[libautodie-perl] annotated tag upstream/2.27 created (now 580c492)
Damyan Ivanov
dmn at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:22:08 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dmn pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/2.27
in repository libautodie-perl.
at 580c492 (tag)
tagging cbfbb215864d254ef1fb3118981faff4b2466dfa (commit)
replaces upstream/2.25
tagged by Damyan Ivanov
on Fri Jun 12 07:53:32 2015 +0000
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 2.27
A. Sinan Unur (1):
Hard coded directory separator causes test failure
Alex Peters (1):
fix broken GitHub links
Andrew Fresh (1):
Don't try to open files in the distribution for writing
Ben Morrow (1):
Tests for glob slots accidentally being clobbered. See RT #47141
Brian Fraser (3):
Silence "smartmatch is experimental" warnings in autodie
t/open.t: Work around android only having a built-in true
t/open.t: true is also a shell builtin in embedded QNX NTO
Bugdebugger (10):
Add chmod formatter which outputs mode in octal
Add mkdir formatter which outputs mode in octal
Add _beautify_arguments helper function
Add _octalize_number helper
Make "octalize" regex more readable
Fix "octalize" regex to match single digit number
Use the '#' flag to ensure leading 0 for octal
Change _octalize_number formatting
Add _trim_package_name helper function
Fix error for Perl <5.14
Chris Weyl (4):
add chown to :file; add chown/chmod to autodie doc
bump to 2.14
add chmod/chown :v213 and :default tests
add chown tests
Craig A. Berry (5):
In determining whether tests based on truncate() are worth running, truncate.t
Flock-sniff on older VMS systems no longer causes flock.t to fail.
RT #59123: Skip multi-arg open tests on VMS.
in truncate.t, close $tmpfile before opening again
Fix O_CREAT without O_TRUNC in utf8_open.t
Damyan Ivanov (1):
Imported Upstream version 2.27
Dave Mitchell (1):
RT#100688: Clean up tempfiles created in truncate.t
Dave Rolsky (3):
Add a note that autodie doesn't check print
Mention the print thing in the SYNOPSIS too
Fix weird error during global destruction
David Steinbrunner (2):
dup word correction
Spelling corrections in comments
David Taylor (1):
RT #48575 - Documentation typo.
Glenn Fowler (4):
Typo fixes (via twitter)
Typo fixes (via twitter)
Documentation grammatical and syntax corrections.
Fixed location of AUTHORS file on web
Graham Knop (1):
fix open pragma overriding explicit layers
Gregory Oschwald (1):
Added test case for breakage with open pragma
Jacinta Richardson (14):
Documentation fixes
expanded roles
Spelling errors and a couple of other fixes
Autodie tests for mkdir and rmdir
Renaming file to be more accurate
Made all .t files executable
Tests for unlink()
Added a few more sanity tests
Expanded on documentation
removed extraneous :
replaced missing );
Examples (corrected for issues) and tests for them
Minor documentation changes
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:pfenwick/autodie
Jerry D. Hedden (1):
Reduce debug output from hints.t when testing the Perl core.
Jonathan Yu (1):
pod-coverage.t no longer fails without Sub::Identify
Matt Kraai (2):
Include missing space in ERROR_VOID_LEX.
RT #43784 - Fixed spacing in comment in autodie::exception
Michael G. Schwern (6):
autodie was leaking carp and croak
Eliminate eval "require $module".
Make autodie's open honor the open pragma.
Add support for sysopen and read/write filehandles.
Allow checking for exception equality and string comparisons.
overload in 5.10 resets fallback each time its called.
Nick Cleaton (1):
Fix handling of '@' in open() prototype
Niels Thykier (86):
Fatal.pm: Add a cache for CORE subs that can be reused
Fatal: Conditionally compile the leak guard in caller namespace
Fatal: Add lexical vs non-lexical CORE sub cache
Fatal: Fix two mistakes with core subs.
