[libsql-translator-perl] branch master updated (f4ffe31 -> 28df4a6)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Fri Jun 12 17:32:59 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libsql-translator-perl.

      from  f4ffe31   update changelog
      adds  16dc997   Initial checkin.
      adds  1fd8c91   Many, many changes.  Changed the basic assumptions about the module. Parser and Producer packages no longer need to be object oriented, they merely need to implement a parse or translate function (respectively).
      adds  dfb4c91   Reverted to a version 1.1, due to botched branch attempt.
      adds  974ada0   Added files.
      adds  23b041c   Removed in anticipation of a merge.
      adds  4aa87c9   This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'darren-1_0'.
      adds  ca10f29   Another attempt to check in a branch.
      adds  783908a   Updated to work with my updated API. Added license to beginning. Updated  to be CPAN-compliant.
      adds  0494e67   Added test data in groovy hierarchical directories. Added some basic tests, many of which don't do much yet.
      adds  077ebf3   Added copyright notices to top of files. Updated documentation to be accurate. Updated parser and producer classes to work with the modified API defined by SQL::Translate. SQL::Translator instances have data members named parser_type and producer_type that can be used to determine from whence the parser and producer subroutines come. SQL::Translator will accept parsers and producers in the form Class::Name::function, just like mod_perl, in addition to Class::Name (wi [...]
      adds  cfaf3de   Added MANIFEST, MANIFEST.skip, and Makefile.PL
      adds  efd4977   Added note of a bug
      adds  2df9c21   Changed many assumptions about the test. Uses the default parser and producer (which is a pass through)
      adds  b346d8f   Updated docs, especially detailed internal API docs. Updated default sub to return the data structure (and not the SQL::Translator instance). This became an issue once the subs were redefined to accept two args. Removed the possibility to pass a filehandle (or something that can getlines) as an option to translate. Added many levels of code folding markers. Updated parser to use a named class::function style of defining a function to call, just like producer.
      adds  c4a7d99   Changelog file.
      adds  150797b   Automatically generated by cvs2cl.pl
      adds  d152043   Changed some of the basic assumptions. Removed code to check filehandle reads.
      adds  4bacd6b   This was a synmail test.
      adds  93ec3ae   syncmail test.
      adds  2d98334   Automatically generated by cvs2cl.pl
      adds  5adf702   Added Pod::Usage as a prerequisite
      adds  8295a8c   Modified POD to include a complex description of the format of the data structure returned by parse. Added myself to the AUTHORS section.
      adds  4b603a3   Changed name of translate method to produce, to be consistant with Producer API. Added __END__ token.  Updated $VERSION to be CPAN-compliant.
      adds  b8661f3   Broke the 1 test out into 11 different tests, each one of which tests a specific part of the data structure returned by parse.
      adds  ac1f138   Turned off SQL::Translator::DEBUG.
      adds  30df963   Removed warns and debugging, so this test will actually pass when run as part of make test.
      adds  d8fdd08   Removed comment lines (the parser chokes on these, I think). Changed DEFAULT x NOT NULL lines to NOT NULL DEFAULT x, so overcompensate for a bug in the MySQL parser. Removed references to FULLTEXT indexes, because the MySQL grammar doesn't know about them.
      adds  35bab74   Added some basic files, removed unused data file (the contents were moved into the test that used the data).
      adds  69b68bb   Updated filelist
      adds  c07fe43   Re-added
      adds  e0fac63   Accidentally PREREQ_PM'ed XML::Writer instead fo XML::Dumper
      adds  8c1f416   Test changes
      adds  9a7841d   Merged changes from darren-1_0 tag into HEAD branch (hopefully!).
      adds  a2e3f0d   Automatically generated by cvs2cl.pl
      adds  948190b   Added 'order' to data structure description
      adds  49e890e   Added test structure.
      adds  f5d3787   Added extra files to MANIFEST.skip.  Updated MANIFEST.
      adds  046f18e   Added CSV parser and a test.
      adds  e2158c4   Added support for producer_args and parser_args. Added test for producer_args and parser_args. Added t/07p_test.t to MANIFEST. Added validator_test.pl to bin (though not to MANIFEST).
      adds  9398955   Added MySQL producer (still in a pretty alpha stage, only barely functional). Updated Validator.pm. Added a few new bugs to BUGS. Added file, filename, and data methods to Translator.pm. Silly change to Makefile.PL that will most likely come out.
