[libinline-java-perl] 03/398: *** empty log message ***

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Thu Feb 26 11:42:35 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a commit to tag 0.55
in repository libinline-java-perl.

commit 9f53d7a500293fc4b1ecb58a494af9147eb05fcb
Author: patrick <>
Date:   Thu Mar 1 18:57:13 2001 +0000

    *** empty log message ***
 Java.pm        | 222 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 Java/Object.pm | 111 ++++++++++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Java.pm b/Java.pm
index 9869dd2..47d4281 100644
--- a/Java.pm
+++ b/Java.pm
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ if (! defined($Inline::Java::DEBUG)){
 	$Inline::Java::DEBUG = 0 ;
+# This hash will store the $o objects...
+$Inline::Java::INLINE = {} ;
 require Inline ;
 use Config ;
@@ -108,6 +111,10 @@ sub _validate {
 		$o->{Java}->{JAVA_DEBUG} = 0 ;
+	my $install_lib = $o->{install_lib} ;
+	my $modpname = $o->{modpname} ;
+	my $install = "$install_lib/auto/$modpname" ;
     while (@_) {
 		my ($key, $value) = (shift, shift) ;
 		if ($key eq 'JAVA_BIN'){
@@ -139,23 +146,96 @@ sub _validate {
-	$o->set_classpath() ; 
+	$o->set_classpath($install) ; 
 	$o->set_java_bin() ; 
 	debug("validate done.") ;
+sub set_classpath {
+	my $o = shift ;
+	my $path = shift ;
+	my @cp = split(/:/, join(":", $ENV{CLASSPATH}, $o->{Java}->{JAVA_CLASSPATH}, $path)) ;
+	my %cp = map { ($_ !~ /^\s*$/ ? ($_, 1) : ()) } @cp ;
+	$ENV{CLASSPATH} = join(":", keys %cp) ;
+	debug("  classpath: " . $ENV{CLASSPATH}) ;
+sub set_java_bin {
+	my $o = shift ;
+	my $cjb = $o->{Java}->{JAVA_BIN} ;
+	my $ejb = $ENV{JAVA_BIN} ;
+	if ($cjb){
+		$cjb =~ s/\/+$// ;
+		return $o->find_java_bin($cjb) ;
+	}
+	elsif ($ejb) {
+		$ejb =~ s/\/+$// ;
+		$o->{Java}->{JAVA_BIN} = $ejb ;
+		return $o->find_java_bin($ejb) ;
+	}
+	# Java binaries are assumed to be in $ENV{PATH} ;
+	my @path = split(/:/, $ENV{PATH}) ;
+	return $o->find_java_bin(@path) ;
+sub find_java_bin {
+	my $o = shift ;
+	my @paths = @_ ;
+	my $home = $ENV{HOME} ;
+	my $found = 0 ;
+	foreach my $p (@paths){
+		if ($p !~ /^\s*$/){
+			$p =~ s/\/+$// ;
+			if ($p =~ /^~/){
+				if ($home){
+					$p =~ s/^~/$home/ ;
+				}
+				else{
+					# -f don't work with ~/...
+					next ;
+				}
+			}
+			my $java = $p . "/java" ;
+			if (-f $java){
+				debug("  found java binaries in $p") ;
+				$o->{Java}->{JAVA_BIN} = $p ;
+				$found = 1 ;
+				last ;
+			}	
+		}
+	}
+	if (! $found){
+		croak 
+			"Can't locate your java binaries ('java' and 'javac'). Please set one of the following to the proper directory:\n" .
+		    "  - The JAVA_BIN config option;\n" .
+		    "  - The JAVA_BIN environment variable;\n" .
