[libexcel-template-plus-perl] 01/01: Releaseing package libexcel-template-plus-perl v0.06-1.

Robert James Clay jame at rocasa.us
Wed Feb 4 10:23:19 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jame-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libexcel-template-plus-perl.

commit e1b5c2df02a71a26b5aeb2c145b3b5037c3ac30e
Merge: f77597b 735215d
Author: Robert James Clay <jame at rocasa.us>
Date:   Wed Feb 4 05:22:39 2015 -0500

    Releaseing package libexcel-template-plus-perl v0.06-1.
    * develop:
      Set debian/changelog for libexcel-template-plus-perl v0.06-1.
      Update Standards-Version to 3.9.6, no changes required.
      Change debhelper requirement from '8' to '9'.
      Set Testsuite to 'autopkgtest-pkg-perl' in debian/control.
      Add libmodule-runtime-perl as a Depends in debian/control.
      Reformat debian/control using wrap-and-sort command from devscripts.

 debian/changelog | 13 +++++++------
 debian/compat    |  2 +-
 debian/control   | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 3 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libexcel-template-plus-perl.git

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