[libset-object-perl] 05/09: Update changelog info generated by dpt

Lucas Kanashiro kanashiro-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Aug 5 20:06:26 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

kanashiro-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libset-object-perl.

commit ac01577ba781760e14aa336cef2dc4e57fd60316
Author: Lucas Kanashiro <kanashiro.duarte at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 5 16:56:35 2015 -0300

    Update changelog info generated by dpt
 debian/changelog | 213 +------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 212 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 49f8e04..d555d84 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,223 +1,12 @@
 libset-object-perl (1.35-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
-  ** SNAPSHOT build @3d1a088215928b6fc3d44c85bacb0c709f41f870 **
+  * Team upload.
   [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ]
   * Update Vcs-Browser URL to cgit web frontend
   [ Lucas Kanashiro ]
   * Add debian/upstream/metadata
-  [ samv ]
-  * Import of Set::Object 1.00 by jll
-  * Add Set-Object 1.01
-  * Add Set-Object 1.02
-  * Add Set-Object 1.03
-  * Add Set-Object 1.04
-  * Add Set-Object 1.05
-  * Add Set-Object 1.06
-  * Checkin Set::Object version 1.07
-  * Add Set-Object 1.08
-  * Set::Object 1.08_01 - Set::Scalar conformance
-  * Get rid of complicated parts of Set::Scalar API
-  * Bump version #
-  *  r1574 at speights:  samv | 2005-03-26 02:24:19 +0800  Added bool overload operator
-  * add set() constructor
-  * First hack at de-reference interfaces
-  * Check-in of local 'head' revision renamed to examples/historic More work on the RT example rename test into place It works! But still hashes to go!
-  * Release 1.10 Release 1.10 :)
-  * Version 1.11
-  * Version 1.11_01
-  * Add ppport.h
-  *  r16065 at wilber:  samv | 2005-08-16 16:01:18 +1200  trim cruft
-  * Release 1.12
-  * Add debian/ build control directory
-  * Make Set::Object compatible with 5.6.0 again
-  * remove some unused variable warnings
-  * Set::Object cross-debian porting work.  Now builds successfully on 11 x86 debian and ubuntu distributions.
-  * Last Changes.pod before release
-  * Fix build problem on Win32, release Set::Object 1.14
-  [ Sam Vilain ]
-  * add failing test for Storable and scalars
-  * Implement a safer freezing protocol
-  * Release Engineering
-  * Remove debian/ cruft
-  * This shouldn't be here
-  * Add test for weakref support
-  * Add test for dclone+weakref
-  * Scratchings at implementing weak sets
-  * Convert test script to use Test::More
-  * Further revise test script for weaken
-  * weaken support now passes tests
-  * Move t/scalar/weakref.t to t/object/weakref.t
-  * Test new function to make magic visible
-  * Make dispel_magic clean up magic, and add get_magic()
-  * Test interaction with tie magic
-  * bad version.  sync.
-  * Fix bug of interfering with tie magic - probably leaky
-  * All tests now pass
-  * document new functionality
-  * Release engineering for 1.16
-  * Add a Set::Object::Weak convenience class
-  * Add test for weak reference class
-  * commit in-progress Set::Object::Weak convenience class
-  * Attempt to fix compile issues on some systems
-  * Attempt to fix compile issues on some systems (cherry picked from d51b4ba17e7ba38dc619756e65d107b637d1b642 commit)
-  * Release Engineering for 1.17
-  * change DEBUG macros back to more portable IF_DEBUG(_warn()) form
-  * Storable serialization warning
-  * Release engineering for 1.18
-  [ Andrei ]
-  * script demonstrating thread unsafeness
-  [ Sam Vilain ]
-  * convert threads demo script into test script
-  * Run all tests
-  * Fix test to recognise API change
-  * remove bogus inclusions of Data::Dumper and Devel::Peek
-  * RT#24508 - add test for flat item memory leak
-  * RT#24508 - fix memory leak
-  * Revert "commit in-progress Set::Object::Weak convenience class"
-  * Tidy up weak reference support
-  * Set::Object 1.19 release engineering
-  [ Nigel Metheringham ]
-  * RT#24965 - compare() of 2 empty sets returns disjoint (rather then equal)
-  * RT#24965 - fix ->compare() on empty sets
-  [ Sam Vilain ]
-  * RT24966 - add POD tests
-  * Complete documentation
-  * add test for Set::Object::Weak::set()
-  * fix Set::Object::Weak::set()
-  * Release engineering for 1.20
