[libmoosex-method-signatures-perl] branch master updated (0394c4c -> 4c5d70a)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Mon Oct 20 19:08:51 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libmoosex-method-signatures-perl.

      from  0394c4c   update changelog
       new  414c424   Add debian/upstream/metadata
       new  2398931   Update debian/changelog
      adds  cb631c6   Initial checkin.
      adds  113e37d   Use MX::Meta::Signature instad of MX::Params::Validate.
      adds  824aaaa   Allow types to contain whitespace.
      adds  b4eef70   Use Perl6::Signature for signature parsing.
      adds  3f8938f   Load test.
      adds  3680c82   Add some basic tests.
      adds  0aebc72   Add Makefile.PL.
      adds  1e14e08   Add .gitignore.
      adds  1f0e07c   Fail on invalid signatures.
      adds  af5b438   Fix plan.
      adds  f482b20   Some refactoring.
      adds  713365e   Test invocant naming.
      adds  c2daf21   Implement specifying the invocant.
      adds  ea1eb5d   Test constraints.
      adds  cf16ca8   Implement constraints.
      adds  a914283   Test positional params.
      adds  fc7e0a2   Implement positional params.
      adds  4e3149d   Use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints.
      adds  e1a074d   Test combined positional and named params.
      adds  9e63475   Remove debugging code.
      adds  7ea0aa3   Disable Foo|Bar $x tests until Perl6::Signatures is fixed.
      adds  0b0e08d   Add some documentation.
      adds  4b69cec   Doc improvements.
      adds  09196b4   Add docs on bugs, caveats and notes.
      adds  20938ff   More documentation.
      adds  c3550c6   Fix test plan.
      adds  2c56c39   Add pod test.
      adds  72f3c93   Version 0.01.
      adds  845cb9a   Add MANIFEST.SKIP.
      adds  dd16309   Specify prereqs in Makefile.PL.
      adds  1abdebb   Version 0.02.
      adds  9d73ebc   Documentation fix.
      adds  6ab74ca   Reenable type alternation tests.
      adds  9a5658e   Add test for method attributes.
      adds  21e422b   Partially support attributes.
      adds  604fe29   Documentation on attributes.
      adds  3b50874   More weird attribute tests.
      adds  de4c121   Parse attributes just like toke.c does.
      adds  b7454a3   Remove docs on attribute limitations.
      adds  a05db64   Even more weird attribute test.
      adds  bcfb015   Merge branch 'attributes'
      adds  e96b22f   Improve attribute parsing.
      adds  3e80163   Improve attribute tests.
      adds  d0961a2   Version 0.03.
      adds  021d7a1   Depend on Perl6::Signature 0.03.
      adds  9b85478   Example for Foo|Bar $x.
      adds  3f4f9b3   Version 0.04.
      adds  991b973   Specify minimum version of Devel::Declare.
      adds  2569001   Return unpacked arguments in testclass for better testing.
      adds  5e31780   method positional is actually named.
      adds  e354f39   Properly test named arguments.
      adds  0583f32   Make named arguments work.
      adds  5d57efa   Version 0.05.
      adds  81e2abf   Use Moose meta methods.
      adds  d71abd9   Add a setup_for method to set up methods for something different than the caller().
      adds  f7a155f   Minimize the scope of $meta.
      adds  6effe13   We don't use Sub::Name directly anymore.
      adds  209907c   Explicitly load the things we use.
      adds  173a2cb   Version 0.06.
      adds  ce56112   Doc patch to mention interaction with Moose::Role
      adds  1e85888   Tests for anon methods.
      adds  4245f21   Use B::Hooks::EndOfScope instead of Scope::Guard and %^H.
      adds  1bd94e4   Add TODO test for using exported types in signatures.
      adds  72e2164   Bump dependency on B::Hooks::EndOfScope to make semicolon injection work when string evals are involved.
      adds  f1a7df9   Port from Perl6::Signature to Parse::Method::Signatures.
      adds  2dbb14b   Port to Devel::Declare::MethodInstaller::Simple.
      adds  4aea83f   Basic support for MX::Types.
      adds  07ac1bf   Todo test for parameterized MX::Types.
      adds  7c14b30   Remove useless attribute.
