[libcatalyst-plugin-session-perl] branch master updated (403ce4a -> 7c038b4)
Lucas Kanashiro
kanashiro-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Aug 12 18:58:06 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
kanashiro-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository libcatalyst-plugin-session-perl.
from 403ce4a update changelog
new 000d32a Add debian/upstream/metadata
new 8d5613f Update debian/changelog
adds 9e447f9 Big checkin of the Session plugin
adds 9a9252c Perltidy + restore of lost test fixes
adds 69da5f6 Add Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Test::Store
adds 3716071 releng of session stuff
adds c80e9f0 Releng, test fixes, bug fixes for Session plugins
adds 300eb46 live_app.t for Catalyst::Plugin::Session
adds a596c78 Catalyst::Plugin::Session- reccomend some modules for live_app.t to run
adds 229a5b5 Catalyst::Plugin::Session - SYNOPSIS expanded, full pod coverage
adds 45c0711 Perltidy + pod tests for all session plugins
adds 99b2191 Override dump_these in session to add dump session info
adds a0dc265 Session plugin depends on 5.49, not 5.50
adds a2e8f3f fix prereqs for Catalyst::Plugin::Session
adds 7d139ee remove use of List::Util::first due to leaking
adds 3f18246 Session, fixed prepare_action to do its work before passing control to other plugins
adds a92c8ae Better documentation of when exactly session related things happen
adds 71666e0 ACL + tests misc fixes for the authen, authz::roles move dummy session store out of t/lib so that it's reusable
adds 29543a6 Improve debugging messages for C::P::Session
adds 7ae1753 Build.PL, prereq stuff for C::P::Session
adds 52ef8b2 Pod coverage for C::P::Session::Store::Dummy
adds d45028d Boilerplate for C::P::Session
adds 4568f2b Fix broken pod
adds 3631621 AUTHORS section for C::P::Session
adds 15ee2fd Fixed Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Test::Store.pm
adds 8f0b4c1 Doc improvements for C::P::Session
adds b1cd7d7 Version update
adds fb1a4ac Teensy tiny doc fixed
adds cc40ae4 Fix LICNESE typo
adds 8c7e922 Doc fixes to C::P::Session from Uwe
adds 0974ac0 Refactor guts of C::P::Session to use _session and not {session}, add validate_sessionid method
adds aba9c04 Add Test::Exception to C::P::Session prereqs
adds baa9db9 Silly doc fix for C::P::Session
adds b7acf64 $c->session_expire_key
adds 873f701 Untested $c->flash
adds 29d1541 Lazy loading session data
adds a552e4b changelog + doc fixes for C::P::Session
adds 07e714d Document $c->flash
adds da9aa7d Test the flash feature of C::P::Session
adds 9b0fa2a Flash data is now in a separately prefixed session storage thingy
adds ea972e9 More refactoring of green things in general
adds 78476ce $c->flash can also create a session id
adds 19c130c flash_to_stash goodness
adds 68fd02a Some doc fixes and updates for C::P::Session
adds 5faaa4b Session, fixed bug in algorithm detection, it was always choosing SHA-256
adds d44bc68 Change method of expiry timestamp storage in Session, and write only if necessary. Breaks unit tests, but not live tests - some one please fix if you care.
adds d5ecbf7 unbreak backwards compatibility
adds 09162d2 zap t/02session_data.t
adds 4207ce8 Changelog, version bump
adds 10c7207 pod fix
adds eb14a50 Add Object::Signature to prereqs of Session
adds 7a02371 Workaround for Cache::FastMmap limitation in Session
adds d0e0cfb version bump C::P::Session
adds 6687905 the great $c->session_expires refactoring
adds ab634fe Docs and a little more fixing for $c->session_expires
adds 7db1c46 changelog for C::P::Session
adds ea1410b Document new store semantics for Session in C::P::Session::Store
adds f420593 missing values are not errors, Store doc
adds f882799 Doc tweaks to C::P::Session::Store
adds 4ccdbb0 Doc tweaks to C::P::Session::Store
adds 23fbca0 make $c->flash not delete unless $c->flash was actually touched, "to allow multiple redirects" ;-)
adds 44ab6d1 Document the new $c->flash "feature"
adds 5d8cc4c Session: fixed version to 0.05
adds a01af53 Session TODO
adds 124488f Remove warnings from C::P::Session test suite
adds bab8b74 gphat's undef patch
adds d81306e Added test to be sure that sessionid cannot be stomped!
