[libinline-java-perl] 133/398: *** empty log message ***
Jonas Smedegaard
dr at jones.dk
Thu Feb 26 11:42:57 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
js pushed a commit to tag 0.55
in repository libinline-java-perl.
commit 1cc565b0102822cdd17a517706b1577a892fceb4
Author: Patrick LeBoutillier <patl at cpan.org>
Date: Wed Jan 9 16:08:26 2002 +0000
*** empty log message ***
Java/Array.pm | 32 +++---
Java/Callback.pm | 33 ++++--
Java/Class.pm | 6 +-
Java/Init.pm | 27 +----
Java/JNI.pm | 26 +----
Java/JVM.pm | 130 ++++++++++++++--------
Java/Makefile.PL | 316 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
Java/Object.pm | 95 +++++++++-------
Java/Protocol.pm | 37 ++++---
Makefile.PL | 33 ++----
t/01_init.t | 6 +-
t/02_primitives.t | 4 +-
t/05_arrays.t | 41 +++++--
t/07_polymorph.t | 17 ++-
t/13_callbacks.t | 38 +++++--
15 files changed, 502 insertions(+), 339 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Java/Array.pm b/Java/Array.pm
index 47c9c2b..fe299c9 100644
--- a/Java/Array.pm
+++ b/Java/Array.pm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ package Inline::Java::Array ;
use strict ;
-$Inline::Java::Array::VERSION = '0.20' ;
+$Inline::Java::Array::VERSION = '0.31' ;
use Carp ;
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ sub new {
$OBJECTS->{$knot} = $object ;
- Inline::Java::debug("this = $this") ;
- Inline::Java::debug("knot = $knot") ;
+ Inline::Java::debug("this = '$this'") ;
+ Inline::Java::debug("knot = '$knot'") ;
return $this ;
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ sub __get_object {
my $ref = $OBJECTS->{$knot} ;
if (! defined($ref)){
- croak "Unknown Java array reference $knot" ;
+ croak "Unknown Java array reference '$knot'" ;
return $ref ;
@@ -59,7 +59,15 @@ sub length {
my $ret = undef ;
eval {
- $ret = $obj->__get_private()->{proto}->CallJavaMethod('getLength', [], []) ;
+ # Check the cached value
+ $ret = $obj->__get_private()->{array_length} ;
+ if (! defined($ret)){
+ $ret = $obj->__get_private()->{proto}->CallJavaMethod('getLength', [], []) ;
+ $obj->__get_private()->{array_length} = $ret ;
+ }
+ else{
+ Inline::Java::debug("Using cached array length $ret") ;
+ }
} ;
croak $@ if $@ ;
@@ -104,7 +112,7 @@ sub __set_element {
# the array.
my $java_class = $obj->__get_private()->{java_class} ;
my $elem_class = $java_class ;
- my $an = new Inline::Java::ArrayNorm($java_class) ;
+ my $an = Inline::Java::Array::Normalizer->new($java_class) ;
if ($an->{req_nb_dim} > 1){
$elem_class =~ s/^\[// ;
@@ -133,9 +141,7 @@ sub AUTOLOAD {
# method.
$func_name =~ s/^(.*)::// ;
- Inline::Java::debug("$func_name") ;
- croak "Can't call method $func_name on Java arrays" ;
+ croak "Can't call method '$func_name' on Java arrays" ;
@@ -296,7 +302,7 @@ sub new {
my $ref = shift ;
if (! Inline::Java::Class::ClassIsArray($java_class)){
- croak "Can't create Java array of non-array class $java_class" ;
+ croak "Can't create Java array of non-array class '$java_class'" ;
my $this = {} ;
@@ -369,7 +375,7 @@ sub InitFromFlat {
my @dims = @{$dims} ;
shift @dims ;
- my $obj = new Inline::Java::Array::Normalizer($java_class) ;
+ my $obj = Inline::Java::Array::Normalizer->new($java_class) ;
$obj->InitFromFlat(\@dims, \@sub, $level + 1) ;
$elem = $obj->{array} ;
@@ -408,7 +414,7 @@ sub AnalyzeArrayClass {
my $pclass = $map{$type} ;
if (! $pclass){
- croak "Can't determine array type for $java_class" ;
+ croak "Can't determine array type for '$java_class'" ;
$this->{req_element_class} = $pclass ;
@@ -430,7 +436,7 @@ sub ValidateArray {
if (! UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, "ARRAY")){
# We must start with an array of some kind...
- croak "$ref is not an array reference" ;
+ croak "'$ref' is not an array reference" ;
$this->ValidateElements($ref, $array, $level) ;
diff --git a/Java/Callback.pm b/Java/Callback.pm
index 40c7003..4d8c9e7 100644
--- a/Java/Callback.pm
+++ b/Java/Callback.pm
@@ -19,11 +19,12 @@ sub InterceptCallback {
$inline = $Inline::Java::JNI::INLINE_HOOK ;
- if ($resp =~ s/^callback (.*?) (\w+)//){
+ if ($resp =~ s/^callback ([^ ]+) (\w+) ([^ ]+)//){
my $module = $1 ;
my $function = $2 ;
+ my $cast_return = $3 ;
my @args = split(' ', $resp) ;
- return Inline::Java::Callback::ProcessCallback($inline, $module, $function, @args) ;
+ return Inline::Java::Callback::ProcessCallback($inline, $module, $function, $cast_return, @args) ;
croak "Malformed callback request from server: $resp" ;
@@ -34,13 +35,17 @@ sub ProcessCallback {
my $inline = shift ;
my $module = shift ;
my $function = shift ;
+ my $cast_return = shift ;
my @sargs = @_ ;
my $pc = new Inline::Java::Protocol(undef, $inline) ;
my $thrown = 'false' ;
my $ret = undef ;
eval {
- my @args = map {$pc->DeserializeObject(0, $_)} @sargs ;
+ my @args = map {
+ my $a = $pc->DeserializeObject(0, $_) ;
+ $a ;
+ } @sargs ;
Inline::Java::debug(" processing callback $module" . "::" . "$function(" .
join(", ", @args) . ")") ;
@@ -58,9 +63,20 @@ sub ProcessCallback {
- ($ret) = $pc->ValidateArgs([$ret]) ;
+ my $proto = 'java.lang.Object' ;
+ if ($cast_return ne "null"){
+ $ret = Inline::Java::cast($proto, $ret, $cast_return) ;
+ }
+ ($ret) = Inline::Java::Class::CastArgument($ret, $proto, $inline->get_api('modfname')) ;
+ # Here we must keep a reference to $ret or else it gets deleted
+ # before the id is returned to Java...