      adds  a928ed7   Define the test tc at compile time so it's there when we're parsing.
      adds  1978f9a   Add a meta method class.
      adds  ffdff5a   Use our own method meta class instead of Moose::Meta::Method.
      adds  d4d939e   Merge branch 'pms'
      adds  943bb1e   add information for repo and bugtracker in META.yml
      adds  9ea42bb   documentation: explaining M:M:S interaction with Role's 'require'
      adds  a89eaec   Use Parse::Method::Signatures type_constraint_callback to improve MX::Types sypport.
      adds  2551303   someone on #moose was confused by lack of "use Moose" in sysopsis
      adds  3a1269f   Merge commit 'github/master'
      adds  ad710ca   add information for repo and bugtracker in META.yml
      adds  f9e0f4c   Merge commit 'yanick/meta-info'
      adds  666bcae   Added tests for Eval ( mostly example code ) and Signatures ( Hopefully comprehensive enough )
      adds  d79128a   merge upstream
      adds  1039f25   Merge commit 'kentfredric/master'
      adds  7c5c18a   test that parameter validation exceptions have file and line number information -- right now, it's a very bare: 'Parameter (foo): Must be specified'
      adds  2acb594   Merge commit 'rhesa/master'
      adds  bdc0812   TODO the error message test.
      adds  2dd6c9b   documentation: explaining M:M:S interaction with Role's 'require'
      adds  643e97c   Merge branch 'meta-info'
      adds  5908258   Merge commit 'ken/master'
      adds  a78993f   Merge commit 'yanick/master'
      adds  c33a3a7   someone on #moose was confused by lack of "use Moose" in sysopsis
      adds  c55a511   Merge commit 'rjbs/master'
      adds  7867a37   UnTODO passing tests.
      adds  dbe5a36   Update prereqs.
      adds  d30ab8e   Depend on latest B::Hooks::EndOfScope.
      adds  bba63f9   Remove code that now lives in the meta method.
      adds  0653f38   Version 0.07.
      adds  f2fec99   Add tests for coercion support.
      adds  13c74d1   Implement argument coercions.
      adds  a5d5575   Ignore some autogenerated files.
      adds  7790b7d   Don't depend on Readonly in the tests.
      adds  4dae457   Document coerce trait.
      adds  7b17f8c   Version 0.08.
      adds  f433e95   Invoke methods on object instead of classes in the mx-types tests.
      adds  6619f9c   Port to MX::Types::Structured.
      adds  81a6b50   Add more tests, partially for structured method type constraints.
      adds  ed54d9f   Update prereqs.
      adds  3c3819a   Require a Defined value, not a simple Value when no type constraints are given.
      adds  40a1e8c   Don't assume undef as the default for optional positionals.
      adds  a76134e   Fix exception regex.
      adds  acbb7ef   UnTODO a passing test.
      adds  e5069df   Merge branch 'structured'
      adds  3cda476   Version 0.09.
      adds  f005d5b   Add test for slurpy parameters.
      adds  23bb76a   Mention all contributors.
      adds  b893547   Update copyright notice for 2009.
      adds  5b4618f   Move the copyright notice to the end.
      adds  d6146a4   Steffen provided valuable feedback and testing.
      adds  b5efd9b   Add test adding methods with signatures using the mop.
      adds  33c20a5   Move most of the actual functionality into the method metaclass.
      adds  44cbc9b   Add an actual_body attribute for the original method body, without any validation.
      adds  fe3fabe   Don't construct the meta method twice.
      adds  1fcc0b9   Merge branch 'metalicious'
      adds  3504a3f   Remove dummy method body.
      adds  2c4e6e3   Move generation of injectable code into the meta method.
      adds  f6f6da9   use style;
      adds  8359628   Refer to Method::Signatures::Simple.
      adds  ac0f019   Add tests for quoted method names with variable interpolations.
      adds  2c47e5a   Merge branch 'master' into quoted_name
      adds  38e5fed   Allow method names to be quoted strings with possible variable interpolations.
      adds  a1b1c23   Merge branch 'quoted_name'
      adds  30e1e77   Version 0.10.
      adds  260557b   Update prereqs.
