[libtest-spec-perl] 05/10: Update changelog info generated by dpt
Lucas Kanashiro
kanashiro-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jul 29 15:54:43 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
kanashiro-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libtest-spec-perl.
commit 7f86b9ab2f964c9188a6b154ebfc715547cafb4e
Author: Lucas Kanashiro <kanashiro.duarte at gmail.com>
Date: Wed Jul 29 12:37:19 2015 -0300
Update changelog info generated by dpt
debian/changelog | 164 +------------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 163 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index a0fd180..3d3d3c5 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
libtest-spec-perl (0.51-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
- ** SNAPSHOT build @184e0d79e82537a6c83ed4bccd72ba4d374553db **
+ * Team upload.
[ gregor herrmann ]
* Strip trailing slash from metacpan URLs.
@@ -10,168 +10,6 @@ libtest-spec-perl (0.51-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
[ Lucas Kanashiro ]
* Add debian/upstream/metadata
- [ pgarrett ]
- * Initial import of project created with: h2xs -A -X -b 5.8.8 -n Test::Spec
- * added specs without mock support
- * updated MANIFEST and git ignored backup
- [ Philip Garrett ]
- * Added support for mocks/stubs
- [ pgarrett ]
- * add Package::Stash requirement for remove_symbol
- * updated author info
- * updated manifest
- [ Philip Garrett ]
- * added github info
- [ pgarrett ]
- * added github info
- * ignore build products
- [ Philip Garrett ]
- * Quelled annoying Test::Deep isa() warnings by explicitly avoiding its isa() function
- * Display die messages, even when used with prove(1). (issue #1)
- * version bump and manifest update
- * updated Changes
- [ Marian Schubert ]
- * Make Test::Spec import strict into test file
- [ Philip Garrett ]
- * abstracted TAP capture so those tests can be debugged with `make testdb`
- * report empty tests from where runtests() is called, not within Test::Spec (issue #5)
- * Replaced Moose with vanilla POOP in Test::Spec::Context
- * Replaced Moose with vanilla POOP in Test::Spec::Mocks
- * noted speedup in Changes
- [ Marian Schubert ]
- * Make Test::Spec import warnings into test file
- [ Philip Garrett ]
- * updated changelog
- * Added support info and updated copyright.
- * version bump
- * removed Moose requirement, added Scalar::Util for weaken()
- * removed $^W fix, now apparently unnecessary
- * Replaced "defined(&foo)" with "defined(&{'foo'})" to guarantee very late binding, which is required to test this with the pure-perl version of Package::Stash. (issue #8)
- * bumped version, updated changelog
- * added shared_examples_for and it_should_behave_like
- * added TAP::Parser as a dependency for the parse_tap() helper
- * version bump, changelog and manifest update
- * added spec_helper function to load helper files relative to the spec
- * update manifest and bump version
- * switch from "safe pipe open" to tempfile for Windows support
- * revisit exceptions specs to support Windows line feeds
- * release v0.35
- * fixed spelling of "exceptions"
- * applied patch from https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=69138 (via carnil at debian.org)
- * fixed POD errors
- * updated changelog
- * Fixed error reporting in spec_helper load failures
- * release v0.36
- * fixed bug where shared examples defined in one package did not work correctly in another package
- * removed useless anonymous sub wrapper
- * release v0.37
- * added share() function to aid with refactoring
- * released v0.38
- [ Marian Schubert ]
- * Make it possible to easily disable specs
- [ Philip Garrett ]
- * Modifed xit/xthey/xdescribe to act as TODOs
- * Prepare for v0.39
- * Report Test::Spec usage errors from the perspective of the caller. Test::Spec was already using carp() and friends, but since the specs themselves are instances of Test::Spec, carp rightfully skipped over them. Now specs are explicitly not a part of Test::Spec for purposes of Carp.
- * prepare for release v0.40
- * RT-75400: Added LICENSE to Makefile.PL
- * Fix Win32 test suite errors (hopefully)
- * Solve Win32 "can't remove...permission denied" problem
- * Version bump v0.41
- * Added context() and xcontext() aliases for describe() and xdescribe()
- * Prepare v0.42
- * Make test selectivity via runtests(@patterns) or $ENV{SPEC} work as documented
- * Ensure explicit test list overrides SPEC env
- * s/test/example/g
- * Prepare v0.43
- * Allow shared_examples_for inside a context
- * Prepped v0.44
- [ Michael G. Schwern ]
- * Fix the tests for Test::Builder1.5 / TAP version 13
- [ Philip Garrett ]
- * Prep v0.45
- [ Kjell-Magne Øierud ]
- * Implement simple argument matching
- * Implement support for creating method mocks that raises an exception
- * Improved argument matching
- * Add test for raises()
- * Add tests for argument matching
- * Add pod for with() and raises()
- [ Philip Garrett ]
- * Define support for with($object)
- * Prep v0.46
- [ David Steinbrunner ]
- * Added repository cpan metadata
- [ Philip Garrett ]
- * version bump, updated Changes
- [ Chad Granum ]
- * Fix failure when using Alpha branch of Test::More
- [ Graham Knop ]
- * remove unneeded conditional on ancient perl
- * remove unneeded extra require of TAP::Parser
- * remove unused Test::Deep import in test
- * add backcompat workarounds for TEST_REQUIRES/BUILD_REQUIRES
- * TAP::Parser is only needed for testing
- * list accurate prereqs for Test::More and Scalar::Util
- * use meta v2 for resource data
- * include bugtracker in metadata
- * module works fine on perl 5.8.5
- * ignore MYMETA files
- [ Philip Garrett ]
- * Bump version to 0.48
- [ Andy Jones ]
- * fixes #15: fix mock() example in docs
- * compare plain perl data structures with Test::Deep
- * add travis-ci
- [ Philip Garrett ]
- * Document issue #14
- * Version bump 0.49 and update changelog
- * Updated readme; added Travis CI status
- [ Andy Jones ]
- * ignore autoenv file
- * failing test case for issue #24: we don't want objects to get destroyed during global destruction
- [ David Hand ]
- * don't fail with argument expectation when method never called
- [ Andy Jones ]
- * extract test examples into separate objects to reduce the number of circular references
- * Replace the recursive closure with a recursive method to avoid a circular reference
- * docs: clarify any_number()
- * Version bump to 0.50
- [ Maurice Aubrey ]
- * maintain order of _Package_Contexts hash
- * add tests to check execution order of contexts
- [ Andy Jones ]
- * Version bump to 0.51
- [ Lucas Kanashiro ]
* Import upstream version 0.51
-- Lucas Kanashiro <kanashiro.duarte at gmail.com> Wed, 29 Jul 2015 12:36:31 -0300
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libtest-spec-perl.git
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