[twiggy] branch master updated (1617e52 -> 4ef09d0)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Sun Dec 6 12:30:49 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository twiggy.
from 1617e52 Update debian/changelog
adds 3ac4433 s/Impl/Server/g
adds 7f5b52f added support for PLACK_NO_SENDFILE env var
adds ed16edc set blocking to the socket since non-blocking aio_sendfile + event loop is inefficient per IO::AIO docs
adds 2007c60 Oops, fixed a stupid bug
adds 683fc79 close unless errno is EAGAIN or EINTR
adds dca9ea0 use ContentLength middleware in Servers that want Content-Length
adds 472025c remove run_loop from Server implementations. Use register_service if you don't want main event loop run
adds 64ede70 rename t directories
adds 5d16618 rename Plack::Test to Plack::Test::Suite
adds e1c0469 Implemented test suite for Apache2. Disabled BaseDir and use File::ShareDir instead.
adds e01513f templates
adds ebc6b09 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.01. Changelog diff is:
adds 3f4e958 Makefile.PL tweaks
adds e93e384 support a condvar $res
adds e4754df support coderef $res
adds b865277 Revamp of nonblocking code, with new PSGI api
adds be440e0 support clearing of poll_cb
adds 9d6d517 remove
adds 6f3d3da added psgi.streaming
adds ec1b01c remove unused dep
adds a3ea60f rm namespace::clean
adds 4511cb5 close the connection when the response is sent. Should be updated to handle Keep-Alive and chunk stuff in HTTP/1.1, etc.
adds bd16c41 added Yuval as an author
adds 7f08f76 enable ContentLength and Chunked by default
adds 95d9a3b disable Chunked since it causes poll_cb not work
adds b96466b Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.02. Changelog diff is:
adds f01cf6b be more careful with $!
adds 4cc81db refcount handle in shutdown
adds c5ed05f shutdown socket in array ref case
adds c5a6cd1 MOAR FASTER
adds 2ac8846 non reentrant poll_cb to guarantee ordered writes
adds a96f59a implement graceful exit on SIGQUIT
adds 4bcc315 Merge branch 'nothingmuch/master'
adds cf17249 clearnly shutdown the writer
adds f1b3cb1 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.03. Changelog diff is:
adds 24247cf namespace::clean is not used
adds cf93782 display server package at the startup
adds e2aa0af fixed busyloop bug
adds 5a91790 improve about closing
adds 4af9e2d fixed _write_real_fh for linux
adds 55e7238 added slurping request body
adds cbf0d1e added timeout support
adds 3bf7de3 Since this server doesn't handle keepalive, remove ContentLength. Now it gives 3700 QPS (which was 2900 QPS). w00t!
adds 914680d rename Plack::Server::AnyEvent to AnyEvent::Server::PSGI::Twiggy!
adds 6e86de5 fix POD
adds 15669ae forgot to add
adds 0d0a00c Support listening on multiple ports and UNIX sockets.
adds d1fa76e fix uuv warnings
adds a73e153 Added WebSocket chat demo.
adds a9cc743 return 501 if psgix.io is not there
adds 500822a make it a top level namespace. See =head1 NAMING for details
adds a87b5d2 typo
adds 0c70837 docs
adds 34d82fb remove poll_cb support
adds 6249f97 added command line option
adds d7c2f19 accept --backlog for the listen queue
adds eee3325 rename Twiggy.pm to Twiggy::Server
adds 987c95a Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.1000. Changelog diff is:
adds 78f0dd1 Destroy the listen guards when $cv is signaled. This closes the incoming socket, so you won't have new connections arriving while the rest of the server flushes events and shuts down
adds 7082de8 Merge remote branch 'origin/destroy_listen_guards'
adds a24f150 did a fresh perl install and got complaints about Test::TCP
adds ed7024f Add Server::Starter support
adds 3b9bf37 add minor docs
adds 1486828 only warn when DEBUG is on (the default value, ':5000' is passed regardless, so it would be annoying for most people)
adds d1a8344 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.1001. Changelog diff is:
adds 08ae130 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.1002. Changelog diff is:
adds c6a647d improved _read_chunk for lower memory usage.
adds 9262622 create timeout timer only when it is necessary.
adds 7fd0392 added return for safety.
adds 223e996 added $self->{read_chunk_size} to be configurable.
adds c4a0c5d fix POD
adds 01b0b9b added lestrrat
adds 0368b71 fix POD
adds e976ca0 s/production/deployment/
adds 470079d revert HTTP::Parser::XS optional
adds a45a0aa Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.1003. Changelog diff is:
adds f61e463 fix SYNOPSIS
adds 2d065bd whitespace
adds 0642ce7 Move the exit_guard to register_service so AE::cv->recv (without ->run) would work.