      adds  0aad982   test that optional params really are optional
      adds  f5a8671   added test for hashref default
      adds  018a890   test that optional params really are optional
      adds  a43ae38   added test for hashref default
      adds  575ff25   Merge commit 'rhesa/master'
      adds  9f70445   Testing that eval works with semicolon insertion (e.g. EndOfScope hook)
      adds  2b9f2cd   Merge commit 'osfameron/master'
      adds  0e14b7a   Add test case that generates 'BEGIN not safe after errors' with no other message
      adds  7aa4df6   Reduce bug down to test that fails with just MXMS
      adds  31ef909   Fix reporting of previous compile time errors
      adds  6efcff7   Merge commit 'ashb/master'
      adds  94bb367   "does coerce" is the documented way of coercing params.
      adds  d909d36   UnTODO passing tests.
      adds  3634515   Hakim contributed some tests.
      adds  9c16c50   Remove a dead code path.
      adds  1794b8e   Stop mentioning the deprecated MX::Method, as requested by its author.
      adds  68c9c27   Small stylistic whitespace changes in the docs.
      adds  d86070d   Remove pod comment about an invalid signature.
      adds  8446696   Use MooseX::Types introspection capabilities instead of poking around in the symbol table.
      adds  17f6562   Merge branch 'master' into mx_types_introspection
      adds  e025ee8   Merge branch 'mx_types_introspection'
      adds  e570570   Version 0.11.
      adds  7f1c8df   Merge branch 'master' into non_scalar_args
      adds  a862454   Test case for bug with namespace::clean and MX::Types 'type libraries'
      adds  de1cb2f   use style;
      adds  5d2e142   Test that type_constraint is a Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint.
      adds  c1e4a6b   Add tests for scalar placeholder values.
      adds  a522420   Implement scalar placeholder values.
      adds  42074b3   Merge branch 'placeholders'
      adds  5a30cb7   Depend on latest P::M::S for correct placeholder parsing.
      adds  eada60c   Eval default value so reference and string defaults work as expected.
      adds  7b2ff4d   Eval default values for named params too.
      adds  5b52c24   Make the error test less noisy.
      adds  5fe7619   Docs for placeholders.
      adds  97e9bde   Version 0.12.
      adds  294b372   Add basic tests for return value type constraints.
      adds  de22d73   Fix test plan.
      adds  7b5b264   Require even single, simple return value type constraint to be enclosed by parens.
      adds  bb63487   Call method in non-void context to enforce return value type checking.
      adds  9cef19d   Initial version of return value type constraint checking.
      adds  e507c72   Merge branch 'master' into return_value
      adds  32dae8b   Check that _return_type_constraint is a Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint.
      adds  b9c53f3   Port the gross hack for parsing type constraints to the latest P::M::S version.
      adds  d476880   Merge branch 'return_value'
      adds  03c0a72   Don't exclude t/sigs-optional.t from releases.
      adds  2b00a81   Ignore a CPANTS generated file from MANIFEST.
      adds  d041164   Merge commit 'rafl/master'
      adds  804d144   Fix bug with namespace::clean and MooseX::Types
      adds  27191a2   Handle exceptions a bit better
      adds  96b56d6   BAIL_OUT when syntax (or other) errors in our modules
      adds  5f2c908   Add tests to make sure that methods on the package are named properly
      adds  0e77d00   Build up different wrapped subs for when we care about return types vs when we dont
      adds  5170801   Changelog
      adds  0b10915   Port to using 'from_namespace' from Parse::Method::Signatures 1.003003
      adds  51c2dbd   Add myself to contributors section
      adds  6a46dd7   Ensure errors from type constraints are reporting from the right place
      adds  673426d   Generate README at Makefile.PL exec time
      adds  c2c1171   Warn if you try to refdefine a method
      adds  5eec204   Changelog return value checking
      adds  046c63d   Log new dependancy on PMS for better error handling of TCs
      adds  eb03a58   Honor no warnings 'redefine';
      adds  98bef77   Fix tests on (mst's) 5.8.7
      adds  7dec82b   Version 0.13
      adds  0dbeb20   Depend on MooseX::Types::Structured 0.11.
      adds  fe257a6   Version 0.14.
      adds  ecd2501   Port to MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::ForceCoercion.