+ my $ref = $ret ;
+ ($ret) = $pc->ValidateArgs([$ret], 1) ;
- return "callback $thrown $ret" ;
+ return ("callback $thrown $ret", $ref) ;
@@ -101,6 +117,11 @@ public class InlineJavaPerlCaller {
public Object CallPerl(String pkg, String method, Object args[]) throws InlineJavaException, PerlException {
+ return CallPerl(pkg, method, args, null) ;
+ }
+ public Object CallPerl(String pkg, String method, Object args[], String cast) throws InlineJavaException, PerlException {
if (InlineJavaServer.instance == null){
System.err.println("Can't use InlineJavaPerlCaller outside of an Inline::Java context") ;
System.err.flush() ;
@@ -108,7 +129,7 @@ public class InlineJavaPerlCaller {
try {
- return InlineJavaServer.instance.Callback(pkg, method, args) ;
+ return InlineJavaServer.instance.Callback(pkg, method, args, cast) ;
catch (InlineJavaServer.InlineJavaException e){
throw new InlineJavaException(e) ;
diff --git a/Java/Class.pm b/Java/Class.pm
index b083fb6..d6c69cc 100644
--- a/Java/Class.pm
+++ b/Java/Class.pm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package Inline::Java::Class ;
use strict ;
-$Inline::Java::Class::VERSION = '0.30' ;
+$Inline::Java::Class::VERSION = '0.31' ;
$Inline::Java::Class::MAX_SCORE = 10 ;
@@ -146,14 +146,14 @@ sub CastArgument {
# They will wrapped on the Java side.
if (UNIVERSAL::isa($arg, "ARRAY")){
if (! UNIVERSAL::isa($arg, "Inline::Java::Array")){
- my $an = new Inline::Java::Array::Normalizer($array_type || $proto, $arg) ;
+ my $an = Inline::Java::Array::Normalizer->new($array_type || $proto, $arg) ;
$array_score = $an->{score} ;
my $flat = $an->FlattenArray() ;
my $inline = Inline::Java::get_INLINE($module) ;
- my $obj = Inline::Java::Object->__new($array_type || $proto, $inline, -1, $flat->[0], $flat->[1]) ;
# We need to create the array on the Java side, and then grab
# the returned object.
+ my $obj = Inline::Java::Object->__new($array_type || $proto, $inline, -1, $flat->[0], $flat->[1]) ;
$arg = new Inline::Java::Array($obj) ;
diff --git a/Java/Init.pm b/Java/Init.pm
index 90e4eac..ab1b232 100644
--- a/Java/Init.pm
+++ b/Java/Init.pm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package Inline::Java::Init ;
use strict ;
-$Inline::Java::Init::VERSION = '0.30' ;
+$Inline::Java::Init::VERSION = '0.31' ;
my $DATA = join('', <DATA>) ;
my $OBJECT_DATA = join('', <Inline::Java::Object::DATA>) ;
@@ -36,9 +36,6 @@ sub DumpServerJavaCode {
$java =~ s/<INLINE_JAVA_CLASS>/$java_class/g ;
$java =~ s/<INLINE_JAVA_PROTOCOL>/$java_proto/g ;
- my $so = $Inline::Java::JNI::SO || '' ;
- $java =~ s/<INLINE_JAVA_JNI_SO>/$so/g ;
print $fh $java ;
@@ -254,13 +251,13 @@ public class InlineJavaServer {
- public Object Callback(String pkg, String method, Object args[]) throws InlineJavaException, InlineJavaPerlException {
+ public Object Callback(String pkg, String method, Object args[], String cast) throws InlineJavaException, InlineJavaPerlException {
Object ret = null ;
try {
InlineJavaProtocol ijp = new InlineJavaProtocol(this, null) ;
InlineJavaClass ijc = new InlineJavaClass(this, ijp) ;
- StringBuffer cmdb = new StringBuffer("callback " + pkg + " " + method) ;
+ StringBuffer cmdb = new StringBuffer("callback " + pkg + " " + method + " " + cast) ;
if (args != null){
for (int i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i++){
cmdb.append(" " + ijp.SerializeObject(args[i])) ;
@@ -358,24 +355,6 @@ public class InlineJavaServer {
public static InlineJavaServer jni_main(boolean debug) {
- String so = "<INLINE_JAVA_JNI_SO>" ;
- if (! so.equals("")){
- try {
- System.load(so) ;
- }
- catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e){
- System.err.println("Can't load shared object '" + so + "' required for callbacks") ;
- System.err.flush() ;
- System.exit(1) ;
- }
- }
- else{
- System.err.println("JNI shared object not specified (required for callbacks)") ;
- System.err.println("Perhaps your Java code was not initially built in JNI mode") ;
- System.err.flush() ;
- System.exit(1) ;
- }
return new InlineJavaServer(debug) ;
diff --git a/Java/JNI.pm b/Java/JNI.pm
index 3476a8b..200c62e 100644
--- a/Java/JNI.pm
+++ b/Java/JNI.pm
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use strict ;
$Inline::Java::JNI::VERSION = '0.31' ;
+use DynaLoader ;
use Carp ;
use File::Basename ;
@@ -13,38 +14,13 @@ use File::Basename ;
# A place to attach the Inline object that is currently in Java land
$Inline::Java::JNI::INLINE_HOOK = undef ;
-# The full path to the shared object loaded by JNI
-$Inline::Java::JNI::SO = '' ;
eval {
Inline::Java::JNI->bootstrap($Inline::Java::JNI::VERSION) ;
