[libtest-reporter-perl] 05/12: Update changelog info generated by dpt

Lucas Kanashiro kanashiro-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jul 29 16:49:37 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

kanashiro-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libtest-reporter-perl.

commit 4f7018e363467addd96e6ac70bcf6b77fc622cd5
Author: Lucas Kanashiro <kanashiro.duarte at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jul 29 13:30:59 2015 -0300

    Update changelog info generated by dpt
 debian/changelog | 197 +------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 196 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 4398bb2..63957eb 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 libtest-reporter-perl (1.62-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
-  ** SNAPSHOT build @cf54dc74117b54fec0c000513432456bbb5c7b2c **
+  * Team upload.
   [ gregor herrmann ]
   * Install CONTRIBUTING file.
@@ -11,201 +11,6 @@ libtest-reporter-perl (1.62-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   [ Lucas Kanashiro ]
   * Add debian/upstream/metadata
-  [ Adam J. Foxson ]
-  * Initial import. Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.13.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.16.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.19.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.20.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.22.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.24.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.25.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.26.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.27.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.29_01.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.29_02.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.29_03.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.29_04.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.30.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.32.
-  * Adding a .gitignore file to cover Perl build artifacts
-  * Removing subversion 'Id' and 'HeadURL' keywords.
-  * Dramatic documentation improvements.
-  * Internal debugging improvements.
-  * Adding a mention of the cpan-testers mailing list in the docs
-  * Adding MANIFEST.bak to .gitignore
-  * Implementation, documentation, and tests for transport()
-  * We should ensure we have Mail::Send before we try to use it ;-)
-  * Indeed, we'll want cpantest to support transports...
-  * Bringing support files up-to-date.
-  * Compat for perl-5.005_05.
-  * Updating Changes file per the perl-5.005_05 compat patch from David Golden and Slaven Rezic.
-  * Per 29690 at RT cleaning up cpantest's -dump output
-  * Fixes for VMS compatibility
-  * Reversioning for 1.36
-  * Minor documentation clarification.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.36.
-  * Additional VMS compatibility improvements.
-  * Herein lies Test-Reporter-1.38.
-  [ David Golden ]
-  * Net::SMTP::TLS support added to transport() method
-  * added partial support for tls
-  * removed boilerplate about cc-ing cpan-testers list
-  * added rough-draft of HTTP transport fixed bugs left over from tls-support
-  * fixed syntax errors
-  * added stub test file for http transport
-  * bumped version to 1.38_01
-  * simple http transport working
-  * added initial http-transport tests
-  * http transport tests check failure result code
-  * document transporter changes; mention $ENV{MAILDOMAIN} workaround
-  * fixed tests for removal of cpan-testers at perl.org message and change to transport args
-  * Added Test::More to Makefile.PL
-  * Updated META.yml and Makefile.PL for 1.38_01 release
-  * Bringing copyright notices up-to-date.
-  * Added t/2-http-transport to MANIFEST
-  * bump version to 1.39_01
-  * make t/1-reporter.t clean up its own temp report files
-  * module transport (patch from rjbs)
-  * added additional modules from rjbs
-  * default transport to Net::SMTP; change transport error handling; fix tests
-  * bump version to 1.39_02
-  * fix missing semicolons in VERSION lines (ugh)
-  * fixed SMTP and SMTP/TLS bugs better diagnostics fixed tests that broke
-  * Removed stale SIGNATURE file
-  * bumped version to 1.39_03
-  * Added Pod for transports
-  * added File transport class
-  * prep 1.39_04 release
-  * remove use of newdir()
-  * add to gitignore
-  * bumped version to 1.39_06; fixed transport_args in new() bug
