[libexporter-tiny-perl] 03/05: major documentation restructure

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Tue Feb 24 14:56:54 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a commit to tag 0.043_01
in repository libexporter-tiny-perl.

commit 3dc479d304b5de655d3de436e7571c27f9ad6f72
Author: Toby Inkster <mail at tobyinkster.co.uk>
Date:   Sun Nov 9 00:25:47 2014 +0000

    major documentation restructure
 lib/Exporter/Shiny.pm                  |   7 +-
 lib/Exporter/Tiny.pm                   | 416 ++-------------------------------
 lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/Etc.pm        | 134 +++++++++++
 lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/Exporting.pm  | 256 ++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/Importing.pm  | 253 ++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/QuickStart.pm | 195 ++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 858 insertions(+), 403 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/Exporter/Shiny.pm b/lib/Exporter/Shiny.pm
index 063cb47..016ff93 100644
--- a/lib/Exporter/Shiny.pm
+++ b/lib/Exporter/Shiny.pm
@@ -90,7 +90,12 @@ L<http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=Exporter-Tiny>.
 =head1 SEE ALSO
+This module is just a wrapper around L<Exporter::Tiny>, so take a look
+at L<Exporter::Tiny::Manual::QuickStart> and
+L<Exporter::Tiny::Manual::Exporting> for further information on what
+features are available.
+Other interesting exporters: L<Sub::Exporter>, L<Exporter>.
 =head1 AUTHOR
diff --git a/lib/Exporter/Tiny.pm b/lib/Exporter/Tiny.pm
index 5e437da..fcfc457 100644
--- a/lib/Exporter/Tiny.pm
+++ b/lib/Exporter/Tiny.pm
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ Exporter::Tiny - an exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only core de
    package MyUtils;
    use base "Exporter::Tiny";
    our @EXPORT = qw(frobnicate);
-   sub frobnicate { my $n = shift; ... }
+   sub frobnicate { ... }
    package MyScript;
@@ -391,420 +391,32 @@ Its internal-facing interface is closer to Exporter.pm, with configuration
 done through the C<< @EXPORT >>, C<< @EXPORT_OK >> and C<< %EXPORT_TAGS >>
 package variables.
-Exporter::Tiny performs most of its internal duties (including resolution
-of tag names to sub names, resolution of sub names to coderefs, and
-installation of coderefs into the target package) as method calls, which
-means they can be overridden to provide interesting behaviour.
-=head2 Utility Functions
-These are really for internal use, but can be exported if you need them.
-=item C<< mkopt(\@array) >>
-Similar to C<mkopt> from L<Data::OptList>. It doesn't support all the
-fancy options that Data::OptList does (C<moniker>, C<require_unique>,
-C<must_be> and C<name_test>) but runs about 50% faster.
-=item C<< mkopt_hash(\@array) >>
-Similar to C<mkopt_hash> from L<Data::OptList>. See also C<mkopt>.
-For the purposes of this discussion we'll assume we have a module called
-C<< MyUtils >> which exports one function, C<< frobnicate >>. C<< MyUtils >>
-inherits from Exporter::Tiny.
-Many of these tricks may seem familiar from L<Sub::Exporter>. That is
-intentional. Exporter::Tiny doesn't attempt to provide every feature of
-Sub::Exporter, but where it does it usually uses a fairly similar API.
-=head2 Basic importing
-   # import "frobnicate" function
-   use MyUtils "frobnicate";
-   # import all functions that MyUtils offers
-   use MyUtils -all;
-=head2 Renaming imported functions
-   # call it "frob"
-   use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -as => "frob" };
-   # call it "my_frobnicate"
-   use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -prefix => "my_" };
-   # can set a prefix for *all* functions imported from MyUtils
-   # by placing the options hashref *first*.
-   use MyUtils { prefix => "my_" }, "frobnicate";
-   # (note the lack of hyphen before `prefix`.)
-   # call it "frobnicate_util"
-   use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -suffix => "_util" };
-   use MyUtils { suffix => "_util" }, "frobnicate";
-   # import it twice with two different names
-   use MyUtils
-      "frobnicate" => { -as => "frob" },
-      "frobnicate" => { -as => "frbnct" };
-=head2 Lexical subs
-   {
-      use Sub::Exporter::Lexical lexical_installer => { -as => "lex" };
-      use MyUtils { installer => lex }, "frobnicate";
-      frobnicate(...);  # ok
-   }
-   frobnicate(...);  # not ok
-=head2 Import functions into another package
-   use MyUtils { into => "OtherPkg" }, "frobnicate";
-   OtherPkg::frobincate(...);
-=head2 Import functions into a scalar
-   my $func;
-   use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -as => \$func };
-   $func->(...);
-=head2 Import functions into a hash
-OK, Sub::Exporter doesn't do this...
-   my %funcs;
-   use MyUtils { into => \%funcs }, "frobnicate";
-   $funcs{frobnicate}->(...);
-=head2 DO NOT WANT!