Fatal: Avoid generating leak guards via string eval
Fatal: Cache lexical subs better
Fatal: Don't generate code if we got the compiled copy
Fatal: Fix CORE leak trampoline for slurping args
Fatal: Optimize out calls to fill_protos
Fatal: special case "@" prototypes in fill_protos
Fatal: Refactor the use of set_prototype
Fatal: Merge the two parts of the leak guard
Fatal: Rewrite leak_guard to get rid of $leaked variable
Fatal: Fix a bug in _make_core_trampoline with ";" prototypes
Fatal: Reuse a variable rather than re-computing
Fatal: Rewrite _expand_tag to improve its efficiency
Fatal: Introduce helper method for {,un}import
Fatal: Reusable trampolines
Fatal: Call _install_subs once per {,un}import
Fatal: Move compilation of wrappers into its own sub
Fatal: Restructure %Cached_fatalised_sub table
Fatal: Lazily compile wrapped CORE:: subs
Fatal: fix autodie qw(foo ! foo)
Fatal: Smarter handling of CORE subs in nested autodie
Fatal: Remove unused local of $" and $! under autodie
benchmarks: Compare the same thing and add "raw-call.pl"
benchmarks/call.pl: Add missing call to run
Fatal: Expand $TAGS{':all'} immediately
Fatal: Remove dead assignment and re-factor another variable
Fatal: Fix typo in comments
Fatal: Remove redundant variable in the leak-guard
Fatal: Reduce the overhead of import and _make_fatal
Fatal: Fix return value of _expand_tags
Add a stack trace when $Carp::Verbose is true
Fatal: Avoid weakening "use strict;" [RT#74246]
autodie::exception: Avoid passing undef to sprintf call [RT#55170]
Move scope guard package into its own module
Add module to abstract away "on end of scope" calls
Implement a proper "scoped-hook-stack"
Properly re-install subs removed by "no autodie;"
Add POD documentation to new modules
autodie::S::GuardStack: Fix typo of _pop_hook
Remove unncessary instances of $real_proto
Support running autodie+tests locally without versions
t/version.t: Fix typo of Fatal::Version
autodie: Mention that "kill" is guarded under the ":ipc"-tag
.travis.yml: Add Perl5.20
Merge pull request #58 from maxmind/fix-global-destruction-weirdness
Merge pull request #57 from schwern/bug/exceptions-overload-fallback
Merge pull request #59 from dolmen/base-to-parent
Update the changelog for the next version
t: Add test for Import::Into integration
autodie::exception: Hide buffer argument for (sys)read and syswrite
Fatal: Move up a variable to enable more reuse
Fatal: Remove a redundant if
Fatal: Rewrite/Reorder some comments
Fatal: Remove umask from ":default"
Fatal: Stop protecting fileno [RT#75199]
Changes: Document changes to fileno and umask
autodie: Replace our @ISA with "use parent"
merge-core.pl: Strip out import-into.t test
autodie.pm: Mention the GitHub issue tracker for bugs
autodie: Mention that some builtins have prototype issues
dist.ini: List Import::Into as a Prereqs / TestRecommends
Fatal: Correct ":2.16" tag to point to "v225"
t: More tests for Fatal :lexical
t: Make some of the tests TODO because they are not working
Bump version after release
dist.ini: Ensure Import::Into is not a required test module
Merge pull request #62 from nanis/nanis-fix-system-t
Fatal: Deprecate direct usage of :lexical
t/internal.t: Remove TODO tests with #61 closed
Fatal: Fix typo in a comment
.travis.yml: Set "sudo: false" to use Travis linux containers
Fatal: The wrappers for exec and system can be reused
t: Remember to require autodie in my::pragma
CHANGES: Update to reflect current changes since v2.26
RT#101377: Bump Import::Into test version to 1.002004
Changes: Add entry for the last commit
Changes: fix typo
Rename ScopeUtil to Util and prepare for more utilities
Move "fill_protos" to autodie::Util
Move "make_core_trampoline" to autodie::Util
Move install_subs into autodie::Util
Merge pull request #66 from bugdebugger/refactoring
Niko Tyni (1):
Allow for flock returning EAGAIN instead of EWOULDBLOCK on linux/parisc
Olivier Mengué (6):
RT #75527: compatibility with Carp 1.25
autodie::exception::system: "use base" -> "use parent"
autodie::hints: drop Exporter inheritance
t/lib/*.pm: "use base qw(Exporter)" -> "use Exporter 5.57 'import'"
t/*.pm: s!use base!use parent!
Paul Fenwick (752):
Module::Starter skeleton only
Added files from perl-5.10 branch
Imported autodie, added tests, initial tests for // vs || in Fatal
Internal release
Fatal updates
Boilerplate tests
Pod coverage tests
Tests for recv working correct with returning empty string but success.
Updated to skip tests on socketpair emulation. Always tests recv() w/undef
New test: Send with non-socket should autodie
Initial skeleton of autodie::exceptions
Added version.
Added basic autodie::exception skeleton
Added loading of autodie::exception
Modestly better errors from autodie::exception. Still sucks
Checkpoint entry after muddled hacking.
All tests passing! Basic exception hierarchy working. Huzzah!
Be strict, sooner.
Broken check-in! Working on cache tables returning CORE::,
Expanding tags now adds CORE:: to subs, and our CORE:: message dispatch works.
Strict compliment, fixed some latent errors in test suite.
Added space at start of the line-and-file message appended to stringified errors.
Fixed error where first ever fatalised sub would sometimes get re-fatalised.
More documentation on Fatal and autodie. No code changes.
The module name will be autodie, not Fatal, even though it includes Fatal.
Added pretty-printer for 3-arg open with tests.
Fatal.pm now consistently uses 4-space indents everywhere.
Added developer documentation. Retabbed and removed spaces.
Nicer-looking TODO test: Using fatal after autodie is an error.
Using Fatal 'foo' after no autodie 'foo' now really is an error.
Ignore .*.swp files
Added TODO: Consider bare autodie to be the same as autodie qw(:all)
Basic tests for proposed system functionality.
Commented out diag that resulted in funny-looking results under Win32
Experimental code to enable system to be used with autodie.
Changed dist refernces from Fatal to autodie.
Merge branch 'master' into system
system tests are not applicable in the master branch yet.
Basic design notes, to record what's been decided, bugs, and
Fixed POD errors.
Further discussion about design (particularly system)
Added author information, primarily so I can test my git-fu.
Added single-quotes around $! in custom format strings.
It's mostly decided that errors from Fatal will suck, ones from autodie rock.
Here's all the things I need to do off the top of my head.
Added tests for full backwards compatibility.