      adds  7dc0410   Version 0.15.
      adds  32aae42   Merge branch 'master' into non_scalar_args
      adds  e758587   Less trailing whitespace.
      adds  a751873   Bump prereq to Types::Structured to avoid warnings on new Moose versions.
      adds  f96dcea   Fix misspellings and add missing comma.
      adds  fa5c416   Add missing period.
      adds  eb95378   Merge branch 'master' into non_scalar_args
      adds  29b4c73   Add test for failing named slurpy arguments.
      adds  a66b34a   Add test to make sure anon methods are "tight" enough to not swallow things up as additional arguments to the declarator.
      adds  02e6b23   Always put parens around the anon sub passed to the declarators.
      adds  0223104   Merge branch 'master' into non_scalar_args
      adds  abe16e0   Test slurpy hashes.
      adds  4b4481d   More slurpy error message tests.
      adds  541847a   Implement non-scalar parameters.
      adds  839a064   Test slurpy args with type constraints.
      adds  6f23c50   More slurpy type constraint tests.
      adds  63416e7   Non-scalar parameters are now supported.
      adds  026d489   We stopped breaking the debugger quite a while ago.
      adds  6914973   Refer to signatures.pm.
      adds  472ab01   Mention return value TCs in the docs.
      adds  4cf35cb   Matt contributed several POD fixes.
      adds  ba2c2fa   Fix some pod formatting.
      adds  bb45eca   Sort list of contributors alphabetically.
      adds  d90005c   Version 0.16.
      adds  b049367   Test list placeholders.
      adds  ce02267   Document the right syntax for return value type constraints.
      adds  3c81a6d   Split out context from self so that we may pass in an arbitrary context
      adds  1c5b51d   Enable passing a context and also a coderef to use to apply the method once constructed (for deferred method modifier application in MXD)
      adds  01d2900   Use namespace::autoclean instead of namespace::clean.
      adds  7e5f567   Enable MXMS to work with multiple different declarators and prototype injections
      adds  c45a03a   Implement method traits using new strip_names_and_args from Devel::Declare
      adds  0a671ae   Remove useless attribute.
      adds  78858ae   fix doc typo
      adds  c3314b1   Make trait parameters work.
      adds  c2e292d   Comment on _adopt_trait_args.
      adds  fb2ba40   use style;
      adds  724eea1   Enable aliased traits to be processed
      adds  a670103   Nitpicking.
      adds  e042bdc   Add tests for methods without signatures.
      adds  4623ff2   Let the signature default to (@).
      adds  2dfd52f   Don't pass a signature to the meta method is there was none.
      adds  22751dd   The signature may not be undef.
      adds  16e77c2   Change from using MethodInstaller to Context::Simple since moving strip_attrs down to the base class
      adds  61d4f79   Don't require the package attribute when a pre-built context is passed in.
      adds  7cf2a16   package should not be required for integration into MooseX::Declare
      adds  6e97079   Change from using MethodInstaller to Context::Simple since moving strip_attrs down to the base class
      adds  2c5e580   Merge commit 'nperez/master'
      adds  c4b5308   Depend on a recent PMS to make sure we will work with new PPIs and have the right MX::Traits.
      adds  0099359   Changelogging.
      adds  85d72e6   gphat implemented traits.
      adds  ebf8399   arcanez provided tests and doc fixes.
      adds  86d762c   Version 0.17.
      adds  4069cf4   Depend on a recent Devel::Declare.
      adds  a04dfbd   Version 0.18.
      adds  703069a   Move redefinition warnings to the method application hook so it's easy to override.
      adds  681b478   Version 0.19.
      adds  1a1e921   Make parsed_signature public.
      adds  2bfd62b   Use LazyRequire's new option name.
      adds  1929314   Version 0.20.
      adds  d77e80c   Add tests for using aliased.pm with type signatures.
      adds  61c6802   Depend on the latest PMS to get type alias resolving.
      adds  6f2b74d   Version 0.21.
      adds  fe1ad1b   Add TODO tests for sane closing behaviour.
      adds  b479073   Return different meta method instances for each invocation of the method keyword.
      adds  6f64687   use style;
      adds  c5b10fc   Depend on MX::Types 0.19 as 0.18 made us blow up spectecularly.
