[libdata-rmap-perl] 01/01: initial import of Data::Rmap 0.62 from CPAN

Florian Schlichting fsfs at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Apr 30 21:19:07 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

fsfs pushed a commit to tag 0.62
in repository libdata-rmap-perl.

commit 359dd872c1a5185dd9ed7918b0252d929c6d926c
Author: Brad Bowman <perl-cpan at bereft.net>
Date:   Wed Jul 7 12:49:34 2010 +1000

    initial import of Data::Rmap 0.62 from CPAN
    git-cpan-module:   Data::Rmap
    git-cpan-version:  0.62
    git-cpan-authorid: BOWMANBS
 Build.PL         |  34 ++++
 Changes          |  14 ++
 INSTALL          |  14 ++
 MANIFEST         |   9 +
 META.yml         |  12 ++
 Makefile.PL      |  14 ++
 README           | 320 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/Data/Rmap.pm | 546 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test.pl          | 191 +++++++++++++++++++
 9 files changed, 1154 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Build.PL b/Build.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47284a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Module::Build;
+my $class = Module::Build->subclass(
+	code => q{
+		sub ACTION_deb {
+			use strict;
+			my $self = shift;
+			$self->dispatch('distdir');
+			my $distdir = $self->dist_name .'-'. $self->dist_version;
+			my $lc_distdir = lc($distdir);
+			# do_system echos
+			$self->do_system("rm","-rf", $lc_distdir) or die $!;
+			$self->do_system("mv", $distdir, $lc_distdir) or die $!;
+			$self->do_system("cp","-r", "debian", $lc_distdir) or die $!;
+			$self->add_to_cleanup($lc_distdir);
+			$self->do_system("cd $lc_distdir  && debuild -us -uc") or die $!;
+		}
+	},
+	module_name => 'Data::Rmap',
+	license => 'perl',
+	requires => {
+		'Scalar::Util' => 0,
+		'Test::Exception' => 0,
+	},
+	create_makefile_pl => 'traditional',
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8a7cec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Changes
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Mon Sep 22 21:26:27 EST 2008
+0.62 - Clarified LICENSE terms in pod, user request
+Mon Aug 15 11:19:02 EST 2005
+0.61 - Added Test::Exception prereq
+	 - Debian packaging support 
+Mon Dec 20 15:53:16 EST 2004
+0.6  - Allowed for "REF" in tests for 5.8
+     - Changed Module::Build usage
+Tue May 11 17:00:06 EST 2004
+0.5  - added README Changes
+     - trim long lines in docs
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2e4248
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+perl Makefile.PL;
+make test;
+make install;
+perl Build.PL;
+./Build test;
+./Build install;
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa65cce
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+MANIFEST			This list of files
diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47a445d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec.html
+#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!!  It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
+name:         Data-Rmap
+version:      0.62
+version_from: lib/Data/Rmap.pm
+installdirs:  site
+    Scalar::Util:                  0
+    Test::Exception:               0
+distribution_type: module
+generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.30_01
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19345d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Note: this file was auto-generated by Module::Build::Compat version 0.03
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+          'NAME' => 'Data::Rmap',
+          'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/Data/Rmap.pm',
+          'PREREQ_PM' => {
+                           'Scalar::Util' => '0',
+                           'Test::Exception' => '0'
+                         },
+          'INSTALLDIRS' => 'site',
+          'PL_FILES' => {}
+        )
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22b856d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+    Data::Rmap - recursive map, apply a block to a data structure
+     $ perl -MData::Rmap -e 'print rmap { $_ } 1, [2,3], \\4, "\n"'
+     1234
+     $ perl -MData::Rmap=:all
+     rmap_all { print (ref($_) || "?") ,"\n" } \@array, \%hash, \*glob;
+     # OUTPUT (Note: a GLOB always has a SCALAR, hence the last two items)
+     # ARRAY
+     # HASH
+     # GLOB
+     # SCALAR
+     # ?
+     # Upper-case your leaves in-place
+     $array = [ "a", "b", "c" ];
+     $hash  = { key => "a value" };
+     rmap { $_ = uc $_; } $array, $hash;
+     use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Terse=1; $Data::Dumper::Indent=0;
+     print Dumper($array), " ", Dumper($hash), "\n";
+     # OUTPUT
+     # ['A','B','C'] {'key' => 'A VALUE'}
+     # Simple array dumper.  