      adds  c45c546   Added generation of PRIMARY KEY and KEY clauses to CREATE statements. Reorganized where CR are put.
      adds  3825428   Fixed some typos, added some basic re-logicing (is that even a word?)
      adds  7a8e1f5   Shitload of changes.  Still passes all tests, such as they are.
      adds  c2d3a52   Subclasses Class::Base. Removed error_out, error, in favor Class::Base::error.
      adds  7bbbc1e   Changed error_out usage to error
      adds  dd2ef5a   *** empty log message ***
      adds  49e1eb7   Fixed a lot of little things in modules, docs, etc.  Bugs in sql_translator.pl.
      adds  f8f0253   Added PostgreSQL producer.
      adds  c0c4aef   Added list_parsers and list_producers methods, in response to <Pine.LNX.4.44.0211211124100.4042-100000 at localhost.localdomain>
      adds  d529894   Rolled in Darren's new list_[producers|parsers], lots of cosmetic changes, working in Tim Bunce's "mysql2ora" grammar and producer logic into appropriate modules, making output of producers more consistent, added table order to MySQL parser, using it in Oracle producer to maintain original ordering.
      adds  44fcd0b   Fixed spelling of "indices" in various files, finished adding all of Tim Bunce's logic from his "mysql2ora" script, Oracle producer is now a bit smarter, converting from MySQL to Oracle (or back to MySQL) should all work really well now.
      adds  52b828e   Added some comments (comments?)
      adds  82bb76f   Updated an example to make it happier.
      adds  96844ca   Added "show_warnings" and "add_drop_table" options to sql_translator.pl and to SQL::Translator/Oracle producer.  Fixed bug in Oracle producer that duplicated identifiers.  Adding a lot of Oracle producer's logic to new PostgreSQL producer.
      adds  6174532   Added a rule to MySQL parser to disregard "DROP...;" statements, filled out XML producer to generate hand-crafted XML.
      adds  1740a33   More generic clean macro
      adds  69a4939   Moved MANIFEST.skip to MANIFEST.SKIP
      adds  dcd006f   MANIFEST.SKIP takes a regex, not a list.  Some of the .pm files weren't in the MANIFESt.
      adds  da8e499   Fixed a bug in Oracle producer that allowed for identifiers longer than the maximum allowed length, also there was a problem with not using the unreserved table name.  Added decent amount of functionality to PG producer.
      adds  f508755   Fixed problem with truncating an identifier when it was exactly the $max_id_length and no "type" was supplied to "mk_name."
      adds  2ad4c2c   Fixed bug where it was truncating table name needlessly.
      adds  abfa405   Documentation fixes; added Chris' name to copyright notice; updated copyright year.
      adds  34fa495   Added "Raw" to be able to get to raw parser output.
      adds  9c957c4   Added SQL::Translator::Producer::Raw to MANIFEST.
      adds  71e02e1   Removed extra unused junk.
      adds  8d0f308   Set $DEBUG to 0 by default.
      adds  0f3778d   Moved all POD to the end of the module, to make it easier to modify and find.
      adds  19ff0e3   Did you forget what year it is, Ken?
      adds  dd9550a   Added "auto-dia.pl" script for generating ER diagrams.
      adds  371f5f8   Added fulltext index.
      adds  aa0a19b   Made it better.
      adds  7256996   Lots o' bug fixes.  Added "join-pk-only" option.
      adds  014a647   added Class::Base preq
      adds  4422e22   an adaptor for postgres.  this works, but i think my primary key and foreign key parses are hackish.  they require the pk/fk clause _right_after_ the field declaration, which i don't think is how postgres requires it.
      adds  44fb27a   Added new files to MANIFEST.
      adds  407bc86   here is the pgsql test script.  NOTE: it will not work right now b/c i've just changed ::PostGreSQL to ::PostgreSQL, but haven't renamed the module itself yet.  will do so later this morning, unless someone beats me to it :-)
      adds  84012a5   moving files around per ky's request
      adds  ba1a162   added a serial->int auto_increment fix, a varchar->varchar(255) workaround.
      adds  ac96b9c   BUG.  the parser cannot handle 'precision' as a qualifier for 'double'.  this also applies to the mysql parser.