-This imports everything except "frobnicate":
-   use MyUtils qw( -all !frobnicate );
-Negated imports always "win", so the following will not import
-"frobnicate", no matter how many times you repeat it...
-   use MyUtils qw( !frobnicate frobnicate frobnicate frobnicate );
-=head2 Importing by regexp
-Here's how you could import all functions beginning with an "f":
-   use MyUtils qw( /^F/i );
-Or import everything except functions beginning with a "z":
-   use MyUtils qw( -all !/^Z/i );
-Note that regexps are always supplied as I<strings> starting with
-C<< "/" >>, and not as quoted regexp references (C<< qr/.../ >>).
-=head2 Unimporting
-You can unimport the functions that MyUtils added to your namespace:
-   no MyUtils;
-Or just specific ones:
-   no MyUtils qw(frobnicate);
-If you renamed a function when you imported it, you should unimport by
-the new name:
-   use MyUtils frobnicate => { -as => "frob" };
-   ...;
-   no MyUtils "frob";
-Unimporting using tags and regexps should mostly do what you want.
-Simple configuration works the same as L<Exporter>; inherit from this module,
-and use the C<< @EXPORT >>, C<< @EXPORT_OK >> and C<< %EXPORT_TAGS >>
-package variables to list subs to export.
-=head2 Generators
-Exporter::Tiny has always allowed exported subs to be generated (like
-L<Sub::Exporter>), but until version 0.025 did not have an especially nice
-API for it.
-Now, it's easy. If you want to generate a sub C<foo> to export, list it in
-C<< @EXPORT >> or C<< @EXPORT_OK >> as usual, and then simply give your
-exporter module a class method called C<< _generate_foo >>.
-   push @EXPORT_OK, 'foo';
-   sub _generate_foo {
-      my $class = shift;
-      my ($name, $args, $globals) = @_;
-      return sub {
-         ...;
-      }
-   }
-You can also generate tags:
-   my %constants;
-   BEGIN {
-      %constants = (FOO => 1, BAR => 2);
-   }
-   use constant \%constants;
-   $EXPORT_TAGS{constants} = sub {
-      my $class = shift;
-      my ($name, $args, $globals) = @_;
-      return keys(%constants);
-   };
-=head2 Overriding Internals
-An important difference between L<Exporter> and Exporter::Tiny is that
-the latter calls all its internal functions as I<< class methods >>. This
-means that your subclass can I<< override them >> to alter their behaviour.
-The following methods are available to be overridden. Despite being named
-with a leading underscore, they are considered public methods. (The underscore
-is there to avoid accidentally colliding with any of your own function names.)
+If you are trying to B<write> a module that inherits from Exporter::Tiny,
+then look at:
-=item C<< _exporter_validate_opts($globals) >>
-This method is called once each time C<import> is called. It is passed a
-reference to the global options hash. (That is, the optional leading hashref
-in the C<use> statement, where the C<into> and C<installer> options can be
-You may use this method to munge the global options, or validate them,
-throwing an exception or printing a warning.
-The default implementation does nothing interesting.
-=item C<< _exporter_validate_unimport_opts($globals) >>
-Like C<_exporter_validate_opts>, but called for C<unimport>.
-=item C<< _exporter_merge_opts($tag_opts, $globals, @exports) >>
-Called to merge options which have been provided for a tag into the
-options provided for the exports that the tag expanded to.
-=item C<< _exporter_expand_tag($name, $args, $globals) >>
-This method is called to expand an import tag (e.g. C<< ":constants" >>).
-It is passed the tag name (minus the leading ":"), an optional hashref
-of options (like C<< { -prefix => "foo_" } >>), and the global options
-It is expected to return a list of ($name, $args) arrayref pairs. These
-names can be sub names to export, or further tag names (which must have
-their ":"). If returning tag names, be careful to avoid creating a tag
-expansion loop!
-The default implementation uses C<< %EXPORT_TAGS >> to expand tags, and
-provides fallbacks for the C<< :default >> and C<< :all >> tags.
-=item C<< _exporter_expand_regexp($regexp, $args, $globals) >>
-Like C<_exporter_expand_regexp>, but given a regexp-like string instead
-of a tag name.
+=item *
-The default implementation greps through C<< @EXPORT_OK >> for imports,
-and the list of already-imported functions for exports.
-=item C<< _exporter_expand_sub($name, $args, $globals) >>
+=item *
-This method is called to translate a sub name to a hash of name => coderef
-pairs for exporting to the caller. In general, this would just be a hash with
-one key and one value, but, for example, L<Type::Library> overrides this
-method so that C<< "+Foo" >> gets expanded to:
-   (
-      Foo         => sub { $type },
-      is_Foo      => sub { $type->check(@_) },
-      to_Foo      => sub { $type->assert_coerce(@_) },
-      assert_Foo  => sub { $type->assert_return(@_) },
-   )
-The default implementation checks that the name is allowed to be exported
-(using the C<_exporter_permitted_regexp> method), gets the coderef using
-the generator if there is one (or by calling C<< can >> on your exporter
-otherwise) and calls C<_exporter_fail> if it's unable to generate or
-retrieve a coderef.
