[libtext-trac-perl] branch master updated (1e05aec -> 912bb3e)
Lucas Kanashiro
kanashiro-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Aug 14 20:48:42 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
kanashiro-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository libtext-trac-perl.
from 1e05aec releasing package libtext-trac-perl version 0.16-1
adds f977f46 lang/perl/Text-Trac: initial import.
adds cf9609c lang/perl/Text-Trac: remove unnecessary files.
adds 722fad8 lang/perl/Text-Trac: Fix for http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=33575 lang/perl/Text-Trac: Fix for http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=33576
adds 23fcbf9 lang/perl/Text-Trac/trunk/lib/Text/Trac/LinkResolver/Wiki.pm lang/perl/Text-Trac/trunk/lib/Text/Trac/Blockquote.pm lang/perl/Text-Trac/trunk/lib/Text/Trac/P.pm lang/perl/Text-Trac/trunk/lib/Text/Trac/Heading.pm: * Link のフラグメント部パターンを厳密に拡大しました。 * blockquote の書式を修正しました。 * 「 1.Hoge」は引用、「 1. Hoge」はリスト。テスト書いてません。 * 正規表現を修正・削減しました。
adds 11e9072 lang/perl/Text-Trac: apply patch of t/03-trac-links.t (RT#33576)
adds f14a2e2 lang/perl/Text-Trac: Fix for RT!#33670. See: http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=33670
adds 6ea25b7 lang/perl/Text-Trac: another fix for RT!#33670
adds 2d7f066 lang/perl/Text-Trac: partitially reverted.
adds 06babc5 lang/perl/Text-Trac/trunk/lib/Text/Trac/Blockquote.pm lang/perl/Text-Trac/trunk/lib/Text/Trac/Ol.pm lang/perl/Text-Trac/trunk/lib/Text/Trac/Ul.pm lang/perl/Text-Trac/trunk/lib/Text/Trac/InlineNode.pm: * made some trivial fixes in regexps.
adds 54e1226 lang/perl/Text-Trac: another fix for RT!#33670
adds ffeec64 lang/perl/Text-Trac: Fix for http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=33670#txn-430322
adds f7e7cad Resurrected lang/perl from revision 7636
adds 22fc45e lang/perl/Text-Trac/trunk/lib/Text/Trac/Blockquote.pm: * fixed a regexp.
adds 2252995 lang/perl/Text-Trac: Support comment link. See http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=34805
adds 39ad424 revert inline_parsers in Text::Trac::BlockNode
adds 00c6ef7 Text::Trac: Fix for RT#43337 Text::Trac tag 0.14
adds 24ccc07 Fix for RT#43894 tag 0.15
adds 3997165 link o GitHub from META files and thus MetaCPAN.org
adds 2b3e789 Merge pull request #1 from szabgab/patch-1
adds 353128f gitignore
adds 840fc97 Merge pull request #2 from szabgab/szabgab/gitignore
adds 8bcff20 list-item failing test
adds c189016 Merge pull request #3 from szabgab/szabgab/list-item
adds 2bec6e5 failing test for Image
adds 45f0e83 Merge remote-tracking branch 'pr/4/head'
adds c89a187 replace MANIFEST by MANIFEST.SKIP
adds 4c8b034 comment out new, failing test
adds 4dcd13c enable travis
adds 6f2f4f6 license and GitHub link
adds f92da1a add version number 0.16 to many of the modules
adds 0990af6 script testing for version numbers
adds f8fa4ea add version number to other modules as well
adds 4d5c969 test modules for conditional tests
adds 93f28be ignore manifest
adds dbe8f31 gitignore
adds 2a2c269 remove version from pod. it is always out of date
adds 39551f9 start writing command line script to use the module
adds a042bff add tests using the new corpus
adds 4a59770 tidy all
adds c10ea5c README renamde, travis status added
adds 47ad46d remove README testing
adds aa43113 perlcritic cleanups
adds abfa642 test modules
adds f37bde1 test_requires
adds 0625844 another test case comparing full generated html
adds 77e0f59 escape { in regex RT #100712
adds e37c05d update Changes file
adds 0322061 remove the inc directory from the repository. It will be added when the package is generated