      adds  f19696a   i forget what i did, but i found more bugs.  we need to be able to support 'varchar' as implying 'varchar(255)' for both field and index declarations.  also 'double precision' as a synonym for 'double'.  also, mysql doesn't support boolean datatype, but postgres does, so we need to find a way to deal with this.
      adds  0efb6e1   A working PG parser!
      adds  5e56da9   Mods to handles FK references.
      adds  629b76f   Added some documentation to PG and MySQL; the "eofile" rule to MySQL.
      adds  41fc9cb   Added production to field rule to handle embedded comments.
      adds  6f34ede   Added t/08postgres-to-mysql.t
      adds  f2f71b8   Deleted "index" rules, allowed fore and aft comments in fields and table constraints (unique, PK, etc.).
      adds  0012a16   Added more rule (alter table) to be able handle Chado schema.
      adds  586809d   Handle "on [delete|update] action" differently
      adds  ca251f0   Some doc changes; added Allen to AUTHORS section
      adds  cc3742a   o Added bin/auto-dia.pl to scripts list
      adds  46d3d64   A README, which is required by CPAN.
      adds  bd9f720   turning off debugging in t/08
      adds  87bf8a3   Some minor mods to POD.
      adds  758ab1c   Added SQLite producer, basic knock-off of MySQL producer, made some mods to MySQL producer to add "DROP TABLE" statements, fixed POD a bit.
      adds  d8dcdb7   Added code to kill field qualifiers in index field declarations.
      adds  1a24938   Added Utils package with debug method, shared between MySQL and SQLite producers.
      adds  ea03846   Added SQLite producer and Utils.
      adds  ca1f223   - load now sets $ERROR on failure.
      adds  f28135c   added need for Excel Spreadsheet parser module which I will write in the near future per Darren's request
      adds  c31622d   :)
      adds  22cb686   Added font options, made default font size 'small' instead of 'tiny.'
      adds  b18a041   Added mark for unique constraint and legend to explain extra markings.
      adds  d21faa4   Added color option.
      adds  1465560   Added options for natual joins only, made code work with proper FK references.
      adds  0138f7b   Got foreign key references basically working now.
      adds  658637c   Added grammar for "REFERENCES" (foreign keys).
      adds  2621b0f   Shortened "natural-join-fk-only" option to "natural-join-fk," accepting args to "image-type" now, added wider left margin (+10 pixels), added pre-processing of fields to find if the ones that acts as FKs in other tables in order to support the "show-fk-only" option, added debug option and warn statements to aid coding, added ability to make connecting lines directed when established with proper FOREIGN KEY/REFERENCES statements, added some colors.
      adds  036a7d3   Adding "auto-graph.pl" to automatically create graphs (via GraphViz) from schema definitions.
      adds  19de199   Init Check in. This follows closely along the lines of xSV.pm but its cooler because I used map. Hsan't been tested yet becuase I won't have access to suitable testing area til monday. Oh BTW, the map doesn't work syntactially. Someone want to tell me whats wrong with that line?
      adds  7909b81   Some syntax fixes, package name was wrong, added Mikey's name to AUTHORS. This parser is still broken.  The data structure I see coming back from Spreadsheet::ParseExcel is not the same that is being examined by the code.
      adds  69b39ef   added a text spreadsheet, hopefully in the right directory and such
      adds  422298a   Hey, this could never have worked as advertised. *blush*.
      adds  e099bee   Why make these globals?
      adds  5636ed0   And again, with the globals. Yeesh.
      adds  fc4e23d   Added stub test.
      adds  5b6522d   Added missing stuff.  Remember folks, anything not in MANIFEST will not be part of a distribution!
      adds  000597e   Added Spreadsheet::ParseExcel
      adds  37ac104   Moving tests to Test::More
      adds  2e1b177   Updated README to reflect changes to SQL/Translator.pm POD.
      adds  17cae8a   Hey, new Oracle parser!
      adds  023c402   Small fix.
      adds  2d17434   Added Oracle parser to MANIFEST.
      adds  2620fc1   Fixes to help with Oracle data types, also fixes with table constraints.
      adds  5457eaf   Let's check before we assume this is a ref, eh?
      adds  93d12e9   Added normalize_name function, which normalizes names.  Primarily needed by the Excel parser.