-=item C<< _exporter_permitted_regexp($globals) >>
-This method is called to retrieve a regexp for validating the names of
-exportable subs. If a sub doesn't match the regexp, then the default
-implementation of C<_exporter_expand_sub> will refuse to export it. (Of
-course, you may override the default C<_exporter_expand_sub>.)
-The default implementation of this method assembles the regexp from
-C<< @EXPORT >> and C<< @EXPORT_OK >>.
-=item C<< _exporter_fail($name, $args, $globals) >>
-Called by C<_exporter_expand_sub> if it can't find a coderef to export.
-The default implementation just throws an exception. But you could emit
-a warning instead, or just ignore the failed export.
-If you don't throw an exception then you should be aware that this
-method is called in list context, and any list it returns will be treated
-as an C<_exporter_expand_sub>-style hash of names and coderefs for
-=item C<< _exporter_install_sub($name, $args, $globals, $coderef) >>
-This method actually installs the exported sub into its new destination.
-Its return value is ignored.
-The default implementation handles sub renaming (i.e. the C<< -as >>,
-C<< -prefix >> and C<< -suffix >> functions. This method does a lot of
-stuff; if you need to override it, it's probably a good idea to just
-pre-process the arguments and then call the super method rather than
-trying to handle all of it yourself.
-=item C<< _exporter_uninstall_sub($name, $args, $globals) >>
-The opposite of C<_exporter_install_sub>.
+If you are trying to B<use> a module that inherits from Exporter::Tiny,
+then look at:
-=item B<< Overwriting existing sub '%s::%s' with sub '%s' exported by %s >>
-A warning issued if Exporter::Tiny is asked to export a symbol which
-will result in an existing sub being overwritten. This warning can be
-suppressed using either of the following:
+=item *
-   use MyUtils { replace => 1 }, "frobnicate";
-   use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -replace => 1 };
-Or can be upgraded to a fatal error:
-   use MyUtils { replace => "die" }, "frobnicate";
-   use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -replace => "die" };
-=item B<< Refusing to overwrite existing sub '%s::%s' with sub '%s' exported by %s >>
-The fatal version of the above warning.
-=item B<< Could not find sub '%s' exported by %s >>
-You requested to import a sub which the package does not provide.
-=item B<< Cannot provide an -as option for tags >>
-Because a tag may provide more than one function, it does not make sense
-to request a single name for it. Instead use C<< -prefix >> or C<< -suffix >>.
-=item B<< Passing options to unimport '%s' makes no sense >>
-When you import a sub, it occasionally makes sense to pass some options
-for it. However, when unimporting, options do nothing, so this warning
-is issued.
-=head1 HISTORY
-L<Type::Library> had a bunch of custom exporting code which poked coderefs
-into its caller's stash. It needed this to be something more powerful than
-most exporters so that it could switch between exporting Moose, Mouse and
-Moo-compatible objects on request. L<Sub::Exporter> would have been capable,
-but had too many dependencies for the Type::Tiny project.
-Meanwhile L<Type::Utils>, L<Types::TypeTiny> and L<Test::TypeTiny> each
-used the venerable L<Exporter.pm|Exporter>. However, this meant they were
-unable to use the features like L<Sub::Exporter>-style function renaming
-which I'd built into Type::Library:
-   ## import "Str" but rename it to "String".
-   use Types::Standard "Str" => { -as => "String" };
-And so I decided to factor out code that could be shared by all Type-Tiny's
-exporters into a single place: Exporter::TypeTiny.
-As of version 0.026, Exporter::TypeTiny was also made available as
-L<Exporter::Tiny>, distributed independently on CPAN. CHOCOLATEBOY had
-convinced me that it was mature enough to live a life of its own.
-As of version 0.030, Type-Tiny depends on Exporter::Tiny and
-Exporter::TypeTiny is being phased out.
-Exporting is unlikely to be your application's performance bottleneck, but
-nonetheless here are some comparisons.
-B<< Comparative sizes according to L<Devel::SizeMe>: >>
-   Exporter                     217.1Kb
-   Sub::Exporter::Progressive   263.2Kb
-   Exporter::Tiny               267.7Kb
-   Exporter + Exporter::Heavy   281.5Kb
-   Exporter::Renaming           406.2Kb
-   Sub::Exporter                701.0Kb
-B<< Performance exporting a single sub: >>
-              Rate     SubExp    ExpTiny SubExpProg      ExpPM
-SubExp      2489/s         --       -56%       -85%       -88%
-ExpTiny     5635/s       126%         --       -67%       -72%
-SubExpProg 16905/s       579%       200%         --       -16%
-ExpPM      20097/s       707%       257%        19%         --
-(Exporter::Renaming globally changes the behaviour of Exporter.pm, so could
-not be included in the same benchmarks.)