-  * bump version to 1.40; update meta info
-  * ignore cover_db
-  * set Net::SMTP as default transport during new()
-  * manifest skip cover_db
-  * bumped version to 1.4001
-  * time stamp Changes for 1.4001 release
-  * bumped version to 1.4002
-  * fix SMTP error handling for TLS
-  * update changes for 1.4002 release
-  * bumped version to 1.4003; doc fix in Transport::File
-  * bumped version to 1.50
-  * removed ability to cc report to other recipients
-  * avoid exclusive lock on tempfile
-  * bump to 1.51_02; _maildomain patch from kane
-  * bump to 1.52; fix parsing bug in read()
-  * switch META.yml author to dagolden
-  * change to Test::More; remove sig test
-  * bump version to 1.5201
-  * meta updates
-  * bump version to 1.5202
-  * fix Mail::Send transport (googlecode issue 19)
-  * updated Changes
-  * gitignore patch files
-  * update META.yml additions to latest ExtUtils::MakeMaker syntax
-  * bump version to 1.5203
-  * update URLs to www.cpantesters.org
-  * update README
-  * update Changes
-  * remove author tests from t
-  * add required 'distfile' argument
-  * don't actually require distfile
-  * bumped version to 1.53_01
-  * bumped version
-  * clean up Changes (wrap and trailing space)
-  * clean up Changes (wrap and trailing space)
-  * xt files shouldn't check for AUTHOR_TESTING
-  * require 5.005 and use warnings only if >=5.006
-  * convert build system to Module::Install
-  * git ignore inc and Meta.yml
-  * cleanup xt and remove MANIFEST
-  * direct q's to wiki or cpan-testers-discuss; add diag on editor fail
-  * Added details to Changes
-  * encode SMTP with quoted-printable if any line has 100+ chars
-  * bump version to 1.53_02 for release
-  * send body of emails line-by-line
-  * bump version to 1.53_03
-  * timestamp changes for 1.53_03 release
-  * various POD changes
-  * bump version to 1.54; update M::I to 0.91
-  [ Adam J. Foxson ]
-  * updating changelog address
-  * ensure each changelog entry has a single vertical space between its header and first line-item
-  * ensure all line-items within a changelog entry are delimited by a single vertical space
-  * all changelog line-items now start with a capitalized letter (where appropriate)
-  * all changelog line-items now end with a full stop (where appropriate)
-  * normalized format of dates in changelog headers
-  * ensure 80-column compliance
-  [ David Golden ]
-  * regenerate _myconfig during read()
-  * Bump version to 1.55
-  * preserve distfile through read and write
-  * start switching to dzil
-  * add dzil files to gitignore
-  * convert to Dist::Zilla
-  * add releaser to dist.ini
-  * Changes timestamp
-  * bumped version to 1.56
-  * add Git plugins to dzil
-  * convert line endings during read()
-  * v1.56
-  * removing xt because dzil can generate it
-  * bump perl prereq to 5.006
-  * remove cruft that Dist::Zilla can provide
-  * add perl version header and full Perl -V output
-  * v1.57
-  * convert to new @DAGOLDEN dist.ini
-  * Remove legacy transport modules
-  * Add a Null transport class
-  * Remove Net::SMTP as default transport
-  * Document deprecation of email-related features
-  * Remove cpantest program
-  * upgrade tests to Test::More 0.88 and done_testing
-  * Switch dist.init to AutoPrereqs
-  * Updated Changes
-  * bump Changes
-  [ Vincent Pit ]
-  * Make _get_perl_V respect its 'perl' argument
-  [ David Golden ]
-  * updated Changes and meta
-  * clean up some perlcritic lint
-  * add stopwords
-  * bump Changes
-  * update dist.ini and support files
-  * remove files that don't need to be in the repo
-  [ Andreas Koenig ]
-  * fix rt-89404: read() does not overwrite local archname
-  [ Tatsuhiko Miyagawa ]
-  * Transport::File doesn't take dir => $dir style hash
-  [ David Golden ]
-  * updated Changes
-  * add .travis.yml
-  * rely on Null transport for testing
-  * bump Changes
-  [ Ed J ]
-  * Fixes for "perl in space"
-  [ David Golden ]
-  * updated Changes
-  * add VERSION declaration to files
-  * update repo for new @DAGOLDEN and boilerplate meta files
-  * After release: bump $VERSION and timestamp Changes
-  * note no changes from 1.61
-  * Update Makefile.PL
-  [ Lucas Kanashiro ]
   * Import upstream version 1.62
  -- Lucas Kanashiro <kanashiro.duarte at gmail.com>  Wed, 29 Jul 2015 13:30:12 -0300

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libtest-reporter-perl.git

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