      adds  e741888   Version 0.22.
      adds  4054836   Bump Moose prereq to 0.89 to avoid test failures.
      adds  478104b   Version 0.23.
      adds  f87f11b   Rename the meta method's clone method to reify.
      adds  f960c5f   Version 0.24.
      adds  f50e114   Remove the scary ALPHA disclaimer
      adds  cd8a9bf   Remove test that isn't needed anymore due to upcoming change in PMS
      adds  f90a9c6   use done_testing
      adds  e97e7c4   Version 0.25
      adds  1c5cb70   Version 0.26
      adds  d9c4504   Depend on MX::LazyRequire 0.04.
      adds  5f7b594   Version 0.27.
      adds  b0d1069   Add test defults for named params.
      adds  cbf478c   Make t/named_default.t pass.
      adds  6227925   Version 0.28.
      adds  b727ac4   Add test for regression introduced in 0.28.
      adds  0e13f86   Fix regression introduced in 0.28.
      adds  75283cd   Simplify slurpy_positional handling.
      adds  de7728c   Version 0.29.
      adds  5d956eb   Stop handing a magic substr lvalues to a Damian module. This apparently fixes a couple of bugs, mostly in parameterized roles in MXD.
      adds  8102fc7   Make the default type constraint Any instead of Defined.
      adds  3aed2ab   Make coercion fail due to missing coercion for the Optionally wrapped type.
      adds  0a8224c   Fix changelog typo.
      adds  3f6486a   Version 0.30.
      adds  83d4d7d   Added failing tests for complex coercion with MooseX::Types
      adds  df4e7c2   Merge remote branch 'willert/master'
      adds  2f69450   Coerce default values.
      adds  37f7e16   tests for using aliased.pm with type signatures
      adds  4d04809   Merge remote branch 'renormalist/master'
      adds  a03ad27   Make coercion fail due to missing coercion for the Optionally wrapped type.
      adds  b721625   Merge remote branch 'gphat/master'
      adds  ef24bd5   failing test for passing undef to method
      adds  9cbb29c   add specific tests for where { } and a test based on the synopsis
      adds  48589e7   named args always at the end and they make positional required
      adds  a089337   add a todo test for future warning/croak
      adds  7dfa804   Merge remote branch 'arcanez/master'
      adds  a97252a   Fix up Justin's tests.
      adds  b8d2393   Fail if we don't get a key/val pair where we expect named params.
      adds  570fa24   Add failing coercion tests.
      adds  1b2c77d   Merge branch 'coerce_optional_named'
      adds  6d1d924   Trait parameters, rehashed.
      adds  b042727   Merge remote branch 'gphat/trait_params'
      adds  8af5353   Trait parameters, rehashed.
      adds  153c9b7   Use Parse::Constructor::Arguments and Hash::Merge to manage method trait arguments
      adds  e3d4a32   package should not be required for integration into MooseX::Declare
      adds  113750e   Bump required version of Parse::Constructor::Arguments
      adds  4824a4c   Merge remote branch 'nperez/parse_args_traits'
      adds  98625d8   work around Structured TC bug?
      adds  262251f   Merge remote branch 'jrockway/master'
      adds  7d4d0c8   two new tests
      adds  696d5ff   compatibilize the signature with the Moose::Meta::Method wrap
      adds  3906fd6   add support for "does" declarator
      adds  80ba3e0   When a method "does" traits, we create an anon class to make the mixin before calling wrap, so we give the opportunity for the traits to modify the initialization
      adds  2f710da   I misunderstood M::I::ExtraTests
      adds  46c0236   the wrap signature chages to be compatible with Moose::Meta::Method.
      adds  1c2e742   this doesnt seem to be necessary
      adds  385a04a   all tests pass. Doesnt try to reify the method object, but instead creates a proto_method just to initialize attributes and then calls wrap again to get the actual version
      adds  4ec337a   bump version and add changelog entry
      adds  de71033   Detects usage of old API and retro-compatibilizes.
      adds  26dd46f   Support for creating a method object without the code ref. CatalystX::Declare seems to require it.