-B<< (Non-Core) Dependencies: >>
-   Exporter                    -1
-   Exporter::Renaming           0
-   Exporter::Tiny               0
-   Sub::Exporter::Progressive   0
-   Sub::Exporter                3
-B<< Features: >>
-                                      ExpPM   ExpTiny SubExp  SubExpProg
- Can export code symbols............. Yes     Yes     Yes     Yes      
- Can export non-code symbols......... Yes                              
- Groups/tags......................... Yes     Yes     Yes     Yes      
- Export by regexp.................... Yes     Yes                      
- Bang prefix......................... Yes     Yes                      
- Allows renaming of subs.............         Yes     Yes     Maybe    
- Install code into scalar refs.......         Yes     Yes     Maybe    
- Can be passed an "into" parameter...         Yes     Yes     Maybe    
- Can be passed an "installer" sub....         Yes     Yes     Maybe    
- Config avoids package variables.....                 Yes              
- Supports generators.................         Yes     Yes              
- Sane API for generators.............         Yes     Yes              
- Unimport............................         Yes                      
-(Certain Sub::Exporter::Progressive features are only available if
-Sub::Exporter is installed.)
 =head1 BUGS
 Please report any bugs to
@@ -817,9 +429,9 @@ on L<irc.perl.org|http://www.irc.perl.org/channels.html>.
 =head1 SEE ALSO
+Simplified interface to this module: L<Exporter::Shiny>.
+Other interesting exporters: L<Sub::Exporter>, L<Exporter>.
 =head1 AUTHOR
diff --git a/lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/Etc.pm b/lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/Etc.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f5a8d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/Etc.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+=encoding utf-8
+=for stopwords frobnicate greps regexps
+=head1 NAME
+Exporter::Tiny::Manual::Etc - odds and ends
+=head2 Utility Functions
+Exporter::Tiny is itself an exporter!
+These functions are really for internal use, but can be exported if you
+need them:
+=item C<< mkopt(\@array) >>
+Similar to C<mkopt> from L<Data::OptList>. It doesn't support all the
+fancy options that Data::OptList does (C<moniker>, C<require_unique>,
+C<must_be> and C<name_test>) but runs about 50% faster.
+=item C<< mkopt_hash(\@array) >>
+Similar to C<mkopt_hash> from L<Data::OptList>. See also C<mkopt>.
+=head2 History
+L<Type::Library> had a bunch of custom exporting code which poked coderefs
+into its caller's stash. It needed this to be something more powerful than
+most exporters so that it could switch between exporting Moose, Mouse and
+Moo-compatible objects on request. L<Sub::Exporter> would have been capable,
+but had too many dependencies for the Type::Tiny project.
+Meanwhile L<Type::Utils>, L<Types::TypeTiny> and L<Test::TypeTiny> each
+used the venerable L<Exporter.pm|Exporter>. However, this meant they were
+unable to use the features like L<Sub::Exporter>-style function renaming
+which I'd built into Type::Library:
+   ## import "Str" but rename it to "String".
+   use Types::Standard "Str" => { -as => "String" };
+And so I decided to factor out code that could be shared by all Type-Tiny's
+exporters into a single place: Exporter::TypeTiny.
+As of version 0.026, Exporter::TypeTiny was also made available as
+L<Exporter::Tiny>, distributed independently on CPAN. CHOCOLATEBOY had
+convinced me that it was mature enough to live a life of its own.
+As of version 0.030, Type-Tiny depends on Exporter::Tiny and
+Exporter::TypeTiny is being phased out.
+=head2 Obligatory Exporter Comparison
+Exporting is unlikely to be your application's performance bottleneck, but
+nonetheless here are some comparisons.
+B<< Comparative sizes according to L<Devel::SizeMe>: >>
+   Exporter                     217.1Kb
+   Sub::Exporter::Progressive   263.2Kb
+   Exporter::Tiny               267.7Kb
+   Exporter + Exporter::Heavy   281.5Kb
+   Exporter::Renaming           406.2Kb
+   Sub::Exporter                701.0Kb
+B<< Performance exporting a single sub: >>
+              Rate     SubExp    ExpTiny SubExpProg      ExpPM
+SubExp      2489/s         --       -56%       -85%       -88%
+ExpTiny     5635/s       126%         --       -67%       -72%
+SubExpProg 16905/s       579%       200%         --       -16%
+ExpPM      20097/s       707%       257%        19%         --
+(Exporter::Renaming globally changes the behaviour of Exporter.pm, so could
+not be included in the same benchmarks.)