      adds  ab0aa01   Attempt to be more robust.lib/SQL/Translator/Validator.pm
      adds  0a7fc60   workaround to get auto_increment working from PG "serial" datatype.  i didn't do this right, someone fix it :|
      adds  7d5bcab   adding callbacks to Translator.pm to allow mangling of PK/FK/table names/package names (CDBI specific) for producer classes.
      adds  5db56bf   Forgot to add this yesterday.
      adds  5612073   adding recognition of key type "key" for table indices.
      adds  f42e702   adding ClassDBI producer.
      adds  1eee27d   Fixed error for: "Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/local/apache/lib/perl/SQL/Translator/Producer/ClassDBI.pm line 98." Also fixed some indentation problems in POD.
      adds  77a87d3   asdf
      adds  95a2cfb   adding capability to give 'filename' constructor arg an arrayref.
      adds  d2cc87f   cosmetic changes to autogenerated code.
      adds  945a44d   Moved all the real code into a module so this script now just uses the new GraphViz producer.
      adds  95f99bd   Minor cosmetic changes.
      adds  14d7eb5   Adding new GraphViz producer.
      adds  f9a0c3b   Cosmetic changes to keep the coding style consistent.
      adds  a9208a9   Moved most of the code into a new "Diagram" producer.
      adds  3750382   Adding new ER diagramming producer.
      adds  550022e   Fixed bug (illegal div by 0) if "no_columns" wasn't numeric, also fixed return of production if not writing to a file.
      adds  69e4626   Adding new CGI script front-end for GraphViz and Diagram producers.
      adds  0a0c85e   Added defaults to arguments.
      adds  88008d5   Added new files.
      adds  2e50a8e   adding graphviz dep
      adds  dc85da0   adding a pg src file example
      adds  a2ba36b   Added header_comment function; see docs for details.
      adds  5ee19df   Added refactored comment producing using header_comment.
      adds  631aafb   Test file for header_comment function from SQL::Translator::Utils.
      adds  38c8751   low hanging fruit, please read the diff below
      adds  58a8823   Fixed error that was preventing MySQL parser from working with Parse::RecDescent 1.94 (needed a "1;" at the end of the create rule); also made changes to %item hash elements with repeat modifiers to match what they're now called in Parse::RecDescent 1.94;  these changes now make the parser incompatible with earlier versions of P::RD!
      adds  4d878d2   Adding new schema test, commiting fixes to MySQL parser test.
      adds  3c5de62   Adding new objects for handing schema data.  Not being used while I work out the tests and the general idea.
      adds  0f3cc5c   More changes to getting the schema to a working state.
      adds  76dce61   Not much to say ... just trying to get this working.
      adds  3022f45   Using some of the rules from the PG grammar to make mine better, cleaned up the handling of datatypes (esp WRT auto-inc), only placing PK defs as table constraints (not an index), getting ready to parse views.
      adds  586fba3   Trying to add tests as I write methods, so lots of new stuff to mirror development of the Schema::* classes.
      adds  f4eb75f   Adding a new PG parser test.
      adds  b5f8a3c   Added the requirement of Parse::RecDescent 1.94 or later, added "auto-graph.pl" to the EXE_FILES.
      adds  be019aa   Fixed an error in default value regex that disallowed a value like "00:18:00".
      adds  bf9b0c2   For some reason, "t.pl" was still in there.
      adds  5c129a6   Fixed error '"my" variable $wb_count masks earlier declaration in same scope at blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Excel.pm line 68.'
      adds  3c32785   Fixed error 'Use of uninitialized value in string eq at blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm line 164.'
      adds  b8792a9   Fixed error 'Use of uninitialized value in repeat (x) at blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/XML.pm line 110.'
      adds  7a88750   "size" of a field needs to be an arrayref as it could be two numbers (e.g., for a float "10,2").
      adds  08f434d   Changed to use Test::More, cleaned up syntax.  Still pretty useless.
      adds  faa5049   Fixed error 'Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Field.pm line 144.'
      adds  43b9dc7   Too many changes to mention.
      adds  9924830   Too many changes.
      adds  0768049   More changes to keep up with code.
      adds  9590dfe   Added Schema and some more dependencies
      adds  5760246   Doc changes (use C<> instead of B<>)
      adds  5dada97   Updated XML test.
