[libstring-random-perl] annotated tag upstream/0.28 created (now 92625c7)

Axel Beckert abe at deuxchevaux.org
Mon Apr 27 21:07:39 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

abe pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/0.28
in repository libstring-random-perl.

        at  92625c7   (tag)
   tagging  6a129fc370a2a93a53d5cd1211525640f1112645 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.26
 tagged by  Axel Beckert
        on  Mon Apr 27 23:05:23 2015 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.28
Version: GnuPG v1


Axel Beckert (1):
      Imported Upstream version 0.28

Kosuke Asami (1):
      Cache parsed range patterns

Lance A. Brown (18):
      Update formatting using perltidy
      Use lexical loop variables.
      Clean up Exporter stuff
      Use negative array index instead of $#var
      Always unpack @_ first
      Apply perltidy -pbp -nst formatting
      Use direct object syntax for new
      Use lexical variables instead of package variables
      Avoid ambiguously named 'last' variables
      Remove useless use of $_
      Don't use quotes with strings containing no non-whitespace
      Use regex instead of string in split
      Use brackets with double sigil derefrerence
      Do not use postfix control 'if' structure
      Useless interpolation of literal string
      One more perltidy cleanup
      Add .perlcriticrc
      Add rand_gen parameter to new

Shlomi Fish (24):
      Add a test for trailing whitespace.
      Add gitignore.
      Add changes.
      Update the POD.
      Convert Build.PL to Test::Run::Builder.
      Modernise Build.PL.
      Fix warning on ".".
      Add to the TODO.
      Bump the version to 0.23.
      Add keywords and repository-link.
      Fix the link to the repository.
      Bump the version number to 0.25.
      LICENSE file and section.
      Add minimal version of perl.
      Bump version to 0.26
      Document the latest change.
      C-style for loop to ranged for.
      Cleanups and optimisations.
      Add t/07_rand_gen.t to the MANIFEST.
      update the Changes.
      Small optimisation to an earlier commit.
      Bump version to 0.27.
      Convert Changes to CPAN::Changes.
      Bump version to 0.28.

steve (28):
      Initial revision
      Beginning of regex support.
      First pass of [] in regex support.
      Minor cosmetic bug fixed.
      Updated POD and added tests.
      "-" inside [] works.
      {} works.
      Fixed stupid while ($ch ... instead of while (defined($ch ...
      Added random_regex() function interface.
      Adding README.
      Fixed \W generating "_".
      Update Copyright statements.
      Add support for binary data in randpattern().  Update to 0.1991.
      Version 0.1992.
      Add support for "*", "+", and "?".
      Fix "bad range" error.
      Fix old functions.
      Clean up some documentation.
      Modify tests to use Test::More.
      Update changelog.
      Whitespace cleanup.
      Convert to Module::Build.
      Avoid undefined results from randregex().
      Clean up tests.
      0.21 final.
      Add META.yml.
      0.22   Thu Sep 21 2006


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libstring-random-perl.git

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