+B<< (Non-Core) Dependencies: >>
+   Exporter                    -1
+   Exporter::Renaming           0
+   Exporter::Tiny               0
+   Sub::Exporter::Progressive   0
+   Sub::Exporter                3
+B<< Features: >>
+                                      ExpPM   ExpTiny SubExp  SubExpProg
+ Can export code symbols............. Yes     Yes     Yes     Yes      
+ Can export non-code symbols......... Yes                              
+ Groups/tags......................... Yes     Yes     Yes     Yes      
+ Export by regexp.................... Yes     Yes                      
+ Bang prefix......................... Yes     Yes                      
+ Allows renaming of subs.............         Yes     Yes     Maybe    
+ Install code into scalar refs.......         Yes     Yes     Maybe    
+ Can be passed an "into" parameter...         Yes     Yes     Maybe    
+ Can be passed an "installer" sub....         Yes     Yes     Maybe    
+ Config avoids package variables.....                 Yes              
+ Supports generators.................         Yes     Yes              
+ Sane API for generators.............         Yes     Yes              
+ Unimport............................         Yes                      
+(Certain Sub::Exporter::Progressive features are only available if
+Sub::Exporter is installed.)
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink at cpan.orgE<gt>.
+This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014 by Toby Inkster.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
diff --git a/lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/Exporting.pm b/lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/Exporting.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49ef71f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/Exporting.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+=encoding utf-8
+=for stopwords frobnicate greps regexps
+=head1 NAME
+Exporter::Tiny::Manual::Exporting - creating an exporter using Exporter::Tiny
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<< Read L<Exporter::Tiny::Manual::QuickStart> first! >>
+Simple configuration works the same as L<Exporter>; inherit from
+L<Exporter::Tiny>, and use the C<< @EXPORT >>, C<< @EXPORT_OK >>,
+and C<< %EXPORT_TAGS >> package variables to list subs to export.
+Unlike Exporter, Exporter::Tiny performs most of its internal duties
+(including resolution of tag names to sub names, resolution of sub
+names to coderefs, and installation of coderefs into the target
+package) as B<method calls>, which means that your module (which is a
+subclass of Exporter::Tiny) can override them to provide interesting
+=head2 Advanced Tag Stuff
+You can define tags using other tags:
+   use Exporter::Shiny qw(
+      black white red green blue cyan magenta yellow
+   );
+   our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
+      rgb        => [qw( red green blue )],
+      cym        => [qw( cyan magenta yellow )],
+      cymk       => [qw( black :cym )],
+      monochrome => [qw( black white )],
+      all        => [qw( :rgb :cymk :monochrome )],
+   );
+B<< CAVEAT: >> If you create a cycle in the tags, this could put
+Exporter::Tiny into an infinite loop expanding the tags. Don't do that.
+=head2 More on Generators
+Exporter::Tiny has always allowed exported subs to be generated (like
+L<Sub::Exporter>), but until version 0.025 did not have an especially nice
+API for it.
+Now, it's easy. If you want to generate a sub C<foo> to export, list it in
+C<< @EXPORT >> or C<< @EXPORT_OK >> as usual, and then simply give your
+exporter module a class method called C<< _generate_foo >>.
+   push @EXPORT_OK, 'foo';
+   sub _generate_foo {
+      my $class = shift;
+      my ($name, $args, $globals) = @_;
+      return sub {
+         ...;
+      }
+   }
+We showed how to do that in L<Exporter::Tiny::Manual::QuickStart>, but
+one thing we didn't show was that C<< $globals >> gets passed in there.
+This is the global options hash, as described in
+L<Exporter::Tiny::Manual::Importing>. It can often be useful. In
+particular it will tell you what package the generated sub is destined
+to be installed into.
+You can also generate tags:
+   my %constants;
+   BEGIN {
+      %constants = (FOO => 1, BAR => 2);
+   }
+   use constant \%constants;
+   $EXPORT_TAGS{constants} = sub {
+      my $class = shift;
+      my ($name, $args, $globals) = @_;
+      return keys(%constants);
+   };
+=head2 Hooks
+Sometimes as well as exporting stuff, you want to do some setup or
+You can define a couple of class methods in your package, and they'll
+get called at the appropriate time:
+   package MyUtils;
+   ...;
+   sub _exporter_validate_opts {
+      my $class = shift;
+      my ($globals) = @_;
+      ...;   # do stuff here
+      $class->SUPER::_exporter_validate_opts(@_);
+   }
+   sub _exporter_validate_unimport_opts {
+      my $class = shift;
+      my ($globals) = @_;
+      ...;   # do stuff here
+      $class->SUPER::_exporter_validate_unimport_opts(@_);
+   }
+The C<< $globals >> variable is that famous global options hash. In
+particular, C<< $globals->{into} >> is useful because it tells you what
+package has imported you.
+As you might have guessed, these methods were originally intended to
+validate the global options hash, but can be used to perform any
+general duties before the real exporting work is done.
