[libinline-java-perl] 324/398: ok

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Thu Feb 26 11:43:19 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a commit to tag 0.55
in repository libinline-java-perl.

commit 9e238730ae931e43566a1b9f78449484c8e23d38
Author: patrick_leb <>
Date:   Wed Jun 2 15:35:53 2004 +0000

 Java.pod | 229 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 137 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Java.pod b/Java.pod
index 0ae582b..3606138 100644
--- a/Java.pod
+++ b/Java.pod
@@ -286,6 +286,13 @@ encounters them.
    Ex: AUTOSTUDY => 1
+=item PACKAGE
+Forces C<Inline::Java> to bind the Java code under the specified
+package instead of under the current (caller) package.
+   Ex: PACKAGE => 'main'
@@ -532,98 +539,6 @@ using Perl lists:
 =for comment
-Sometimes when a class as many signatures for the same method,
-C<Inline::Java> will have to select one of the signatures based on
-the arguments that are passed:
-=for comment
-   use Inline Java => <<'END' ;
-      class Pod_7 {
-         public Pod_7(){
-         }
-         public String f(int i){
-            return "int" ;
-         }
-         public String f(char c){
-            return "char" ;
-         }
-      }
-   END
-   my $obj = new Pod_7() ;
-   print($obj->f('5') . "\n") ; # prints int
-=for comment
-In this case, C<Inline::Java> will call f(int i), because '5' is an integer.
-But '5' is a valid char as well. So to force the call of f(char c), do the 
-   use Inline::Java qw(cast) ;
-   $obj->f(cast('char', '5')) ;
-   # or
-   $obj->f(Inline::Java::cast('char', '5')) ;
-The cast function forces the selection of the matching signature. Note that
-the cast must match the argument type exactly. Casting to a class that
-extends the argument type will not work.
-Another case where type casting is need is when one wants to pass an array
-as a java.lang.Object:
-   use Inline Java => <<'END';
-      class Pod_8 {
-         public Object o ;
-         int a[] = {1, 2, 3} ;
-         public Pod_8() {
-         }
-      }
-   END
-   my $obj = new Pod_8() ;
-   $obj->{o} = [1, 2, 3] ;	# No!
-The reason why this will not work is simple. When C<Inline::Java> sees an
-array, it checks the Java type you are trying to match it against to validate
-the construction of your Perl list. But in this case, it can't validate
-the array because you're assigning it to an Object. You must use the 3 
-parameter version of the cast function to do this:
-   $obj->{o} = Inline::Java::cast(
-     "java.lang.Object", 
-     [1, 2, 3],
-     "[Ljava.lang.String;") ;
-This tells C<Inline::Java> to validate your Perl list as a String [], and 
-then cast it as an Object.
-Here is how to construct the array type representations:
-  [<type>  -> 1 dimensional <type> array
-  [[<type> -> 2 dimensional <type> array
-  ...
-  where <type> is one of:
-    B byte     S short     I int     J long  
-    F float    D double    C char    Z boolean
-    L<class>; array of <class> objects
-This is described in more detail in most Java books that talk about
-But you only need to do this if you have a Perl list. If you already have a
-Java array reference obtained from elsewhere, you don't even need to cast:
-   $obj->{o} = $obj->{a} ;
 You can now (as of 0.31) catch exceptions as objects when they are thrown 
@@ -764,6 +679,136 @@ previously "used" C<Inline::Java>.
+Sometimes you need to manipulate a Java object using a specific
+subtype. That's when type casting is necessary. Here's an 
+example of this:
+=for comment
+   use Inline (
+      Java => 'STUDY',
+      STUDY => ['java.util.HashMap'],
+      AUTOSTUDY => 1,
+   ) ;
+   use Inline::Java qw(cast) ;
+   my $hm = new java::util::HashMap() ;
+   $hm->put('key', 'value') ;
+   my $entries = $hm->entrySet()->toArray() ;
+   foreach my $e (@{$entries}){
+     # print($e->getKey() . "\n") ; # No!
+     print(cast('java.util.Map$Entry', $e)->getKey() . "\n") ; # prints key
+   }
+=for comment
+In this case, C<Inline::Java> knows that $e is of type java.util.HashMap$Entry.
+The problem is that this type is not public, and therefore we can't access
+the object through that type. We must cast it to a java.util.Map$Entry, which
+is a public interface and will allow us to access the getKey() method. 
+You can also use type casting to force the selection of a specific method
+signature for methods that have multiple signatures. See examples similar
+to this in the "TYPE COERCING" section below.
+Type coercing is the equivalent of casting for primitives types 
+and arrays. It is used to force the selection if a specific method
+signature when C<Inline::Java> has multiple choices. The coerce 
+function returns a special object that can only be used when calling
+Java methods or assigning Java members. Here is an example:
+=for comment
+   use Inline Java => <<'END' ;
+      class Pod_101 {
+         public Pod_101(){
+         }
+         public String f(int i){
+            return "int" ;
+         }
+         public String f(char c){
+            return "char" ;
+         }
+      }
+   END
+   my $obj = new Pod_101() ;
+   print($obj->f('5') . "\n") ; # prints int
+=for comment
+In this case, C<Inline::Java> will call f(int i), because '5' is an integer.
+But '5' is a valid char as well. So to force the call of f(char c), do the 
+   use Inline::Java qw(coerce) ;
+   $obj->f(coerce('char', '5')) ;
+   # or
+   $obj->f(Inline::Java::coerce('char', '5')) ;
+The coerce function forces the selection of the matching signature. Note that
+the coerce must match the argument type exactly. Coercing to a class that
+extends the argument type will not work.
+Another case where type coercing is needed is when one wants to pass an array
+as a java.lang.Object:
+   use Inline Java => <<'END';
+      class Pod_8 {
+         public Object o ;
+         int a[] = {1, 2, 3} ;
+         public Pod_8() {
+         }
+      }
+   END
+   my $obj = new Pod_8() ;
+   $obj->{o} = [1, 2, 3] ;	# No!
+The reason why this will not work is simple. When C<Inline::Java> sees an
+array, it checks the Java type you are trying to match it against to validate
+the construction of your Perl list. But in this case, it can't validate
+the array because you're assigning it to an Object. You must use the 3 
+parameter version of the coerce function to do this:
+   $obj->{o} = Inline::Java::coerce(
+     "java.lang.Object", 
+     [1, 2, 3],
+     "[Ljava.lang.String;") ;
+This tells C<Inline::Java> to validate your Perl list as a String [], and 
+then coerce it as an Object.
+Here is how to construct the array type representations:
+  [<type>  -> 1 dimensional <type> array
+  [[<type> -> 2 dimensional <type> array
+  ...
+  where <type> is one of:
+    B byte     S short     I int     J long  
+    F float    D double    C char    Z boolean
+    L<class>; array of <class> objects
+This is described in more detail in most Java books that talk about
+But you only need to do this if you have a Perl list. If you already have a
+Java array reference obtained from elsewhere, you don't even need to coerce:
+   $obj->{o} = $obj->{a} ;
 Starting in version 0.20, it is possible to use the JNI (Java Native 

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