+     # Uses $self->recurse method to alter traversal order 
+     ($dump) = rmap_to {
+        return "'$_'" unless ref($_); # scalars are quoted and returned
+        my $self = shift;
+        # use $self->recurse to grab results and wrap them
+        return '[ ' . join(', ', $self->recurse() ) . ' ]';
+      } ARRAY|VALUE,  [ 1, [ 2, [ [ 3 ], 4 ] ], 5 ];  
+     print "$dump\n";
+     # OUTPUT
+     # [ '1', [ '2', [ [ '3' ], '4' ] ], '5' ]
+     rmap BLOCK LIST
+    Recursively evaluate a BLOCK over a list of data structures (locally
+    setting $_ to each element) and return the list composed of the results
+    of such evaluations. $_ can be used to modify the elements.
+    Data::Rmap currently traverses HASH, ARRAY, SCALAR and GLOB reference
+    types and ignores others. Depending on which rmap_* wrapper is used, the
+    BLOCK is called for only scalar values, arrays, hashes, references, all
+    elements or a customizable combination.
+    The list of data structures is traversed pre-order in a depth-first
+    fashion. That is, the BLOCK is called for the container reference before
+    is it called for it's elements (although see "recurse" below for
+    post-order). The values of a hash are traversed in the usual "values"
+    order which may affect some applications.
+    If the "cut" subroutine is called in the BLOCK then the traversal stops
+    for that branch, say if you "cut" an array then the code is never called
+    for it's elements (or their sub-elements). To simultaneously return
+    values and cut, simply pass the return list to cut:
+    "cut('add','to','returned');"
+    The first parameter to the BLOCK is an object which maintains the state
+    of the traversal. Methods available on this object are described in
+    "State Object" below.
+    By default:
+     rmap, rmap_all, cut
+    Optionally:
+     rmap_scalar rmap_hash rmap_array rmap_ref rmap_to
+     :all => ... # everything
+    The various names are just wrappers which select when to call the code
+    BLOCK. rmap_all always calls it, the others are more selective while
+    rmap_to takes an extra parameter permitting you to provide selection
+    criteria. Furthermore, you can always just rmap_all and skip nodes which
+    are not of interest.
+    rmap_to { ... } $want, @data_structures;
+        Most general first.
+        Recurse the @data_structures and apply the BLOCK to elements
+        selected by $want. The $want parameter is the bitwise "or" of
+        whatever types you choose (imported with :types):
+         VALUE  - non-reference scalar, eg. 1
+         HASH   - hash reference
+         ARRAY  - array reference
+         SCALAR - scalar refernce, eg. \1
+         REF    - higher-level reference, eg. \\1, \\{}
+                  B<NOT> any reference type, see <Scalar::Util>'s reftype:
+                  perl -MScalar::Util=reftype -le 'print map reftype($_), \1, \\1'
+         GLOB   - glob reference, eg. \*x  
+                  (scalar, hash and array recursed)
+         ALL    - all of the above
+         NONE   - none of the above
+        So to call the block for arrays and scalar values do:
+         use Data::Rmap ':all';         # or qw(:types rmap_to)
+         rmap { ... } ARRAY|VALUE, @data_structures;
+        (ALL & !GLOB) might also be handy.
+        The remainder of the wrappers are given in terms of the $want for
+        rmap_to.
+    rmap { ... } @list;
+        Recurse and call the BLOCK on non-reference scalar values. $want =
+        VALUE
+    rmap_all BLOCK LIST
+        Recurse and call the BLOCK on everything. $want = ALL
+    rmap_scalar { ... } @list
+        Recurse and call the BLOCK on non-collection scalars. $want =
+    rmap_hash
+        Recurse and call the BLOCK on hash refs. $want = HASH
+    rmap_array
+        Recurse and call the BLOCK on array refs. $want = ARRAY
+    rmap_ref
+        Recurse and call the BLOCK on all references (not GLOBS). $want =
+        Note: rmap_ref isn't the same as rmap_to {} REF
+    cut(@list)
+        Don't traverse sub-elements and return the @list immediately. For
+        example, if $_ is an ARRAY reference, then the array's elements are
+        not traversed.
+        If there's two paths to an element, both will need to be cut.
+State Object
+    The first parameter to the BLOCK is an object which maintains most of
+    the traversal state (except current node, which is $_). *You will ignore
+    it most of the time*. The "recurse" method may be useful. Other methods
+    should only be used in throw away tools, see TODO
+    Methods:
+    recurse
+        Process child nodes of $_ now and return the result.
+        This makes it easier to perform post-order and in-order processing
+        of a structure. Note that since the same "seen list" is used, the
+        child nodes aren't reprocessed.
