file, and it should be done regardless the file is listed in the MANIFEST or not
adds e28a441 buildfile_executable should not be true if Makefile.PL/Build.PL does not exist
adds a1b7af9 this kind of static message should be moved to the metric's error description not to bloat databases needlessly
adds 337da61 store M::I version for statistics: http://cpants.cpanauthors.org/stats/module_install
adds 3173512 don't try to extract dependencies from a module that does not exist actually
adds cc780d1 files_array may be empty sometimes
adds 0171802 files_array may be empty
adds 96702bb entries in provides may not be hash references
adds 4593819 this file field is required, but may happen to be undef when META.yml is broken
adds 83e91b5 files in xt/ should be ignored when we check prereq matches use
adds 4745509 bad filenames that are not allowed or portable
adds 95b8ffe added a metric for non_portable_filenames
adds 83010db pod
adds 8a35440 debian related metrics are deprecated and removed
adds 7d25c95 disabled CPANTS error metrics, which may be useful for us, but should not annoy people
adds cb380a9 applied a patch from Jonathan Yu, reported by gregor from debian to resolve #77717
adds 5627bf3 these errors are not informative, and should be stored in other places
adds 5be4d2d removed uses_test_nowarnings metrics
adds 4f8ba54 removed has_test_pod(_coverage) because they are tests for authors only
adds 52ea258 not to be killed or warned because of undefined array or hash key
adds 206e03a dozens of fail reports from testers are due to File::Slurp and Test::NoWarnings; at least we don't need to use File::Slurp
adds 0419f77 removed unused deps
adds ce5f025 do not load unnecessary modules
adds 95bc740 ditto
adds aa15b91 List::MoreUtils is not required anymore
adds 4343946 oops, any was actually used but this can be safely replaced with grep
adds 76f4f75 use Archive::Any::Lite, which supports bzipped files (which are rare, but do exist)
adds 5f70232 fixed the num/list of metrics in tests
adds 4265ec8 protection against broken META.yml
adds 3da0926 switched to use CPAN::Meta::YAML to conform with other toolchain stuff
adds 0edec4e removed duplicated information which is easily regenerated from the corresponding *_array entry
adds 867300e requires may also be empty
adds 35cddf0 protection against broken meta data
adds f96847f different warnings due to the switch to Archive::Any::Lite
adds 0a0614b use strict/warnings for tests
adds e124245 ditto for xt
adds bea32af different error messages due to the switch to CPAN::Meta::YAML
adds a1ad89b fixed test analyses due to the recent changes
adds c0095a7 s/META.yaml/META.yml/
adds 159d681 don't create d->{error}{cpants} if there's no error
adds 0def72a fixed minor pod/text glitches reported in a patch from daxim (RT#40898)
adds 0535a77 new metric: no_dot_underscore_files (tweaked version of RT#40898, as other ._ files are also problematic, especially for Module::Pluggable and others)
adds fddb61e fixed the num of core metrics
adds ad60dbe changed non_portable_filenames to core
adds c42634f fixed the num of metrics
adds bdec0b0 changed variable names to match corresponding is_* flags
adds da734b9 -TRIAL version should be a proper version, fixes https://github.com/charsbar/www-cpants/issues/16
adds 32f8d71 don't slurp unless it's readable
adds 8bbc895 we have several more special files now: META.json, MYMETA.* dist.ini, cpanfile
adds 5ba90d4 these days README.md is not uncommon
adds f1efc40 -l test should be done against the full path of a file, and it should be done regardless the file is listed in the MANIFEST or not
adds 4e42880 buildfile_executable should not be true if Makefile.PL/Build.PL does not exist
adds fc49762 this kind of static message should be moved to the metric's error description not to bloat databases needlessly
adds 1cba301 store M::I version for statistics: http://cpants.cpanauthors.org/stats/module_install
adds 05a529c don't try to extract dependencies from a module that does not exist actually
adds 4c2a094 files_array may be empty (sometimes)
adds c30a056 entries in provides may not be hash references