Added Klingon programming proverb... In Klingon! Thanks Mark Reed and Roland Giersig.
Don't clobber context, fix casing of package variables.
Class variables actually start with a capital now.
Tests to see if we've clobbered context.
Expanded context-clobbering tests to include Fatal when called with :void.
Fatal no longer clobbers context! This ancient bug falls at last!
Extra parens make dh-make-perl happy.
Added TODO documentation for format_open.
Make sure $@ doesn't get clobbered by anything in auotodie/autodie::exceptions
Fixed syntax error introduced in last edit. Oops!
Updated to custom Module::Install 0.75.
Fatal is now fully backwards compatible with its pre-autodie version.
Removed Fatalisation of sin(), which doesn't make sense to be Fatalised.
Add more tests for user-defined subs
Merge branch 'master' into system
Tests for autodying system()
Support for Fatalised system() via IPC::System::Simple.
Added documentation. Split out _init method.
Rationalisation of autodie::exception API. More TODO items from it.
Removed ->call from autodie::exception. ->function now does the right thing.
Hey hey hey! We have tests checking for old ISS versions.
Added huge amounts of documentation on how autodie::exception works.
Added tests for all recommended simple accessors for autodie::exception.
Best practice notes for Fatal. Better proverbs for autodie.
All modules now share the same version number.
Added tests and modules to manifest.
Autogenerated manifests are go! Use 'make manifest' to get one.
Bare autodie now implies ':all'. Fixed inheritance booch from a couple of commits back.
Added more documentation and gotchas.
Fixed double-fatalise error with system();
WIP: system with proper exception objects.
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:pfenwick/autodie
Merge branch 'master' into system2
autodie now properly fatalises system()!
Removed debugging.
We love these people. They made autodie happen!
Pod tweaks to fix indentation error on perldoc 5.10
system tests skipped if IPC::System::Simple not installed
Fixed ISS version testing. Added more tests for correct err msg on system fails.
Added AUTHORS and autodie/exception/system.pm
Release time! Huzzah!
Bumped version number after release.
system does return a real object now.
Bumped version to developer release for CPAN distribution.
git, please ignore autodie-*.tar.gz
Tweaked boilerplate tests to remove windows-specific tasks.
Bumped to 1.10_03. Fixed backcompat tests on non-English systems.
Made all $VERSIONs more friendly to static code analysis. Added test for such.
First steps in a 5.8 port; removing the 'use 5.010' lines.
Removed many 5.10'isms, including //, ~~, and given/when.
Removed support on 5.10 fieldhashes to move more towards 5.8 support.
5.8 compat: a::e::matches no longer uses smart-match for //.
Removed more uses of //, esp in initialisation of %^H
a::e::system fieldhash dep removed. 5.8 will force || in fatalised subs (kludge).
Make sure our send/recv tests always try to send something.
Altered send/recv test to try and (correctly, to trigger an error) send on STDIN.
Updated recv.t tests to work across more systems and ignore SIGPIPE.
Tweaked require back to 5.10, we're not 5.8 clean yet.
Bumped versions. Updated Changes with last release (a little late, oops).
Rudimentary caching of generated code.
Kludgy support for Perl 5.8, using dark magick from namespace::clean.
Added XXX in code, this dev release breaks autodying user subs.
Merge branch 'master' into 5.8
(5.8) Nuking subs at end of lexical scope moved into own subroutine.
Perl 5.8 autodie support is working! Huzzah!
TODO list of things for 5.8
Added (failing) test to ensure that 'no autodie qw(:tag)' works correctly.
Merge branch '5.8'
Perl 5.8 code no longer executed under 5.10 in write_invocation.
Updated test cases, Makefile.PL listed as needing only 5.8
Context/user-sub tests skipped in 5.8, which does not yet support these.
Scope::Guard required for Perl 5.8. lex58.t tests skipped without ISS.
Improved recv.t to not die horribly on failure. Added TODOs for 5.8
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:pfenwick/autodie
Still test for correct buffer contents and return even if recv() died.
Added release date for 1.10_05
Bumped to version 1.10_06
Fixed spelling errors in context.t, thanks to Stennie.
Corrected minor pod errors and omissions.
5.8 is not reporting the caller correctly.
Fixed incorrect number of skipped tests for socketpair emulation machines.
Fixed a bug that would cause unwanted interactions between autodie and autobox.
%^H can leak across file boundries. Investigate and fix.
Fixed typo where I wrote 'autodie' meaning 'autobox'.
Added (failing) test to detect leaks of %^H across file boundries.
Check for continuing health of exotic system out of autodie scope.
Cleaned up leak detection tests.
5.8 reports the correct filename. Added tests to ensure this.
5.8 error objects now correctly report the calling filename.
Updated with new manifest files.
Clarified gotchas section of documentation.
Added kwalittee tests. Pod tests converted to be author-only.
We now reinstate user subs at the end of lexical scope in 5.8.
Added tests for autodying user-subs leaking over the entire package.
I think we're restoring subs that are already fatalised.
User-subs seem to be immune to compile-time cheating.
Support for lexical user-subs is out for Perl 5.8.
Detection for (failing) attempts to reinstate user-subs in 5.8 added.
Correction of minor syntax and logic errors detected under 5.10 test run.
Ikegami, thank-you so very much for your advice. You are awesome.
Overhauled lexical subs production with ikegami's help!
