[carton] 01/05: remove over 500 lines of upstream changelog from d/changelog

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Fri Jul 24 01:00:18 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a commit to branch master
in repository carton.

commit 535bfde84f024574c15c5c41381d07d63c394106
Author: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Jul 24 02:48:29 2015 +0200

    remove over 500 lines of upstream changelog from d/changelog
    Gbp-Dch: Ignore
 debian/changelog | 522 -------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 522 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index f90b0d8..f24d9d9 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -2,528 +2,6 @@ carton (1.0.21-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload.
-  [ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa ]
-  * Initial commit
-  * regen README
-  * Fix messaging
-  * misc docs
-  * regen
-  * Check cpanm version
-  * cleanup
-  * typo
-  * doc clarification
-  * dependencies
-  * Implemneted list --tree
-  * Display errors and stops building carton.json
-  * some backward compat for older Getopt::Long
-  * Build index from the provides hash.
-  * dedupe based on the module name
-  * Implemented the tree builder based on dependency tree!
-  * s/App::Carton/Carton/g
-  * Add back the ability to install modules from cmdline arg
-  * let's try local now
-  * Implemented install from carton.json
-  * regen
-  * add cpantesters for faster indexes
-  * put stuff off of TODO
-  * rename carton.json to carton.lock to make it obvious
-  * reorganized the command and docs
-  * Some refactorings
-  * fix pod
-  * Properly display errors
-  * Try to reinstall from build file
-  * Use --skip-satisfied for conservative upgrades
-  * added doc for list command
-  * cleanups
-  * Documented Convervative Update.
-  * clarified docs
-  * Started FAQ doc
-  * update/uninstall should be in 1.0
-  * misc
-  * Changed the way it uses lock file.
-  * use ~
-  * rm for rename
-  * use the package name for Doc:: and auto generates pod2man doc files
-  * fix tests and MANIFEST
-  * move Carton.pod to lib
-  * add back in FAQ; renamed to docs to avoid stupid gitignore in HFS
-  * cleanup
-  * misc
-  * Checking in changes prior to tagging of version v0.1_0.
-  * use C<> for filenames
-  * update docs
-  * undo check command
-  * updated links and homepage metadata
-  * update DESCRIPTION
-  * Fix the first run without carton.lock
-  * basic check command
-  * check now checks if you miss some dependencies in your build file
-  * cleanup
-  * remove check from tutorial
-  * Display tree for superfluous modules in local
-  * Do not display warnings if one of the deps are not found in lock
-  * Added Shipwright to the similar tool
-  * beginning unit tests
-  * added check test
-  * Fixed the plain list to use self->print
-  * fixed generator syntax
-  * Implemented carton uninstall. Fixes #4
-  * Implmeneted carton config #2
-  * Support local CPAN mirror #12
-  * remove the mentions to App::carton
-  * added an unimplemented mark
-  * Implemented carton exec. #6
-  * Added unit tests for exec
-  * Implemented show
-  * capture system output like cpanm in the tests
-  * modules like Config.pm have no VERSION in corelist. Fixing is_core()
-  * Add . (current dir) to the INC
-  * Allow -Ilib to exec
-  * uninstaller can finalize earlier
-  * use canonical option to always generate the same JSON
-  * documentations
-  * don't add version info to lock file
-  * If a custom mirror is set, skip cpanmetadb with --mirror-only. Fixes #18
-  * fix POD
-  * Unit test to prefer mirrors for searches. #18
-  * remove debugging lines
-  * Uninstalling modules should not remove dependencies in Makefile.PL.
-    Fixes #16
-  * Added unit tests for uninstalling dependencies
-  * Added a test to not uninstall dependencies
-  * fixed messaging
-  * Only display success messages when it actually succeeds
-  * specify carton.lock version
-  * Use Config::GitLike for config management
-  * Handle errors correctly
-  * use Mouse
-  * Implemented alias like git
-  * Added unit tests for alias. Fixed test bug not reloading config
-  * fix defaults to not override the one set in local
-  * use lib::core::only
-  * use Exception::Class
-  * updated FAQ
-  * --skip-satisfied is now default
-  * rename install.json. Fix cpan default mirror
-  * Fix the install.json path
-  * Use CPAN::Meta to always convert MYMETA to version 2.
-  * fix check
-  * Fix deps to bootstrap MYMETA support
-  * no Mouse
-  * notest is the default
-  * fix meta path for uninstall
-  * Fix --path handling (Ugh)
-  * Ignore perl from showdeps
-  * remove notest (repeated)
-  * re-enable skip-satisfied
-  * depend on cpanm 1.5
-  * remove Config framework, commands and alias
-  * Added notes about carton update
-  * Checking in changes prior to tagging of version v0.9.0.