+		    "  - The PATH environment variable.\n" ;
+	}
 # Parse and compile Java code
 sub build {
 	my $o = shift ;
-	my $install_lib = $o->{install_lib} ;
-	my $modpname = $o->{modpname} ;
-	my $install = "$install_lib/auto/$modpname" ;
-	$o->set_classpath($install) ; 
+	if ($o->{Java}->{built}){
+		return ;
+	}
 	$o->write_java ;
 	$o->write_makefile ;
@@ -278,82 +358,6 @@ sub write_makefile {
-sub set_classpath {
-	my $o = shift ;
-	my $path = shift ;
-	my @cp = split(/:/, join(":", $ENV{CLASSPATH}, $o->{Java}->{JAVA_CLASSPATH}, $path)) ;
-	my %cp = map { ($_ !~ /^\s*$/ ? ($_, 1) : ()) } @cp ;
-	$ENV{CLASSPATH} = join(":", keys %cp) ;
-	debug("  classpath: " . $ENV{CLASSPATH}) ;
-sub set_java_bin {
-	my $o = shift ;
-	my $cjb = $o->{Java}->{JAVA_BIN} ;
-	my $ejb = $ENV{JAVA_BIN} ;
-	if ($cjb){
-		$cjb =~ s/\/+$// ;
-		return $o->find_java_bin($cjb) ;
-	}
-	elsif ($ejb) {
-		$ejb =~ s/\/+$// ;
-		$o->{Java}->{JAVA_BIN} = $ejb ;
-		return $o->find_java_bin($ejb) ;
-	}
-	# Java binaries are assumed to be in $ENV{PATH} ;
-	my @path = split(/:/, $ENV{PATH}) ;
-	return $o->find_java_bin(@path) ;
-sub find_java_bin {
-	my $o = shift ;
-	my @paths = @_ ;
-	my $home = $ENV{HOME} ;
-	my $found = 0 ;
-	foreach my $p (@paths){
-		if ($p !~ /^\s*$/){
-			$p =~ s/\/+$// ;
-			if ($p =~ /^~/){
-				if ($home){
-					$p =~ s/^~/$home/ ;
-				}
-				else{
-					# -f don't work with ~/...
-					next ;
-				}
-			}
-			my $java = $p . "/java" ;
-			if (-f $java){
-				debug("  found java binaries in $p") ;
-				$o->{Java}->{JAVA_BIN} = $p ;
-				$found = 1 ;
-				last ;
-			}	
-		}
-	}
-	if (! $found){
-		croak 
-			"Can't locate your java binaries ('java' and 'javac'). Please set one of the following to the proper directory:\n" .
-		    "  - The JAVA_BIN config option;\n" .
-		    "  - The JAVA_BIN environment variable;\n" .
-		    "  - The PATH environment variable.\n" ;
-	}
 # Run the build process.
 sub compile {
 	my $o = shift ;
@@ -429,6 +433,10 @@ MSG
 sub load {
     my $o = shift ;
+	if ($o->{Java}->{loaded}){
+		return ;
+	}
 	if ($o->{mod_exists}){
 		# In this case, the options are not rechecked, and therefore
 		# the defaults not registered. We must force it
@@ -473,9 +481,10 @@ sub load {
 		push @CHILDREN, $pid ;
-		$o->setup_socket($port) ;
-		$Inline::Java::LOADED = 1 ;
+		my $socket = $o->setup_socket($port) ;
+		$o->{Java}->{socket} = $socket ;
+		$Inline::Java::INLINE->{$modfname} = $o ;
 		$o->{Java}->{loaded} = 1 ;
 		debug("load done.") ;
@@ -562,6 +571,24 @@ sub load_jdat {
+sub get_fields {
+	my $o = shift ;
+	my $class = shift ;
+	my $fields = {} ;
+	my $d = $o->{Java}->{data} ;
+	while (my ($field, $value) = each %{$d->{classes}->{$class}->{fields}->{static}}){
+		$fields->{$field} = $value ;
+	}
+	while (my ($field, $value) = each %{$d->{classes}->{$class}->{fields}->{instance}}){
+		$fields->{$field} = $value ;
+	}
+	return $fields ;
 # Binds the classes and the methods to Perl
 sub bind_jdat {
 	my $o = shift ;
@@ -593,10 +620,9 @@ sub new {
 	my \$class = shift ;
 	my \@args = \@_ ;
-	my \$err = \$class->__validate_prototype([\@args], [($signature)]) ;
-	croak \$err if \$err ;
+	\$class->__validate_prototype([\@args], [($signature)]) ;
-	return \$class->__new('$java_class', '$pkg', '$modfname', -1, \@_) ;