Lexical user subs work in 5.8! Huzzah!
+context_lexical.t, +kwalitee.t
Added blog and repository information to META.yml
New release! Codename "Chocolateboy", 1.10_06
Housekeeping of version numbers for next release.
Documentation improvements and cleanup.
Figure out core vs site_perl issues.
We want some more testing of putting user subs when 'no autodie' is in effect.
Added basic tests to see if sysopen() still works with autodie.
fork() should be defined or die
Test fcntl
Code decrufting. Remove dead comments and constants.
Removed 5.10 hints tracking code. We now use the 5.8 codebase for everything.
Less warnings from tests.
TODO: Investigate why backcompat.t fails under Devel::Cover
We can ignore cover_db
We can ignore cover_db in MANIFEST
Added t/sysopen.t
Merge branch 'master' into one_true_way
More chainsawing out of 5.10 code. Broke a minor test, but it can be fixed.
autodie::exception::Match is better exercised in 5.8
speeling fixes in Changes
Merge branch 'master' into one_true_way
Removal of (some) 5.8 vs 5.10 discrimination in tests.
Re-enabled failing 'use autodie' vanilla tests, but we seem to have leaks.
backcompat.t no longer fails under Devel::Cover
Merge branch 'master' into one_true_way
'use autodie qw(open open)' no longer causes open to stick in autodying mode.
Repeating function names in arguments to autodie no longer causes them to stick.
Extra documentation particularly for 5.8. Ability to detect wrong Fatal.pm
Documentation reminder: exotic system no longer clobbered.
Release time! Codename: Ikegami, in thanks for getting lexical subs working.
Added t/repeat.t
Corrected POD errors.
Made exceptions.t less warny under 5.10. Really releasing Ikegami now. ;)
Scope::Guard is now a requirement for 5.10 as well as 5.8
Corrected bodgy indenting.
Removed kludge that forced || to be the only scalar test in 5.8
Removed TODO in || vs // tests, as last patch fixes this bug.
Bumped version number ot 1.10_08
autodie now knows about fork() returning defined for success. Tests needed.
todo.t removed because we have passing tests for everything that was in it.
todo.t is dead. Huzzah!
Added tests for fork()
Ignore autodie-*/ build directories.
Todo is dead, and should stay that way.
Added t/fork.t
_remove_lexical_subs renamed to _install_subs
Think about padwalker integration. It'd be real pretty.
Internal documentation tidy-up.
Fixed nasty bug where autodie/Fatal could use filehandles from the wrong pkg.
Leaks into other files are detected and avoided!
Insist on changing package before evaluating scope-guard.
Fixed documentation. Leaking is a problem in every perl.
Fatal.pm should now properly override the default Fatal on intall.
Leaking bug is fixed (DOCO changes)
Rearranging of TODO items and priorities.
Documented the 'used only once' bug.
Crickey! We can now subclass autodie and autodie::exception.
Strewth mate, don't forget that MANIFEST.
Reminder: Make backcompat for Fatal internal interfaces work.
Moved autodie::exception objects from inside-out to hash-based.
Inline relevant portions of Scope::Guard. We are now dependency free!
Documentation adjustments; removal of stale cruft from Fatal.pm
throw() is for internal/child use only in autodie.
Removal of old design notes. These have all been answered/resolved.
Removal of old design notes.
Release time! 1.11_01 "Aristotle"
autodie now checks open() for undef, not merely false.
Added lethal.t, a test for basic sub-classing.
Added t/lethal.t and t/usersub.t
Added t/usersub.t
We can (again) detect an illegal 'use Fatal' when 'no autodie' is in effect.
Added sysopen(), fcntl() and exec() to tags.
Vanilla autodie means :default, not :all. Created :system for system/exec.
TODO: Test/add fileno.
Moved internal tests from Fatal.t to internal.t
Added support for fileno.
Added support for exec().
This TODO has been in Fatal for about a decade now.
We now correctly support 'no autodie' being used on user subs. Huzzah!
Documentation improvements.
Documentation/category improvements. Preparing for release!
Extra resources in preparation for release.
Bump to version 2.00. Documentation updates.
Documentation improvements.
Adjusted version to 1.99. I figure we'll want some tweaks before 2.00.
1.99 release
Credit to BrowserUk and Jured, who are awesome.
Makefile.PL is no longer executable. Thanks CPANTS!
Makefile.PL is no longer executable.
Internal test changes to ease integration with core.
More portability tweaks for core integration.
Whitespace changes to make git more happy.
chdir added to defaults and :filesys
Simple script for merging autodie into core.
Does use Fatal qw(system) make sense?
Added (failing) tests for errno being empty in basic_exceptions.t
Documentation that will become a perl tip
More errno tests.
Ignore merge-core.pl and doc/perl-tip.pod
More descriptive changes tags.
Standard PTA perl-tip distribution license.
RT #38614 - Exceptions should end with a newline.
Bugfix: RT#38614, stringified autodie::exceptions now end with a newline.
Version bump to 1.99_01
RT #38598 marked as TODO tests.
Current working version is 1.99_01
Bugfix: RT #38598. The errno attribute on autodie::exceptions is now set correctly.
fork tests should no longer fail mysteriously on Solaris
backcompat.t should no longer mysteriously fail under 5.8.3 and before.
