[libdist-zilla-plugin-test-notabs-perl] branch master updated (257f8c9 -> 3b92f13)

Intrigeri intrigeri at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Apr 29 12:33:29 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

intrigeri pushed a change to branch master
in repository libdist-zilla-plugin-test-notabs-perl.

      from  257f8c9   libdist-zilla-plugin-test-notabs-perl (0.09-1)
       new  8f54738   Add upstream-vcs-tag to debian/gbp.conf, so that `gbp import-orig' automatically merges the upstream release tag.
      adds  f8bc012   skip files with encoding=bytes
      adds  fafba3c   add a test that runs `moose-outdated`
      adds  87d25d5   Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-NoTabs-0.10
      adds  921e6f9   update abstract and keyword list
      adds  3d8e469   $file->is_bytes was not added until Dist::Zilla 5.001-ish
      adds  8d8297c   fix bad editing of finder documentation when I merged module_finder and script_finder into finder
      adds  9cef652   move comment
      adds  ef0c770   Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-NoTabs-0.11
      adds  9cc9b87   keep the file if no is_bytes sub!
      adds  99d99f7   Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-NoTabs-0.12
      adds  db8469b   check that this plugin exists before trying to use it
      adds  aec1e0c   Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-NoTabs-0.13
      adds  32100c6   at long last, drop the use of fatal warnings in tests
      adds  dffc54d   import only what we need
      adds  da65b51   inject the correct prereq version
      adds  f7a243a   add a SEE ALSO section to pod
      adds  4113623   whitespace
      adds  af808f7   clarify comment
      adds  920c683   unnecessary module
      adds  2d673ca   test "file" option
      adds  c3f25ab   use the "deprecated" warning category for [NoTabsTests]
      adds  b99ff54   custom plugin name is not needed
      adds  d081101   keep $VERSION right in the repo
      adds  f48be76   [Test::CleanNamespaces] is now provided by my plugin bundle
      adds  fd5dd59   the intention was that we would use ourselves to test ourselves
      adds  de7ceda   remove unneeded entry
      adds  ed97a7b   more accurate prereq for ensuring metaspec validation
      adds  dbdf3c1   hardcode the distribution name in Changes, to reduce churn on each release
      adds  1a24435   add x_deprecated to "provides" metadata for [NoTabsTests]
      adds  8f21ac8   add a placeholder .mailmap
      adds  bebd27c   disable these tests until CPAN::Meta::Validator is fixed
      adds  4473dc8   Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-NoTabs-0.14
      adds  db7112d   Imported Upstream version 0.14
       new  a165959   Merge tag 'upstream/0.14'
       new  e9849cd   Update debian/changelog.
       new  2b27a3d   Bump build-dependency on libmodule-build-tiny-perl to >= 0.039.
       new  778fe38   Update debian/changelog.
       new  f283f48   Declare compliance with Standards-Version 3.9.6 (no change required).
       new  bca01d8   Stop versioning build-dependency on libmodule-build-tiny-perl: Debian has never had an older version than the one required.
       new  05b600a   Bump copyright years for debian/*.
       new  3b92f13   libdist-zilla-plugin-test-notabs-perl (0.14-1)

The 9 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Build.PL                                  |  42 ++-
 CONTRIBUTING                              |  19 +-
 Changes                                   |  20 ++
 INSTALL                                   |   1 -
 MANIFEST                                  |  10 +-
 META.json                                 | 578 ++++++++++++++++++++----------
 META.yml                                  | 441 +++++++++++++++--------
 Makefile.PL                               |  32 +-
 README                                    |   6 +-
 debian/changelog                          |  12 +
 debian/control                            |   4 +-
 debian/copyright                          |   2 +-
 debian/gbp.conf                           |   2 +
 dist.ini                                  |  18 +-
 lib/Dist/Zilla/Plugin/NoTabsTests.pm      |  10 +-
 lib/Dist/Zilla/Plugin/Test/NoTabs.pm      |  63 ++--
 t/00-report-prereqs.dd                    |  80 ++++-
 t/00-report-prereqs.t                     |  14 +-
 t/01-basic.t                              |  17 +-
 t/02-finder-legacy.t                      |   9 +-
 t/03-finder.t                             |  17 +-
 t/04-filename.t                           |  14 +-
 t/05-bytes-encoding.t                     |  49 +++
 t/zzz-check-breaks.t                      |  18 +
 xt/author/00-compile.t                    |   9 +-
 xt/{release => author}/clean-namespaces.t |   2 +-
 xt/author/eol.t                           |  23 ++
 xt/author/no-tabs.t                       |  37 ++
 xt/release/changes_has_content.t          |   2 +-
 xt/release/distmeta.t                     |   6 -
 xt/release/eol.t                          |   8 -
 xt/release/kwalitee.t                     |   2 +-
 xt/release/minimum-version.t              |   2 +-
 xt/release/portability.t                  |   1 +
 34 files changed, 1064 insertions(+), 506 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 debian/gbp.conf
 create mode 100644 t/05-bytes-encoding.t
 create mode 100644 t/zzz-check-breaks.t
 rename xt/{release => author}/clean-namespaces.t (93%)
 create mode 100644 xt/author/eol.t
 create mode 100644 xt/author/no-tabs.t
 delete mode 100644 xt/release/distmeta.t
 delete mode 100644 xt/release/eol.t

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libdist-zilla-plugin-test-notabs-perl.git

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