- if (! $Inline::Java::JNI::SO){
- croak "Can't find JNI shared object!" ;
- }
- Inline::Java::debug("JNI shared object is '$Inline::Java::JNI::SO'") ;
} ;
if ($@){
croak "Can't load JNI module. Did you build it at install time?\nError: $@" ;
-# This is a *NASTY* way to get the shared object file that was loaded
-# by DynaLoader
-sub dl_load_flags {
- my $so = $DynaLoader::file ;
- my $dir = dirname($so) ;
- my $f = basename($so) ;
- my $sep = Inline::Java::portable("PATH_SEP") ;
- $Inline::Java::JNI::SO = Inline::Java::portable("RE_FILE", Cwd::abs_path($dir) . $sep . $f) ;
- $Inline::Java::JNI::SO = Inline::Java::portable("RE_FILE_JAVA", $Inline::Java::JNI::SO) ;
- return DynaLoader::dl_load_flags() ;
1 ;
diff --git a/Java/JVM.pm b/Java/JVM.pm
index 77f5b50..2bc0b09 100644
--- a/Java/JVM.pm
+++ b/Java/JVM.pm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package Inline::Java::JVM ;
use strict ;
-$Inline::Java::JVM::VERSION = '0.30' ;
+$Inline::Java::JVM::VERSION = '0.31' ;
use Carp ;
use IPC::Open3 ;
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ sub new {
$this->{JNI} = undef ;
$this->{owner} = 1 ;
+ $this->{destroyed} = 0 ;
Inline::Java::debug("Starting JVM...") ;
if ($o->get_java_config('JNI')){
@@ -55,10 +57,10 @@ sub new {
- my $java = $o->get_java_config('BIN') . "/java" . Inline::Java::portable("EXE_EXTENSION") ;
- my $pjava = Inline::Java::portable("RE_FILE", $java) ;
+ my $java = File::Spec->catfile($o->get_java_config('BIN'),
+ "java" . Inline::Java::portable("EXE_EXTENSION")) ;
- my $cmd = "\"$pjava\" InlineJavaServer $debug $this->{port} $shared_jvm" ;
+ my $cmd = "\"$java\" InlineJavaServer $debug $this->{port} $shared_jvm" ;
Inline::Java::debug($cmd) ;
if ($o->get_config('UNTAINT')){
@@ -90,46 +92,59 @@ sub new {
my $this = shift ;
- if ($this->{owner}){
- Inline::Java::debug("JVM owner exiting...") ;
+ $this->shutdown() ;
- if ($this->{socket}){
- # This asks the Java server to stop and die.
- my $sock = $this->{socket} ;
- if ($sock->connected()){
- Inline::Java::debug("Sending 'die' message to JVM...") ;
- print $sock "die\n" ;
- }
- else{
- carp "Lost connection with Java virtual machine" ;
+sub shutdown {
+ my $this = shift ;
+ if (! $this->{destroyed}){
+ if ($this->am_owner()){
+ Inline::Java::debug("JVM owner exiting...") ;
+ if ($this->{socket}){
+ # This asks the Java server to stop and die.
+ my $sock = $this->{socket} ;
+ if ($sock->connected()){
+ Inline::Java::debug("Sending 'die' message to JVM...") ;
+ print $sock "die\n" ;
+ }
+ else{
+ carp "Lost connection with Java virtual machine" ;
+ }
+ close($sock) ;
+ if ($this->{pid}){
+ # Here we go ahead and send the signals anyway to be very
+ # sure it's dead...
+ # Always be polite first, and then insist.
+ Inline::Java::debug("Sending 15 signal to JVM...") ;
+ kill(15, $this->{pid}) ;
+ Inline::Java::debug("Sending 9 signal to JVM...") ;
+ kill(9, $this->{pid}) ;
+ # Reap the child...
+ waitpid($this->{pid}, 0) ;
+ }
- close($sock) ;
- if ($this->{pid}){
- # Here we go ahead and send the signals anyway to be very
- # sure it's dead...
- # Always be polite first, and then insist.
- Inline::Java::debug("Sending 15 signal to JVM...") ;
- kill(15, $this->{pid}) ;
- Inline::Java::debug("Sending 9 signal to JVM...") ;
- kill(9, $this->{pid}) ;
- # Reap the child...
- waitpid($this->{pid}, 0) ;
+ if ($this->{JNI}){
+ $this->{JNI}->shutdown() ;
- }
- else{
- # We are not the JVM owner, so we simply politely disconnect
- if ($this->{socket}){
- Inline::Java::debug("JVM non-owner exiting...") ;
- close($this->{socket}) ;
- $this->{socket} = undef ;
+ else{
+ # We are not the JVM owner, so we simply politely disconnect
+ if ($this->{socket}){
+ Inline::Java::debug("JVM non-owner exiting...") ;
+ close($this->{socket}) ;
+ $this->{socket} = undef ;
+ }
+ # This should never happen in JNI mode
- }
- # For JNI we need to do nothing because the garbage collector will call
- # the JNI destructor
+ $this->{destroyed} = 1 ;
+ }
@@ -194,13 +209,6 @@ sub setup_socket {
-sub release {
- my $this = shift ;
- $this->{owner} = 0 ;
sub reconnect {
my $this = shift ;
@@ -227,11 +235,41 @@ sub reconnect {
+sub capture {
+ my $this = shift ;
+ if ($this->{JNI}){
+ return ;
+ }
+ $this->{owner} = 1 ;
+sub am_owner {
+ my $this = shift ;
+ return $this->{owner} ;
+sub release {
+ my $this = shift ;
+ if ($this->{JNI}){
+ return ;
+ }
+ $this->{owner} = 0 ;
sub process_command {
my $this = shift ;
my $inline = shift ;
my $data = shift ;
+ my $ref = undef ;
my $resp = undef ;
while (1){
Inline::Java::debug(" packet sent is $data") ;