+=head2 Overriding Internals
+An important difference between L<Exporter> and Exporter::Tiny is that
+the latter calls all its internal functions as I<< class methods >>. This
+means that your subclass can I<< override them >> to alter their behaviour.
+The following methods are available to be overridden. Despite being named
+with a leading underscore, they are considered public methods. (The underscore
+is there to avoid accidentally colliding with any of your own function names.)
+=item C<< _exporter_validate_opts($globals) >>
+Documented above.
+=item C<< _exporter_validate_unimport_opts($globals) >>
+Documented above.
+=item C<< _exporter_merge_opts($tag_opts, $globals, @exports) >>
+Called to merge options which have been provided for a tag into the
+options provided for the exports that the tag expanded to.
+=item C<< _exporter_expand_tag($name, $args, $globals) >>
+This method is called to expand an import tag (e.g. C<< ":constants" >>).
+It is passed the tag name (minus the leading ":"), an optional hashref
+of options (like C<< { -prefix => "foo_" } >>), and the global options
+It is expected to return a list of ($name, $args) arrayref pairs. These
+names can be sub names to export, or further tag names (which must have
+their ":"). If returning tag names, be careful to avoid creating a tag
+expansion loop!
+The default implementation uses C<< %EXPORT_TAGS >> to expand tags, and
+provides fallbacks for the C<< :default >> and C<< :all >> tags.
+=item C<< _exporter_expand_regexp($regexp, $args, $globals) >>
+Like C<_exporter_expand_regexp>, but given a regexp-like string instead
+of a tag name.
+The default implementation greps through C<< @EXPORT_OK >> for imports,
+and the list of already-imported functions for exports.
+=item C<< _exporter_expand_sub($name, $args, $globals) >>
+This method is called to translate a sub name to a hash of name => coderef
+pairs for exporting to the caller. In general, this would just be a hash with
+one key and one value, but, for example, L<Type::Library> overrides this
+method so that C<< "+Foo" >> gets expanded to:
+   (
+      Foo         => sub { $type },
+      is_Foo      => sub { $type->check(@_) },
+      to_Foo      => sub { $type->assert_coerce(@_) },
+      assert_Foo  => sub { $type->assert_return(@_) },
+   )
+The default implementation checks that the name is allowed to be exported
+(using the C<_exporter_permitted_regexp> method), gets the coderef using
+the generator if there is one (or by calling C<< can >> on your exporter
+otherwise) and calls C<_exporter_fail> if it's unable to generate or
+retrieve a coderef.
+=item C<< _exporter_permitted_regexp($globals) >>
+This method is called to retrieve a regexp for validating the names of
+exportable subs. If a sub doesn't match the regexp, then the default
+implementation of C<_exporter_expand_sub> will refuse to export it. (Of
+course, you may override the default C<_exporter_expand_sub>.)
+The default implementation of this method assembles the regexp from
+C<< @EXPORT >> and C<< @EXPORT_OK >>.
+=item C<< _exporter_fail($name, $args, $globals) >>
+Called by C<_exporter_expand_sub> if it can't find a coderef to export.
+The default implementation just throws an exception. But you could emit
+a warning instead, or just ignore the failed export.
+If you don't throw an exception then you should be aware that this
+method is called in list context, and any list it returns will be treated
+as an C<_exporter_expand_sub>-style hash of names and coderefs for
+=item C<< _exporter_install_sub($name, $args, $globals, $coderef) >>
+This method actually installs the exported sub into its new destination.
+Its return value is ignored.
+The default implementation handles sub renaming (i.e. the C<< -as >>,
+C<< -prefix >> and C<< -suffix >> functions. This method does a lot of
+stuff; if you need to override it, it's probably a good idea to just
+pre-process the arguments and then call the super method rather than
+trying to handle all of it yourself.
+=item C<< _exporter_uninstall_sub($name, $args, $globals) >>
+The opposite of C<_exporter_install_sub>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink at cpan.orgE<gt>.
+This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014 by Toby Inkster.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
diff --git a/lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/Importing.pm b/lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/Importing.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..362a696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/Importing.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+=encoding utf-8
+=for stopwords frobnicate greps regexps
+=head1 NAME
+Exporter::Tiny::Manual::Importing - importing from Exporter::Tiny-based modules
+For the purposes of this discussion we'll assume we have a module called
+C<< MyUtils >> which exports functions called C<frobnicate>, C<red>,
+C<blue>, and C<green>. It has a tag set up called C<:colours> which
+corresponds to C<red>, C<blue>, and C<green>.
+Many of these tricks may seem familiar from L<Sub::Exporter>. That is
+intentional. Exporter::Tiny doesn't attempt to provide every feature of
+Sub::Exporter, but where it does it usually uses a fairly similar API.
