[libtest-compile-perl] annotated tag upstream/1.2.1 created (now 0129dd8)

Florian Schlichting fsfs at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 23 17:37:18 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

fsfs pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/1.2.1
in repository libtest-compile-perl.

        at  0129dd8   (tag)
   tagging  13964f262c74690a2127411043a6993001e3f062 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/1.2.0
 tagged by  Florian Schlichting
        on  Sun Aug 23 17:08:49 2015 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 1.2.1

Evan Giles (70):
      Convert module from MakeMaker -> Module::Build
      Simplify the distribution
      Add some tests to make sure we find the correct files
      Refactor to remove duplicate code
      Add tests to ensure we actually detect files that don't compile
      Cleanup as directed by author tests
      Release engineering (0.14)
      rt73290: failing test
      Fork and do the work in a child process.
      Release engineering (0.15)
      Begin the next release
      rt69297: failing test
      Skip tests when there are no files to test
      rt55837: Handle taint mode when it is specified in a script
      rt55837: Change the syntax of file handling - to line up with PBP
      rt72557: Use the blib/lib directory.
      Release engineering (0.16)
      Merge branch 'debian'
      Release 0.16.1
      Release 0.16_1, this should actually be a developer release on CPAN
      Release 0.17 - a few more tests
      Remove t/11.lib.t
      Style changes as (mostly) highlighed by perl critic
      Add a bunch of debugging information
      Update documentation
      Changes required to Build on newer OS (debian wheezy)
      Fix a warning that leaks out - despite closing STDERR
      Add a Test::Compile::Internal module.
      Fix the Internal module so that it actually works
      Use the Internal module a bit more
      Updates to POD
      Re write most of the tests to take advantage of the internal module
      Expose the p{m,l}_file_compiles method in the interface
      Implement logic to enable and disable verbose mode
      Remove the Test::Builder object from Test::Compile
      Fill in some POD
      Release version 0.19
      Make the tests portable (fixes rt78810)
      Finally, test whether we have suppressed the STDERR
      I don't think the verbose test will work on all OS's
      Update the POD
      Prepare for release 0.21
      More improvements to the POD
      MORE POD changes (yawn)
      Remove all traces of 'verbose' from Test::Compile
      Get rid of the '_check_syntax' method
      Final POD corrections for release (0.21)
      Make the Test::Compile library verbose by default (fixes rt 80187)
      Get ready for release 0.22
      I don't want to have verbose on while we run the tests..
      Release Engineeriing for 0.23
      rt83472: Warn that you can't use all_pl_files_ok & all_pm_files_ok together
      Use semantic versioning
      rt83472: Warn that you can't use all_pl_files_ok & all_pm_files_ok together
      Release engineering
      Merge branch 'semver'
      Bug fix since adding semantic versioning
      Remove the 'no_diag' logic
      Fix broken distribution
      Suppress the output during testing
      Update copyright year
      Promote the OO interface
      Tidy up the tests to reflect the new importance of the OO interface
      Default to being verbose
      Correct the dependancy information
      rt83917: Not all files without an extension are perl files
      Release 1.2.0
      Fix CPAN test failure
      Merge pull request #3 from nfg/master
      Don't require the use of Test::Warnings.

Florian Schlichting (1):
      Imported Upstream version 1.2.1

Marcel Gruenauer (27):
      r6189 at nbgr:  marcel | 2008-04-18 17:00:57 +0200
      r1857 at nbgr:  marcel | 2008-05-29 14:08:34 +0200
      first step in moving towards a standard-style dist
      continued to update distribution to standard style
      set module versions to latest Changes version
      Moving to git and extra_tests
      regenerated MANIFEST
      pod and skel improvements
      MANIFEST, MANIFEST.SKIP, .gitignore and author tests up-to-date
      updated skeleton and README.mkdn (for Github)
      now using Pod::Wordlist::hanekomu as well for POD spell check tests
      updated skel
      fixed conflict
      added author requirements; fixed auxiliary files
      repo maintenance
      updated author tests
      Fixed bugs from RT: .pl file name, Windows paths, version numbers. Also v0.09 releng.
      no longer necessary since we have author tests for those
      Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.09.  Changelog diff is:
      re-release with fixed inc::Module::Install::ReadmeMarkdownFromPod
      pod fix
      releng and repo maintenance (perltidy, readme gen, install docs etc)
      releng; making release so using author tests reduce dependencies
      added SEE ALSO link to Test::LoadAllModules
      recommend, not require, Devel::CheckOS; v0.12 releng
      require Test::More 0.88 so done_testing() works without no_plan
      Improved test for pl_file_ok() (thanks robinsmidsrod and mst)

Michael G. Schwern (5):
      OS X is not a crazy OS from a redirection POV
      Small POD fix
      Test for truth, not an integer.
      require, don't use.
      Add diagnostics on compilation failure.

Nicholas Bamber (2):
      taint mode not respected
      need to provide path to libraries of distribution

Nigel Gregoire (1):
      Avoid undefined warning for empty files in all_pl_files

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (3):
      [CPAN-RT #82887] correctly handle library search paths
      [CPAN-RT #82887] fix regexp to detect taint mode option on a shebang
      oops: copypasta drama


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libtest-compile-perl.git

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