adds ef9a493 Yikes, copy this to SS. Needs refactoring later
adds d0b0904 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.1004. Changelog diff is:
adds c162a31 move socket listen to start_listen, and let SS override that method instead of register_service
adds 40c2ad0 Implemented twiggy -v
adds 9962c4a Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.1005.
adds ad5f4ff no lib lib
adds eed850a Fix an edge case when on_drain gets empty string the request is never completed.
adds 4bf0164 tests demostrating the edge case fixed in eed850.
adds a2f3cc9 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.1006.
adds 8b23cdb port => undef means it can bind to any port like it used to do
adds daa249b Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.1007.
adds b23990e fix shebang. Fixes gh-9
adds 35a3f3e typo
adds c85c527 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.1008.
adds 98f79ef Fix leaking fds + test
adds 6e5a7c6 Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.1009.
adds 749c141 Document that condvar support will be removed
adds 02887b1 carp not croak
adds ff56437 Remove the test that uses condvar response
adds 9bfe8fe Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.1010.
adds ec00ad9 Improves the SERVER_PORT when binding multiple ports.
adds adb8cdf Fix Server::Starter binding too
adds 612405f Explain how to use the fast HTTP Headers parsing option
adds 9be58a4 GIve pratical example of Server::Starter usage
adds 58f7893 Add ENVIRONMENT section explaining TWIGGY_DEBUG
adds 24c5eb8 Merge pull request #15 from melo/documentation_fixes
adds 2d18b7f Suppress 400 if client disconnected
adds d5e803e Allow for error messages that have line numbers
adds f9fbf8b On bad_request, go through _write_psgi_response even if sending nothing back
adds 505bb86 Merge pull request #20 from athomason/master
adds 0bd6314 Don't restrict parsing the request body to PUT and POST requests
adds c992337 Merge pull request #23 from monken/master
adds fba6106 Fixed broken data processing
adds dc8778c Merge pull request #25 from und3f/master
adds 845ceda Add a test for client disconnection
adds 6946ac2 Merge pull request #22 from athomason/845cedab
adds 4ffefab Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.1020.
adds 4f6255a Checking in changes prior to tagging of version 0.1021.
adds f6bb551 use Milla
adds fef741a Skip test rather than requiring it in tests.
adds 0cd8099 update
adds 9c096f9 0.1022
adds 0afcfcf Rename a directory to store executable files.
adds 2db278c Merge pull request #35 from moznion/fix/rename_directory_to_store_executable_files
adds 09aaa96 0.1023
adds 14f73fe decremented exit guard when failed to write header
adds 0043f68 Added test for connection already closed on server response
adds 761545e Merge pull request #37 from maedama/hotfix/exit_guard_count_miss
adds 0a6a6d0 add
adds cb9135f 0.1024
adds 26ad32a Add test checking for a stream being broken
adds 18ab18b Fix bug where Twiggy stops servicing requests
adds a590fff Merge pull request #41 from hoelzro/master
adds 3f82c0a enable travis
adds f42dc11 add
adds 119c0a2 0.1025
adds bf1d35d Imported Upstream version 0.1025+dfsg
new 07281be Merge tag 'upstream/0.1025+dfsg'
new 7f5e074 update changelog
new ed52691 Update years of upstream copyright.
new 91d9fc4 Reformat debian/control with cme
new 940fbce Mark package as autopkgtest-able.
new 838161d Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6.
new 131936c Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
new 29decd0 Adjust paths in debian/copyright.
new 7c28c96 Ship unminified jquery-1.3.2.js in debian/missing-sources.
new 4ef09d0 releasing package twiggy version 0.1025+dfsg-1
The 10 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
Changes | 3 +
LICENSE | 8 +-
META.json | 10 +-
META.yml | 25 +-
Makefile.PL | 47 +-
README | 97 -
debian/changelog | 17 +-
debian/compat | 2 +-
debian/control | 44 +-
debian/copyright | 16 +-
debian/missing-sources/jquery-1.3.2.js | 4376 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
lib/Twiggy.pm | 2 +-
lib/Twiggy/Server.pm | 9 +
t/anyevent_closed_streaming.t | 92 +
t/release-pod-syntax.t | 5 +-
16 files changed, 4573 insertions(+), 183 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 README
create mode 100644 debian/missing-sources/jquery-1.3.2.js
create mode 100644 t/anyevent_closed_streaming.t
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/twiggy.git
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