+=head2 Basic importing
+It's easy to import a single function from a module:
+   use MyUtils "frobnicate";
+Or a list of functions:
+   use MyUtils "red", "green";
+Perl's C<< qw() >> shorthand for a list of words is pretty useful:
+   use MyUtils qw( red green );
+If the module defines tags, you can import them like this:
+   use MyUtils qw( :colours );
+Or with a hyphen instead of a colon:
+   use MyUtils qw( -colours );
+Hyphens are good because Perl will autoquote a bareword that follows
+   use MyUtils -colours;
+And it's possible to mix function names and tags in the same list:
+   use MyUtils qw( frobnicate :colours );
+=head2 Renaming imported functions
+It's possible to rename a function you're importing:
+   use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -as => "frob" };
+Or you can apply a prefix and/or suffix. The following imports the
+function and calls it C<my_frobinate_thing>.
+   use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -prefix => "my_", -suffix => "_thing" };
+You can apply a prefix/suffix to B<all> functions you import by
+placing the hashref B<first> in the import list. (This first hashref
+is referred to as the global options hash, and can do some special
+   use MyUtils { prefix => "my_" }, "frobnicate";
+Did you notice that we used C<< -prefix >> and C<< -suffix >> in the
+normal options hash, but C<< prefix >> and C<< suffix >> (no hyphen)
+in the global options hash? That's a common pattern with this module.
+You can import the same function multiple times with different names:
+   use MyUtils
+      "frobnicate" => { -as => "frob" },
+      "frobnicate" => { -as => "frbnct" };
+Tags can take the C<< -prefix >> and C<< -suffix >> options too. The 
+following imports C<colour_red>, C<colour_green>, and C<colour_blue>:
+   use MyUtils -colours => { -prefix => "colour_" };
+You can also set C<< -as >> to be a coderef to generate a function
+name. This imports functions called C<RED>, C<GREEN>, and C<BLUE>:
+   use MyUtils -colours => { -as => sub { uc($_[0]) } };
+Note that it doesn't make sense to use C<< -as >> with a tag unless
+you're doing this coderef thing. Coderef C<< as >> also works in the
+global options hash.
+=head2 DO NOT WANT!
+Sometimes you want to supply a list of functions you B<< don't >> want
+to import. To do that, prefix the function with a bang. This imports
+everything except "frobnicate":
+   use MyUtils qw( -all !frobnicate );
+You can add the bang prefix to tags too. This will import everything
+except the colours.
+   use MyUtils qw( -all !:colours );
+Negated imports always "win", so the following will not import
+"frobnicate", no matter how many times you repeat it...
+   use MyUtils qw( !frobnicate frobnicate frobnicate frobnicate );
+=head2 Importing by regexp
+Here's how you could import all functions beginning with an "f":
+   use MyUtils qw( /^F/i );
+Or import everything except functions beginning with a "z":
+   use MyUtils qw( -all !/^Z/i );
+Note that regexps are always supplied as I<strings> starting with
+C<< "/" >>, and not as quoted regexp references (C<< qr/.../ >>).
+=head2 Import functions into another package
+Occasionally you need to import functions not into your own package,
+but into a different package. You can do that like this:
+   use MyUtils { into => "OtherPkg" }, "frobnicate";
+   OtherPkg::frobincate(...);
+However, L<Import::Into> will probably provide you with a better
+approach which doesn't just work with Exporter::Tiny, but B<all>
+=head2 Lexical subs
+Often you want to make use of an exported function, but don't want
+it to "pollute" your namespace.
+There is this L<Sub::Exporter::Lexical> thing that was designed as a
+plugin for L<Sub::Exporter>, but Exporter::Tiny's API is close enough
+that it will work. Do you remember that global options hash? Just
+use that to tell Exporter::Tiny to use an alternative sub installer.
+   {
+      use Sub::Exporter::Lexical lexical_installer => { -as => "lex" };
+      use MyUtils { installer => lex }, "frobnicate";
+      frobnicate(...);  # ok
+   }
+   frobnicate(...);  # not ok
+Another way to do lexical functions is to import a function into a
+scalar variable:
+   my $func;
+   use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -as => \$func };
+   $func->(...);
+You can even provide a hashref to put all imported functions into as
+part of that global options hash I mentioned earlier.
+   my %funcs;
+   use MyUtils { into => \%funcs }, "frobnicate";
+   $funcs{frobnicate}->(...);
+=head2 Unimporting
+You can unimport the functions that MyUtils added to your namespace:
+   no MyUtils;
+Or just specific ones:
+   no MyUtils qw(frobnicate);
+If you renamed a function when you imported it, you should unimport by
+the new name:
+   use MyUtils frobnicate => { -as => "frob" };
+   ...;
+   no MyUtils "frob";
+Unimporting using tags and regexps should mostly do what you want.
+=item B<< Overwriting existing sub '%s::%s' with sub '%s' exported by %s >>
+A warning issued if Exporter::Tiny is asked to export a symbol which
+will result in an existing sub being overwritten. This warning can be
+suppressed using either of the following:
+   use MyUtils { replace => 1 }, "frobnicate";
+   use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -replace => 1 };
+Or can be upgraded to a fatal error:
+   use MyUtils { replace => "die" }, "frobnicate";
+   use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -replace => "die" };
+=item B<< Refusing to overwrite existing sub '%s::%s' with sub '%s' exported by %s >>
+The fatal version of the above warning.