@@ -255,7 +293,7 @@ sub process_command {
# We got an answer from the server. Is it a callback?
if ($resp =~ /^callback/){
- $data = Inline::Java::Callback::InterceptCallback($inline, $resp) ;
+ ($data, $ref) = Inline::Java::Callback::InterceptCallback($inline, $resp) ;
next ;
diff --git a/Java/Makefile.PL b/Java/Makefile.PL
index d7d83be..a15a881 100644
--- a/Java/Makefile.PL
+++ b/Java/Makefile.PL
@@ -2,159 +2,211 @@ use ExtUtils::MakeMaker ;
use File::Find ;
use strict ;
+use File::Spec ;
+require "Portable.pm" ;
+Inline::Java::Portable::use_alone() ;
-# Inherited from the parent Makefile.PL
-if (! defined($main::JNI_BUILD)){
- $main::JNI_BUILD = 0 ;
-if (! defined($main::JNI_VM)){
- $main::JNI_VM = "classic" ;
+# Some shortcuts while developing
+my $jdk_dir = undef ;
+my $build_jni = ($jdk_dir ? 1 : 0) ;
+my $jvm_lib = Inline::Java::Portable::portable('JVM_LIB') ;
+my $jvm_so = Inline::Java::Portable::portable('JVM_SO') ;
+my @files = (
+ 'jni.h',
+ 'jni_md.h',
+ $jvm_lib,
+) ;
+if ($jvm_so ne $jvm_lib){
+ push @files, $jvm_so ;
-my $JNI_BUILD = $main::JNI_BUILD ;
-my $JNI_VM = $main::JNI_VM ;
+my $files = {
+ 'jni.h' => {
+ discard => qr/include-old/,
+ },
+ 'jni_md.h' => {
+ discard => qr/include-old/,
+ },
+ $jvm_lib => {
+ discard => qr/green_threads/,
+ },
+ $jvm_so => {
+ discard => qr/green_threads/,
+ },
+} ;
+foreach my $f (@files){
+ $files->{$f}->{selected} = undef ;
+ $files->{$f}->{choices} = [] ;
-# Define these variables with the correct values to bypass the
-# rest of the code that looks for them.
-my $java_include = undef ;
-my $java_include_os = undef ;
-my $java_lib = undef ;
-my $java_so = undef ;
+print "\n" ;
+ "Inline::Java can use a JNI extension that allows the Java Virtual Machine\n" .
+ "(JVM) to be dynamically linked with Perl instead of running as a separate\n" .
+ "process. The use of this extension is optional, and building it still\n" .
+ "allows Inline::Java to run the JVM in the default (separate process)\n" .
+ "fashion.\n\n" ;
+if (($build_jni || AskYN("Do you wish to build the JNI extension?"))){
+ print "\nBuilding JNI extension.\n\n" ;
-my $jvm_lib =
- ((($^O eq "MSWin32")||($^O eq "cygwin")) ? "jvm.lib" : "libjvm.so") ;
-my $jvm_so =
- ((($^O eq "MSWin32")||($^O eq "cygwin")) ? "jvm.dll" : "libjvm.so") ;
+ rename("JNI.xs_", "JNI.xs") ;
+ $jdk_dir = ($jdk_dir || AskSub("Enter the path to your Java 2 SDK installation",
+ sub {((-d $_[0]) ? 1 : (print("Directory '$_[0]' does not exist.\n") && 0))})) ;
+ print "\n" ;
-if ($JNI_BUILD){
- if ((! defined($java_include))&&
- (! defined($java_include_os))&&
- (! defined($java_lib))&&
- (! defined($java_so))){
- print "\nBuilding JNI extension, $JNI_VM VM.\n" ;
+ my $type = FindDefaultVMType() ;
- # We need to find the files in order to be able to build
- my $q = "\nEnter the path to your Java 2 SDK installation" ;
- my $jh = Ask($q) ;
- chomp($jh) ;
- if (! -d $jh){
- die("Directory $jh does not exist.") ;
- }
- print "\n" ;
- find(\&wanted, $jh) ;
+ find(\&search, $jdk_dir) ;
- if (! defined($java_include)){
- die("Couldn't find jni.h.") ;
- }
- if (! defined($java_include_os)){
- die("Couldn't find jni_md.h.") ;
+ my $done = 0 ;
+ foreach my $f (@files){
+ my $cnt = scalar(@{$files->{$f}->{choices}}) ;
+ if ($cnt == 0){
+ print "Can't locate file '$f' anywhere under '$jdk_dir'\n" ;
+ $done = 1 ;
+ last ;
- if (! defined($java_lib)){
- die("Couldn't find $jvm_lib.") ;
+ elsif ($cnt == 1){
+ $files->{$f}->{selected} = $files->{$f}->{choices}->[0] ;
- if (! defined($java_so)){
- die("Couldn't find $jvm_so.") ;
+ else{
+ Choose($f, $type) ;
+ if (! $done){
+ # We have all the required files selected.
- my $l = join(" or ", @{$java_so}) ;
- if ($^O eq "MSWin32"){
- print "\nNote: You will need to add $l to your PATH environment " .
- "variable in order to be able to use the JNI mode.\n" ;
- }
- else{
- print "\nNote: You will need to add $l (and maybe other Java " .
- "directories) to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in " .
- "order to be able to use the JNI mode. See README.JNI for more " .
- "information.\n" ;
- }
- print "\nNote: In order for Inline::Java to use the JNI extension, you " .
- "will need to use the JNI configuration option or set the " .
- "PERL_INLINE_JAVA_JNI environment variable to a true value. " .
- "See README.JNI for more information.\n" ;
+ print "Building with:\n" ;
+ foreach my $f (@files){
+ print File::Spec->catfile($files->{$f}->{selected}, $f) . "\n" ;
+ }
+ print "\n" ;
- print "\n" ;
+ $done = WriteBSFile() ;
+ if (! $done){
+ WriteMakefile(
+ NAME => 'Inline::Java::JNI',
+ INC => "-I" . $files->{'jni.h'}->{selected} . " -I" . $files->{'jni_md.h'}->{selected},
+ LIBS => ["-L" . $files->{$jvm_lib}->{selected} . " -ljvm"],
+ ) ;
+ print
+ "\nNote: In order for Inline::Java to use the JNI extension, you\n" .
+ "will need to use the JNI configuration option or set the\n" .
+ "PERL_INLINE_JAVA_JNI environment variable to a true value.\n" .