-  * Fix UTF8 warnings in encoding JSON
-  * Added auto-provides
-  * Checking in changes prior to tagging of version v0.9.1.
-  * declare VERSION using a simple string.
-  * Checking in changes prior to tagging of version v0.9.2.
-  [ Christian Walde ]
-  * use Capture::Tiny to capture cpanm output
-  [ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa ]
-  * Document perlbrew lib and carton
-  * Checking in changes prior to tagging of version v0.9.3.
-  * use capture instead of merged
-  [ Pedro Figueiredo ]
-  * Added dependency on Getopt::Long 2.36, as GetOptionsFromArray() isn't
-    available before
-  [ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa ]
-  * Return version of the module in the spec when installing from lock
-  [ Masahiro Chiba ]
-  * support specify multiple mirror
-  [ Christian Walde ]
-  * force the newlines in carton.lock to be \n
-  [ NAKAGAWA Masaki ]
-  * merged from 'support-bundle'
-  * load mymeta when MYMETA.json is exist
-  * remove core dependencies
-  * cleanup
-  [ David Golden ]
-  * Improve synopsis for carton exec
-  [ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa ]
-  * regen README
-  * Bundle doesn't necessarily mean DarkPAN
-  * Checking in changes prior to tagging of version v0.9.4.
-  [ Yanick Champoux ]
-  * Edit POD sentence.
-  [ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa ]
-  * Added cpanfile
-  * Support cpanfile!
-  * Checking in changes prior to tagging of version v0.9.5.
-  * Checking in changes prior to tagging of version v0.9_5.
-  * use Module::Install::cpanfile
-  * `carton` now runs `carton install` like bundle
-  * bump version
-  [ ikasam_a ]
-  * merged "bundle using install.json" branch
-  [ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa ]
-  * rm unused
-  [ ikasam_a ]
-  * remove unused method
-  [ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa ]
-  * rewrite docs to mention cpanfile rather than Makefile.PL/Build.PL
-  * drop uninstall command
-  * Rewrite tests to use cpanfile
-  * explicitly use CPAN::Meta::Requirements
-  * remove unused line
-  * Checking in changes prior to tagging of version v0.9_6.
-  * Bump cpanm dep. Fixes #48
-  * Fix multi mirror test to use cpanfile
-  * Bump up cpanm for cascade-search fix
-  * Checking in changes prior to tagging of version v0.9_7.
-  * bump up cpanm to the latest
-  * Do not build extra dependencies out of carton.lock. Fix #63
-  * Checking in changes prior to tagging of version v0.9_8.
-  * Checking in changes prior to tagging of version v0.9_8.
-  * Fix bundle command, so that it will use .lock to build packages to
-    determine versions
-  * Checking in changes prior to tagging of version v0.9_9.
-  * remove debug
-  * Checking in changes prior to tagging of version v0.9.10.
-  * Ignore 'perl' key for now
-  * Install 'test' prereqs by default
-  * convert to Milla
-  * v0.9.11
-  * add VERSION to all .pm because PAUSE indexed it as 0 with CPAN::Meta bug
-  * v0.9.12
-  * v0.9.13
-  * remove M::I from cpanfile dev deps
-  * remove pod.t
-  * unset
-  * v0.9.14
-  * add minimum perl version
-  * v0.9.15
-  * bump CPANfile dep
-  * Fix docs. #84
-  * Enable travis
-  * Add devel dependencies
-  * regen meta
-  * Only specify minicpan locally
-  * remove tree related code.
-  * Simplified cpanfile detection
-  * Simplify install methods
-  * Stop unnecessary deduplication
-  * remove unused gz generation code
-  * Remove unused code
-  * Add test for bundle
-  * Simplify the bundle logic
-  * remove lock state property for Carton object
-  * Move the 02packages writer to Lock module
-  * remove uninstall method which is actually unused. Updated check doc as well
-  * refactor with Package object
-  * Simplify package finder
-  * move index logic to Index object
-  * remove unused
-  * remove unused walk_down
-  * remove configure
-  * move JSON parser to Lock
-  * Move dump JSON to Lock
-  * stop chdir
-  * added TODO test for #83
-  * Band-aid fix for bundle options
-  * v0.9.50
-  * Update docs
-  * Woo, WTF femove Makefile.PL
-  * strip dependencies
-  * Don't use mirror, because version fix won't work with --mirror-only
-  * Add a test for version lock
-  * v0.9.51
-  * typo. Closes #53
-  * don't eat unknown options in system, effectively killing the need for --.