      adds  fb6b031   Uses XML::Writer instead of aggregate() and a global. Uses sqlfairy namespace (without a DTD yet, sorry).
      adds  d9934ba   Updated README via perldoc -t lib/SQL/Translator.pm
      adds  64ad4e6   Added mods to pass parser_args for xSV parser.
      adds  825ed07   Updated to use Text::RecordParser and added scanning of fields, more functionality.
      adds  9c62867   Updated tests to match new code.
      adds  7fe30ae   Added Text::RecordParser 0.02 pre-req.
      adds  5e84ac8   Minor fixes to primary_key method.
      adds  12cc3c1   *** empty log message ***
      adds  45ee6be   Passing schema object now as third argument.
      adds  d0b4369   Made "order" a property of the table and view objects, use a Schwatzian transform in sorting, added DESTROY to break circular links among objects.
      adds  118bb73   Added oft-used "parse_list_arg" sub for Schema classes.
      adds  8ccdeb4   Playing around with new schema object.
      adds  6b73ef2   Added passing of schema arg.
      adds  c00fc2c   Removed warning.
      adds  752608d   Added "match_type," use "parse_list_arg," added DESTROY.
      adds  8ff0b2b   Playing with constants.
      adds  ec2ab48   Added use of "parse_list_arg," changed "nullable" method to "is_nullable" so it would be like "is_auto_increment" and "is_primary_key," added "order" method, added DESTROY.
      adds  25868dc   Use "parse_list_args," added "options" (still vague on this), set a default for "type" of "normal," break ref to table in DESTROY.
      adds  30f4ec4   Use "parse_list_arg," put field order into field object, added "order" method for table, break all references to fields, constraints and indices in DESTROY.
      adds  25a02fa   Use "parse_list_args," added "fields" method, changed validation, break ref to table in DESTROY.
      adds  14f8758   Lots of changes to reflect library mods.
      adds  9d90f9c   Lots of changes to fix merge.
      adds  70944bc   Modified to call translator to get schema rather than passing.
      adds  dbe45b7   Don't pass schema, let others call for it.
      adds  6ba91fa   some fixes to fk method name generation.  failed to add nice m-to-m mapping method b/c data structure is to FUBAR to extract the info i need.
      adds  d9b22bf   added Sybase producer code was derived from existing producer for postgres functional with RELEASE-0_01, updates to work with current API are coming
      adds  032bd3c   Since "true" is the default for trimming and scanning fields for the xSV parser, changed the args to turn them off.
      adds  94101b2   Change to avoid warning of "use of unitialized value."
      adds  52bb209   Added Sybase producer to MANIFEST.
      adds  2d6979d   Cosmetic change in POD.
      adds  590f4d4   Addressed a few style issues to make it like the other producers (use "header_comment," indentation style [4 spaces, no tabs]).  Added Sam's name as AUTHOR and to copyright.
      adds  11d8f9d   Trim whitespace from arrayref elements as well as array elements; see <Pine.LNX.4.50.0305121004300.32235-100000 at oakhill.homeip.net>.
      adds  e545d97   Slightly more paranoid version of parse_list_arg -- check length as well as definedness.
      adds  cce2cd7   added width and height options for graphviz out.  no docs
      adds  40c1ade   Changed grammar to bring it more inline with the official MySQL YACC grammar, added better support for FK references.
      adds  251b6ff   Added more tests.
      adds  c941e9b   Fixed bug with initialization.
      adds  6333c48   Added default field sizes for numeric fields if not specified, removed unused rules.
      adds  c736c39   More work on default field sizes for numerics.
      adds  3a0b6f0   Added a few more tests.
      adds  dcb4fa0   Added rules to catch common (but useless) statements.
      adds  be35c82   Added ability to manipulate height, width, and whether to show the field names for GraphViz output.
      adds  03526ec   Added options for height, width, and showing field names.
      adds  e36752e   Added better options for accepting height and width, changed default node shape to "record," added option to show the fields of the table.
      adds  f2cf173   Changes to grammar to clean up, moved primary key defs and unique keys in data structure from "indices" to "constraints" where they belong, added code to fill out schema objects with data structure.
      adds  2008ecf   Fixed parsing of field size for float values.
      adds  b54199a   Moved some code around to get methods in alphabetical order.
      adds  dedb8f3   Moved some code around to fix ordering, convert "type" to match what's considered valid.