+ "See README.JNI for more information.\n" ;
+ print "\n" ;
+ }
+ }
- rename("JNI.xs", "JNI.xs_") ;
+ print "\n" ;
- NAME => 'Inline::Java::JNI',
- INC => (! $JNI_BUILD ? undef :
- join(" ",
- "-I$java_include",
- "-I$java_include_os"
- )),
- LIBS => (! $JNI_BUILD ? undef :
- [
- "-L$java_lib -ljvm"
- ]),
-) ;
+ rename("JNI.xs", "JNI.xs_") ;
+ WriteMakefile(
+ NAME => 'Inline::Java::JNI',
+ VERSION_FROM => 'JNI.pm') ;
-sub wanted {
+sub search {
my $file = $_ ;
- if ($file eq "jni.h"){
- print "Found jni.h in $File::Find::dir...\n" ;
- $java_include = $File::Find::dir ;
- }
- if ($file eq "jni_md.h"){
- print "Found jni_md.h in $File::Find::dir...\n" ;
- $java_include_os = $File::Find::dir ;
- }
- if ($file eq $jvm_lib){
- print "Found $jvm_lib in $File::Find::dir...\n" ;
- $java_lib = $File::Find::dir ;
- }
- if ($file eq $jvm_so){
- print "Found $jvm_so in $File::Find::dir...\n" ;
- if (! defined($java_so)){
- $java_so = [] ;
+ foreach my $f (@files){
+ if ($file eq $f){
+ my $re = $files->{$f}->{discard} ;
+ if ((! $re)||($File::Find::dir !~ /$re/)){
+ push @{$files->{$f}->{choices}}, File::Spec->canonpath($File::Find::dir) ;
+ }
+ last ;
- push @{$java_so}, $File::Find::dir ;
-# Gets yes/no from stdin
-sub AskYN {
- my $ques = shift ;
+sub WriteBSFile {
+ if (! open(BS, '>JNI_BS')){
+ return 1 ;
+ }
- my $str = $ques . " [yn]: " ;
- print($str) ;
+ my $so = File::Spec->catfile($files->{$jvm_so}->{selected}, $jvm_so) ;
+ print BS <<BS_CODE;
+my \$so = '$so' ;
+push(\@dl_resolve_using, \$so) ;
- my $ans = '' ;
- while (<STDIN>){
- $ans = $_ ;
- chomp($ans) ;
- if ($ans =~ /^(y|n)$/i){
- last ;
- }
- else{
- print($str) ;
+\$bscode = <<CODE ;
+dl_load_file('\$so', Inline::Java::JNI->dl_load_flags) or
+croak("Can't load '\$so' for module Inline::Java::JNI: " . dl_error()) ;
+ close(BS) ;
+ return 0 ;
+sub FindDefaultVMType {
+ my $type = undef ;
+ my $cfg = File::Spec->catfile($jdk_dir, "jre", "lib", "jvm.cfg") ;
+ if (open(CFG, "<$cfg")){
+ while (<CFG>){
+ my $line = $_ ;
+ chomp($line) ;
+ $line =~ s/^\s+// ;
+ $line =~ s/\s+$// ;
+ if (! $line){
+ next ;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^#/){
+ next ;
+ }
+ else{
+ $type = $line ;
+ $type =~ s/^-// ;
+ last ;
+ }
+ close(CFG) ;
- if ($ans eq "y"){
- return 1 ;
- }
- else{
- return 0 ;
+ return $type ;
+sub Choose {
+ my $f = shift ;
+ my $type = shift ;
+ my $o = $files->{$f} ;
+ my $cnt = 0 ;
+ foreach my $f (@{$o->{choices}}){
+ $cnt++ ;
+ my $hint = '' ;
+ if ($f =~ /$type/){
+ $hint = "[your system default]" ;
+ }
+ print "[$cnt] $f $hint\n" ;
+ my $idx = AskSub("Please select from the above list which '$f' to use $type [1-$cnt]",
+ sub {(($_[0] >= 1)&&($_[0] <= $cnt))}) ;
+ $o->{selected} = $o->{choices}->[int($idx) - 1] ;
+ print "\n" ;
@@ -162,11 +214,39 @@ sub AskYN {
sub Ask {
my $ques = shift ;
- my $str = $ques . " : " ;
- print($str) ;
- my $ans = '' ;
- $ans = <STDIN> ;
+ return AskSub($ques, undef) ;
- return $ans ;
+# Gets yes/no from stdin
+sub AskYN {
+ my $ques = shift ;
+ $ques .= " [yn]" ;
+ my $ans = AskSub($ques, sub {$_[0] =~ /^(y|n)$/i}) ;
+ return (($ans eq "y") ? 1 : 0) ;
+sub AskSub {
+ my $ques = shift ;
+ my $sub = shift ;
+ my $str = $ques . ": " ;
+ print $str ;
+ while (<STDIN>){
+ my $ans = $_ ;
+ chomp($ans) ;
+ if (! $sub){
+ return $ans ;
+ }
+ elsif ($sub->($ans)){
+ return $ans ;
+ }
+ print $str ;
+ }
diff --git a/Java/Object.pm b/Java/Object.pm
index 60dd7a1..e3c6c96 100644
--- a/Java/Object.pm
+++ b/Java/Object.pm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package Inline::Java::Object ;
use strict ;
-$Inline::Java::Object::VERSION = '0.22' ;
+$Inline::Java::Object::VERSION = '0.31' ;
use Inline::Java::Protocol ;
use Carp ;
@@ -234,16 +234,23 @@ sub __get_member {
my $key = shift ;
if ($this->__get_private()->{class} eq "Inline::Java::Object"){
- croak "Can't get member $key for an object that is not bound to Perl" ;
+ croak "Can't get member '$key' for an object that is not bound to Perl" ;
- Inline::Java::debug("fetching member variable $key") ;
+ Inline::Java::debug("fetching member variable '$key'") ;
my $inline = Inline::Java::get_INLINE($this->__get_private()->{module}) ;
my $fields = $inline->get_fields($this->__get_private()->{class}) ;
- if ($fields->{$key}){
- my $proto = $fields->{$key}->{TYPE} ;
+ my $types = $fields->{$key} ;
+ if ($types){
+ my @typesk = keys %{$types} ;
+ # We take the last one, which is more specific. Eventually
+ # we should use a scoring method just like for the methods
+ my $sign = $types->{$typesk[-1]} ;
+ my $proto = $sign->{TYPE} ;
my $ret = $this->__get_private()->{proto}->GetJavaMember($key, [$proto], [undef]) ;
Inline::Java::debug("returning member (" . ($ret || '') . ")") ;
@@ -252,7 +259,7 @@ sub __get_member {
my $name = $this->__get_private()->{class} ;
- croak "No public member variable $key defined for class $name" ;
+ croak "No public member variable '$key' defined for class '$name'" ;
@@ -263,14 +270,21 @@ sub __set_member {
my $value = shift ;
if ($this->__get_private()->{class} eq "Inline::Java::Object"){
- croak "Can't set member $key for an object that is not bound to Perl" ;
+ croak "Can't set member '$key' for an object that is not bound to Perl" ;