adds 64b3dff this file field is required, but may happen to be undef when META.yml is broken
adds b7141df files in xt/ should be ignored when we check prereq matches use
adds cf9f3b8 added a core metric for non_portable_filenames: bad filenames that are not allowed or portable
adds 88bb6cc remove debian related metrics: data source has not been updated for more than a year
adds 39c0f99 disabled CPANTS error metrics, which may be useful for us, but should not annoy people
adds cd7a42c RT #77717: POD errors
adds b946a4c these errors are not informative, and should be stored in other places
adds 13ee785 removed uses_test_nowarnings metrics
adds cc36062 removed has_test_pod(_coverage) because they are tests for authors only
adds 0dc9c17 not to be killed or warned because of undefined array or hash key
adds 7fe14c6 dozens of fail reports from testers are due to File::Slurp and Test::NoWarnings; at least we don't need to use File::Slurp
adds 17b0824 removed unused deps
adds 9972ada do not load unnecessary modules
adds acbcdf7 List::MoreUtils can be safely replaced with grep
adds 6a2c17d use Archive::Any::Lite, which supports bzipped files (which are rare, but do exist)
adds 6713ee8 fixed the num/list of metrics in tests
adds 07ba79e protection against broken META.yml
adds 5a17652 switched to use CPAN::Meta::YAML to conform with other toolchain stuff
adds b8d254f removed duplicated information which is easily regenerated from the corresponding *_array entry
adds 42ad7ff requires may also be empty
adds f95b399 protection against broken meta data
adds e6d0039 use strict/warnings for tests
adds 75b9261 fixed test analyses due to the recent changes
adds 1552625 s/META.yaml/META.yml/
adds f81487e don't create d->{error}{cpants} if there's no error
adds fcad8c9 RT #40898: some English fixes
adds 753c8c9 new metric: no_dot_underscore_files (tweaked version of RT#40898, as other ._ files are also problematic, especially for Module::Pluggable and others)
adds 297eabb changed variable names to match corresponding is_* flags
adds 7492f35 Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/daxim/Module-CPANTS-Analyse
adds 70085c2 Merge branch 'master' into QAH2013
adds 3a5e5b5 nitpicking for error/remedy strings
adds 0be76ed added 'details' to pass errors to Test::Kwalitee etc
adds 84dd3b8 use Module::ExtractUse 0.30 to see if used modules are in evals or not
adds 85e80ae ::Pod should be moved to Module::CPANTS::SiteKwalitee to avoid redundant pod testing on the user land
adds e5ae065 ::Prereq should be moved to Module::CPANTS::SiteKwalitee as it requires external resources to resolve prerequisite module names
adds a02b266 noted the move
adds 10aaf6b noted the reason of the move, and tweaked pod
adds 6f7c1cb oops, used a wrong parser object
adds 2e86072 chmod extracted files if not readable
adds 5862b6d not to be skipped by chance
adds d93824f wrong hash key
adds 5d6952a added Moo::Role as a strict/warnings equivalent
adds 7ef5daf don't keep empty @errors
adds 49f3749 fixed nums of tests
adds 8958916 prereq stuff is moved to ::SiteKwalitee
adds ce71692 no_pod_errors is also moved
adds 216c190 valid_signature too
adds b54e204 symlinks holds the num of symlinks, not an array of symlinks
adds 6f31cbd store a message if META.yml is not found
adds c09ebba fixed an indicator name
adds db1af85 each $d->{easily_repackageable...} holds a scalar value, not an arrayref
adds cd18e4a fixed an error key
adds 2d255de basic distribution info should always be available
adds 471f0fa requires CPAN::DistnameInfo
adds 5757cd6 YAML::Any is not used here
adds 4fa1d8b set flag for Test::Kwalitee and its friends
adds fead7e5 renamed metrics on old Module::Install for clarity
adds 6ad579a basic dist info can be taken earlier
adds 21ff3b6 moved distribution version metrics to SiteKwalitee as these can not be analyzed locally
adds aa8fe9a for fewer deps
adds c0332ff NINJA is not worth recording
adds 2b5016a moved metrics on dist extraction to SiteKwalitee
adds 07148fc respect MYMETA for local distributions (as META.* are not usually generated yet)
adds 184b103 removed has_example metric as it's too controversial to be useful
adds 48f6e23 renamed non_portable_filenames to portable...