+=item B<< Could not find sub '%s' exported by %s >>
+You requested to import a sub which the package does not provide.
+=item B<< Cannot provide an -as option for tags >>
+Because a tag may provide more than one function, it does not make sense
+to request a single name for it. Instead use C<< -prefix >> or C<< -suffix >>.
+=item B<< Passing options to unimport '%s' makes no sense >>
+When you import a sub, it occasionally makes sense to pass some options
+for it. However, when unimporting, options do nothing, so this warning
+is issued.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink at cpan.orgE<gt>.
+This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014 by Toby Inkster.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
diff --git a/lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/QuickStart.pm b/lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/QuickStart.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..def8701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Exporter/Tiny/Manual/QuickStart.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+=encoding utf-8
+=for stopwords frobnicate greps regexps
+=head1 NAME
+Exporter::Tiny::Manual::QuickStart - the quickest way to get up and running with Exporter::Tiny
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+   package MyUtils;
+   use Exporter::Shiny qw( frobnicate );
+   sub frobnicate {
+      ...;   # your code here
+   }
+   1;
+Now people can use your module like this:
+   use MyUtils "frobnicate";
+   frobnicate(42);
+Or like this:
+   use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -as => "frob" };
+   frob(42);
+See the synopsis. Yes, it's that simple.
+=head2 Next steps
+=head3 Default exports
+Note that the module in the synopsis doesn't export anything by default.
+If people load C<MyUtils> like this:
+   use MyUtils;
+Then they haven't imported any functions. You can specify a default set
+of functions to be exported like this:
+   package MyUtils;
+   use Exporter::Shiny qw( frobnicate );
+   our @EXPORT = qw( frobnicate );
+   sub frobnicate { ... }
+   1;
+Or, if you want to be a superstar rock god:
+   package MyUtils;
+   use Exporter::Shiny our @EXPORT = qw( frobnicate );
+   sub frobnicate { ... }
+   1;
+=head3 Tags
+You can provide tags for people to use:
+   package MyUtils;
+   use Exporter::Shiny qw( frobnicate red green blue );
+   our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
+      utils   => [qw/ frobnicate /],
+      colours => [qw/ red green blue /],
+   );
+   sub frobnicate { ... }
+   sub red        { ... }
+   sub green      { ... }
+   sub blue       { ... }
+   1;
+And people can now import your functions like this:
+   use MyUtils ":colours";
+Or this:
+   use MyUtils "-colours";
+Or take advantage of the fact that Perl magically quotes barewords
+preceded by a hyphen:
+   use MyUtils -colours;
+Two tags are automatically defined for you: C<< -default >> (which is
+just the same as C<< @EXPORT >>) and C<< -all >> (which is the union of
+C<< @EXPORT >> and C<< @EXPORT_OK >>). If you don't like them, then you
+can override them:
+   our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
+      default => \@some_other_stuff,
+      all     => \@more_stuff,
+   );
+=head3 Generators
+Exporting normally just works by copying a sub from your package into
+your caller's package. But sometimes it's useful instead to generate
+a I<custom> sub to insert into your caller's package. This is pretty
+easy to do.
+   package MyUtils;
+   use Exporter::Shiny qw( frobnicate );
+   sub _generate_frobnicate {
+      my $me     = shift;
+      my $caller = caller;
+      my ($name, $args) = @_;
+      return sub {
+          ...;  # your code here
+      };
+   }
+   1;
+The parameter C<< $me >> here is a string containing the package name
+which is being imported from; C<< $caller >> is the destination package;
+C<< $name >> is the name of the sub (in this case "frobnicate"); and
+C<< $args >> is a hashref of custom arguments for this function.
+   # The hashref { foo => 42 } is $args above.
+   #
+   use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { foo => 42 };
+=head2 Avoiding Exporter::Shiny
+Exporter::Shiny is a tiny shim around Exporter::Tiny. It should mostly
+do what you want, but you may sometimes prefer to use Exporter::Tiny
+The example in the synopsis could have been written as:
+   package MyUtils;
+   use parent "Exporter::Tiny";
+   our @EXPORT_OK = qw( frobnicate );
+   sub frobnicate {
+      ...;   # your code here
+   }
+   1;
+What Exporter::Shiny does is mostly just to set C<< @EXPORT_OK >> for
+you and set up inheritance from the base class (Exporter::Tiny).
+Exporter::Shiny also sets C<< $INC{'MyUtils.pm} >> for you, which in
+usually makes little difference, but is useful in some edge cases.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+For more advanced information, see
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink at cpan.orgE<gt>.
+This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014 by Toby Inkster.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

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