my $inline = Inline::Java::get_INLINE($this->__get_private()->{module}) ;
my $fields = $inline->get_fields($this->__get_private()->{class}) ;
- if ($fields->{$key}){
- my $proto = $fields->{$key}->{TYPE} ;
+ my $types = $fields->{$key} ;
+ if ($types){
+ my @typesk = keys %{$types} ;
+ # We take the last one, which is more specific. Eventually
+ # we should use a scoring method just like for the methods
+ my $sign = $types->{$typesk[-1]} ;
+ my $proto = $sign->{TYPE} ;
my $new_args = undef ;
my $score = undef ;
@@ -279,7 +293,7 @@ sub __set_member {
my $name = $this->__get_private()->{class} ;
- croak "No public member variable $key defined for class $name" ;
+ croak "No public member variable '$key' defined for class '$name'" ;
@@ -298,10 +312,10 @@ sub AUTOLOAD {
my $name = (ref($this) ? $this->__get_private()->{class} : $this) ;
if ($name eq "Inline::Java::Object"){
- croak "Can't call method $func_name on an object ($name) that is not bound to Perl" ;
+ croak "Can't call method '$func_name' on an object ($name) that is not bound to Perl" ;
- croak "No public method $func_name defined for class $name" ;
+ croak "No public method '$func_name' defined for class '$name'" ;
@@ -313,36 +327,41 @@ sub DESTROY {
Inline::Java::debug("Destroying Inline::Java::Object::Tie") ;
if (! Inline::Java::get_DONE()){
- # This one is very tricky:
- # Here we want to be carefull since this can be called
- # at scope end, but the scope end might be triggered
- # by another croak, so we need to record and propagate
- # the current $@
- my $prev_dollar_at = $@ ;
- eval {
- $this->__get_private()->{proto}->DeleteJavaObject($this) ;
- } ;
- if ($@){
- # We croaked here. Was there already a pending $@?
- my $name = $this->__get_private()->{class} ;
- my $msg = "In method DESTROY of class $name: $@" ;
- if ($prev_dollar_at){
- $msg = "$prev_dollar_at\n$msg" ;
+ if (! $this->__get_private()->{weak_ref}){
+ # This one is very tricky:
+ # Here we want to be carefull since this can be called
+ # at scope end, but the scope end might be triggered
+ # by another croak, so we need to record and propagate
+ # the current $@
+ my $prev_dollar_at = $@ ;
+ eval {
+ $this->__get_private()->{proto}->DeleteJavaObject($this) ;
+ } ;
+ if ($@){
+ # We croaked here. Was there already a pending $@?
+ my $name = $this->__get_private()->{class} ;
+ my $msg = "In method DESTROY of class $name: $@" ;
+ if ($prev_dollar_at){
+ $msg = "$prev_dollar_at\n$msg" ;
+ }
+ croak $msg ;
+ }
+ else{
+ # Put back the previous $@
+ $@ = $prev_dollar_at ;
- croak $msg ;
+ # Here we have a circular reference so we need to break it
+ # so that the memory is collected.
+ my $priv = $this->__get_private() ;
+ my $proto = $priv->{proto} ;
+ $priv->{proto} = undef ;
+ $proto->{obj_priv} = undef ;
+ $PRIVATES->{$this} = undef ;
- # Put back the previous $@
- $@ = $prev_dollar_at ;
+ Inline::Java::debug(" Object marked a weak reference, object destruction not propagated to Java") ;
- # Here we have a circular reference so we need to break it
- # so that the memory is collected.
- my $priv = $this->__get_private() ;
- my $proto = $priv->{proto} ;
- $priv->{proto} = undef ;
- $proto->{obj_priv} = undef ;
- $PRIVATES->{$this} = undef ;
Inline::Java::debug(" Script marked as DONE, object destruction not propagated to Java") ;
diff --git a/Java/Protocol.pm b/Java/Protocol.pm
index bc6f006..758aa55 100644
--- a/Java/Protocol.pm
+++ b/Java/Protocol.pm
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ sub Send {
my $const = shift ;
my $inline = Inline::Java::get_INLINE($this->{module}) ;
- my $resp = Inline::Java::get_JVM()->process_command($inline, $data) ;
+ my $resp = Inline::Java::__get_JVM()->process_command($inline, $data) ;
if ($resp =~ /^error scalar:([\d.]*)$/){
my $msg = pack("C*", split(/\./, $1)) ;
@@ -323,16 +323,23 @@ sub DeserializeObject {
$elem_class = $d[2] ;
- my $perl_class = Inline::Java::java2perl($pkg, $elem_class) ;
- if (Inline::Java::Class::ClassIsReference($elem_class)){
- if (! Inline::Java::known_to_perl($pkg, $elem_class)){
- if (($thrown)||($inline->get_java_config('AUTOSTUDY'))){
- $inline->_study([$elem_class]) ;
- }
- else{
- $perl_class = "Inline::Java::Object" ;
- }
- }
+ my $perl_class = "Inline::Java::Object" ;
+ if ($elem_class){
+ # We have a real class or an array of real classes
+ $perl_class = Inline::Java::java2perl($pkg, $elem_class) ;
+ if (Inline::Java::Class::ClassIsReference($elem_class)){
+ if (! Inline::Java::known_to_perl($pkg, $elem_class)){
+ if (($thrown)||($inline->get_java_config('AUTOSTUDY'))){
+ $inline->_study([$elem_class]) ;
+ }
+ else{
+ # Object is not known to Perl, it lives as a
+ # Inline::Java::Object
+ $perl_class = "Inline::Java::Object" ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
# We should only get here if an array of primitives types
@@ -899,7 +906,6 @@ class InlineJavaProtocol {
if (type.equals(t)){
ijs.debug(" has matching type " + t) ;
fl.add(fl.size(), f) ;
- break ;
@@ -911,10 +917,13 @@ class InlineJavaProtocol {
"Member " + name + " of type " + type + " for class " + c.getName() +
" not found") ;
- else if (fl.size() == 1){
+ else {
// Now we need to force the arguments received to match
// the methods signature.
