[libinline-java-perl] 07/398: Initial revision

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Thu Feb 26 11:42:35 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a commit to tag 0.55
in repository libinline-java-perl.

commit 7f2249ba6fdbca7f96fa68b1985e59d22770c87c
Author: patrick <>
Date:   Fri Mar 2 21:11:28 2001 +0000

    Initial revision
 Java/Class.pm | 602 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 602 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Java/Class.pm b/Java/Class.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0bf43f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Java/Class.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+package Inline::Java::Class ;
+use strict ;
+$Inline::Java::Class::VERSION = '0.01' ;
+use Carp ;
+my $RANGE = {
+	'java.lang.Byte' => {
+		REGEXP => '^\d+$',
+		MAX => 127,
+		MIN => -128,
+	},
+	'java.lang.Short' => {
+		REGEXP => '^\d+$',
+		MAX => 32767,
+		MIN => -32768,
+	},
+	'java.lang.Integer' => {
+		REGEXP => '^\d+$',
+		MAX => 2147483647,
+		MIN => -2147483648,
+	},
+	'java.lang.Long' => {
+		REGEXP => '^\d+$',
+		MAX => 9223372036854775807,
+		MIN => -9223372036854775808,
+	},
+	'java.lang.Float' => {
+		REGEXP => '^\d+$',
+		MAX => 3.4028235e38,
+		MIN => 1.4e-45,
+	},
+	'java.lang.Double' => {
+		REGEXP => '^\d+$',
+		MAX => 1.7976931348623157e308,
+		MIN => 4.9e-324,
+	},
+} ;
+$RANGE->{byte} = $RANGE->{'java.lang.Byte'} ;
+$RANGE->{short} = $RANGE->{'java.lang.Short'} ;
+$RANGE->{int} = $RANGE->{'java.lang.Integer'} ;
+$RANGE->{long} = $RANGE->{'java.lang.Long'} ;
+$RANGE->{float} = $RANGE->{'java.lang.Float'} ;
+$RANGE->{double} = $RANGE->{'java.lang.Double'} ;
+# This method makes sure that the class we are asking for
+# has the correct form for a Java class.
+sub ValidateClass {
+	my $class = shift ;
+	if ($class !~ /^(\w+)((\.(\w+))+)?/){
+		croak "Protocol: Invalid Java class name $class" ;
+	}	
+	return $class ;
+sub CastArguments {
+	my $class = shift ;
+	my $method = shift ;
+	my $args = shift ;
+	my $proto = shift ;
+	Inline::Java::debug_obj($args) ;
+	Inline::Java::debug_obj($proto) ;
+	if (scalar(@{$args}) != scalar(@{$proto})){
+		croak "Wrong number of arguments for method $method of class $class" ;
+	}
+	my $ret = [] ;
+	for (my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@{$args}) ; $i++){
+		$ret->[$i] = CastArgument($class, $method, $args->[$i], $proto->[$i]) ;
+	}
+	return $ret ;
+sub CastArgument {
+	my $class = shift ;
+	my $method = shift ;
+	my $arg = shift ;
+	my $proto = shift ;
+	if ((ClassIsReference($proto))&&(! UNIVERSAL::isa($arg, "Inline::Java::Object"))){
+		croak "Can't convert $arg to $proto in method $method of class $class" ;
+	}
+	if ((ClassIsPrimitive($proto))&&(ref($arg))){
+		croak "Can't convert $arg to $proto in method $method of class $class" ;
+	}
+	if (ClassIsNumeric($proto)){
+		if (! defined($arg)){
+			return 0 ;
+		}
+		my $re = $RANGE->{$proto}->{REGEXP} ;
+		my $min = $RANGE->{$proto}->{MIN} ;
+		my $max = $RANGE->{$proto}->{MAX} ;
+		Inline::Java::debug("min = $min, max = $max, val = $arg") ;
+		if ($arg =~ /$re/){
+			if (($arg >= $min)&&($arg <= $max)){
+				return $arg ;
+			}
+			croak "$arg out of range for type $proto in method $method of class $class" ;			
+		}