adds 8187f1f use File::Find::Rule::VCS to ignore VCS related files/dirs while testing locally
adds 158978f ::Files should be calculated after ::MetaYML to respect no_index
adds 59ade63 ditto
adds 2522a7d ditto
adds 770c24d whitespace
adds 8615e6d renamed non_portable... to portable... (cont)
adds d0fec2a removed trash
adds e7aeb66 proper_libs should be extra as it's controversial (see also RT#35116)
adds 98f6c23 report what modules are not under lib
adds 6e105ef moved repackageable metrics to SiteKwalitee
adds 9056d14 moved ::Version analysis to ::SiteKwalitee
adds 9595761 ditto
adds afc150b ditto (and this also fixes RT #87020)
adds 17d9646 concatenate use_warnings/use_strict errors for simplicity
adds ec54e65 Refactored to use CPAN::Meta::Validator, and also test META.json
adds 2e8b37b test also MYMETA.yml for local dists
adds 2f1ef9b metayml_has_license is extra
adds 94dd381 fixed metric name in pod
adds ed606e3 removed log
adds cb141ce renamed has_humanreadable... to has_human_readable...
adds 52b513b moved fedora stuff to ::SiteKwalitee
adds 6a318bf use Software::License to guess license(s)
adds 94a1af6 has_license_in_source_file is not experimental anymore
adds 13e866a only test if there's some license in the pod as license conflict detection is not fully covered yet
adds 6e83e71 moved prereq analysis back from ::SiteKwalitee and totally refactored
adds 28f9337 but prereq metrics are still in ::SiteKwalitee
adds f6a3de8 license detection is moved to ::License
adds d4b6157 newest file mtime is not always the released time
adds 9b40e4c fixed dependencies
adds f3a229c has_proper_version is moved ::SiteKwalitee
adds a7d8ff6 fixed various tests to reflect the changes in the modules
adds 5e52f03 for older Test::Kwalitee
adds 0c655fa updated Changes
adds 319b1c2 fixed homepage/repository
adds 0ce5d35 updated versions
adds beabb60 moved several metrics to ::SiteKwalitee as they are not portable (or not suitable to test local files)
adds 051451f fixed tests
adds bba35cb releng 0.90_01
adds 77af640 Support building with Test::More < 0.88
adds 2fbdec4 Merge pull request #3 from pghmcfc/old_test_more
adds 837acf2 Don't run pod coverage test in taint mode
adds 75d473e Merge pull request #2 from pghmcfc/no_taint_coverage
adds c1ea62c removd debugging stuff
adds 4b07c0b fixed order (RT#87534)
adds 1af1ac7 eval VERSION (RT#87535)
adds 675cdcf releng 0.90_02
adds 52903f6 eval VERSION turns out a bad idea (caused prod release)
adds bea6e2d MooseX::Role::Parameterized is another moose module that brings in strict and warnings.
adds a1e8192 Merge pull request #4 from karenetheridge/topic/moose_strict
adds c149abf RT#86504 - fix sort order of generators
adds d3abc79 Merge pull request #6 from karenetheridge/topic/fix_sort_order
adds 03c1d96 fix use of $Test::Kwalitee::VERSION
adds 494e56f Merge pull request #7 from karenetheridge/topic/fix_VERSION
adds 576c061 use version explicitly
adds ed301d5 updated kwalitee indicators list in the pods
adds 2661aab removed no_large_file as there's no real remedy for it and it doesn't break toolchain stuff
adds 4700f21 keep dynamic_config for convenience (which will be used later to calculate (build_)prereq_matches_use)
adds 4498395 use 5.011 (and better) should be counted as a use strict equivalent (RT#69233, RT#83851)
adds 5a1add6 Moose::Exporter also provides strict and warnings
adds f99bc33 Merge pull request #8 from doy/patch-1
adds 7b6f047 fixed RT#87598, and #87597
adds 92a7c9d not to extract used modules twice
adds c0a800d not to depend on the cache in Module::ExtractUse
adds e861101 extract use in Makefile.PL/Build.PL
adds e9775d7 added extra kwalitee tests against dists downloaded from CPAN/BackPAN
adds fa4150d mark Module::Install 1.04 as broken (RT#87155)
adds e1e4972 omit -TRIAL while analyzing extracts_nicely (RT#88216)
adds 37c38e8 metayml_is_parsable should fail if there's any parsing error (RT#88365)
adds 6a4231c updated Changes
adds f44d782 release 0.91
adds ade2ee1 cleanup