Upgrade to Module::Install 0.75
RT #38066 - exceptions from system() now report the correct line number.
Release time. v1.991
RT #38845, detect missing space in :void error.
Added link to perl tip
unlink, rename and chdir are now included in the :filesys tag
TODO list revision.
binmode added to :file. Spurious unopened warnings removed.
Removed link to TODO list in autodie docs.
Added closedir() to :filesys tag.
Added t/files.t
Added support for dbmopen and dbmclose.
1.992 released
Bump to 1.992
RT #39172: The :dbm tag is now properly documented.
Updated with 5.8+ info and new resources. autodie no longer needs 5.10
Thanks to Darren Duncan for spotting documentation omissions.
RT #39172 closedir() has been documented as being in the :filesys tag.
Bumped to version 1.993
Upgrade to Module::Install 0.77
Feedback section added to documentation.
Added release time to Changes. This got left out of the official release. Oops!
Test stub for flock.
flock handler added
Fixed poor code generation on flock()
TODO: Investigate error handling on code generation failure.
Merge branch 'master' into flock
Documentation on flock implementation.
Initial support for truncate in autodie.
Updated truncate test to use \*STDOUT to pass filehandles.
Test stub for flock.
More rigourous tests on flock.
flock() added to :file category
Added _format_flock handler for flock.
Merge branch 'master' into flock
Fixed late-loading Fcntl constant resolutions problems.
Fixed late-loading Fcntl constant resolutions problems.
Greatly increased checking coverage of Perl's built-ins.
New tests from Jacinta.
Merge branch 'truncate'
Merge branch 'master' into flock
Tests for EWOULDBLOCK style flock
EWOULDBLOCK aware version of flock handler.
Function specific notes on flock().
Makefile.PL recommends -> feature() for IPC::System::Simple
Skip .swp files.
New tests from Jacinta now in MANIFEST.
Merge branch 'master' into flock
Much better error reporting on failure to replace subs and built-ins.
Fixed error in flock handler that stopped it from being compiled.
Version bump to 1.994. Added version tag support to import.
Test permission fixes.
Added author-only perlcritic tests.
Yet another test permissions fix.
Supressed spurious critic warnings.
Only enable special flock() handler on systems that support EWOULDBLOCK
Unhappy special-cases for supporting EWOULDBLOCK under Windows.
Skip some truncate tests on systems that think STDOUT is truncatable.
Moved system notes into 'function specific notes'.
Documented function-specific notes.
Even better error messages from flock! \o/
Release time! Added timestamp.
Removed not-really-working feature() code from Makefile.PL
Better version info for META.yml
META.yml has more correct version information.
truncate.t now provides more diagnostics on failure.
Note that dump-autodie-tag-contents depends upon _expand_tag
Ignore autodie build directories properly.
Module::AutoInstall lets users know about IPC::System::Simple
Manifest update
Tests for better looking connect() errors.
Perms fix-up
Added open.t for carefully testing messages from open().
Improved error messages from 2-argument open.
tlhIngan "Hegh Dolth" testing pragma stub added.
Version bump to 1.995
Added open.t to MANIFEST
Documented: We no longer print ugly GLOB(0x...) messages, but use $fh instead.
Release time! 1.995
Renamed reH::Hegh to pujHa'ghach
We now provide an exception_class() method for child classes to override.
Added tests and error checking for our exception_class method.
Fixed nasty bug where multiple autodie modules would share caches.
Updated manifest.
Added missing version tag exports and tests for this.
Added translation notes.
Version bump to 1.996
Critic no longer complains about our really-needed string eval.
pod-critic: exception_class is considered private for docs.
Release time!
Added critic.t and socket.t to non-core tests.
Version bump to 1.997
Don't test exception objects on Test::More 0.84 or above.
Removed Module::AutoInstall from build system.
Tweaks to pujHa'ghach::Dolth in line with my OSDC talk.
Yes, AutoInstall is really gone.
Permission fixes.
exception_class.t: Worked around overloaded stringification with apostrophe bug.
mkdir.t and unlink.t no longer chdir for their tests.
Better documentation of used only once bug.
rm trailing whitespace
rm trailing whitespace
rm more trailing whitespace
Bump version to 1.998 and release!
Removed no longer loved Module::AutoInstall code from MANIFEST
Added (failing) tests for autodie::exception->caller
Provisional fixes for caller bug
Added test for user-defined context bugs.
Documented tests. Expanded user-context to poke some built-ins.
Stub hints file user-defined subs.
Added Sub::Identify code for resolving subs. Added tests.
Very basic provision for supplying hints, and tests.
autodie hints are now proper methods, not silly subs.
Basic tests for File::Copy in both list and scalar context.
Autodie treats system() as a core sub internally.
Merge branch 'master' into hints
Hinting support working! Huzzah!
Fixed misleading synopsis in autodie::exception::system.
Merge branch 'master' into hints
Setting hints stub
(Failing) tests for module-supplied hinting mechanisms.
autodie now propagates correctly into string eval.
Merge branch 'master' into hints
List context tests actually done in list context.
TODO caller tests are marked as such.
TODO caller tests are marked as such.
Merge branch 'master' into hints
TODO test is now passing
Fixes to make hints.t test correctly under 5.8
Tweaks to mark string eval tests as TODO on 5.8
Documented: String eval + 5.8 = bug.