-  * Fix t/misc/pod_coverage.t plan(skip_all => ...) usage
-  * releng for 1.21
-  * subclassability - my attempt
-  * Import Set::Object::blessed into Set::Object::Weak
-  [ Brian Mach Aon Inneirghthe ]
-  * Subclassability patch for difference and invert
-  * subclassibility test
-  [ Sam Vilain ]
-  * Changelog new feature
-  * Document the new behaviour of Set::Object::set
-  * [releng] Set::Object 1.22
-  * Fix a compile error on some strict compilers
-  * Add tests for behaviour and guard against undef values in sets
-  * Document undef behaviour
-  * [releng] Changelog
-  * [releng] MANIFEST, .gitignore, etc
-  * Don't ship the threads test, and document lack of thread safety
-  * [releng] Changelog release
-  * fix more bugs in the MANIFEST.SKIP and .gitignore
-  * Upgrade to Devel::PPPort 3.13
-  * Add some missing dependencies for older Perls
-  * Add support for 5.6.x
-  * Tolerate lack of Storable.pm
-  * [releng] Changes, bump $VERSION
-  [ Yuval Kogman ]
-  * convert object/union.t to Test::More
-  * add failing test for union on Set::Object::Weak
-  [ Sam Vilain ]
-  * Weak sets return strong sets
-  [ Yuval Kogman ]
-  * localize error var
-  * don't leak wands
-  * unset pointer in DESTROY
-  * don't leak wand entries
-  [ Sam Vilain ]
-  * Add a test case for the use case for weak sets returning strong result sets
-  [ Yuval Kogman ]
-  * only cast magic if svrefcnt is bigger than 1
-  * various warning fixes
-  [ Sam Vilain ]
-  * [releng] Changes, bump $VERSION
-  * [releng] add AUTHOR and LICENSE fields in Makefile.PL
-  [ Yuval Kogman ]
-  * simplify SET_OBJECT_MAGIC_backref define and usage
-  [ Sam Vilain ]
-  * [releng] add a further bug release note
-  * Fix a typo 'wand' vs 'want' in Object.xs for -DDEBUGGING perls
-  * [releng] Changes and bump VERSION
-  * Squash a warning [RT#37962]
-  * Squash another warning [RT#37962]
-  * [releng] more Changes
-  * Cast using (void *) instead of changing the type
-  * Squash some warnings from global clean-up
-  * [releng] More changes
-  * [releng] remove version number from README
-  * Remove a breakpoint that's been sitting there for years
-  * RT#52690: replace all // comments with /* */ forms for AIX
-  * Set::Object 1.28
-  * Fix a typo
-  * Add some deprecation notices
-  [ Dave Mitchell ]
-  * Fix use of incorrect macro in XS (RT#67289)
-  [ Sam Vilain ]
-  * Replace weak set cleanup code (RT#69967)
-  * Changelog for 1.29 release
-  * Add the test script from RT#53182
-  [ Reini Urban ]
-  * Started fixing wrong types, and added PREREQ_PMs
-  * fix t/misc/threads.t skip_all
-  * fix SET_OBJECT_MAGIC_backref cast (back to -97)
-  * make Test::LeakTrace an optional dependency
-  * add MANIFEST, fix .gitignore and MANIFEST.SKIP
-  * Update docs
-  * fix t/misc/segfault.t: check SvMAGICAL before doing mg_find
-  * Fix [RT#83426] t/scalar/storable.t sort order since 5.17.10 hash randomization
-  * Fix [RT#83426] wrong weak test with globals
-  * t/misc/more_leaks.t: Also check for Moose as optional dep
-  * fix threads [RT#22760]: do not remove from an empty set
-  * use threads mutex for insert and remove
-  * t/misc/more_leaks.t deadlocks with threads, skip it
-  * fixed all thread deadlocks, tests pass now besides threads global destruction
-  * improve thread locks, try 10 inserts and remove enough
-  * Enable t/misc/more_leaks.t threaded: we are now thread-safe
-  * threads: TODO 2nd threads test, still refcount issues RT#22760
-  * threads merged
-  * Add missing typemap entry const char * for 5.6
-  * 1.31: fix RT#85244, Changes.pod patch by Gregor Hermann
-  [ David Steinbrunner ]
-  * typo fix
-  [ Reini Urban ]
-  * 1.32: Revert Changes.pod patch RT#85244
-  * 1.33: more pod changes (#90070,##87658)
-  [ Tadeusz Sośnierz ]
-  * Make synopsis examples work
-  [ Reini Urban ]
-  * 1.34: bump version
-  [ Sam Vilain ]
-  * Relax license of my own contributions
-  [ Jean-Louis Leroy ]
-  * Allow later versions of the Artistic License
-  [ Reini Urban ]
-  * add more t/misc tests
-  * 1.35: got permissions for the newer Artistic license
-  [ Lucas Kanashiro ]
   * Import upstream version 1.35
  -- Lucas Kanashiro <kanashiro.duarte at gmail.com>  Wed, 05 Aug 2015 16:56:03 -0300

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libset-object-perl.git

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