adds 9d7fcca rearranged strict/warnings equivalents so that we don't need to add the same stuff to two places and also that we can test them mor eeasily
adds 6ed249f added an author test for strict/warnings equivalents to test they really enforce strictness/warnings
adds abe9ba9 ignore weird module names (ie. broken or wrong data structures)
adds 495f6dd improved use_strict/warnings error/remedy messages
adds 7e5d4b5 fixed a case when there are more than one LICENSE/COPYRIGHT sections in succession
adds 6027a4e auto_features doesn't have the same structure as others
adds ccd49af make sure version looks like a version (instead of some data structure
adds c056123 added a test for the case when there are two license sections in succession
adds 7ef69d4 release 0.92
adds 2a487d0 $large_file is not used anymore
adds ca8cd45 oops
adds c6b050b moved metayml_has_license to ::License
adds 5574f4e sort for consistency
adds fdac961 keep =head to make debugging easier
adds 0ead6d5 has_license_in_pod should not care about the actual license (or if it is recognizable by Software::License or not)
adds 2f2260a added has_known_license_in_source_file
adds 28d563d oops
adds 7be476d removed metayml_conforms_spec_current
adds 2f5b7a3 split meta.yml should not be considered parsable
adds b6cc219 fixed tests to reflect the removal of metayml_conforms_spec_current
adds 81c81ac uuv
adds e14eb00 Applies patch for RT 92257
adds 6a0ae6f Merge pull request #11 from zoffixznet/patch-for-RT-92257
adds baa9067 bumped up the version requirement of Software::License to support CC licenses (and for performance)
adds b3cb338 Fixed POD typos
adds c878ce3 Merge pull request #13 from zoffixznet/pod-typo-fix-2014-01-18
adds b8aa0ff typo fix
adds cc440bc Merge remote-tracking branch 'ether/topic/spelling_201401'
adds def6f4a use files_array to exclude files listed in no_index
adds c23afbf CPAN::Meta::Validator may die
adds cec39be use_strict/warnings should pass if there's no module in a dist
adds 4111673 tweaked error messages
adds 98109f4 removed an extra test for metayml_conforms_spec_current (which is gone)
adds 7c1e6a6 Sereal-0.360 has a license section
adds 9062fc3 bumped up the version requirement of CPAN::Meta to 2.133380
adds ad45535 use_warnings/strict should pass (as N/A) if there's no .pm file in the dist
adds 230f304 'meta-spec' => '1.1' is kind of broken, but it's not regarded as a fatal error now
adds 57a603c cpants_lint.pl should show experimental fails if requested (fix #15)
adds af27551 has_known_license_in_source_file should pass if any of the modules in a distribution has known license.
adds a51e581 tweaked website url
adds da7af60 implemented x_cpants support (#39)
adds c59d063 x_cpants test
adds 1a11843 marked use_strict/warnings as 'ignorable'
adds ce0b669 replace P/PA/PAUSEID/ in the extra tests with PAUSEID/
adds 8546b72 ignore files in some special directories (local/perl5/fatlib)
adds 9bd0fc8 warnings::compat is equivalent to warnings
adds e549314 noted strict/warnings equivalents
adds bcae586 switched to EUMM::CPANfile to improve older perl support
adds 199d601 Makefile.PL shouldn't be ignored now
adds 71be20f added has_abstract_in_pod/no_abstract_stub_in_pod
adds af55c7b refactored use extraction due to internal changes in Module::Extract 0.33
adds d6bb855 ...and fixed tests for the change
adds c807f86 requires WorePAN 0.09 to support PAUSEID/Dist-version
adds 413b9ac cleanup (due to a change in the test converter)
adds 92bc493 num of tests has changed
adds d2a286a meta spec version may have an illegal value
adds 8c0d229 factored out _slurp_utf8 to catch warnings and hide internals
adds f137250 just use files_hash instead of file_array + ignored_files
adds f8693ce Data::Dumper is not used
adds 91c84b2 store module name in files_hash
adds e3c0b67 refactored ::Files to use File::Find and not to iterate needlessly
adds d62d5f3 corrected package name in the pod
adds 92d962c refactored ::BrokenInstaller to store M::I stuff only when necessary, and in $d->{module_install} for clarity
adds 0b4f4c4 version_major|minor are not used at all