- Field f = (Field)fl.get(0) ;
+ // If we have more that one, we use tha last one, which is the most
+ // specialized
+ Field f = (Field)fl.get(fl.size() - 1) ;
param = f.getType() ;
String msg = "For member " + name + " of class " + c.getName() + ": " ;
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
index fd8a7bf..77aad23 100644
--- a/Makefile.PL
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -1,32 +1,11 @@
-use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker ;
+use strict ;
-# So that the the sub dir Makefile.PL will see it...
-$main::JNI_BUILD = 0 ;
-$main::JNI_VM = "classic" ;
-# In case we had built differently a previous time
-rename("Java/JNI.xs_", "Java/JNI.xs") ;
-my $fix_makefile = 0 ;
-foreach my $arg (@ARGV){
- my $a = $arg ;
- $a =~ s/^\s+// ;
- $a =~ s/\s+$// ;
- if ($a =~ /^JNI(:(\w+))?$/i){
- $JNI_BUILD = 1 ;
- if ($2){
- $main::JNI_VM = $2 ;
- }
- }
- elsif ($a =~ /^FIX$/i){
- $fix_makefile = 1 ;
- }
+require "Java/Portable.pm" ;
+Inline::Java::Portable::use_alone() ;
+print "\nWelcome to the Inline::Java installation procedure.\n\n" ;
NAME => 'Inline::Java',
@@ -38,7 +17,7 @@ WriteMakefile(
) ;
-if ($fix_makefile){
+if (Inline::Java::Portable::portable('COMMAND_COM')){
print "\nFixing Makefile for Win32...\n" ;
open(MAKEFILE, "<Makefile") or die "Can't open Makefile for reading" ;
my @lines = <MAKEFILE> ;
diff --git a/t/01_init.t b/t/01_init.t
index c14cdbe..df86a68 100644
--- a/t/01_init.t
+++ b/t/01_init.t
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-use strict;
-use Test;
+use strict ;
+use Test ;
plan(tests => 1) ;
-mkdir('./_Inline_test', 0777) unless -e './_Inline_test';
+mkdir('./_Inline_test', 0777) unless -e './_Inline_test' ;
ok(1) ;
diff --git a/t/02_primitives.t b/t/02_primitives.t
index c2d4040..faff73f 100644
--- a/t/02_primitives.t
+++ b/t/02_primitives.t
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ use strict ;
use Test ;
use Inline Config =>
- DIRECTORY => './_Inline_test';
+ DIRECTORY => './_Inline_test' ;
-use Inline(
+use Inline (
Java => 'DATA'
) ;
diff --git a/t/05_arrays.t b/t/05_arrays.t
index 87c9103..ee3ace7 100644
--- a/t/05_arrays.t
+++ b/t/05_arrays.t
@@ -9,48 +9,62 @@ use Inline(
) ;
- plan(tests => 42) ;
+ plan(tests => 50) ;
my $t = new types5() ;
- ok($t->_byte([12, 34, 56])->[0] == 123) ;
+ ok(++($t->_byte([12, 34, 56])->[0]) == 124) ;
ok(eq_array($t->_Byte([12, 34, 56]), [12, 34, 56])) ;
- ok($t->_short([12, 34, 56])->[0] == 123) ;
+ ok(++($t->_short([12, 34, 56])->[0]) == 124) ;
ok(eq_array($t->_Short([12, 34, 56]), [12, 34, 56])) ;
- ok($t->_int([12, 34, 56])->[0] == 123) ;
+ ok(++($t->_int([12, 34, 56])->[0]) == 124) ;
ok(eq_array($t->_Integer([12, 34, 56]), [12, 34, 56])) ;
- ok($t->_long([12, 34, 56])->[0] == 123) ;
+ ok(++($t->_long([12, 34, 56])->[0]) == 124) ;
ok(eq_array($t->_Long([12, 34, 56]), [12, 34, 56])) ;
- ok($t->_float([12.34, 5.6, 7])->[0] == 123.456) ;
+ ok(++($t->_float([12.34, 5.6, 7])->[0]) == 124.456) ;
ok(eq_array($t->_Float([12.34, 5.6, 7]), [12.34, 5.6, 7])) ;
- ok($t->_double([12.34, 5.6, 7])->[0] == 123.456) ;
+ ok(++($t->_double([12.34, 5.6, 7])->[0]) == 124.456) ;
ok(eq_array($t->_Double([12.34, 5.6, 7]), [12.34, 5.6, 7])) ;
ok($t->_boolean([1, 0, "tree"])->[0]) ;
ok($t->_Boolean([1, 0])->[0]) ;
ok(! $t->_Boolean([1, 0])->[1]) ;
ok($t->_char(['a', 'b', 'c'])->[0], "A") ;
ok(eq_array($t->_Character(['a', 'b', 'c']), ['a', 'b', 'c'], 1)) ;
- ok($t->_String(["bla", "ble", "bli"])->[0], "STRING") ;
+ my $a = $t->_String(["bla", "ble", "bli"]) ;
+ ok($a->[0], "STRING") ;
+ $a->[1] = "wazoo" ;
+ ok($a->[1], "wazoo") ;
ok($t->_StringBuffer(["bla", "ble", "bli"])->[0], "STRINGBUFFER") ;
ok($t->_Object(undef), undef) ;
- my $a = $t->_Object([1, "two", $t]) ;
+ $a = $t->_Object([1, "two", $t]) ;
ok($a->[0], "1") ;
ok($a->[1], "two") ;
ok(UNIVERSAL::isa($a->[2], "main::types5")) ;
ok($a->[2]->{data}->[1], "a") ;
$a->[2]->{data} = ["1", "2"] ;
ok($a->[2]->{data}->[1], 2) ;
+ $a->[0]++ ;
+ ok($a->[0], "2") ;
+ $a->[1] = "three" ;
+ ok($a->[1], "three") ;
+ $a->[2] = "string" ;
+ ok($a->[2], "string") ;
+ $a->[0] = $t ;
+ ok(UNIVERSAL::isa($a->[0], "main::types5")) ;