+    code
+        The code reference of the BLOCK itself. Possible useful in some
+        situations.
+    seen
+        (Warning: I'm undecided whether this method should be public)
+        Reference to the HASH used to track where we have visited. You may
+        want to modify it in some situations (though I haven't yet). Beware
+        circular references. The (current) convention used for the key is in
+        the source.
+    want
+        (Warning: I'm undecided whether this method should be public)
+        The $want state described in rmap_to.
+     # command-line play
+     $ perl -MData::Rmap -le 'print join ":", rmap { $_ } 1,2,[3..5],\\6'
+     1:2:3:4:5:6
+     # Linearly number questions on a set of pages
+     my $qnum = 1;
+     rmap_hash {
+         $_->{qnum} = $qnum++ if($_->{qn});
+     } @pages;
+     # Grep recursively, finding ALL objects
+     use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
+     my @objects = rmap_ref {
+         blessed($_) ? $_ : ();
+     } $data_structure;
+     # Grep recursively, finding public objects (note the cut)
+     use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
+     my @objects = rmap_ref {
+         blessed($_) ?  cut($_) : ();
+     } $data_structure;
+     # Return a modified structure
+     # (result flattening means we must cheat by cloning then modifying)
+     use Storable qw(dclone);
+     use Lingua::EN::Numbers::Easy;
+     $words = [ 1, \2, { key => 3 } ];
+     $nums = dclone $words;
+     rmap { $_ = $N{$_} || $_ } $nums; 
+     # Make an assertion about a structure
+     use Data::Dump;
+     rmap_ref {
+        blessed($_) && $_->isa('Question') && defined($_->name)
+            or die "Question doesn't have a name:", dump($_);
+     } @pages;
+     # Traverse a tree using localize state
+     $tree = [
+         one =>
+         two =>
+         [   
+             three_one =>
+             three_two =>
+             [   
+                 three_three_one =>
+             ],
+             three_four =>
+         ],
+         four =>
+         [   
+             [   
+                 five_one_one =>
+             ],
+         ],
+     ];
+     @path = ('q');
+     rmap_to {
+         if(ref $_) {
+             local(@path) = (@path, 1); # ARRAY adds a new level to the path
+             $_[0]->recurse(); # does stuff within local(@path)'s scope
+         } else {
+             print join('.', @path), " = $_ \n"; # show the scalar's path
+         }
+         $path[-1]++; # bump last element (even when it was an aref)
+     } ARRAY|VALUE, $tree;
+     # OUTPUT
+     # q.1 = one 
+     # q.2 = two 
+     # q.3.1 = three_one 
+     # q.3.2 = three_two 
+     # q.3.3.1 = three_three_one 
+     # q.3.4 = three_four 
+     # q.4 = four 
+     # q.5.1.1 = five_one_one 
+    Beware comma after block:
+     rmap { print }, 1..3;
+                   ^-------- bad news, you get and empty list:
+     rmap(sub { print $_; }), 1..3;
+    If you don't import a function, perl's confusion may produce:
+     $ perl -MData::Rmap -le 'rmap_scalar { print } 1'
+     Can't call method "rmap_scalar" without a package or object reference...
+     $ perl -MData::Rmap -le 'rmap_scalar { $_++ } 1'
+     Can't call method "rmap_scalar" without a package or object reference...
+    If there's two paths to an element, both will need to be cut.
+    If there's two paths to an element, one will be taken randomly when
+    there is an intervening hash.
+    put for @_ iin wrapper to allow parameters in a different wrapper, solve
+    localizing problem.
+    Note that the package/class name of the "State Object" is subject to
+    change.
+    The want and seen accessors may change or become useful dynamic
+    mutators.
+    Store custom localized data about the traversal. Seems too difficult and
+    ugly when compare to doing it at the call site. Should support multiple
+    reentrancy so avoid the symbol table.
+    "rmap_args { } $data_structure, @args" form to pass parameters. Could
+    potentially help localizing needs. (Maybe only recurse last item)
+    Benchmark. Use array based object and/or direct access internally.
+    rmap_objects shortcut for Scalar::Utils::blessed (Let me know of other
+    useful rmap_??? wrappers)
+    Think about permitting different callback for different types. The
+    prototype syntax is a bit too flaky....
+    Ensure that no memory leaks are possible, leaking the closure.