adds 021ca3a add Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Tutorial
adds 168d681 Fix scenario where only flash is used (as opposed to flash AND session)
adds 8478f63 Fix unit test (code uses $c->log->warn now)
adds f4d79f8 Better flash expiration policy
adds bf6bd31 lame docs for KD's request
adds e03587a Added tests for sanely persistent flash. Will re-commit when I know if they work as expected.
adds 2e41245 kd's tests updated, code fixed
adds 47ca362 remove Carp::longmess from Session.pm
adds f30b987 gave flash persistence tests a number
adds 975728f fixed test numbering b0rkage
adds e5b2372 Session changes, no docs Expiry protocol changed State plugins now implement get_session_id, set_session_id and delete_session_id
adds 4c79feb Make session extension a more explicit even of State plugins as well
adds fffeb18 delete_session is not an internal method
adds 3759f39 zap bad test
adds 1dbf4cd Various refactorings and fixes for the session plugin's lazy loading
adds b92ce60 fix session_is_valid
adds c6eaa93 Help out state plugins a bit more
adds 6f327a6 Changelog for C::P::Session
adds 2b66193 Skip Build.PL in C::P::Session
adds 708dd5f version bump
adds 340449a releng for C::P::Session
adds 98e7eba Update second test
adds ec270ef 0.08.... *sigh*
adds 88e5cd3 Remove hanging =back from Tutorial
adds ec299c0 Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Test::Store fix
adds 9760b70 correct order of session data finalization
adds 23a2bf1 releng for Session 0.10
adds 260b14c more session finalization cleanups
adds 8f23652 releng for C::P::Session 0.012 - minor refactorings for Store::Delegate
adds 4972769 various changes to C::P::Session, including clear_flash
adds d3e0ff8 fix the session/mock object problem
adds 177c24f changelog + version bump C::P::Session
adds 99ad8ae Found a bug in clear_flash
adds 5a1f6ed fix tests for clear_flash (mocking was bad)
adds 33641c1 changing default behavior to NOT check IP address of session
adds c939682 Can now do $c->flash( key => param ) just like $c->stash
adds 8655385 released 0.14
adds 0466f6c croak needs Carp!
adds 2cf2efb a typo and a link fixed
adds 2a323f6 Just fixing a typo in the pod I noticed
adds 3876194 releng
adds 99a2e11 change finalize() to redispatch before saving session so other finalize methods have access to it
adds 6053401 make sure finalize_session() is called after all other finalize() methods have run
adds 4ad471e cleanups; call to config() was unneeded
adds 455d713 add check to make sure finalize_session() was actually called
adds 84f65b2 foo
adds 2c1e330 foo
adds cfb5031 foo
adds bcdad40 foo
adds 325f6ef foo
adds c48f1a4 fo
adds 2a45c03 foo
adds c4dc7ba foo
adds ab46e81 nasty hack
adds d505302 nasty hack
adds e3496e4 update changes file with some release dates and RT info
adds ccc7755 update cookie BEFORE sending to user; change finalize to finalize_headers so that expiry is extended even when streaming
adds 462e524 we can't run finalize AFTER response is set; so deleteing test that ensures this
adds 2e8bf31 change finalize to finalize_headers in test also (maybe should be finalize_session?!)