adds f64d3e5 rename trac2html and install it
adds 42773d3 more full HTML tests
adds fe228d0 refactor test
adds ffacd5b opensuse test
adds cbac42a tidy
adds f7644dc add more full-html test cases
adds 8d555a3 --noclass
adds 6ceda3c version number to 0.17
adds 79d7372 remove auto_include
adds 20fd1ad version 0.18 set
adds d673943 Imported Upstream version 0.18
new 78988d5 Merge tag 'upstream/0.18'
new 17411a0 Update debian/changelog
new e8fcce1 Bump debhelper compatibilty level to 9
new 7921ed5 Install script/trac2html as example
new 00dc1a5 Remove installation of scripts in /usr/bin
new d7959e4 Add libpath-tiny-perl as dependency
new 2a67c54 Fix typo in changelog
new f840d0b Add libtest-perl-critic as b-d-i
new 912bb3e Release libtext-trac-perl 0.18-1 to unstable
The 9 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.perlcriticrc | 33 ++
.perltidyrc | 8 +
.tidyallrc | 9 +
.travis.yml | 3 +-
Changes | 77 ++--
MANIFEST | 39 +-
META.yml | 36 ++
Makefile.PL | 10 +-
README => README.md | 16 +-
debian/changelog | 10 +
debian/compat | 2 +-
debian/control | 6 +-
debian/libtext-trac-perl.examples | 1 +
debian/rules | 7 +
inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm | 280 ++++++++++---
inc/Module/Install.pm | 289 +++++++++-----
inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm | 42 +-
inc/Module/Install/Base.pm | 65 +--
inc/Module/Install/Can.pm | 99 ++++-
inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm | 8 +-
inc/Module/Install/Include.pm | 8 +-
inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm | 269 ++++++++++---
inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm | 509 ++++++++++++++++--------
inc/Module/Install/Scripts.pm | 29 ++
inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm | 6 +-
inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm | 31 +-
lib/Text/Trac.pm | 68 ++--
lib/Text/Trac/BlockNode.pm | 142 ++++---
lib/Text/Trac/Blockquote.pm | 137 +++----
lib/Text/Trac/Context.pm | 79 ++--
lib/Text/Trac/Dl.pm | 91 ++---
lib/Text/Trac/Heading.pm | 27 +-
lib/Text/Trac/Hr.pm | 21 +-
lib/Text/Trac/InlineNode.pm | 353 ++++++++--------
lib/Text/Trac/LinkResolver.pm | 24 +-
lib/Text/Trac/LinkResolver/Attachment.pm | 21 +-
lib/Text/Trac/LinkResolver/Changeset.pm | 23 +-
lib/Text/Trac/LinkResolver/Comment.pm | 25 +-
lib/Text/Trac/LinkResolver/Log.pm | 22 +-
lib/Text/Trac/LinkResolver/Milestone.pm | 21 +-
lib/Text/Trac/LinkResolver/Report.pm | 24 +-
lib/Text/Trac/LinkResolver/Source.pm | 23 +-
lib/Text/Trac/LinkResolver/Ticket.pm | 23 +-
lib/Text/Trac/LinkResolver/Wiki.pm | 33 +-
lib/Text/Trac/Macro.pm | 36 +-
lib/Text/Trac/Macro/HelloWorld.pm | 6 +-
lib/Text/Trac/Macro/Timestamp.pm | 6 +-
lib/Text/Trac/Node.pm | 15 +-
lib/Text/Trac/Ol.pm | 119 +++---
lib/Text/Trac/P.pm | 135 +++----
lib/Text/Trac/Pre.pm | 55 +--
lib/Text/Trac/Table.pm | 56 +--
lib/Text/Trac/Text.pm | 25 +-
lib/Text/Trac/Ul.pm | 99 ++---
script/trac2html | 49 +++
t/00-load.t | 6 +-
t/01-text-trac.t | 1 +
t/02-macros.t | 1 +
t/03-trac-links.t | 1 +
t/04-list.t | 1 +
t/05-disable_links.t | 9 +-
t/06-enable_links.t | 9 +-
t/07-custom_url.t | 23 +-
t/08-regression.t | 1 +
t/10-script.t | 44 ++
t/11-script-noclass.t | 44 ++
t/95-tidyall.t | 10 +
t/96-perl-critic.t | 24 ++
t/TestTextTrac.pm | 14 +-
t/boilerplate.t | 64 ++-
t/corpus/padre_development.trac | 131 ++++++
t/corpus/padre_download_debian.trac | 54 +++
t/corpus/padre_download_fedora.trac | 66 +++
t/corpus/padre_download_freebsd.trac | 62 +++
t/corpus/padre_download_mandriva.trac | 35 ++
t/corpus/padre_download_netbsd.trac | 36 ++