+    Read http://www.cs.vu.nl/boilerplate/
+    map, grep, Storable's dclone, Scalar::Util's reftype and blessed
+    Faint traces of treemap:
+     http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=60829
+    Brad Bowman <rmap at bereft.net> Copyright (C) 2004 All rights reserved.
diff --git a/lib/Data/Rmap.pm b/lib/Data/Rmap.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72cf43d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Data/Rmap.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+package Data::Rmap;
+our $VERSION = 0.62;
+=head1 NAME
+Data::Rmap - recursive map, apply a block to a data structure
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ $ perl -MData::Rmap -e 'print rmap { $_ } 1, [2,3], \\4, "\n"'
+ 1234
+ $ perl -MData::Rmap=:all
+ rmap_all { print (ref($_) || "?") ,"\n" } \@array, \%hash, \*glob;
+ # OUTPUT (Note: a GLOB always has a SCALAR, hence the last two items)
+ # HASH
+ # GLOB
+ # ?
+ # Upper-case your leaves in-place
+ $array = [ "a", "b", "c" ];
+ $hash  = { key => "a value" };
+ rmap { $_ = uc $_; } $array, $hash;
+ use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Terse=1; $Data::Dumper::Indent=0;
+ print Dumper($array), " ", Dumper($hash), "\n";
+ # ['A','B','C'] {'key' => 'A VALUE'}
+ # Simple array dumper.  
+ # Uses $self->recurse method to alter traversal order 
+ ($dump) = rmap_to {
+    return "'$_'" unless ref($_); # scalars are quoted and returned
+    my $self = shift;
+    # use $self->recurse to grab results and wrap them
+    return '[ ' . join(', ', $self->recurse() ) . ' ]';
+  } ARRAY|VALUE,  [ 1, [ 2, [ [ 3 ], 4 ] ], 5 ];  
+ print "$dump\n";
+ # [ '1', [ '2', [ [ '3' ], '4' ] ], '5' ]
+Recursively evaluate a BLOCK over a list of data structures 
+(locally setting $_ to each element) and return the list composed
+of the results of such evaluations.  $_ can be used to modify
+the elements.
+Data::Rmap currently traverses HASH, ARRAY, SCALAR and GLOB reference
+types and ignores others.  Depending on which rmap_* wrapper is used,
+the BLOCK is called for only scalar values, arrays, hashes, references, 
+all elements or a customizable combination.
+The list of data structures is traversed pre-order in a depth-first fashion.
+That is, the BLOCK is called for the container reference before is it called
+for it's elements (although see "recurse" below for post-order).
+The values of a hash are traversed in the usual "values" order which
+may affect some applications.
+If the "cut" subroutine is called in the BLOCK then the traversal
+stops for that branch, say if you "cut" an array then the code is
+never called for it's elements (or their sub-elements).
+To simultaneously return values and cut, simply pass the return list
+to cut:  C<cut('add','to','returned');>
+The first parameter to the BLOCK is an object which maintains the
+state of the traversal.  Methods available on this object are 
+described in L<State Object> below.
+=head1 EXPORTS
+By default:
+ rmap, rmap_all, cut
+ rmap_scalar rmap_hash rmap_array rmap_ref rmap_to
+ :all => ... # everything
+=head1 Functions
+The various names are just wrappers which select when to call
+the code BLOCK.  rmap_all always calls it, the others are more
+selective while rmap_to takes an extra parameter permitting you
+to provide selection criteria.  Furthermore, you can always
+just rmap_all and skip nodes which are not of interest.
+=over 4 
+=item rmap_to { ... } $want, @data_structures;
+Most general first.
+Recurse the @data_structures and apply the BLOCK to 
+elements selected by $want.  The $want parameter is the
+bitwise "or" of whatever types you choose (imported with :types):
+ VALUE  - non-reference scalar, eg. 1
+ HASH   - hash reference
+ ARRAY  - array reference
+ SCALAR - scalar refernce, eg. \1
+ REF    - higher-level reference, eg. \\1, \\{}
+          B<NOT> any reference type, see <Scalar::Util>'s reftype:
+          perl -MScalar::Util=reftype -le 'print map reftype($_), \1, \\1'
+ GLOB   - glob reference, eg. \*x  
+          (scalar, hash and array recursed)
+ ALL    - all of the above
+ NONE   - none of the above
+So to call the block for arrays and scalar values do:
+ use Data::Rmap ':all';         # or qw(:types rmap_to)
+ rmap { ... } ARRAY|VALUE, @data_structures;
+(ALL & !GLOB) might also be handy.
+The remainder of the wrappers are given in terms of the $want for rmap_to.