adds 90c325a store (released) timestamp of a distribution
adds 1ffc5c6 store size of a tarball earlier
adds dc80d4e cleanup
adds 7117d51 extraction error should be stored under extraction, not cpants
adds e5b70d6 TRIAL may have a trailing number
adds 2b4b47c extracts_nicely was false when only one 'file' was extracted
adds 05b9e7c x_cpants ignore should be a hash reference
adds 408587c aggregating metrics should be handled after all non-aggregating metrics are handled, regardless of order
adds c5090a8 no need to use Data::Dumper/YAML parser unless --dump/yaml is set, and switched YAML parser to CPAN::Meta::YAML (i.e. YAML::Tiny)
adds 0854fd0 fixed tests for x_cpants
adds 981e3ea no critic
adds ed0c3f0 reformatted Changes to satisfy CPAN::Changes and for the ease of maintenance
adds e06e7ff fixed to set correct $directive
adds b3b0386 updated README
adds 185532e release 0.93_01
adds b5e6f9d fix RT96492 (tests failed on perl 5.20.0 on darwin due to the presence of "+" in the tempdir paths)
adds 80443da hint for Dist::Zilla authors: Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MetaProvides
adds b924883 Merge pull request #18 from perlpunk/master
adds b21cf29 ignore .pod files for use_strict/use_warnings (RT-94468)
adds 6bbdd4e let get_indicators to handle aggregators (which should be analyzed after other metrics are analyzed) properly
adds 048ffa3 removed cpants_lint.pl in favor of App::CPANTS::Lint
adds 3a192ac removed EXE_FILES as cpants_lint.pl is removed
adds 052eb07 updated Changes
adds 78fc5d8 releng 0.93_02
adds 3039b4d removed xt/lint as cpants_lint is removed
adds 34f4fb6 directory symlinks were ignored by mistake
adds ceb782a oops
adds b846f9a added metayml_has_repository_resource
adds 10a1b6e ignore unreadable files (due to inconsistency of META provides etc) for use_strict/use_warnings (RT-97601 reported by DAVIDO++)
adds 1822a98 Added some more tests, confused over the test calculation though
adds 72b023f Added some more comments in an attempt to explain the test counts
adds c093f9e Merge pull request #19 from jonasbn/master
adds 527f3ac switched to Test::Warnings, and done_testing (finally)
adds e9b0d45 fix encoding issue #57 in abstracts_in_pod (and a tweak for silence)
adds d4aed9e refactored tests
adds 9b3ea1f added archive_and_analyse to test a non-local mock distribution
adds 05407ee tweaked handling of symlinks not listed in MANIFEST (RT #97858)
adds 7dae3d9 removed tests that should fail if custom metrics exist
adds 416f305 Test::Deep is not required anymore
adds 17cbace no need to sort twice
adds ba01213 refactored META analysis
adds a73b861 added meta_json_* tests and renamed metayml_* tests to meta_yml_*
adds ecb76da requires JSON::MaybeXS
adds bb43513 keep all abstract_in_pod errors
adds 069d058 and let has_abstract_in_pod fail if there's an error in any abstract
adds e846bb9 test encoding before decoding an abstract
adds d11aff2 skip warnings::compat while testing warnings equivalents
adds 26ad58f oops
adds 83bb1e6 releng 0.93_03
adds bc8ead7 COPYING (of GNU) should be recognized as an external license file (suggested by Marius Gavrilescu)
adds 62eed62 don't try to decode if abstract is empty
adds 8f42836 store module names under inc/ in "included_modules"
adds 496f216 let most of the META.yml metrics pass if META.yml does not exist
adds 9cdf91a ignore unreadable meta files
adds 7c07cd6 for better diagnosis
adds 32bed45 updated xt/kwalitee tests
adds e2c99f8 avoid RECURSIVE_TEST_FILES for now
adds 2512b6f releng 0.93_04
adds cfea58b use_strict should recognize "use v5.14" (RT-99141)
adds 4efd900 requires Test::More 0.88 for done_testing
adds a1172c8 releng 0.94
adds a4675c4 switched to Test::FailWarnings, which would be less likely affected by recent dev releases of Test::More
adds 4161776 and recent Test::More doesn't have an @EXPORT
adds 410a6d3 releng 0.95
adds 2b880f9 Imported Upstream version 0.95
new 79a0534 Merge tag 'upstream/0.95'
new 8f3e3a6 Update debian/changelog
new d38fd8f Drop 01-cpants-lint-rename.patch, patched file is gone.