+		croak "Can't convert $arg to $proto in method $method of class $class" ;
+	}
+	elsif (ClassIsChar($proto)){
+		if (! defined($arg)){
+			return "\0" ;
+		}
+		if (length($arg) == 1){
+			return $arg ;
+		}
+		croak "Can't convert $arg to $proto in method $method of class $class" ;
+	}
+	elsif (ClassIsBool($proto)){
+		if ($arg){
+			return "true" ;
+		}
+		else{
+			return "false" ;
+		}
+	}
+	elsif (ClassIsString($proto)){
+		if (! defined($arg)){
+			return "" ;
+		}
+		return $arg ;
+	}
+	else{
+		return $arg ;
+	}
+sub ClassIsNumeric {
+	my $class = shift ;
+	my @list = qw(
+		java.lang.Byte
+		java.lang.Short
+		java.lang.Integer
+		java.lang.Long
+		java.lang.Float
+		java.lang.Double
+		byte
+		short
+		int
+		long
+		float
+		double
+	) ;
+	foreach my $l (@list){
+		if ($class eq $l){
+			return 1 ;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0 ;
+sub ClassIsString {
+	my $class = shift ;
+	my @list = qw(
+		java.lang.String
+		java.lang.StringBuffer
+	) ;
+	foreach my $l (@list){
+		if ($class eq $l){
+			return 1 ;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0 ;
+sub ClassIsChar {
+	my $class = shift ;
+	my @list = qw(
+		java.lang.Character
+		char
+	) ;
+	foreach my $l (@list){
+		if ($class eq $l){
+			return 1 ;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0 ;
+sub ClassIsBool {
+	my $class = shift ;
+	my @list = qw(
+		java.lang.Bolean
+		boolean
+	) ;
+	foreach my $l (@list){
+		if ($class eq $l){
+			return 1 ;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0 ;
+sub ClassIsPrimitive {
+	my $class = shift ;
+	if ((ClassIsNumeric($class))||(ClassIsString($class))||(ClassIsChar($class))||(ClassIsBool($class))){
+		return 1 ;
+	}
+	return 0 ;
+sub ClassIsReference {
+	my $class = shift ;
+	if (ClassIsPrimitive($class)){
+		return 0 ;
+	}
+	return 1 ;
+1 ;
+class InlineJavaClass {
+	InlineJavaServer ijs ;
+	InlineJavaProtocol ijp ;
+	InlineJavaClass(InlineJavaServer _ijs, InlineJavaProtocol _ijp){
+		ijs = _ijs ;
+		ijp = _ijp ;
+	}
+	/*
+		Makes sure a class exists
+	*/
+	Class ValidateClass(String name) throws InlineJavaException {
+		try {
+			Class c = Class.forName(name) ;
+			return c ;
+		}
+		catch (ClassNotFoundException e){
+			throw new InlineJavaException("Class " + name + " not found") ;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+		This is the monster method that determines how to cast arguments
+	*/
+	Object [] CastArguments (String class_name, String method_name, Class [] params, ArrayList args) throws InlineJavaException {
+		Object ret[] = new Object [params.length] ;
+		// Used for exceptions
+		String msg = " in method " + method_name + " of class " + class_name ;
+		for (int i = 0 ; i < params.length ; i++){	
+			// Here the args are all strings or objects (or undef)
+			// we need to match them to the prototype.
+			Class p = params[i] ;
+			ijs.debug("    arg " + String.valueOf(i) + " of signature is " + p.getName()) ;
+			ArrayList tokens = new ArrayList() ;
+			StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer((String)args.get(i), ":") ;
+			for (int j = 0 ; st.hasMoreTokens() ; j++){
+				tokens.add(j, st.nextToken()) ;
+			}
+			if (tokens.size() == 1){
+				tokens.add(1, "") ;
+			}
+			String type = (String)tokens.get(0) ;
+			// We need to separate the primitive types from the 
+			// reference types.