+=item rmap { ... } @list;
+Recurse and call the BLOCK on non-reference scalar values.  $want = VALUE
+=item rmap_all BLOCK LIST
+Recurse and call the BLOCK on everything.  $want = ALL
+=item rmap_scalar { ... }  @list
+Recurse and call the BLOCK on non-collection scalars.  
+=item rmap_hash 
+Recurse and call the BLOCK on hash refs.  $want = HASH
+=item rmap_array 
+Recurse and call the BLOCK on array refs.  $want = ARRAY
+=item rmap_ref 
+Recurse and call the BLOCK on all references (not GLOBS).  
+Note: rmap_ref isn't the same as rmap_to {} REF
+=item cut(@list)
+Don't traverse sub-elements and return the @list immediately.
+For example, if $_ is an ARRAY reference, then the array's elements 
+are not traversed.  
+If there's two paths to an element, both will need to be cut.
+=head1 State Object
+The first parameter to the BLOCK is an object which maintains
+most of the traversal state (except current node, which is $_).
+I<You will ignore it most of the time>.
+The "recurse" method may be useful.  
+Other methods should only be used in throw away tools, see L<TODO>
+=over 4
+=item recurse
+Process child nodes of $_ now and return the result.
+This makes it easier to perform post-order and in-order
+processing of a structure.  Note that since the same "seen list"
+is used, the child nodes aren't reprocessed.
+=item code
+The code reference of the BLOCK itself.  Possible useful in
+some situations.
+=item seen
+(Warning: I'm undecided whether this method should be public)
+Reference to the HASH used to track where we have visited.
+You may want to modify it in some situations (though I haven't yet).
+Beware circular references.  The (current) convention used for the key
+is in the source.
+=item want
+(Warning: I'm undecided whether this method should be public)
+The $want state described in L<rmap_to>.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+ # command-line play
+ $ perl -MData::Rmap -le 'print join ":", rmap { $_ } 1,2,[3..5],\\6'
+ 1:2:3:4:5:6
+ # Linearly number questions on a set of pages
+ my $qnum = 1;
+ rmap_hash {
+     $_->{qnum} = $qnum++ if($_->{qn});
+ } @pages;
+ # Grep recursively, finding ALL objects
+ use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
+ my @objects = rmap_ref {
+     blessed($_) ? $_ : ();
+ } $data_structure;
+ # Grep recursively, finding public objects (note the cut)
+ use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
+ my @objects = rmap_ref {
+     blessed($_) ?  cut($_) : ();
+ } $data_structure;
+ # Return a modified structure
+ # (result flattening means we must cheat by cloning then modifying)
+ use Storable qw(dclone);
+ use Lingua::EN::Numbers::Easy;
+ $words = [ 1, \2, { key => 3 } ];
+ $nums = dclone $words;
+ rmap { $_ = $N{$_} || $_ } $nums; 
+ # Make an assertion about a structure
+ use Data::Dump;
+ rmap_ref {
+    blessed($_) && $_->isa('Question') && defined($_->name)
+        or die "Question doesn't have a name:", dump($_);
+ } @pages;
+ # Traverse a tree using localize state
+ $tree = [
+     one =>
+     two =>
+     [   
+         three_one =>
+         three_two =>
+         [   
+             three_three_one =>
+         ],
+         three_four =>
+     ],
+     four =>
+     [   
+         [   
+             five_one_one =>
+         ],
+     ],
+ ];
+ @path = ('q');
+ rmap_to {
+     if(ref $_) {
+         local(@path) = (@path, 1); # ARRAY adds a new level to the path
+         $_[0]->recurse(); # does stuff within local(@path)'s scope
+     } else {
+         print join('.', @path), " = $_ \n"; # show the scalar's path
+     }
+     $path[-1]++; # bump last element (even when it was an aref)
+ } ARRAY|VALUE, $tree;
+ # q.1 = one 
+ # q.2 = two 
+ # q.3.1 = three_one 
+ # q.3.2 = three_two 
+ # q.3.3.1 = three_three_one 
+ # q.3.4 = three_four 
+ # q.4 = four 
+ # q.5.1.1 = five_one_one 
+=head1 Troubleshooting 
+Beware comma after block:
+ rmap { print }, 1..3;
+               ^-------- bad news, you get and empty list:
+ rmap(sub { print $_; }), 1..3;
+If you don't import a function, perl's confusion may produce:
+ $ perl -MData::Rmap -le 'rmap_scalar { print } 1'
+ Can't call method "rmap_scalar" without a package or object reference...