Merge branch 'master' into hints
5.8 TODOs are now only enabled on 5.8 (not on 5.10 as well)
Merge branch 'master' into hints
Merge branch 'master' into caller-bug
Additional tests for autodie::exception caller/line.
Merge branch 'master' into caller-bug
Expanded caller.t to do external file tests.
Merge branch 'master' into caller-bug
autodie::exception->caller() now reports correctly. And it works! ;)
MANIFEST += t/lib/Caller_helper.pm
Merge branch 'master' into hints
Small amount of hints docs and validation.
Comments only: Identify uncompatible sections with legacy Fatal.
Added internal-backcompat.t for internal interface testing.
More TODOs.
Rearranged Changes in order of importance for current release.
Bump to 1.999 for release.
Added missing timestamp on 1.999 release.
Merge branch 'master' into int-backcompat
Merge branch 'master' into int-backcompat
Added tests for one_invocation.
Backcompat interface fixes for one_invocation.
Changes: Documented backcompat fixes for internal Fatal funcs.
Fixed iternal error in write_invocation for unexpected arguments.
write_invocation tests.
Backcompat changes for write_invocation.
Merge branch 'master' into int-backcompat
write_invocation backcompat tests and code tweaks.
_make_fatal isn't backwards compatible. Cry me a river.
Merge branch 'master' into hints
Documentation changes with regards to system().
Damian is awesome, thanks for the great hinting interface
Tidyup of hints code in preparation for new hinting mechanism.
Kludgy but working(!) hinting interface for list context.
Basic implementation of scalar hints in 5.10
File::Copy always returns zero, regardless of context. That's why we're doing this whole hint thing to begin with.
Fixed list_mirror to emulate empty return properly.
Removed unwanted quotes from require. Thanks Perl::Critic!
Prove with less typing.
Ignore .prove
Merge branch 'master' into hints
Updated File::Copy hints to check for false only.
MANIFEST += t/lib/Hints_test.pm
Code hints are always passed the full return value for processing.
XXX - Broken code - Half implementation on hints finder.
Fixed bug where hints lookups were failing.
Upgrade Module::Install to 0.87.
Upgrade Module::Install to 0.87.
Merge branch 'master' into hints
Hints provider tests
Always prepend package to hints when appropriate.
Insisting on hints now works. Fixed croak() getting clobbered.
Merge commit 'origin/hints' into hints
Fixed compile errors
Insist on hints. Add extra debugging to test output.
does autodie::hints::provider. Remove fail keywords.
Added dummy autodie::hints::provider for inheritance.
Int document: We pass array references to hints functions.
Updated manifest with new hints files and tests.
Hints provider class complains loudly if we call its method.
Hints_pod_examples now inherits from autodie::hints::provider.
Hints are now always on rhs
Force subroutines hints to always be called in scalar context
Test subs now return array or test element, depending on context
Returns are now always passed as a list to hinting subs.
Better diagnostics in Perl 5.8
Fixed bug saying smart-match hints couldn't be used in 5.10
t/hints.t now runs only 5.8, but only uses subroutine tests.
Merge branch 'hints' of git at github.com:pfenwick/autodie into hints
Removal of bizzaro_system test.
'fail' keyword now supported for hints.
Remove TODOs I don't want TODONE
Skip hints_pod_examples under 5.8.x.
Syntactic fixes
Fixed serious bug where scalar hints were being checked, and then default hints applied anyway
Test corrections
Bump to 1.999_01 for release.
Basic documentation on the hints::provider abstract class.
Documentation on hints roles.
Documentation improvements
Added AUTODIE_HINTS to pod coverage exclude list
Add tests for both isa and does for hints providers.
incomplete draft for TPR article
Enabled ability to provide easy roles via %DOES.
Downgraded a number of XXXs into TODOs
Added proper diagnostics for lack of 5.8 hint support
Manifest update
Merge branch 'master' into easy_does_it
Make sure load_hints can find a package.
Merge branch 'easy_does_it'
Documentation improvements
Permissions fix
Updated glob copy tests to work with autodie. Inserted TODOs.
Fixed bug where package scalars could be overwritten. Manifest updates.
See also: Class::DOES
Removed old MANIFEST entries
autodie::hints::provider is dead. Huzzah.
Test fix-ups.
Copyright update
Clean-up of author tests and critic complaints
Upgraded Module::Install to 0.91
Bump to version 2.00 in preparation for release
Thank-yous for Jacinta, Ben and Glenn.
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:pfenwick/autodie
Minor rewording tweaks
No whinging about lower-case filehandles.
Added :2.00 tag
autodie::hints copyedit
Link to autodie::hints
Extra thanks to Glenn
Release 2.0
Added hints to the core merge candidate list.
Permission fixes.
Fixed up paths
Merge commit 'origin/TJC'
Thank-you, Toby, for docufixes.
Perl 5.10.1 fixes
Less complaints from hints being coerced in 5.10.1
5.8.x : inheritance is sufficient for role allegiance
Bump to 2.01 and release.
Add context()/return() to a::exception. Fix a::e->function() returns.
Add extra tests based upon my autodie 2.00 blog entries.
permission fixes
Push to 2.02 and release
Fix booching test on 5.8.x because parent.pm is not installed.
