[libdist-zilla-plugin-test-eol-perl] annotated tag 0.10 created (now e783456)

Intrigeri intrigeri at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 16 09:20:02 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

intrigeri pushed a change to annotated tag 0.10
in repository libdist-zilla-plugin-test-eol-perl.

        at  e783456   (tag)
   tagging  397a1fbe2a941efc71e6d559007143d7b5eb9ef1 (commit)
  replaces  0.09
 tagged by  Caleb Cushing
        on  Wed Dec 18 18:52:42 2013 -0600

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

Caleb Cushing (4):
      add contributors and encoding
      add travis
      add contributors authordep


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  aa0a92d   Split off of Plugin::SanityTests
       new  fc243c7   Distify
       new  05951cc   Add .gitignore
       new  ab184e4   Version 0.01
       new  0334228   Allow checking for trailing whitespace
       new  5fc9533   Depend on a dzil without trailing ws in Makefile.PL
       new  dea53d1   Version 0.02
       new  9dceff1   initial commit
       new  275f943   clean dist after release
       new  b7a5e0c   remove stuff no longer necessary to podspell
       new  e34bc29   expand weaver to use default config
       new  e0410ce   attempt to add bugs section to weaver.ini
       new  4cb84a7   fix how bugs is defined
       new  95a2d77   don't expand the whole weaver.ini just for one module
       new  5e5166a   Revert "don't expand the whole weaver.ini just for one module"
       new  c4f2b13   set critic verbosity to 9
       new  a599bee   make default .gitignore more robust by copying schwerns
       new  2029a46   use GitHub::Meta to get meta resources
       new  708019e   use the bundle
       new  f22c663   PodSpellingTests changed names
       new  c7a041d   make an author test so this gets run before push
       new  636c35f   use semantic versioning which starts with v
       new  7fb235c   more git tags
       new  30c8476   add ReportVersions::Tiny
       new  2a62b1e   change version string
       new  b51fa1a   rename to DZP::Test::EOL
       new  05972a7   Merge remote-tracking branch 'dzil-base/master'
       new  2b28183   bootstrap
       new  f21df1a   consume self
       new  372544e   apply my own style
       new  b093970   rename file
       new  a59bce5   use Test::Requires
       new  9f141eb   refactor Changes to follow meta spec
       new  c66bf4f   dzil changes boilerplate
       new  a2113f5   0.03
       new  8fa3e63   add more accreditation
       new  4584bca   enable SeeAlso plugin
       new  fe014ec   stopwords and don't use rafl uri's
       new  052b00d   0.04
       new  f8e2d39   remove double call
       new  01e2acb   remove copyright year, it defaults to current
       new  5778f73   Merge remote-tracking branch 'my/master'
       new  4227d2f   remove submitting patches
       new  6289f54   Merge remote-tracking branch 'dzil-base/master'
       new  076a96f   Fix authordep: Pod::Weaver::Section::SeeAlso
       new  15e464b   dist.ini cleanup
       new  884b6ad   RT#76038 Enforce Test::EOL loading
       new  67461c1   DZ: Add explicit Test::EOL dependency
       new  5feff8e   add a simple check that test compiles test
       new  0096be7   0.05
       new  571f6bc   fix issue where prereqscanner detects Test::EOL
       new  a606cfd   clean up comments in test
       new  83c3380   also check that test runs
       new  30d9cfa   0.06
       new  e0128aa   remove extra tests
       new  0ba3d9c   Merge remote-tracking branch 'dzil-base/master'
       new  87c5d83   extra tests are also in basic
       new  7ba3139   Merge remote-tracking branch 'dzil-base/master'
       new  dd1f078   Revert "extra tests are also in basic"
       new  05007ff   Merge remote-tracking branch 'dzil-base/master'
       new  f27bd05   install releases
       new  44b3b5d   add generated by code
       new  fd36a36   convert spaces to tabs
       new  bf83ef8   0.07
       new  8683c23   Merge remote-tracking branch 'dzil-base/master'
       new  1533521   remove hack
       new  9be2e9a   switch to AutoMetaResources
       new  fb0c114   0.08
       new  bf81bd4   0.09
       new  bf2059d   add contributors and encoding
       new  cfe0a04   add travis
       new  aa0c54f   add contributors authordep
       new  397a1fb   0.10

The 73 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libdist-zilla-plugin-test-eol-perl.git

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