+ $ perl -MData::Rmap -le 'rmap_scalar { $_++ } 1'
+ Can't call method "rmap_scalar" without a package or object reference...
+If there's two paths to an element, both will need to be cut.
+If there's two paths to an element, one will be taken randomly when
+there is an intervening hash.
+Autovivification can lead to "Deep recursion" warnings if you test
+C<exists $_->{this}{that}> instead of 
+C<exists $_->{this} && exists $_->{this}{that}>
+as you may follow a long chain of "this"s
+=head1 TODO
+put for @_ iin wrapper to allow parameters in a different wrapper,
+solve localizing problem.
+Note that the package/class name of the L<State Object>
+is subject to change.
+The want and seen accessors may change or become useful
+dynamic mutators.
+Store custom localized data about the traversal.
+Seems too difficult and ugly when compare to doing it at the call site.
+Should support multiple reentrancy so avoid the symbol table.
+C<rmap_args { } $data_structure, @args> form to pass parameters.
+Could potentially help localizing needs.  (Maybe only recurse last item)
+Benchmark.  Use array based object and/or direct access internally.
+rmap_objects shortcut for Scalar::Utils::blessed
+(Let me know of other useful rmap_??? wrappers)
+Think about permitting different callback for different types.
+The prototype syntax is a bit too flaky....
+Ensure that no memory leaks are possible, leaking the closure.
+Read http://www.cs.vu.nl/boilerplate/
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+map, grep, L<Storable>'s dclone, L<Scalar::Util>'s reftype and blessed
+Faint traces of treemap:
+ http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=60829
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Brad Bowman E<lt>rmap at bereft.netE<gt>
+Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Brad Bowman (E<lt>rmap at bereft.netE<gt>). 
+All rights reserved.
+This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. 
+See L<perlartistic> and L<perlgpl>.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Early design discussion:
+# http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=295642
+# wantarray
+# http://www.class-dbi.com/cgi-bin/wiki/index.cgi?AtomicUpdates
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Carp qw(croak);
+use Scalar::Util qw(blessed refaddr reftype);
+require Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw(rmap rmap_all cut);
+our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
+our @EXPORT_OK = ( qw(rmap_scalar rmap_hash rmap_array rmap_ref rmap_to),
+				@{ $EXPORT_TAGS{types} } );
+# Uses stringifying instead of S::U::ref* b/c it's under control
+my $cut = \do { my $thing }; # my = out of symbol table
+sub cut { 
+	die $cut = [@_]; # cut can return
+sub NONE()   { 0 }
+sub VALUE()  { 1 }
+sub HASH()   { 2 }
+sub ARRAY()  { 4 }
+sub SCALAR() { 8 }
+sub REF()    { 16 }
+sub GLOB()   { 32 }
+# Others like CODE, Regex, etc are ignored
+my %type_bits = (
+	REF => REF,
+	# reftype actually returns undef for:
+sub new {
+	bless { code => $_[1], want => $_[2], seen => $_[3] }, $_[0];
+sub code { $_[0]->{code} }
+sub want { $_[0]->{want} }
+sub seen { $_[0]->{seen} }
+sub call { $_[0]->{code}->($_[0]) }
+sub recurse { 
+	# needs to deref $_ and *then* run the code, enter _recurse directly
+	$_[0]->_recurse(); # cut not needed as seen remembers
+sub rmap (&@) { 
+	__PACKAGE__->new(shift, VALUE, {})->_rmap(@_);
+sub rmap_all (&@) { 
+	__PACKAGE__->new(shift, ALL, {})->_rmap(@_);
+sub rmap_scalar (&@) { 
+	__PACKAGE__->new(shift, VALUE|SCALAR|REF, {})->_rmap(@_);
+sub rmap_hash (&@) { 
+	__PACKAGE__->new(shift, HASH, {})->_rmap(@_);