      adds  bdf94cc   CX::Declare yet again goes deeper then expected
      adds  bd71b4d   Now a truly backward compatible version
      adds  4c484b8   fix test count
      adds  3bdf7f8   Fix use of subtype to avoid warnings from next Moose
      adds  bed9459   Merge remote branch 'autarch/master'
      adds  fe21cfe   Dzilify
      adds  58954d1   Version 0.35
      adds  70032e7   Depend on the latest MooseX::LazyRequire
      adds  255cd9d   Version 0.36
      adds  0cd0730   don't look in the stash for things containing ::
      adds  44f9264   Version 0.37
      adds  828dbe3   Require B::Hooks::EndOfScope 0.10, fixing perl 5.8 breakage.
      adds  040d55e   another version bump, for another 5.8 breakage
      adds  2b9dea2   convert all uses of Test::Exception to Test::Fatal.
      adds  03aebb0   bump MXTStructured dependency to 0.24
      adds  a250509   failing unit test for RT#65570 - undef handling in named arg lists
      adds  826f0e5   meta update
      adds  89a981a   prep for next release
      adds  73389e1   fix t/errors.t with new Carp
      adds  1ffd795   add Eval::Closure dep
      adds  3727cc4   fix formatting of Changes
      adds  b531354   mark this test as TODO for now
      adds  8558573   automatically update Changes with release version/date
      adds  80bb9f1   more release tests; use Git plugin to manage releases
      adds  5604c3a   disable this failing release test
      adds  6d40ab0   fix bad timestamp - thanks, Test::CPAN::Changes :)
      adds  05f216a   MooseX-Method-Signatures-0.42
      adds  1a48988   new CPAN::Meta::* fixes this issue with versions
      adds  83e4777   dep on the plugin version that injects its prereqs
      adds  1bd097c   fix [Test::CheckDeps] version specification
      adds  912c845   unit tests fail with MooseX::Types 0.33
      adds  e9d13f8   MooseX-Method-Signatures-0.43
      adds  1553604   dist.ini improvements
      adds  0ad387a   typo in config parameter
      adds  4943163   include -TRIAL in tag name
      adds  85a4985   some more metadata, and release tests
      adds  48248af   generate a README.md; commit it at release time
      adds  92d82b1   Add abstracts to Meta::Method and Types
      adds  6a0daa2   use templated dist name
      adds  a25eab0   fix repository metadata
      adds  4f181f2   named args are "named", not "positional"
      adds  054c0b9   s/can not/cannot/
      adds  e536e3b   Merge pull request #2 from mauke/master
      adds  e1e0398   spelling in code must match the test
      adds  1663688   give names to all these tests
      adds  41399dc   test the exception message
      adds  1448699   Hash key ordering is randomized starting in 5.17.6
      adds  e4ce9a0   Merge branch 'rfm/5.17.6_hash_algo'
      adds  a9b92cf   add prereqs needed in author tests
      adds  2ebecfe   Perl6::Subs has been removed from cpan
      adds  8151a78   adding reference to signatures, all the rage on p5p
      adds  ca043b4   new README.md
      adds  d7d6565   MooseX-Method-Signatures-0.44
      adds  5c802a0   Class::MOP::load_class is deprecated in Moose 2.1100
      adds  3af6df3   use Moose::Util::find_meta
      adds  04b999e   remove unneeded uses of FindBin
      adds  571bab0   best to avoid using this...
      adds  4b2c666   tighten up .gitignore entries
      adds  05b4a4d   add Contributors metadata, removing extra authors that are really contributors
      adds  fed59d3   empty commit to add contributor metadata
      adds  ec22adf   empty commit to add contributor metadata
      adds  0edeaad   empty commit to add contributor metadata
      adds  7c5775b   convert to my pluginbundle for sanity, and to localize podweaver configs (for contributors) (sorry FLORA!)