# Try some multidimensional arrays.
$a = $t->_StringString([
["00", "01"],
["10", "11"]
]) ;
- ok($a->[1]->[0], "10") ;
# Try some incomplete multidimensional arrays.
$a = $t->_StringString([
@@ -98,6 +112,13 @@ my $t = new types5() ;
eval {pop @{$b}} ; ok($@, qr/Operation POP/) ;
eval {shift @{$b}} ; ok($@, qr/Operation SHIFT/) ;
eval {splice(@{$b}, 0, 1)} ; ok($@, qr/Operation SPLICE/) ;
+ # Cool stuff on arrays
+ $a = $t->_byte([12, 34, 56]) ;
+ ok(scalar(@{$a}), 3) ;
+ foreach my $e (@{$a}){
+ ok($e =~ /^(123|34|56)$/) ;
+ }
ok($t->__get_private()->{proto}->ObjectCount(), 1) ;
diff --git a/t/07_polymorph.t b/t/07_polymorph.t
index c306f59..f42adfc 100644
--- a/t/07_polymorph.t
+++ b/t/07_polymorph.t
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use Inline::Java qw(cast) ;
- plan(tests => 18) ;
+ plan(tests => 22) ;
@@ -44,6 +44,15 @@ my $t = new types7() ;
ok($t2->f($t1), "t2") ;
ok($t2->f(cast("t17", $t2)), "t2") ;
+ ok($t2->f($t1), "t2") ;
+ # Here we should always get the more specific stuff
+ ok($t2->{i}, 7) ;
+ ok($t2->{j}, 3.1416) ;
+ # So this should fail
+ eval {$t2->{j} = "string"} ; ok($@, qr/Can't convert/) ;
# Interfaces
my $al = $t1->get_al() ;
ok(0, $t1->count($al)) ;
@@ -60,6 +69,9 @@ __Java__
import java.util.* ;
class t17 {
+ public int i = 5 ;
+ public String j = "toto" ;
public t17(){
@@ -78,6 +90,9 @@ class t17 {
class t27 extends t17 {
+ public int i = 7 ;
+ public double j = 3.1416 ;
public t27(){
diff --git a/t/13_callbacks.t b/t/13_callbacks.t
index 1cbee7e..7e26893 100644
--- a/t/13_callbacks.t
+++ b/t/13_callbacks.t
@@ -14,15 +14,17 @@ use Inline::Java qw(caught) ;
- plan(tests => 19) ;
+ plan(tests => 20) ;
-my $t = new t10() ;
+my $t = new t15() ;
eval {
ok($t->add(5, 6), 11) ;
ok($t->add_via_perl(5, 6), 11) ;
+ my $a = $t->incr_via_perl([7, 6, 5]) ;
+ ok($a->[1], 7) ;
ok($t->mul(5, 6), 30) ;
ok($t->mul_via_perl(5, 6), 30) ;
ok($t->silly_mul(3, 2), 6) ;
@@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ my $t = new t10() ;
ok($t->add_via_perl_via_java(3, 4), 7) ;
ok($t->silly_mul_via_perl_via_java(10, 9), 90) ;
- ok(t10->add_via_perl_via_java_t($t, 6, 9), 15) ;
+ ok(t15->add_via_perl_via_java_t($t, 6, 9), 15) ;
ok($t->cat_via_perl("Inline", "Java"), "InlineJava") ;
@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ my $t = new t10() ;
my $msg = '' ;
eval {$t->twister(20, 0, 1)} ;
if ($@) {
- if (caught('t10$OwnException')){
+ if (caught('t15$OwnException')){
$msg = $@->getMessage() ;
@@ -82,6 +84,17 @@ sub add {
+sub incr {
+ my $ija = shift ;
+ for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $ija->length() ; $i++){
+ $ija->[$i]++ ;
+ }
+ return $ija ;
sub mul {
my $i = shift ;
my $j = shift ;
@@ -144,6 +157,7 @@ sub dummy {
@@ -151,7 +165,7 @@ __Java__
import java.io.* ;
-class t10 extends InlineJavaPerlCaller {
+class t15 extends InlineJavaPerlCaller {
class OwnException extends Exception {
OwnException(String msg){
super(msg) ;
@@ -159,7 +173,7 @@ class t10 extends InlineJavaPerlCaller {
- public t10() {
+ public t15() {
public int add(int a, int b){
@@ -186,7 +200,6 @@ class t10 extends InlineJavaPerlCaller {
return ret ;
public int add_via_perl(int a, int b) throws InlineJavaException, PerlException {
String val = (String)CallPerl("main", "add",
new Object [] {new Integer(a), new Integer(b)}) ;
@@ -194,12 +207,19 @@ class t10 extends InlineJavaPerlCaller {
return new Integer(val).intValue() ;
+ public int [] incr_via_perl(int a[]) throws InlineJavaException, PerlException {
+ int [] r = (int [])CallPerl("main", "incr",
+ new Object [] {a}, "[I") ;
+ return r ;
+ }
public void death_via_perl() throws InlineJavaException, PerlException {
InlineJavaPerlCaller c = new InlineJavaPerlCaller() ;
c.CallPerl("main", "death", null) ;
- public void except() throws InlineJavaException, PerlException {
+ public void except() throws InlineJavaException, PerlException {
throw new PerlException("test") ;
@@ -217,7 +237,7 @@ class t10 extends InlineJavaPerlCaller {
return new Integer(val).intValue() ;
- static public int add_via_perl_via_java_t(t10 t, int a, int b) throws InlineJavaException, PerlException {
+ static public int add_via_perl_via_java_t(t15 t, int a, int b) throws InlineJavaException, PerlException {
InlineJavaPerlCaller c = new InlineJavaPerlCaller() ;
String val = (String)c.CallPerl("main", "add_via_java_t",
new Object [] {t, new Integer(a), new Integer(b)}) ;
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