t/corpus/padre_download_opensuse.trac | 20 +
t/corpus/padre_download_ubuntu.trac | 140 +++++++
t/corpus/padre_features.trac | 201 ++++++++++
t/expected/padre_development.html | 140 +++++++
t/expected/padre_development_noclass.html | 140 +++++++
t/expected/padre_download_debian.html | 62 +++
t/expected/padre_download_debian_noclass.html | 62 +++
t/expected/padre_download_fedora.html | 81 ++++
t/expected/padre_download_fedora_noclass.html | 81 ++++
t/expected/padre_download_freebsd.html | 71 ++++
t/expected/padre_download_freebsd_noclass.html | 71 ++++
t/expected/padre_download_mandriva.html | 36 ++
t/expected/padre_download_mandriva_noclass.html | 36 ++
t/expected/padre_download_netbsd.html | 47 +++
t/expected/padre_download_netbsd_noclass.html | 47 +++
t/expected/padre_download_opensuse.html | 24 ++
t/expected/padre_download_opensuse_noclass.html | 24 ++
t/expected/padre_download_ubuntu.html | 165 ++++++++
t/expected/padre_download_ubuntu_noclass.html | 165 ++++++++
t/expected/padre_features.html | 201 ++++++++++
t/expected/padre_features_noclass.html | 201 ++++++++++
t/pod-coverage.t | 9 +-
t/pod.t | 7 +-
t/version.t | 6 +-
100 files changed, 4929 insertions(+), 1394 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 .perlcriticrc
create mode 100644 .perltidyrc
create mode 100644 .tidyallrc
create mode 100644 META.yml
rename README => README.md (56%)
create mode 100644 debian/libtext-trac-perl.examples
create mode 100644 inc/Module/Install/Scripts.pm
create mode 100644 script/trac2html
create mode 100644 t/10-script.t
create mode 100644 t/11-script-noclass.t
create mode 100644 t/95-tidyall.t
create mode 100644 t/96-perl-critic.t
create mode 100644 t/corpus/padre_development.trac
create mode 100644 t/corpus/padre_download_debian.trac
create mode 100644 t/corpus/padre_download_fedora.trac
create mode 100644 t/corpus/padre_download_freebsd.trac
create mode 100644 t/corpus/padre_download_mandriva.trac
create mode 100644 t/corpus/padre_download_netbsd.trac
create mode 100644 t/corpus/padre_download_opensuse.trac
create mode 100644 t/corpus/padre_download_ubuntu.trac
create mode 100644 t/corpus/padre_features.trac
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_development.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_development_noclass.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_download_debian.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_download_debian_noclass.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_download_fedora.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_download_fedora_noclass.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_download_freebsd.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_download_freebsd_noclass.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_download_mandriva.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_download_mandriva_noclass.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_download_netbsd.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_download_netbsd_noclass.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_download_opensuse.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_download_opensuse_noclass.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_download_ubuntu.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_download_ubuntu_noclass.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_features.html
create mode 100644 t/expected/padre_features_noclass.html
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libtext-trac-perl.git
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