[libhijk-perl] annotated tag 0.05 created (now 4d7d148)

Robin Sheat eythian-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Feb 12 21:55:10 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

eythian-guest pushed a change to annotated tag 0.05
in repository libhijk-perl.

        at  4d7d148   (tag)
   tagging  da90ea8e72a7d8616679d6221286990a11275e08 (commit)
 tagged by  Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
        on  Mon Dec 9 11:17:02 2013 +0000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
The 0.05 release

Kang-min Liu (64):
      to begin with... a trivial get() method.
      be specific about newline
      properly handle Content-Length if its there.
      new name!
      directly use Socket instead of having to load all the IO::* stacks.
      add "query_string" as a separate argument.
      split out the part that builds http message for the sake of testing it individually.
      rework a bit on reading HTTP message
      the "path" should be default to "/" -- just so we do not construct an invalid request.
      an example program using Hijk and do something similar to curl.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:gugod/Hijk
      a few tests for http message generation.
      prevent running live tests for non-authors.
      travis-ci config.
      some description.
      Description about Hijk::request subroutine.
      Use cpanfile to declare dependencies.
      setup Makefile.PL
      module prerequisite for travis-ci.
      try to deal with cpan auto-config.
      add a test for pp_fetch.
      Let pp_fetch returns a 3rd element that is the parsed header hash.
      save us one variable.
      When Content-Length is bogus we might invoke POSIX::read() to read
      setup MANIFEST.SKIP for pure-perl dist.
      minor pod update/fixes.
      Add `head` request arg.
      add -H and -d cli arg like curl.
      should also ignore META.json
      some extra steps to simplify the releasing process.
      rename these test files to reflect what it is testing.
      version bump.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:gugod/Hijk
      Also return the "head" (HTTP header as a hash).
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:gugod/Hijk
      try testing live with elasticsearch server.
      so interestingly each item in "env" is exported individually rather then together...
      setup coverage report to coveralls.io.
      take a peek of the auto-initialized cpan config.
      describe the "head" value of the response.
      prevent invoking the global $SIG{__DIE__} when Hijk::HTTP::XS is not installed.
      done peeking the generated config.
      prepare a psgi server that takes time to do nothing.
      Implement socket read timeout.
      Plack, for testing.
      die if select(2) results an error.
      follows the XS implementation
      since we parameterized timeout for 'fetch', might as well ditch the
      live timeout testing with the local "it-takes-time" server.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:gugod/Hijk
      implement socket connect timeout.
      apparently POSIX can already export INPROGRESS
      bump version and noted the major change.
      Let the 'timeout' value of 'Hijk::request' be in seconds.
      another generic benchmark program using Dumbbench.
      dying with $!
      invalidate connection cache when seeing 'Connection: close' in the
      rename this file to indicate that it is using Dumbbench.
      various small tweaks.
      releasing 0.05.

borislav nikolov (10):
      add simple XS http parser, and try to use it if possible
      read partialy until response header end
      xs: fetch(fd) -> return (status,body,headers_hashref)
      switch from recv to read to be consistent with Hijk::pp_fetch, add the parse-http-message.t from Hijk
      update pod; and use pod2text XS.pm > README
      add simple benchmark between http::tiny, lwp, hijk::pp and hijk:xs
      update MANIFEST
      update readme
      add recv timeout support; and fd_set_blocking helper function
      hijk::xs - return the same timeout message as pp_fetch


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libhijk-perl.git

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