+			boolean num = ClassIsNumeric(p) ;
+			if ((num)||(ClassIsString(p))){
+				if (type.equals("undef")){
+					if (num){
+						ijs.debug("  args is undef -> forcing to " + p.getName() + " 0") ;
+						ret[i] = ijp.CreateObject(p, new Object [] {"0"}) ;
+					}
+					else{
+						ijs.debug("  args is undef -> forcing to " + p.getName() + " ''") ;
+						ret[i] = ijp.CreateObject(p, new Object [] {""}) ;
+					}
+					ijs.debug("    result is " + ret[i].toString()) ;
+				}
+				else if (type.equals("scalar")){
+					String arg = ijp.pack((String)tokens.get(1)) ;
+					ijs.debug("  args is scalar -> forcing to " + p.getName()) ;
+					try	{							
+						ret[i] = ijp.CreateObject(p, new Object [] {arg}) ;
+						ijs.debug("    result is " + ret[i].toString()) ;
+					}
+					catch (NumberFormatException e){
+						throw new InlineJavaCastException("Can't convert " + arg + " to " + p.getName() + msg) ;
+					}
+				}
+				else{
+					throw new InlineJavaCastException("Can't convert reference to " + p.getName() + msg) ;
+				}
+			}
+			else if (ClassIsBool(p)){
+				if (type.equals("undef")){
+					ijs.debug("  args is undef -> forcing to bool false") ;
+					ret[i] = new Boolean("false") ;
+					ijs.debug("    result is " + ret[i].toString()) ;
+				}
+				else if (type.equals("scalar")){
+					String arg = ijp.pack(((String)tokens.get(1)).toLowerCase()) ;
+					ijs.debug("  args is scalar -> forcing to bool") ;
+					if ((arg.equals(""))||(arg.equals("0"))){
+						arg = "false" ;
+					}
+					else{
+						arg = "true" ;
+					}
+					ret[i] = new Boolean(arg) ;
+					ijs.debug("    result is " + ret[i].toString()) ;
+				}
+				else{
+					throw new InlineJavaCastException("Can't convert reference to " + p.getName() + msg) ;
+				}
+			}
+			else if (ClassIsChar(p)){
+				if (type.equals("undef")){
+					ijs.debug("  args is undef -> forcing to char '\0'") ;
+					ret[i] = new Character('\0') ;
+					ijs.debug("    result is " + ret[i].toString()) ;
+				}
+				else if (type.equals("scalar")){
+					String arg = ijp.pack((String)tokens.get(1)) ;
+					ijs.debug("  args is scalar -> forcing to char") ;
+					char c = '\0' ;
+					if (arg.length() == 1){
+						c = arg.toCharArray()[0] ;
+					}
+					else if (arg.length() > 1){
+						throw new InlineJavaCastException("Can't convert " + arg + " to " + p.getName() + msg) ;
+					}
+					ret[i] = new Character(c) ;
+					ijs.debug("    result is " + ret[i].toString()) ;
+				}
+				else{
+					throw new InlineJavaCastException("Can't convert reference to " + p.getName() + msg) ;
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				ijs.debug("  class " + p.getName() + " is reference") ;
+				// We know that what we expect here is a real object
+				if (type.equals("undef")){
+					ijs.debug("  args is undef -> forcing to null") ;
+					ret[i] = null ;
+				}
+				else if (type.equals("scalar")){
+					// Here if we need a java.lang.Object.class, it's probably
+					// because we can store anything, so we use a String object.
+					if (p == java.lang.Object.class){
+						String arg = ijp.pack((String)tokens.get(1)) ;
+						ret[i] = arg ;
+					}
+					else{
+						throw new InlineJavaCastException("Can't convert primitive type to " + p.getName() + msg) ;
+					}
+				}
+				else{
+					// We need an object and we got an object...
+					ijs.debug("  class " + p.getName() + " is reference") ;
+					String c_name = (String)tokens.get(1) ;
+					String objid = (String)tokens.get(2) ;
+					Class c = ValidateClass(c_name) ;
+					// We need to check if c extends p
+					Class parent = c ;
+					boolean got_it = false ;
+					while (parent != null){
+						ijs.debug("    parent is " + parent.getName()) ;
+						if (parent == p){
+							got_it = true ;
+							break ;
+						}
+						parent = parent.getSuperclass() ;
+					}
+					if (got_it){
+						ijs.debug("    " + c.getName() + " is a kind of " + p.getName() + msg) ;
+						// get the object from the hash table
+						Integer oid = new Integer(objid) ;
+						Object o = ijs.objects.get(oid) ;
+						if (o == null){
+							throw new InlineJavaException("Object " + oid.toString() + " of type " + c_name + " is not in object table " + msg) ;
+						}
+						ret[i] = o ;
+					}
+					else{
+						throw new InlineJavaCastException("Can't cast a " + c.getName() + " to a " + p.getName() + msg) ;
+					}
+				}
+			}			
+		}
+		return ret ;
+	}
+	/*
+		Finds the wrapper class for the passed primitive type.