+	return \$class->__new('$java_class', \$Inline::Java::INLINE->{'$modfname'}, -1, \@_) ;
@@ -608,8 +634,8 @@ CODE
-		foreach my $method (sort keys %{$d->{classes}->{$class}->{methods}->{static}}) {
-			my @sign = @{$d->{classes}->{$class}->{methods}->{static}->{$method}->[0]} ;
+		while (my ($method, $sign) = each %{$d->{classes}->{$class}->{methods}->{static}}){
+			my @sign = @{$sign} ;
 			my $signature = "'" . join("', '", @sign). "'" ;
 			my $pkg = $o->{pkg} ;
 			$code .= <<CODE;
@@ -618,20 +644,19 @@ sub $method {
 	my \$class = shift ;
 	my \@args = \@_ ;
-	my \$err = \$class->__validate_prototype([\@args], [($signature)]) ;
-	croak \$err if \$err ;
+	\$class->__validate_prototype([\@args], [($signature)]) ;
-	my \$proto = new Inline::Java::Protocol(undef, '$modfname') ;
+	my \$proto = new Inline::Java::Protocol(undef, \$Inline::Java::INLINE->{'$modfname'}) ;
-	return \$proto->CallStaticJavaMethod('$java_class', '$pkg', '$method', \@args) ;
+	return \$proto->CallStaticJavaMethod('$java_class', '$method', \@args) ;
-		foreach my $method (sort keys %{$d->{classes}->{$class}->{methods}->{instance}}) {
-			my @sign = @{$d->{classes}->{$class}->{methods}->{instance}->{$method}->[0]} ;
+		while (my ($method, $sign) = each %{$d->{classes}->{$class}->{methods}->{instance}}){
+			my @sign = @{$sign} ;
 			my $signature = "'" . join("', '", @sign). "'" ;
 			$code .= <<CODE;
@@ -639,8 +664,7 @@ sub $method {
 	my \$this = shift ;
 	my \@args = \@_ ;
-	my \$err = \$this->__validate_prototype([\@args], [($signature)]) ;
-	croak \$err if \$err ;
+	\$this->__validate_prototype([\@args], [($signature)]) ;
 	return \$this->{private}->{proto}->CallJavaMethod('$method', \@args) ;
@@ -697,7 +721,7 @@ sub setup_socket {
 	$socket->autoflush(1) ;
-	$Inline::Java::Protocol::socket->{$modfname} = $socket ;
+	return $socket ;
diff --git a/Java/Object.pm b/Java/Object.pm
index 08518d8..0971fa5 100644
--- a/Java/Object.pm
+++ b/Java/Object.pm
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ package Inline::Java::Object ;
 use strict ;
+$Inline::Java::Object::VERSION = '0.01' ;
 use Carp ;
-use Data::Dumper ;
 use Tie::Hash ;
 use Inline::Java::Protocol ;
@@ -25,8 +26,7 @@ sub new {
 sub __new {
 	my $class = shift ;
 	my $java_class = shift ;
-	my $pkg = shift ;
-	my $module = shift ;
+	my $inline = shift ;
 	my $objid = shift ;
 	my @args = @_ ;
@@ -36,9 +36,10 @@ sub __new {
 	my $this = \%this ;
 	$this->{private} = {} ;
-	$this->{private}->{class} = $java_class ;
-	$this->{private}->{pkg} = $pkg ;
-	$this->{private}->{proto} = new Inline::Java::Protocol($this->{private}, $module) ;
+	$this->{private}->{class} = $class ;
+	$this->{private}->{java_class} = $java_class ;
+	$this->{private}->{module} = $inline->{modfname} ;
+	$this->{private}->{proto} = new Inline::Java::Protocol($this->{private}, $inline) ;
 	if ($objid <= 0){
 		$this->{private}->{proto}->CreateJavaObject($java_class, @args) ;
 		Inline::Java::debug("Object created in perl script ($class):") ;
@@ -47,21 +48,31 @@ sub __new {
 		$this->{private}->{id} = $objid ;
 		Inline::Java::debug("Object created in java ($class):") ;
-	Inline::Java::debug_obj($this->private()) ;
+	Inline::Java::debug_obj($this) ;
 	return $this ;
+# Checks to make sure all the arguments can be "cast" to prototype
+# types.
