[libapp-termcast-perl] branch master updated (a7e8ed6 -> dcd9b8d)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Tue Sep 16 15:18:52 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libapp-termcast-perl.

      from  a7e8ed6   update changelog
       new  b013607   Add debian/upstream/metadata
       new  407efdb   Update debian/changelog
      adds  3673f06   initial commit
      adds  7d6ebe0   first stab at implementation
      adds  86aa2b0   helper script to run it
      adds  1f05ffc   check for eof/error properly
      adds  c6190fc   better terminal setting handling
      adds  86169d0   aha, echo was off by default on spawned processes
      adds  29cbb0e   abstract and prereqs
      adds  d4247cd   the pty object is the actual io handle now
      adds  35d4d08   don't need to keep calling fileno on the pty
      adds  c1183b8   use the interface from the new version of io-pty-easy
      adds  bf3bea9   depend on the new version of io-pty-easy
      adds  56c6299   link to the termcast website
      adds  ab9522e   add documentation for attributes
      adds  f31a965   add synopsis and description
      adds  61190c9   document bin/termcast
      adds  8f02717   add todo section
      adds  0beaf55   let's release this as a development release first
      adds  1a0beb8   perl-- # "0" is false/:
      adds  479eb3c   turn off cr/nl translation on the user's terminal
      adds  11a57c7   update Changes
      adds  79f937d   bump version to 0.01_02
      adds  6f110be   read off the things the termcast server sends back (sorear++)
      adds  ca37741   add the beginnings of a test
      adds  27c8422   add a few more tests for functionality
      adds  ee92b9e   add read/write test
      adds  28eb4f0   update TODO
      adds  0dd57d7   add release dates to the changelog
      adds  baf10a2   update Changes
      adds  9e61234   bump version to 0.01
      adds  232c315   add an option for making watchers cause a bell
      adds  17217b2   reformat usage info so it fits on the screen
      adds  f342a38   don't double-interpolate $^X in the tests
      adds  8731246   reread after getting a SIGWINCH
      adds  1afe3a8   use Scope::Guard to clean up ReadMode
      adds  c5e903f   update Changes and bump version to 0.02
      adds  a47c9a5   automatically reconnect if the connection to the server drops
      adds  50c9962   strict and warnings in the termcast script
      adds  376a227   try to catch more instances of disconnects
      adds  99672ca   error checking
      adds  342c8bb   some refactoring
      adds  a225709   bump copyright date
      adds  6e6a00c   changelog and version bump
      adds  d90610a   failure to read from the socket shouldn't terminate the session
      adds  4a3506e   factor out sending data to the server, to allow using that separately
      adds  0f592e5   add ttyrec streamer
      adds  c234069   stop using extra_argv directly, pass command to run to the run method
      adds  39edf6c   update docs
      adds  0284865   syswrite on the socket, for consistency
      adds  50c4cf9   test the write_to_termcast method
      adds  3028039   changelog and version bump
      adds  cfa30e9   oops, how did that get changed
      adds  675683a   changelog and version bump
      adds  0e7174e   it'd be nice if i could stop messing this stuff up
      adds  2769b74   changelog and version bump
      adds  184a83c   refactor the estrablishment message into its own attribute
      adds  43477c6   Changes
      adds  5082183   dzil stuff
      adds  706298e   always warn when reconnecting
      adds  0df616f   repeatedly try reconnecting, don't just die after trying once
      adds  0a2182e   if recv returns '', that means we're disconnected without an error
      adds  fb4779c   don't try reconnecting immediately if it fails
      adds  79d5486   don't treat interrupted system calls as actual errors
      adds  3799a93   oops, accidentally lost that release date when cleaning up
      adds  284b695   changelog
      adds  76ec339   more dzil tweaks
      adds  ea51780   changelog
      adds  f605f3d   heh, don't recreate the termcast object here
      adds  95e0720   actually make WINCH signal the subprocess properly
      adds  005b9e6   changelog
      adds  894a673   don't leave the terminal in raw mode when the socket can't connect
      adds  7fedd8f   this shouldn't be necessary
      adds  494b7e6   refactor the ReadMode stuff a bit
      adds  4712c21   don't switch to raw mode until we know we can connect
      adds  62bdc4a   make sure the server accepts our password
      adds  18bc512   changelog
      adds  2a98b4e   update the tests to properly send login acknowledgement
      adds  d48def2   heh, make sure @INC is propagated into the subprocess properly
      adds  70eac33   send term geometry to the server
      adds  cbffa01   changes
      adds  e5df377   use Term::ReadKey instead of shell commands
      adds  80b8931   send new term geometry when the window changes
      adds  a598a9e   changes
      adds  f571d1e   update tests
      adds  ccd85c2   stop sleeping after hello
      adds  877713e   update tests for the immediate geometry update
      adds  3737f92   factor this out into a method
      adds  0ebbb2e   wait to write the updates until we know it's safe
      adds  0932796   should probably explicitly dep on Try::Tiny, just in case
      adds  85db4e0   use Test::Requires and done_testing
      adds  f0ff57f   in some situations, this test won't have access to the term size
      adds  e9a81b4   make the tests a bit more reliable
      adds  fddf32a   changelog
      adds  1db37bb   override termsize calculation in tests, so it is consistent
      adds  2c8aa35   add Term::TtyRec::Plus to 'recommends'
      adds  9d99f3c   stop using the weaver template thing
      adds  719e674   remove test numbering
      adds  9c4fb58   pod coverage
      adds  69d35a6   changelog
      adds  6d67e85   start porting this to Term::Filter
      adds  162bec2   fix this so that it actually works
      adds  d03d8e3   also disable raw mode when failing to connect at the start
      adds  b3e3dc9   ->run is not much at all like exec
      adds  dd812b9   remove some obsolete comments
      adds  a334f1e   add some more features to stream_ttyrec
      adds  35ac360   update for retry_select api
      adds  08f0aa7   use IO::Select instead of Select::Retry
      adds  2474f1d   dzil stuff
      adds  78ee25d   make sure we apply ReadMode to the right filehandle
      adds  3bc4155   update for new Term::Filter api
      adds  8400a64   changelog
      adds  1da7bb9   more reliable tests
      adds  f8d3ee7   changelog
      adds  c7ff199   remove dead sockets from the select loop
      adds  725b6c7   close sockets before removing them, just in case
      adds  0e24d37   changelog
      adds  9ab8ab9   changelog
      adds  c4df27d   packaging stuff
      adds  dbce725   use a less intrusive metadata escape sequence
      adds  b03191a   changelog
      adds  df4fe70   fix tests
      adds  c66df9d   fix travis
      adds  1acca85   add test deps
      adds  6f6ada8   changelog
      adds  b6e4f53   Imported Upstream version 0.13
       new  3bf5a7d   Merge tag 'upstream/0.13'
       new  327bcb2   Update debian/changelog
       new  5015826   Update years of upstream and packaging copyright.
       new  0f4a76c   Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.5.
       new  dcd9b8d   releasing package libapp-termcast-perl version 0.13-1