Bump to 2.03 and release
Removed oops where a debugging message was printed.
Remove spurious failures from hints.t/File::Copy under Win32 and < 5.10.1
Bump to version 2.04. Tag and release.
RT #47520 - No double file/line messages. Better 2-arg open messages.
Bump version to 2.05
Update changes with release date/time.
Tests for autodie leaking near string evals.
Tests for explicitly plugging leaks with 'no autodie' near string evals.
Double-checks to make sure there's no $@ clobbering, just in case.
Please do not use autodie with string evals. Do not dispose of in fire. Do not short circuit. May contain traces of nuts.
Please do not use autodie with string evals. Do not dispose of in fire. Do not short circuit. May contain traces of nuts.
Mark string evals as TODO on 5.10.x
Autodie once again works in string evals in 5.8.x
Thank-you, Vincent and rafl.
Don't use autodie in bizzaro filenames. Please.
String eval works again on 5.10. Huzzah.
Bump to 2.06 and release
Autodie works inside 5.10 evals again
Added VMS to list of systems that don't obey File:Copy's docs
File::Copy will still be weird on 5.10.1
a::exception->eval_error() returns $@ at the time autodie kicks in.
Increment to 2.06_01 and release
Basic tests for eval_error
Document changes from p5p contributions
Bump to 2.07
Thank-you to Elliot Shank for Perl::Critic integration
Jured -> Juerd
EXPERIMENTAL: Trivial support for detecting when autodie is in scope.
Ignore .patch files
Added support for chmod.
RT #52427 We now support multi-arg open
Only run open/true if we can find true cmd
Updated to Module::Install 0.93
Release 2.08
Sure would help if I could spell Nick's name
Fixed RT#48575 Doc typo thanks to David Taylor
Skip multi-arg open tests on Windows.
Bump to version 2.09
Release 2.09
Really really skip multi-arg open tests on Windows.
No longer leaking Carp functions. Thanks Schwern.
Bumped version to 2.10. Release!
Autodie is explcitly context insensitive.
Merge pull request #10 from dolmen/fix/RT75527-Carp-1.25
Thanks to Olivier Mengué for Carp fixes.
Merge pull request #9 from toddr/master
Thanks TODDR.
TODDR's recv.t fixes.
Upgrade M::I to 1.04
Merge pull request #5 from schwern/bug/eval_require
Safer exception loading thanks to Schwern.
Bumped version number to 2.11
Merge pull request #12 from schwern/bug/open_pragma
Schwern is awesome. Open pragma goodness.
+x utf8_open.t for consistency.
Update to Module::Install 1.06
Next release has new patches for open pragma.
Added missing timestamp for 2.11 release
Removed now redundant version_from.
pod-coverage.t fixes.
Debian_CPANTS.txt added to .gitignore.
Bump to v2.12 for release.
Release 2.12
Permission tweaks.
Release 2.13
dist.ini, VERSION and ABSTRACTS to move autodie to dzil
Now builds. Not tested.
Now passes dzil test
Updated MANIFEST.SKIP to be dzil friendly.
Remove Module::Install, now using dzil.
Fixed up dzil deps.
Bugtracker metainfo.
Remove copyright year (dzil does that for us.)
Recommended modules listed.
Change to use AUTHOR_TESTING env variable for dzil compliance.
Updated copyright. Mention AUTHORS.
Pod::Coverage hints in pod for dzil.
Merge pull request #13 from RsrchBoy/topic/chown
Merge branch 'master' into dzil
Cheers to RsrchBoy for chmod support.
Document chown addition.
Merge branch 'dzil' into master.
Remove spurious executable bits.
Real support for chown(). We now die if *any* file can't be chowned.
BUGFIX: chmod, chown, kill, unlink, utime now throw exceptions when they can't frobnicate all their things, even if they return true.
Removed the, uh, documented bugs from the TODO file which we just rediscovered and fixed.
Using dzil, no need for prove.
Don't test version tags on dev releases.
Realistically, you want v5.8.4 of Perl at least.
You want Perl 5.8.4 to run autodie.
Add more test recommends.
Skip chown tests on Win32.
Skip chown on windows.
Implement autodie::skip
Bump to 2.13_03
Guess everything needs a version.
Skip truncate tests on systems with dodgy File::Temp
Skip truncate tests on systems with dodgy File::Temp
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pfenwick/autodie
Win32 chown is a no-op.
More tests for exotic modes of open.
Remove diagnostics.
Merge branch 'skipity_doo_dah'
Bump to 2.14.
Added support and testing for utime.
Only run kwalittee.t on release.
Added support for 'kill' (includes tests).
2.13_04 release
Can has 2.14?
Tidy-up for 2.14 release.
Allow building on v5.8.4 again. Also switch dzil to auto-versioning.
Typo fix: ulink -> utime
Fix GH #17, fixes for 5.8.x/DOES.
More fixes for 5.8.x. GH #17
5.17.11+ smart match is experimental changelog.
Import tags for 2.17 release.
Added TravisCI support via dzil
Spelling fixes courtesty dsteinbrunner (RT #84897).
Merge pull request #18 from Lx/fix-broken-github-links
Changelog: Fixed links thanks to Lx (GH #18)
Bump internal versioning table.