      adds  509bafd   normalize timestamps in changelog, for CPAN::Changes::Spec compliance
      adds  5e4aeac   populate %INC to keep use_module() happy
      adds  f6b9716   make release tests pass
      adds  9a2ba44   move to http://github.com/moose/MooseX-Method-Signatures
      adds  d631156   MooseX-Method-Signatures-0.45
      adds  f7ae475   reword the changelog entry for clarity
      adds  0f81436   add some more canonical mappings
      adds  88e7af8   include contributors in pod
      adds  1faaeb2   changelog for [Test::Compile] release
      adds  cb8011c   stop Test::Mojibake from complaining about our malformed pod
      adds  593d7a7   MooseX-Method-Signatures-0.46
      adds  9c809c2   Dist::Zilla 5.000 fixes our encoding issues
      adds  b1d1ae4   new CONTRIBUTING file
      adds  0d21085   [-Encoding] is redundant with Pod::Weaver 4.000
      adds  0ac98d8   add irc and mailinglist addresses to metadata
      adds  9492335   remove redundant pod test
      adds  c2dd790   add missing authordep
      adds  e05a115   remove the ego lines; canonicalize timestamps
      adds  a38401b   changelog for updated generated files
      adds  3c87751   MooseX-Method-Signatures-0.47
      adds  27f8c42   tighten up entries
      adds  5cd5148   properly declare authority
      adds  0d834ab   switch to [Git::Contributors]
      adds  a85f1ff   this is the default option
      adds  a086735   run moose-outdated in tests
      adds  d1c3a9f   remove unnecessary plugin
      adds  f4c5894   keep namespaces clean, where MooseX::Types is new enough that our declared types are installed as methods
      adds  4213eae   add some keywords to metadata
      adds  3822bef   explain what these deps are for
      adds  66f77c1   perl RT#121638 changed these warning messages in 5.21.4
      adds  617065d   shorter pod lists
      adds  2cd3471   add a formal deprecation notice, as in MooseX::Declare
      adds  b539b90   MooseX-Method-Signatures-0.48
      adds  d2a0969   Imported Upstream version 0.48
       new  84f69fa   Merge tag 'upstream/0.48'
       new  784c585   Update debian/changelog
       new  7c42af8   debian/copyright: update Upstream-Contact and upstream copyright years.
       new  9ac96b2   Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6.
       new  87b3b0a   Mark package as autopkgtest-able.
       new  4c5d70a   releasing package libmoosex-method-signatures-perl version 0.48-1

The 8 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Build.PL                                    | 158 ++++++-
 CONTRIBUTING                                |  38 +-
 Changes                                     |   4 +
 LICENSE                                     |   8 +-
 MANIFEST                                    |   8 +-
 META.json                                   | 706 ++++++++++++++++++++--------
 META.yml                                    | 625 +++++++++++++++---------
 Makefile.PL                                 | 102 ++--
 README                                      |   8 +-
 README.md                                   | 309 ------------
 debian/changelog                            |  12 +-
 debian/control                              |   3 +-
 debian/copyright                            |   4 +-
 debian/upstream/metadata                    |   8 +
 dist.ini                                    |  18 +-
 lib/MooseX/Method/Signatures.pm             | 111 +++--
 lib/MooseX/Method/Signatures/Meta/Method.pm |  21 +-
 lib/MooseX/Method/Signatures/Types.pm       |  15 +-
 t/00-report-prereqs.dd                      | 158 +++++++
 t/00-report-prereqs.t                       | 273 ++++++-----
 t/errors.t                                  |   4 +-
 t/zzz-check-breaks.t                        |  18 +
 weaver.ini                                  |   2 -
 xt/author/00-compile.t                      |   4 +-
 xt/author/clean-namespaces.t                |  11 +
 xt/author/no-tabs.t                         |  71 +++
 xt/author/pod-spell.t                       |  74 +--
 xt/release/changes_has_content.t            |   2 +-
 xt/release/distmeta.t                       |   5 +-
 xt/release/kwalitee.t                       |   9 +-
 xt/release/no-tabs.t                        |  16 -
 xt/release/pod-syntax.t                     |   5 +-
 xt/release/test-version.t                   |  22 -
 33 files changed, 1756 insertions(+), 1076 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 README.md
 create mode 100644 debian/upstream/metadata
 create mode 100644 t/00-report-prereqs.dd
 create mode 100644 t/zzz-check-breaks.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/clean-namespaces.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/no-tabs.t
 delete mode 100644 xt/release/no-tabs.t
 delete mode 100644 xt/release/test-version.t

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libmoosex-method-signatures-perl.git

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