The 7 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Changes                             |   6 +
 LICENSE                             |   8 +-
 MANIFEST                            |   9 +-
 META.json                           | 354 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 META.yml                            | 317 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 Makefile.PL                         |  58 +++---
 README                              |   6 +-
 bin/stream_ttyrec                   |  12 +-
 bin/termcast                        |  12 +-
 debian/changelog                    |  12 +-
 debian/control                      |   2 +-
 debian/copyright                    |   4 +-
 debian/upstream/metadata            |   8 +
 dist.ini                            |   7 +-
 lib/App/Termcast.pm                 |  33 ++--
 t/00-compile.t                      | 121 ++++++------
 t/basic.t                           |   2 +-
 t/read-write.t                      |   2 +-
 t/release-no-tabs.t                 |  16 --
 t/release-pod-coverage.t            |  21 ---
 t/release-pod-syntax.t              |  15 --
 t/write-to-termcast.t               |   2 +-
 t/release-eol.t => xt/release/eol.t |   8 -
 xt/release/no-tabs.t                |  20 ++
 xt/release/pod-coverage.t           |   7 +
 xt/release/pod-syntax.t             |   6 +
 26 files changed, 758 insertions(+), 310 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 debian/upstream/metadata
 delete mode 100644 t/release-no-tabs.t
 delete mode 100644 t/release-pod-coverage.t
 delete mode 100644 t/release-pod-syntax.t
 rename t/release-eol.t => xt/release/eol.t (50%)
 create mode 100644 xt/release/no-tabs.t
 create mode 100644 xt/release/pod-coverage.t
 create mode 100644 xt/release/pod-syntax.t

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libapp-termcast-perl.git

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