adds d3c9712 move finalization to finalize but keep header munging in finalize_headers; re-add finalize test; update POD
adds f6009ca whitespace fix
adds 509f9b2 foo
adds c214c89 version bump
adds 431b4eb foo
adds 1961343 foo
adds 7048c24 switch to module::install
adds bfa4f9c typo fixing
adds 52feb18 Unfuck Makefile.PL
adds d423b91 Add shipit config
adds eb25051 flash data is now stored inside the session
adds 92eaec3 finalize session before sending HTTP headers
adds 2842d93 Merge flash in session and finalize before sending response patches
adds fe0d5eb Switch to MRO::Compat's maybe::next::method. I could probably use just next::method for some of these, but I'm feeling paranoid
adds 7550f09 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.19_01. Changelog diff is:
adds c5af59b Add irc log of conversation about where ::Session should go, so next time this comes up I can link it in channel and we've got a starting point for discussion
adds 87ed529 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.20. Changelog diff is:
adds 66017cb PAUSE hates me, didn't notice in the dev release as they aren't indexed. These packages shouldn't be PAUSE visible, so hide them.
adds fff59d6 switch from CAF to Moose (fixes bug raised in Session::Store::File)
adds c0c50a2 If we're doing this, we're doing it with namespace clean
adds 32c879d some helpful diag
adds 53aa145 require specific versions
adds 93fd6a1 require specific versions
adds eee1173 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.21. Changelog diff is:
adds 06e8ee7 Bump required Module::Install version in everything. janus++
adds 3253438 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.22. Changelog diff is:
adds c635e92 Fix .shipit after the move
adds 73d1f3a No session fixation I can see here
adds 42117cb Add repository resource to all the MI Makefile.PLs
adds 06c621b C::Plugin::Session - branche for verify_user_agent option
adds b97042c Merge verify_user_agent branch
adds e79a686 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.23. Changelog diff is:
adds f8f8174 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.24. Changelog diff is:
adds 5104edb Fixed minor grammar in Tutorial.pod
adds e108bc2 C::P::Session - branche session_fixation: more sophisticated tests for session_fixation
adds 0ade68b C::P::Session - branche session_fixation: new method change_session_id (incl. doc), new session_fixation tests pass, tested with a real application as well
adds af1e4bc Changelog, attribute kmx, strip trailing whitespace
adds 3e2a53a minor change that unfucks ::State::URI (provided by Helios)
adds a4bd569 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.26. Changelog diff is:
adds 6945eb5 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.26. Changelog diff is:
adds 064c370 Tidy up config namespace and the TestApps
adds 9a50355 Bump versions for dev release. Clean up other mentions of config->{session}
adds f8bad6f Ignore .git from MANIFEST
adds 5b30cf8 Add .gitignore.
adds 1c4a1a4 Version 0.27.
adds 836b0a1 Fix session fixation tests, kentnl++
adds 42eec4a Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.28. Changelog diff is:
adds a491a59 Code, test, docs.
adds 894dd59 Merge 'accessor_change' into 'trunk'
adds bb5f369 Changelog
adds 3c2ec89 Added a failing test for a situation that occurs when you have a cookie for a session that's expired. If you subsequently call 'session_is_valid' in the same request, the newly created session is deleted for being expired, despite the fact it was just created.
adds cb10402 This patch makes it so that the expiry is not looked up in the underlying store when a session has not yet committed to the store. Probably not the most graceful way to do it, but it works.
adds 093e102 Merge 'session_deleted_bug' into 'trunk'
adds e8ce575 Changelog
adds d966a05 Small cleanups
adds 382d609 Bump versions
adds 2f038cb requred -> required, begining -> beginning
adds b6dae3d Clarify docs
adds c0430ac Fix Makefile.PL's is_upgrading_needed() routine (RT #58771)
adds 5d56ebd Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.30. Changelog diff is:
adds 2110d07 Fix over-long example of forever session.
adds 834ab0b Fix RT#58856
adds 20a21dc Optimisation - only save session if data added by application
adds 3b667f7 Back out, breaks shit
adds f4f7330 Version 0.31
adds 2a1463d Test for verify address and fix reset __address
adds b212d3b Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.32.