 sub __validate_prototype {
-	return undef ;
-sub private {
 	my $this = shift ;
+	my @args = @_ ;
+	use vars qw($AUTOLOAD) ;
+	my $func_name = $AUTOLOAD ;
+	# Strip package from $func_name, Java will take of finding the correct
+	# method.
+	$func_name =~ s/^(.*)::// ;
-	return $this->{private} ;
+	Inline::Java::debug("$func_name") ;
+	croak "No public method $func_name defined for class $this->{private}->{class}" ;	
@@ -76,6 +87,9 @@ sub DESTROY {
+######################## Hash methods ########################
 sub TIEHASH {
 	my $class = shift ;
@@ -92,40 +106,71 @@ sub STORE {
 		return $this->SUPER::STORE($key, $value) ;
-	my $priv = $this->FETCH("private") ;
-	$priv->{proto}->SetMember($key, $value) ;
+	my $inline = $Inline::Java::INLINE->{$this->{private}->{module}} ;
+	my $fields = $inline->get_fields($this->{private}->{java_class}) ;
+	if ($fields->{$key}){
+		croak "Setting of public member variables for Java objects is not yet implemented" ;		
+	}
+	else{
+		croak "No public member variable $key defined for class $this->{private}->{class}" ;
+	}
 sub FETCH {
-	my $this = shift ;
-	my $key = shift ;
+ 	my $this = shift ;
+ 	my $key = shift ;
-	if ($key eq "private"){
-		return $this->SUPER::FETCH($key) ;
-	}
+ 	if ($key eq "private"){
+ 		return $this->SUPER::FETCH($key) ;
+ 	}
-	my $priv = $this->FETCH("private") ;
-	return $priv->{proto}->GetMember($key) ;
+	my $inline = $Inline::Java::INLINE->{$this->{private}->{module}} ;
+	my $fields = $inline->get_fields($this->{private}->{java_class}) ;
+	if ($fields->{$key}){
+		return undef ;
+	}
+	else{
+		croak "No public member variable $key defined for class $this->{private}->{class}" ;
+	}
-sub FIRSTKEY { 
-	croak "Operation FIRSTKEY not supported on Java object" ;
+# sub FIRSTKEY { 
+# 	my $this = shift ;
+# 	croak "Operation FIRSTKEY not supported on Java object" ;
+# }
-sub NEXTKEY { 
-	croak "Operation NEXTKEY not supported on Java object" ;
+# sub NEXTKEY { 
+# 	my $this = shift ;
+# 	croak "Operation NEXTKEY not supported on Java object" ;
+# }
 sub EXISTS { 
-	croak "Operation EXISTS not supported on Java object" ;
+ 	my $this = shift ;
+ 	my $key = shift ;
+	my $inline = $Inline::Java::INLINE->{$this->{private}->{module}} ;
+	my $fields = $inline->get_fields($this->{private}->{java_class}) ;
+	if ($fields->{$key}){
+		return 1 ;
+	}
+	return 0 ;
 sub DELETE { 
+ 	my $this = shift ;
+ 	my $key = shift ;
 	croak "Operation DELETE not supported on Java object" ;
@@ -135,20 +180,6 @@ sub CLEAR {
-# sub AUTOLOAD {
-# 	my $this = shift ;
-# 	my @args = @_ ;
-# 	use vars qw($AUTOLOAD) ;
-# 	my $func_name = $AUTOLOAD ;
-# 	# Strip package from $func_name, Java will take of finding the correct
-# 	# method.
-# 	$func_name =~ s/^(.*)::// ;
-# 	Inline::Java::debug("$func_name") ;
-# 	$this->{private}->{proto}->CallJavaMethod($func_name, @args) ;
-# }

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