+sub rmap_array (&@) { 
+	__PACKAGE__->new(shift, ARRAY, {})->_rmap(@_);
+sub rmap_ref (&@) { 
+	__PACKAGE__->new(shift, HASH|ARRAY|SCALAR|REF, {})->_rmap(@_);
+sub rmap_to (&@) {
+	__PACKAGE__->new(shift, shift, {})->_rmap(@_);
+sub _rmap {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my @return;
+	for (@_) { # just one after the wrapper call
+		my ($key, $type);
+		if($type = reftype($_)) {
+			$key = refaddr $_;
+			$type = $type_bits{$type} or next;
+		} else {
+			$key = "V:".refaddr(\$_); # prefix to distinguish from \$_
+			$type = VALUE;
+		}
+		next if ( exists $self->seen->{$key} );
+		$self->seen->{$key} = undef; 
+		# Call the $code
+		if($self->want & $type) {
+			my $e; # local($@) and rethrow caused problems
+			my @got;
+			{
+				local ($@); # don't trample, cut impl. should be transparent
+				# call in array context.  pass block for reentrancy
+				@got = eval { $self->call() };
+				$e = $@;
+			}
+			if($e) {
+				if(ref($e) && $e == $cut) {
+					push @return, @$cut; # cut can add to return list
+					next; # they're cutting, don't recurse
+				} else { 
+					die $e; 
+				}
+			}
+			push @return, @got;
+		}
+		push @return, $self->_recurse(); # process $_ node
+	}
+	return @return;
+sub _recurse {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $type = $type_bits{reftype($_) || 'VALUE'} or return;
+	my @return;
+	# Recurse appropriately, keeping $_ alias
+	if ($type & HASH) {
+		push @return, $self->_rmap($_) for values %$_;
+	} elsif ($type & ARRAY) {
+		# Does this change cut behaviour? No, cut is one scalar ref
+		#push @return, _rmap($code, $want, $seen, $_) for @$_;
+		push @return, $self->_rmap(@$_);
+	} elsif ($type & (SCALAR|REF) ) {
+		push @return, $self->_rmap($$_);
+	} elsif ($type & GLOB) {
+		# SCALAR is always there, undef may be unused or set to undef
+		push @return, $self->_rmap(*$_{SCALAR});
+		defined *$_{ARRAY} and
+			push @return, $self->_rmap(*$_{ARRAY});
+		defined *$_{HASH} and
+			push @return, $self->_rmap(*$_{HASH});
+		# Is it always: *f{GLOB} == \*f ?
+	}
+	return @return;
diff --git a/test.pl b/test.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..993f3fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Test::More 'no_plan'; # tests =>$n
+use Test::Exception;
+BEGIN { use_ok( 'Data::Rmap' ); }
+use Data::Dumper;
+our $data = {
+          'arrays' => [[ 'shared', 'not_shared' ]],
+          'num' => 2,
+          'ref'  => \do { my $a = 'ref' },
+          'hash' => {
+                      'a' => 'vala',
+                      'b' => 'valb',
+					  'c' => { qn=> 'this' },
+                    },
+		  'ref_to_hash' => \{ qn=> 'that' },
+        };
+# shared value 
+$data->{share_ref} = \$data->{arrays}[0][0];
+$data->{another_obj} = \do{ my $o = ${$data->{ref_to_hash}}};
+my $orig_dump = Dumper($data);
+# do nothing slowly
+rmap { } $data;
+rmap_all { } $data;
+# test importing imlicitly
+use Data::Rmap qw(rmap_scalar);
+rmap_scalar { } $data;
+use Data::Rmap qw(:types rmap_to);
+use Data::Rmap qw(:all);
+rmap_hash { } $data;
+rmap_array { } $data;
+# check nothign changed
+ok(Dumper($data) eq $orig_dump, 'nothing changed');
+rmap { $_ = "#$_#"; } $data; # all the leaves
+ok($data->{num} eq '#2#', "num #2#");
+ok($data->{arrays}[0][0] eq '#shared#', "done once #shared#");
+ok(${$data->{ref}} eq '#ref#', "${$data->{ref}} eq '#ref#'");
+ok($data->{hash}{a} eq '#vala#', "nested hashes done #vala#");
+ok(${$data->{ref_to_hash}}->{qn} eq '#that#', "ref_to_hash done #that#");
+my $count = 1;
+rmap_all {
+	cut if ref($_) eq 'ARRAY';
+	$_ = "=\U$_=" if !ref($_); # leaves
+	$_->{qnum} = $count++ if ref($_) eq 'HASH' && exists $_->{qn};