adds d32c2b5 fix extend_session_expires to extend the current session (RT#59595)
adds d0a11c1 Add MYMETA to yaml
adds 94222de Move call to _save_session_expires to finalize_session
adds 7febc06 Clarify the comment here, it was causing confusion
adds ad3142b Version 0.33
adds 83a3f0e tests pass for address change test per https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=71142#txn-1001261
adds 1cc0918 tooting my own horn, added myself to contributors section
adds 32f9709 removed trailing hatespace
adds f2993f2 updated Changes and bumped version
adds f9515ef updated git repo metadata
adds 618c210 Merge branch 'master' into tags/0.32
adds 76b677b updated changes
adds a2e23c0 call 'extend_session_expires' in 'session_expires'
adds 182d946 add test for extend_session_expires
adds 601be17 implement 'change_session_expires'
adds fa02211 tweak doc for 'change_session_expires'
adds f851ba4 Skip test if we don't have the cookie state module yet
adds 02323f3 Ignore MYMETA
adds 0455600 Make author tests properly author only
adds f394eae Fix Pod coverage
adds 221e3f2 Changelog
adds a3dc40a Version 0.35
adds 743fb44 Skip MYMETA.json
adds 24c1039 Fix VERSIOON, eugh
adds ea548a8 Revert "Move call to _save_session_expires to finalize_session"
adds 1b41775 expand t/cat_test.t to test session with authentication
adds 71bde3b add some tests to t/cat_test.t
adds df76da4 Chop out crap that is not needed
adds f4e8370 Fix tests
adds e7e91d8 Version 0.36
adds d7cb232 Fix RT#81506
adds 06d0ceb Version 0.37
adds d681594 Fix typo
adds dd7f087 C<< requires space after << and before >>
adds f30f78e Prototype implementation of expiry_threshold, with POD
adds c31fa45 Removed useless parameter
adds 0421e89 Added tests for expiry threshold
adds 4bb2f00 Added _get_stored_session_expires method w/related code cleanup
adds e4f489f Updated Makefile.PL appropriately
adds 079b2fb Fixed so that session_expires == stored session expires
adds 076c159 Updated POD
adds 9cfd00b updated version and changlog in prep for release
adds 3d03a2b Fixed bug with updating session when expiry_threshold is set
adds 3217bc8 Updated POD w.r.t. contributors
adds 7b42017 Updated Changes
adds 2656f7b upped version, prep release
adds 6afac92 finalize session earlier
adds 3ebdf42 make early finalization an option
adds fda0363 docs
adds 2790acd prep meta data for release
adds 3d5587f Imported Upstream version 0.40
new 93e4b86 Merge tag 'upstream/0.40'
new df49d63 Update debian/changelog
new 24d6b12 Update changelog info generated by dpt
new 87d0708 Set debhelper >= 9
new fe4c651 Declare compliance with Debian policy 3.9.6
new 4de78cd Add autopkgtest-pkg-perl
new 4873a55 Set year of upstream copyright
new 7c038b4 Release libcatalyst-plugin-session-perl 0.40-1 to unstable
The 10 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
Changes | 5 +++++
META.yml | 16 ++++++++--------
debian/changelog | 15 +++++++++++++--
debian/compat | 2 +-
debian/control | 5 +++--
debian/copyright | 23 ++++++++++++-----------
debian/upstream/metadata | 5 +++++
inc/Module/Install.pm | 22 +++++++++++++---------
inc/Module/Install/Base.pm | 2 +-
inc/Module/Install/Can.pm | 2 +-
inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm | 2 +-
inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm | 4 ++--
inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm | 6 +++---
inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm | 2 +-
inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm | 2 +-
lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Session.pm | 8 +++++---
lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Session/Store.pm | 12 ++++++++++++
17 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 debian/upstream/metadata
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libcatalyst-plugin-session-perl.git
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