-    Addresses #77
-  * Added more tests for exec with no --, as well as versioning tests with -M
-  * fix dep
-  * use cpanm installdeps to get with-develop from cpanfile
-  * remove unused build_dep
-  * Stop collection dependencies when installing/bundling because cpanfile can
-    be directly used by --installdeps .
-  * Unimplement carton check. Also simplified carton show logic to use Lock
-    directly
-  * remove unused list_deps
-  * remove color output
-  * Add test for help
-  * update deps
-  * Make sure you have the latest cpanm
-  * unused
-  * Fixed the way to build the list of mirrors.
-  * Add convenience clean_local in xt
-  * use vendor/cache for bundling. Fix #88
-  * exec should not be run without carton.lock Fix #91
-  * v0.9.52
-  * remove unused code
-  * spaces
-  * remove unused module
-  * Convert basic objects to Moo
-  * Refactor install/bundle to a new Builder class.
-  * TODO
-  * remove unused dep
-  * (re)move deps
-  * remove unused
-  * v0.9.53
-  * use Moo in CLI
-  * move all Carton.pm God class into CLI and Lock/Builder modules
-  * Install develop dependencies as well
-  * Stop using lib::core::only and PERL5OPT for now, in favor of simpler
-    PERL5LIB. Re: #82 #70 #60
-  * doc update
-  * v0.9.54
-  * update docs
-  * update docs
-  * Add carton list --distfile
-  * Change $lock->find logic to search for provides maps. Return Dependency
-    objects
-  * Add back the tree command!
-  * readd modules to cpanfile
-  * simplified tree output
-  * added test for test
-  * v0.9.55
-  * rewrite dumper code
-  * fix tests
-  * Skip modules that are referenced early in the tree to avoid duplicates.
-  * v0.9.56
-  * change the output of tree
-  * refactor dependency tracker as Carton::Requirements class
-  * use configure block
-  * rename use_darkpan
-  * rename version as a requirement
-  * Add Dependency#version method to find the version in the dists locked
-  * Experimental: Make carton install save dists to local/cache, then carton
-    bundle copy the tarballs to vendor.
-  * use Path::Tiny. Also saves temp index in ./local not .carton
-  * fix quotes
-  * refactor CLI with Moo
-  * simplified test output check
-  * unuse Directory::Scratch
-  * $self->dir is already Path object
-  * move CPANfile load out of CLI
-  * remove unused code
-  * Re-implemented carton check
-  * Ignore installations that doesn't match cpanfile in check (and update later)
-  * wrap errors with eval
-  * return empty hash
-  * rename is_perl to is_core
-  * install develop dependencies in cpanfile as well
-  * add comment for badly named properties, for now
-  * Implemented carton update
-  * Added more test for install
-  * this test should now always succeed, i hope
-  * Honor newer versions of install if there are multiples that both satisfy
-    cpanfile requirements
-  * Add test for mismatch deps #68
-  * v0.9.57
-  [ David Steinbrunner ]
-  * typo fixes
-  * typo fix
-  * typo fix
-  [ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa ]
-  * typo
-  * run install twice
-  * run check
-  * Added a failing TODO test for downgrading with carton update, then
-    collectin wrong install info
-  * add write_cpanfile() convenient method
-  * use subtest
-  * added a TODO test to detect unused modules in local
-  * typo
-  * Rather running install twice, make it a TODO test
-  * carton exec without an argument should die
-  * newline
-  * v0.9.58
-  * only warn (and eat) -Ilib when it's right after exec. Fix #97
-  * v0.9.59
-  * Bump Module::Build and MakeMaker to support test requires.
-  * v0.9.60
-  * Add more perl versions
-  * use ack instead of mojo for testing on 5.8
-  * update Try::Tiny
-  * Support carton install --without develop #66
-  * update obsolete doc
-  * Document --without develop
-  * TODO comment
-  * push --without options
-  * unit test for without
-  * Enable without for 'features' as well
-  * v0.9.61
-  * Support develop feature as well
-  * introduce Carton::Environment object
-  * Add Lockfile class. Refactored cpanfile/carton.lock locator to Environments
-  * Builder now takes install target off of detected cpanfile location
-  * v0.9.62
-  * Bump cpanminus to support --cpanfile
-  * Support --cpanfile option for carton install, as well as
-  * use stdout due to cpanm update
-  * Document --cpanfile
-  * Support --cpanfile in check
-  * Fix a bug in CLI test runner where some app instance variables are cached
-  * v0.9.63
-  * Merge Lock and Lockfile into Lockfile
-  * refactored to remove environment attribute and unnecessary methods
-  * locate cpanm within App-cpanminus dist dir. Fix #92
-  * v0.9.64
-  * rename lockfile variable so that later refactoring gets easier
-  * Massive rewrite of lockfile format. Use cpanfile.snapshot!