+} $data;
+#diag(Dumper $data);
+ok($data->{arrays}[0][1] eq '#not_shared#', 'ARRAY cut');
+ok($data->{arrays}[0][0] eq '=#SHARED#=', 'cut one path only');
+ok($data->{hash}{a} eq '=#VALA#=', 'HASH not cut');
+like(${$data->{ref_to_hash}}->{qnum}, qr/^=\d+=$/, 'qnum added to qn');
+# action only done once
+$data = [];
+$data->[0] = "string";
+$data->[1] = \$data->[0];
+$data->[2] = \\do{ my $s = "last" };
+rmap { $_ = "!$_" } $data;
+ok($data->[0] eq '!string', "done once");
+ok(${$data->[1]} eq '!string', "access via both paths");
+ok(\$data->[0] == \${$data->[1]}, "still same ref");
+ok($${$data->[2]} eq '!last', "got '!last'");
+# test aliasing with write only: ref => \'ref'
+my $ro_err = qr/^Modification of a read-only value attempted/;
+throws_ok { rmap { $_++ } 1 } $ro_err, 'read-only scalar';
+throws_ok { rmap { $_++ } \1 } $ro_err, 'read-only scalar ref';
+throws_ok { rmap { $_++ } [\1] } $ro_err, 'read-only scalar ref in array';
+throws_ok { rmap { $_++ } {1,\1} } $ro_err, 'read-only scalar ref in hash';
+*ro = \1; 
+throws_ok { rmap { $_++ } *ro } $ro_err, 'read-only scalar ref in glob';
+# test returns
+is_deeply([ rmap { ++$_ } [1,2] ], [2,3], 'return altered pre-inc');
+is_deeply([ rmap { $_++ } [1,2] ], [1,2], 'return not altered post-inc');
+is( scalar(rmap { ++$_ } [2..4]), 3, 'scalar context num items');
+our $rw = 2;
+is_deeply([ rmap { ++$_ } [\do{my $a = 1}, \*rw] ], [2,3], 'flattens return');
+is_deeply([ rmap { ++$_ } [1,[2]] ], [2,3], 'flattens 2');
+# test cut
+# take first element of each array reference found
+is_deeply([ rmap_array { cut($_->[0]) } [1,0],[2,0,[0]],[[3],0], {0,\[4]} ],
+			[                            1,    2,        [3],         4   ],
+			'cut limits recursion');
+is_deeply([ rmap { cut(++$_) } [1,2] ], [2,3], 'cut return altered pre-inc');
+is_deeply([ rmap { ++$_; cut() } [1,2] ], [], 'cut can return nothing');
+# test $_[0]->recurse
+my ($array_dump) = rmap_to {
+	return $_ unless ref($_);
+	'[ ' . join(', ', $_[0]->recurse() ) . ' ]';
+} ARRAY|VALUE,   [ 1, [ 2, [ [ 3 ], 4 ] ], 5 ];
+is($array_dump, '[ 1, [ 2, [ [ 3 ], 4 ] ], 5 ]', 'dumper dumps');
+my $tree = [
+	one =>
+	two => 
+	[ 
+		three_one => 
+		three_two => 
+		[ 
+			three_three_one =>
+		],
+		three_four =>
+	],
+	four =>
+	[
+		[
+			five_one_one =>
+		],
+	],
+my $got = '';
+our @path = ('q');
+rmap_to {
+	if(ref $_) {
+		local(@path) = (@path, 1); # ARRAY adds a new level to the path
+		$_[0]->recurse(); # does stuff within local(@path)'s scope
+	} else {
+		$got .= join('.', @path) . ' ';
+	}
+	$path[-1]++; # bump last element (even when it was an aref)
+} ARRAY|VALUE, $tree;
+is($got, 'q.1 q.2 q.3.1 q.3.2 q.3.3.1 q.3.4 q.4 q.5.1.1 ', 
+			'tree numbering w/ recurse');
+# test each name works as expected
+our $x = 3;
+my @types = (1, [], {}, \\2, \*x);
+#$_ = join(' ', rmap_all { $_ } @types); s/\(.*?\)/\\S+/g; diag($_);
+like(join(' ', 
+	rmap { $_ } @types),
+	qr/^1 2 3$/,
+	'rmap types'
+like(join(' ', 
+	rmap_all { $_ } @types),
+	'rmap_all types'
+like(join(' ', 
+	rmap_scalar { $_ } @types),
+	qr/^1 (REF|SCALAR)\S+ SCALAR\S+ 2 SCALAR\S+ 3$/,
+	'rmap_scalar types'
+like(join(' ', 
+	rmap_hash { $_ } @types),
+	qr/^HASH\S+$/,
+	'rmap_hash types'
+like(join(' ', 
+	rmap_array { $_ } @types),
+	qr/^ARRAY\S+$/,
+	'rmap_array types'
+like(join(' ', 
+	rmap_ref { $_ } @types),
+	'rmap_ref types'
+like(join(' ', 
+	rmap_to { $_ } GLOB|HASH, @types),
+	qr/^HASH\S+ GLOB\S+$/,
+	'rmap_to GLOB|HASH types'

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libdata-rmap-perl.git

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