+	*/
+	Class FindWrapper (Class p){
+		Class [] list = {
+			byte.class,
+			short.class,
+			int.class,
+			long.class,
+			float.class,
+			double.class,
+			boolean.class,
+			char.class,
+		} ;
+		Class [] listw = {
+			java.lang.Byte.class,
+			java.lang.Short.class,
+			java.lang.Integer.class,
+			java.lang.Long.class,
+			java.lang.Float.class,
+			java.lang.Double.class,
+			java.lang.Boolean.class,
+			java.lang.Character.class,
+		} ;
+		for (int i = 0 ; i < list.length ; i++){
+			if (p == list[i]){
+				return listw[i] ;
+			}
+		}
+		return p ;
+	}
+	boolean ClassIsPrimitive (Class p){
+		String name = p.getName() ;
+		if ((ClassIsNumeric(p))||(ClassIsString(p))||(ClassIsChar(p))||(ClassIsBool(p))){
+			return true ;
+		}
+		ijs.debug("  class " + name + " is reference") ;
+		return false ;
+	}
+	/*
+		Determines if class is of numerical type.
+	*/
+	boolean ClassIsNumeric (Class p){
+		String name = p.getName() ;
+		Class [] list = {
+			java.lang.Byte.class,
+			java.lang.Short.class,
+			java.lang.Integer.class,
+			java.lang.Long.class,
+			java.lang.Float.class,
+			java.lang.Double.class,
+			byte.class,
+			short.class,
+			int.class,
+			long.class,
+			float.class,
+			double.class,
+		} ;
+		for (int i = 0 ; i < list.length ; i++){
+			ijs.debug("  comparing " + name + " with " + list[i].getName()) ;
+			if (p == list[i]){
+				ijs.debug("  class " + name + " is primitive numeric") ;
+				return true ;
+			}
+		}
+		return false ;
+	}
+	/*
+		Class is String or StringBuffer
+	*/
+	boolean ClassIsString (Class p){
+		String name = p.getName() ;
+		Class [] list = {
+			java.lang.String.class,
+			java.lang.StringBuffer.class,
+		} ;
+		for (int i = 0 ; i < list.length ; i++){
+			ijs.debug("  comparing " + name + " with " + list[i].getName()) ;
+			if (p == list[i]){
+				ijs.debug("  class " + name + " is primitive string") ;
+				return true ;
+			}
+		}
+		return false ;
+	}
+	/*
+		Class is Char
+	*/
+	boolean ClassIsChar (Class p){
+		String name = p.getName() ;
+		Class [] list = {
+			java.lang.Character.class,
+			char.class,
+		} ;
+		for (int i = 0 ; i < list.length ; i++){
+			ijs.debug("  comparing " + name + " with " + list[i].getName()) ;
+			if (p == list[i]){
+				ijs.debug("  class " + name + " is primitive char") ;
+				return true ;
+			}
+		}
+		return false ;
+	}
+	/*
+		Class is Bool
+	*/
+	boolean ClassIsBool (Class p){
+		String name = p.getName() ;
+		Class [] list = {
+			java.lang.Boolean.class,
+			boolean.class,
+		} ;
+		for (int i = 0 ; i < list.length ; i++){
+			ijs.debug("  comparing " + name + " with " + list[i].getName()) ;
+			if (p == list[i]){
+				ijs.debug("  class " + name + " is primitive bool") ;
+				return true ;
+			}
+		}
+		return false ;
+	}
+	/*
+		Determines if a class is not of a primitive type or of a 
+		wrapper class.
+	*/
+	boolean ClassIsReference (Class p){
+		String name = p.getName() ;
+		if (ClassIsPrimitive(p)){
+			return false ;
+		}
+		ijs.debug("  class " + name + " is reference") ;
+		return true ;
+	}

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