-  * sort snapshot formats
-  * rename "Lockfile" variables/classes/methods to Snapshots all the way
-  * v0.9.65
-  * more rename
-  * Fixed bug where parent scanner hash is not preserved
-  * move Requirements to Tree
-  * Add an exception when parsing fails.
-  * undef dumper to avoid leaks
-  * Allow stopping tree DFS with tree command.
-  * make check scan faster as well
-  * Fix a check bug where $dist->version is used instead of module's version
-  * v0.9.66
-  * Run fatscript by locating it in @INC rather than from share dir
-  * bump cpanm with fatscript
-  [ Olaf Alders ]
-  * s/carton.lock/cpanfile.snapshot/
-  [ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa ]
-  * v0.9.67
-  * install CoreList for < 5.8.9
-  * change the dist name case to simplify toolchain
-  * v0.9.68
-  * Document that vendor perl without core modules is not supported.
-  * Fix documentation
-  * Add Update doc
-  * Not supported on mod_perl #114
-  * doc update
-  * Up cpanm dependency
-  * bump cpanm dep
-  * v1.0.0
-  * remove warnings in the doc
-  * Support version ranges in prereqs. Fix #117
-  * v1.0.1
-  * Bump cpanm dependency. Test ancient distributions for missing package
-    extraction
-  * v1.0.2
-  * Display usage when passed unsupported command
-  * Fix outdated documentation
-  * Add missing docs
-  * v1.0.3
-  * Bump cpanm. Added test for #120
-  * v1.0.4
-  * bump cpanm. Test for qv()
-  * remove globs auto-generated by can(). Fix #123
-  [ shiba_yu36 ]
-  * fix docs about carton install --cached
-  [ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa ]
-  * Add notes on differernt Perl versions
-  * typo
-  * Set module name for ::Core dist
-  * bump cpanm
-  * v1.0.5
-  * Fix error message
-  * Add Upgrading doc
-  * Beta: install fatpacked carton in vendor/bin Fix #109
-  * fix error
-  * v1.0.6
-  * Bundle File::Spec and Cwd in non-arch path for perl < 5.16
-  * Load extra modules for fatpack, detected from Carton's MYMETA files
-  * Only select MYMETA actually matching the dist
-  * local::lib isn't actually required for Carton anymore
-  * v1.0.7
-  * TODO comment
-  * Add documentation for carton(1)
-  * v1.0.8
-  * bump Try::Tiny
-  * workaround carton help/perldoc Carton for case insensitive filesystem
-  * v1.0.9
-  * bump
-  * Link to cpanfile documentation explicitly
-  * add cpanfile to git
-  [ Kan Fushihara ]
-  * support CRLF in cpanfile.snapshot
-  * add unit test for support CRLF in cpanfile.snapshot
-  [ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa ]
-  * quote versions in example
-  * Add LICENSE
-  * v1.0.10
-  * disable fatal warnings
-  * v1.0.11
-  * up Path::Tiny dependency
-  * Add an option to skip fatpacking
-  * document
-  * ignore vendor
-  * v1.0.12
-  [ Olaf Alders ]
-  * Fixes typo.
-  [ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa ]
-  * fix brittle tests
-  * new cpanm has actually fixed this
-  * require 1.7030
-  * use MakeMaker
-  * remove Exception::Class
-  * Moo -> Class::Tiny
-  * add 5.20
-  * for old perls MakeMaker might be upgraded for -L support (?)
-  * support generator for Index
-  * v1.0.13
-  * ignore blib
-  * v1.0.14
-  * remove Moo in test
-  * demote fatpack related tools to recommends
-  * v1.0.15
-  * disable sudo
-  * enable -j9
-  * format 02package like PAUSE does
-  * v1.0.16
-  [ Jonathan Steinert ]
-  * Fatal warnings during system() or exec() call
-  [ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa ]
-  * exit 127 if the command is not found. #193
-  * add back warnings
-  * v1.0.17
-  * sort case insensitive, like PAUSE
-  * v1.0.18
-  * new cpanm will upgrade MakeMaker etc. as it builds distributions
-  * v1.0.19
-  * move carton fatpack into its own command.
-  * v1.0.20
-  [ Peter Oliver ]
-  * Don't die if no .meta directories are present.
-  [ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa ]
-  * change Module::Reader to requries so that Fatpacker will contain that for
-    the runtime
-  * v1.0.21
   [ Lucas Kanashiro ]
   * Import upstream version 1.0.21
   * debian/control: Increase debhelper version to 9

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/carton.git

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