[libconfig-model-dpkg-perl] 03/05: updated pod doc

dod at debian.org dod at debian.org
Fri Feb 20 12:54:24 UTC 2015

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dod pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libconfig-model-dpkg-perl.

commit 8ecce197bc91a868ad538451059e2b01a3ab35f5
Author: Dominique Dumont <dod at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Feb 20 13:38:54 2015 +0100

    updated pod doc
 lib/Config/Model/Dpkg/Copyright.pm | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lib/Config/Model/Dpkg/Copyright.pm b/lib/Config/Model/Dpkg/Copyright.pm
index a71dd93..5039e6e 100644
--- a/lib/Config/Model/Dpkg/Copyright.pm
+++ b/lib/Config/Model/Dpkg/Copyright.pm
@@ -134,8 +134,13 @@ __END__
+This commands helps with the tedious task of maintening
+C<debian/copyright> file. When you package a new release of a
+software, you can run C<cme update dpkg-copyright> to update the
+content of the copyright file.
 This command scans current package directory to extract copyright and
-licensse information and store them in the Files sections of
+license information and store them in the Files sections of
 debian/copyright file.
 In debian package directory:
@@ -146,6 +151,30 @@ In debian package directory:
 Note: this command is experimental.
+=head1 Tweak results
+Since the extraction of copyright information from source file is
+based on comments, the result is sometimes lackluster. Your may
+specify instruction to alter or set specific copyright entries in
+C<debian/fix.copyright> file. Each line of this file will be handled
+by L<Config::Model::Loader> to modify copyright information.
+=head2 Example
+If the extracted copyright contains:
+ Files: *
+ Copyright: 2014-2015, Adam Kennedy <adamk at cpan.org> "foobar
+ License: Artistic or GPL-1+
+You may add this line in C<debian/fix.copyright> file:
+ Files:'*' Copyright=~s/\s*".*//
+This way, the copyright information will be updated from the file
+content but the extra C<"foobar> will always be removed during
 =head1 AUTHOR
 Dominique Dumont <dod at debian.org>

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