      adds  9966eeb   Added parsing of default value on init, added "extra" method for misc field info, added methods to determine if a field is a foreign key and to get the FK constraint.
      adds  dfdb056   Moved some code around, fixed some POD, added checking of existing constraints when adding new ones (to prevent dups).
      adds  68e8e2e   Fixed up some POD.
      adds  2ab84c1   Changed tests to use the Schema objects instead of looking at the data structure, added many more thorough tests, added parsing some more complicated SQL.
      adds  adfdb55   Added tests for $field->extra.
      adds  dddbae2   Changed tests to use Schema objects instead of data structure, added more thorough tests.
      adds  07b8249   The test schema actually had incorrect syntax, so I fixed that;  changed tests to use Schema object; added a lot more.
      adds  2da7994   Now that the PG parser is using the Schema object, a previously uncaught bug surfaced in that an index was created on a table (cvterm_synonym) that isn't defined in the SQL, so that creates a problem.  Commented out the line.
      adds  3166386   Changed $table->primary_key not to return an error if there is no PK, added tests for "comments" on tables and fields.
      adds  b1a69c7   Added a lot more tests, now using the Schema object.
      adds  75484db   Added new Oracle parser test.
      adds  82968eb   Added a better quote; quit putting FKs at field level (only at table); fixed bug with field sizes (extra level of arrayref); got rid of "binary data" data type (I swear this used to be legal), now only calling it "bytea"; some cosmetic changes to the grammar;  added use of Schema objects.
      adds  947dfd8   Quit putting PK defs as indices, cosmetic changes to grammar, remove quotes around comment values, quit pushing field constraints to table level, return "varchar2" instead of "varchar" (keep it native), fixes to grammar to bring it up to work with Parse::RecDescent 1.94, use of Schema objects, added a good quote.
      adds  8c7f5c7   Cleaned up code (mostly cosmetic), added normalization of column name, use Schema objects, added a good quote.
      adds  3b4cfaa   Removed Sybase parser because it's complete broken.  When this works, we can add it back.
      adds  a562f8d   Changed "FULLTEXT."
      adds  c8efc00   Changed constant to a hash to avoid silly Perl errors about it being redefined.
      adds  695c2da   Changed constant to a hash to avoid silly Perl errors about it being redefined; other minor changes.
      adds  5ac417a   Added parsing of comments on init, added "comments" method.
      adds  88b8377   Added comments method and parsing on init.
      adds  034ecde   Added sorting of tables, other cosmetic changes.
      adds  dd10573   Fixed test numbers, removed unnecessary code.
      adds  30e3372   Fixed test numbers.
      adds  b4bc8f6   General clean up to make it more like other tests.
      adds  40e47dd   General clean up to make it more like the others.
      adds  94ac836   Added "use strict;"
      adds  b30f870   General mods to make it like others.
      adds  601a348   Added Oracle parser test.
      adds  6c45056   Removed unnecessary backslash-escapes of single quotes, reformatted spacing to match the style of the rest of the modules, using the schema API now, removed "Chado" line, tried to make the "hasa"/FK stuff work nicely.
      adds  1c14e9f   Changed to use schema objects.
      adds  57f7728   Cleaned up "translate" hash a bit, changed to use schema objects now, some changed to sub's to get rid of some warnings.
      adds  0c43e0a   Changed to use schema API.
      adds  b21bf65   General cleanup, changed to use schema API.
      adds  54c9812   Expanded "translate" hash, changed to use schema API.
      adds  c6a7dcb   Some cosmetic changes, changed to use schema API.
      adds  a91b090   Removing "Raw" producer as it's unnecessary now.
      adds  a9c1dcc   Removed "Raw" producer.
      adds  b891fb4   Small change to comment.
      adds  aadf404   Small changes to comments and size methods.
      adds  44567b4   Added "alter" to be able to parse output of Oracle producer, other small changes.
      adds  a378a96   Minor change to affect context.
      adds  82afeb2   Removed debugging warning.
      adds  f27085c   Added rule to catch a default value given just as "null."
      adds  df602cf   linktable traversal seems to be working!  haven't tried the code yet, but it looks good.
      adds  226d3a8   supposedly hasa()is deprecated in favor of has_a().
      adds  ee2766f   Added "is_unique" method to determine if a field has a UNIQUE index.