new 8be2a07 debian/rules: back to 3 lines.
new 5e2b45b debian/copyright: add new upstream copyright holder.
new 6859363 Update years of packaging copyright.
new 5b4d4d9 Update (build) dependencies.
new 35c2d34 Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6.
new 41a3c99 releasing package libmodule-cpants-analyse-perl version 0.95-1
The 13 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
Build.PL | 55 --
Changes | 1078 +++++++++---------------
MANIFEST | 47 +-
META.json | 112 +--
META.yml | 115 +--
Makefile.PL | 65 +-
README | 12 +-
bin/cpants_lint.pl | 219 -----
cpanfile | 22 +
debian/changelog | 18 +-
debian/control | 32 +-
debian/copyright | 3 +-
debian/patches/01-cpants-lint-rename.patch | 35 -
debian/patches/series | 1 -
debian/repack.local | 2 -
debian/repack.stub | 88 --
debian/rules | 11 -
debian/upstream/metadata | 6 +
debian/watch | 4 +-
lib/Module/CPANTS/Analyse.pm | 99 ++-
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee.pm | 9 +-
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/BrokenInstaller.pm | 38 +-
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/CpantsErrors.pm | 3 +-
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/Distname.pm | 7 +-
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/Distros.pm | 5 +-
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/Files.pm | 241 +++---
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/FindModules.pm | 19 +-
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/License.pm | 90 +-
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/Manifest.pm | 20 +-
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/MetaYML.pm | 281 +++---
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/NeedsCompiler.pm | 3 +-
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/Pod.pm | 133 ++-
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/Prereq.pm | 15 +-
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/Repackageable.pm | 5 +-
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/Signature.pm | 3 +-
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/Uses.pm | 190 +++--
lib/Module/CPANTS/Kwalitee/Version.pm | 7 +-
t/00_load.t | 5 +-
t/02_kwalitee.t | 54 --
t/03_plugins.t | 44 -
t/05_testdir.t | 6 +-
t/05_testfile.t | 5 +-
t/10_analyse.t | 259 ------
t/11_hash_random.pl | 40 -
t/11_hash_random.t | 14 -
t/analyse/manifest.t | 80 ++
t/analyse/pod.t | 25 +
t/analyse_afs.t | 39 -
t/analyse_axkit_xsp_l10n.t | 32 -
t/analyse_devel_timer.t | 35 -
t/analyse_eg_c.t | 29 -
t/analyse_html_tiny.t | 30 -
t/analyse_test_yaml_meta.t | 26 -
t/calc.t | 82 --
t/calc_test_yaml_meta.t | 56 --
t/lib/Module/CPANTS/TestAnalyse.pm | 129 +++
t/moose_as_strict.t | 23 -
t/older_test_kwalitee.t | 4 +-
t/perl5i_as_strict.t | 22 -
t/perl5i_as_warnings.t | 22 -
t/plugin_manifest.t | 41 -
t/unpack.t | 20 -
t/unpack_notextractable.t | 27 -
t/x_cpants.t | 51 ++
xt/kwalitee/Test.pm | 14 +-
xt/kwalitee/has_abstract_in_pod.t | 24 +
xt/kwalitee/has_buildtool.t | 20 +-
xt/kwalitee/has_changelog.t | 20 +-
xt/kwalitee/has_human_readable_license.t | 16 +-
xt/kwalitee/has_known_license_in_source_file.t | 25 +
xt/kwalitee/has_license_in_source_file.t | 15 +-
xt/kwalitee/has_manifest.t | 20 +-
xt/kwalitee/has_meta_yml.t | 20 +-
xt/kwalitee/has_readme.t | 20 +-
xt/kwalitee/has_separate_license_file.t | 20 +-
xt/kwalitee/has_tests.t | 20 +-
xt/kwalitee/has_tests_in_t_dir.t | 20 +-
xt/kwalitee/manifest_matches_dist.t | 20 +-
xt/kwalitee/meta_json_conforms_to_known_spec.t | 34 +
xt/kwalitee/meta_json_is_parsable.t | 22 +
xt/kwalitee/meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec.t | 33 +
xt/kwalitee/meta_yml_declares_perl_version.t | 14 +
xt/kwalitee/meta_yml_has_license.t | 16 +