Merge pull request #19 from dsteinbrunner/patch-1
Merge pull request #20 from dsteinbrunner/patch-2
Merge branch 'master' into cache_improvements
Check for lexical autodie leakage of utime (and other reusable subs).
Check for lexical autodie leakage of utime (and other reusable subs).
Update plan for version_tag.t
Merge branch 'master' into cache_improvements
Add Test::Spelling to test-recommends for travis-ci
Avoid running author tests for other modules in travis-ci.
AUTOMATED_TESTING and NONINTERACTIVE_TESTING set for entire install phase.
Merge branch 'master' into cache_improvements
International documentation on cache imprvemets.
Test for a basic scope leak with rename (as well as open).
Merge branch 'master' into cache_improvements
Checking for filename sensitive leakguards being cached.
Checking for filename sensitive leakguards being cached.
'Sup Perl::Critic. That string eval? Yeah, we know what we're doing. :)
truncate() and chdir() aren't reusable. Sadface.
truncate() and chdir() are reuseable after all! <3
Merge branch 'master' into cache_improvements
Additional tests on truncation, including dancing between packages.
Merge branch 'master' into cache_improvements
Further comments on why truncate() is okay to cache.
Merge branch 'cache_improvements' into tmp
Note that we have more truncate tests.
Merge branch 'master' into cache_improvements
Praise for Niels Thykier, hero of the free people!
Benchmarking files for testing times.
Use a trampoline cache. Leaked core subs are fast again!
Call timing benchmark.
Optimise away one call to caller()
Tests for \*FH and *FH style calls to truncate().
Merge branch 'master' into cache_improvements
Documentation for release.
Bump tags to :2.19
Tests for leak guard failure with slurpy subs. GH #22
Remove test debugging messages.
Merge pull request #22 from nthykier/fix-core-leak-calls
core-trampoline-slurp.t test fixes.
Document GH #22 fixes for leaky slurpy core subs.
Version bump
Merge pull request #24 from dolmen/patch-1
Merge pull request #25 from nthykier/optimizations-for-2.19
Summary of changes from GH #25
Bump internal version tags after release.
Merge pull request #28 from nthykier/lazy-compile
RT #88076. Compatiblity with Carp 1.32
Changelog for 2.21. Summary: Thykier rules.
Version tag bump
Hey travis, don't test half of CPAN.
Actually travis, quietly don't test half of CPAN.
Less quietly install modules via cpanm/travis.
Manual patch for travis/Config::Tiny.
Internal version bump. We should have a dzil plugin for this.
Pod::Coverage::TrustPod testing recommends
Tweak to avoid confused Pod::Coverage test.
More wacky travis/pod-coverage false bug advoidance.
Merge pull request #40 from nthykier/rt-55170
Merge pull request #38 from autarch/patch-1
Merge pull request #37 from nthykier/rt-74246
Changelog: No longer weaken autodie.
Merge pull request #29 from nthykier/github-issue-26
Niels Thykier is a hero. Document `foo ! foo` in Changelog.
Merge pull request #31 from nthykier/benchmark-compare-same
Changelog: Improved benchmarking from Niels Thykier.
Merge pull request #44 from Hugmeir/master
Document @Hugmeir's awesome fixes for Android/Blackberry in GH #44.
Version bump. We should get dzil to do this for us.
Word on the street is travis now supports 5.8. Yay.
Update travis-ci and dist.ini to smoke off a dzil-free branch.
Stop old perls thinking DOES needs docs.
get_code_info doesn't need pod docs.
cpanm install with recommends
travis-ci: Use recent perl w/dzil to build, but travis perl to test!
Updated readme
Remove obsolete boilerplate.t
Merge pull request #35 from nthykier/github-issue-34
Niels is a total hero! Document Carp::Always support!
Tweak regexps to be more 5.8 compatible.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'nthykier/rt-72053'
Changelog: Document fixing lexical scope fixes.
Merge pull request #42 from nthykier/refactoring-2.23
Merge pull request #39 from autarch/patch-2
Clarify/Shorten example of autodie not checking print.
Document recent patches from Niels and Dave.
Make stack-traces look nicer.
Add versions for Scope modules.
Merge pull request #46 from afresh1/master
Document GH #46 in Changelog.
Note that the Carp::Always trace isn't always as pretty as we'd like.
Bump version number after release
Bump version after release.
Merge pull request #54 from nthykier/rt-96609
Merge pull request #53 from haarg/open-pragma-override-fix
Merge pull request #55 from nthykier/versionless-locally
Merge pull request #56 from nthykier/rt-97320
Salvatore Bonaccorso (1):
Spelling fixes in autodie::ScopeUtil
Stephen Steneker (3):
Correct some spellos in the POD
replace cygwin TZs with more common usage:
Merge branch 'master' of git at github.com:pfenwick/autodie
Steve Hay (1):
RT #88444: Testing patches for bleadperl compatibility.
Toby Corkindale (1):
Minor docs corrections and tweaks.
Todd Rinaldo (3):
recv.t shouldn't assume STDIN is a file handle. Test with file handle
Ignore new MYMETA temp files
Fix 5.15 test for backcompat message. A period was inserted at the
Vincent Pit (1):
Test autodie being first used in a string eval
Yves Orton (1):
Support for more randomised hash-key lookups:
chromatic (1):
Added POD explanation of lack of void context detection.
No new revisions were added by this update.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libautodie-perl.git
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