[libtest-pod-perl] branch master updated (fc81b3a -> b315959)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat Jun 6 17:24:03 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libtest-pod-perl.

      from  fc81b3a   update changelog
       new  8f9d164   Add debian/upstream/metadata
       new  f7bd8ae   Update debian/changelog
      adds  b4d062e   first commit
      adds  cc6465e   no need for this README
      adds  142fcd4   Importing Test::Pod 1.26
      adds  2ccce43   starting changes for next version.
      adds  c94f5ff   Show Pod::Simple version for debugging
      adds  3398de4   write test for L<text|scheme:...> first
      adds  9543e0b   first stab at the additional checks ... result: need pod-simple abilities
      adds  c70f411   this'll work better in the long run I'm sure
      adds  069f321   ignore this stuff (updates)
      adds  512638e   this very sloppy debugging code shows:
      adds  41bd746   whitespace
      adds  e460809   make .t match .pod
      adds  c4d5131   now these are changes I can be proud of.
      adds  9d139f2   3.07 is required, confirmed
      adds  07c4b7b   Merge commit 'jettero/master'
      adds  73bc2b5   update changelog
      adds  c3d6dd1   Renaming Paul's new files.  Getting ready for 1.40 release.
      adds  6af65b9   Renaming Paul's new files.  Getting ready for 1.40 release.
      adds  18cc7c2   Expand the list of ignore directories
      adds  c645376   use lexical file handles, rather than globs
      adds  142a017   getting ready for 1.40
      adds  ab2d81e   Moved Test::Pod::_parser to the end of the file
      adds  5eeaf3f   Added extra META.yml args.
      adds  ae6a448   Allow `L<text|schem:...>` tags.
      adds  12cc053   Note change.
      adds  e973e8b   Switch to Module::Build.
      adds  9fe64be   Minor tweaks.
      adds  955ae28   Add README.
      adds  60d3aab   Timestamp for 1.41 release.
      adds  ecb03f3   Increment version to 1.42.
      adds  e34c4a2   Fix broken Pod.
      adds  ca28cad   Switch license to "Same as Perl".
      adds  4cbce76   Fix typo.
      adds  dd243f7   Require Module::Build 0.30.
      adds  c3ab998   Add README to manifest.
      adds  4605268   Recognize .bat Perl scripts.
      adds  a39db65   Allow directory args to `all_pod_files_ok()`.
      adds  7223fe4   Various tweaks from Adriano Ferreira.
      adds  3540c1f   Timestamp for 1.42.
      adds  2a4ce67   Increment version number to 1.43.
      adds  e03614a   fix deps for Test::More >= 0.62, Pod::Simple >= 3.05
      adds  cd5dd59   Credit Chris Wittmer.
      adds  22f1197   Timestamp for 1.43 release.
      adds  6a7d3b0   Increment version number to 1.44.
      adds  69b19aa   fix deps in README
      adds  d5de01c   Generate a `Makefile.PL`.
      adds  fb29a32   Remove generated files from the repo.
      adds  031e5b3   Timestamp for 1.44.
      adds  7b90cf7   Increment version number to 1.45.
      adds  7fd5d72   Remove Module::Build from build_requires.
      adds  5329c74   Timestamp for 1.45.
      adds  d15c342   Increment version to 1.46.
      adds  e70eef1   Don't die when there are no files to test.
      adds  45b34ba   Use File::Find.
      adds  c6b80ec   Fix failing test on Pod::Simple 3.24.
      adds  87b2ca0   Update test for forthcoming Pod::Simple 3.25.
      adds  095c96b   Add MYMETA.json to MANIFEST.SKIP.
      adds  3cb8017   Timestamp v1.46.
      adds  baaef6e   Increment to v1.47.
      adds  1624808   Fix test on Pod::Simple 3.27.
      adds  c99eab7   Timestamp v1.47.
      adds  db43b3a   Increment to v1.48.
      adds  0791fb4   Restore missing test line for older Pod::Simples.
      adds  d198da0   Timestamp v1.48.
      adds  48aa791   Increment to v1.49.
      adds  15ef7b7   repository metadata fix
      adds  5c3dbcc   Change license statement in README to "Same as Perl".
      adds  4ee8f2c   Update .gitignore.
      adds  1b4bbf5   Removed a mixed use of low and high precedence "and" operators. Removed also an exra space in a method call.
      adds  ae82696   Improved the _is_perl internal method following the suggestions of David, see https://github.com/theory/test-pod/pull/7
      adds  58c928a   Added the description for batch files and for .PL files (as of _is_perl implementation) to the documentation of the method all_pod_files_ok.
      adds  7b754f3   Merge branch 'pr-2' of https://github.com/fluca1978/test-pod into fluca1978-pr-2
      adds  8e4198a   Documentation and regex simplification.
      adds  10a14cc   Transfer to perl-pod.
      adds  58cb76f   Add .travis.yml.
      adds  7eec033   Don't test Pod in release.
      adds  42ec98d   Update copyright, neaten authors and contributors.
      adds  79583d0   Search lib instead of blib.
      adds  a409513   Timestamp v1.49.
      adds  e9bdb95   Increment to v1.50.
      adds  d82c2ca   Restore use of %ignore_dirs.
      adds  5d6752b   Timestamp v1.50.
      adds  deb8d0a   Imported Upstream version 1.50
       new  c8672e2   Merge tag 'upstream/1.50'
       new  2d95554   Update debian/changelog
       new  ac38dff   Update debian/upstream/metadata.
       new  979bcd5   Update years of packaging copyright, add new copyright holder.
       new  da0002d   Reformat debian/control with cme
       new  9fa2330   Mark package as autopkgtest-able.
       new  894c457   Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6.
       new  462074d   Add explicit build dependency on libmodule-build-perl.
       new  d405cd5   Remove unused paragraph from debian/copyright.
       new  b315959   releasing package libtest-pod-perl version 1.50-1

The 12 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .travis.yml                      | 10 +++++
 Build.PL                         |  5 ++-
 Changes                          | 18 +++++++++
 MANIFEST                         |  2 +-
 META.json                        | 12 +++---
 META.yml                         | 30 +++++++--------
 Makefile.PL                      |  2 +-
 README                           |  9 +++--
 debian/changelog                 | 14 ++++++-
 debian/control                   |  7 ++--
 debian/copyright                 | 13 ++-----
 debian/tests/pkg-perl/skip-smoke |  2 +
 debian/upstream/metadata         |  6 +++
 lib/Test/Pod.pm                  | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 t/all_pod_files.t                |  6 +--
 t/pod.t                          |  5 ---
 16 files changed, 145 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .travis.yml
 create mode 100644 debian/tests/pkg-perl/skip-smoke
 create mode 100644 debian/upstream/metadata
 delete mode 100644 t/pod.t

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libtest-pod-perl.git

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