xt/kwalitee/meta_yml_has_provides.t | 14 +
xt/kwalitee/meta_yml_has_repository_resource.t | 8 +
xt/kwalitee/meta_yml_is_parsable.t | 26 +
xt/kwalitee/metayml_conforms_spec_current.t | 15 -
xt/kwalitee/metayml_conforms_to_known_spec.t | 15 -
xt/kwalitee/metayml_declares_perl_version.t | 16 -
xt/kwalitee/metayml_has_license.t | 16 -
xt/kwalitee/metayml_has_provides.t | 16 -
xt/kwalitee/metayml_is_parsable.t | 19 -
xt/kwalitee/no_abstract_stub_in_pod.t | 17 +
xt/kwalitee/no_broken_auto_install.t | 20 +-
xt/kwalitee/no_broken_module_install.t | 22 +-
xt/kwalitee/no_stdin_for_prompting.t | 20 +-
xt/kwalitee/no_symlinks.t | 20 +-
xt/kwalitee/proper_libs.t | 20 +-
xt/kwalitee/use_strict.t | 29 +-
xt/kwalitee/use_warnings.t | 26 +-
xt/strict_warnings_equiv.t | 1 +
101 files changed, 2022 insertions(+), 2984 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 Build.PL
delete mode 100644 bin/cpants_lint.pl
create mode 100644 cpanfile
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/01-cpants-lint-rename.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/series
delete mode 100644 debian/repack.local
delete mode 100755 debian/repack.stub
create mode 100644 debian/upstream/metadata
delete mode 100644 t/02_kwalitee.t
delete mode 100644 t/03_plugins.t
delete mode 100644 t/10_analyse.t
delete mode 100644 t/11_hash_random.pl
delete mode 100644 t/11_hash_random.t
create mode 100644 t/analyse/manifest.t
create mode 100644 t/analyse/pod.t
delete mode 100644 t/analyse_afs.t
delete mode 100644 t/analyse_axkit_xsp_l10n.t
delete mode 100644 t/analyse_devel_timer.t
delete mode 100644 t/analyse_eg_c.t
delete mode 100644 t/analyse_html_tiny.t
delete mode 100644 t/analyse_test_yaml_meta.t
delete mode 100644 t/calc.t
delete mode 100644 t/calc_test_yaml_meta.t
create mode 100644 t/lib/Module/CPANTS/TestAnalyse.pm
delete mode 100644 t/moose_as_strict.t
delete mode 100644 t/perl5i_as_strict.t
delete mode 100644 t/perl5i_as_warnings.t
delete mode 100644 t/plugin_manifest.t
delete mode 100644 t/unpack.t
delete mode 100644 t/unpack_notextractable.t
create mode 100644 t/x_cpants.t
create mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/has_abstract_in_pod.t
create mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/has_known_license_in_source_file.t
create mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/meta_json_conforms_to_known_spec.t
create mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/meta_json_is_parsable.t
create mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/meta_yml_conforms_to_known_spec.t
create mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/meta_yml_declares_perl_version.t
create mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/meta_yml_has_license.t
create mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/meta_yml_has_provides.t
create mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/meta_yml_has_repository_resource.t
create mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/meta_yml_is_parsable.t
delete mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/metayml_conforms_spec_current.t
delete mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/metayml_conforms_to_known_spec.t
delete mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/metayml_declares_perl_version.t
delete mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/metayml_has_license.t
delete mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/metayml_has_provides.t
delete mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/metayml_is_parsable.t
create mode 100644 xt/kwalitee/no_abstract_stub_in_pod.t
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libmodule-cpants-analyse-perl.git
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