      adds  9480e70   Added "make_natural_joins."
      adds  40c522c   Some bug fixen.
      adds  761fa62   Changed to use schema, refactored duplicated code (also in GraphViz) up into Schema API.
      adds  997f14b   Changed to use schema API.
      adds  2a267f8   A POD producer.
      adds  7813f00   it was buggy
      adds  5f05472   move over bacon
      adds  b9124e4   Minor changes.
      adds  aca7d77   Adding new HTML producer.
      adds  829d783   Mostly cosmetic changes (Allen -- no tabs, indent = 4 spaces!), got rid of a map called in void context.
      adds  e325205   Added "is_valid" tests.
      adds  307d956   These tests relied on now deprecated action that the raw data structure was returned by the parser.  The tests were updated to use the schema object.
      adds  3f4af30   Added validation code.
      adds  f62bd16   Modified all filed to quit returning the data structure, now only return "1" to show success.
      adds  a1d9452   Modified producers to quite looking for the data structure to be sent as an argument with the translator object.
      adds  f65f481   Added HTML and POD producers.
      adds  b4d75dc   Updated TODO.
      adds  2787be5   Removed fixed bugs, either need to verify other bugs exist (and fix) or remove.
      adds  389b318   Upped the version in anticipation of making a new release soon, removed some unused code, added a better quote, updated POD, expanded the AUTHORS list to include all module contributors, expanded on SEE ALSO list.
      adds  954f31f   Altered POD description.
      adds  d5a20e6   Changed getting of version from main module, added exe file.
      adds  35d7535   Removed some things that don't actually work.
      adds  a1dc1b3   Removed Validator class as validation is now in the Schema object.
      adds  233d36d   Renamed auto-dia.pl to sqlt-diagram.pl
      adds  2332b9e   Renamed auto-graph.pl to sqlt-graph.pl
      adds  6d62e3b   Renamed auto-viv.cgi to sql_translator.cgi
      adds  60fe343   Fixed script name in docs.
      adds  ef3b7e2   Fixed script name in POD.
      adds  734a391   Removed this file as it uses the Validator which has been removed.
      adds  9c6b150   Fixed EXE_FILES filenames, decided to removed CGI script.
      adds  e99e959   Added some ideas for 0.03.
      adds  d6a17ea   Added LICENSE.
      adds  f47c0a5   All the copyright notices say how the user should have received a copy of the license, but we never make the effort to include it, so I have.
      adds  67e5ff5   I was going to move the "format_*_name" methods to the ClassDBI producer, but I just couldn't see the best way to do it.  Besides, I can't necessarily decide what I don't like about them being in this class.  Is there any way any other producer could/would ever use them?  Also made aesthetic changes to POD.
      adds  c047df2   Created a more generic README for the project.
      adds  b995263   Regenerated Chagnes using cvs2cl.pl
      adds  81d8a6a   Renamed 09auto-dia.t to 09sqlt-diagram.t to match the move in script filenames
      adds  aa37840   Fixed MANIFEST to match change in filename.
      adds  4d2da1f   Added INSERT and UPDATE placeholders to get parser to not barf on those.
      adds  95758c8   Nothing really changed.
      adds  6e22035   Updated README.
      adds  fdf8704   Initial import of Jason Williams' SQL Fairy logo.
      adds  eabd66e   Decided against using cvs2cl.pl as it's way too verbose, using a simpler summary of the main changes b/w versions.
      adds  e784dbe   Added SEE ALSO to send people to SF site.
      adds  5793372   Cleaning up the project description.
      adds  29efc9f   Trying to get everything "on message."
      adds  aa30170   The grammar bothered me.
      adds  13ab111   Added more TODO items.
      adds  c33df5c   Fixed VERSION strings.
      adds  9bfce1c   Fixed VERSION string.
      adds  ecc063b   Fixed VERSION.
      adds  198b17d   Added single quotes around the "use base 'foo';" line.
      adds  05a56b5   The $DEFAULT_SUB was still looking at $_[1], and not $_[0]->schema
      adds  52fbac6   fk references in many-to-many mappings need to refer to table column names explicitly, rather than aliases to those column names in the class::dbi layer.
      adds  2574969   Fixed grammar for REVOKE and GRANT (missing word "table").
      adds  61aa0c9   Allow data types which haven't been listed in translation table to pass through unchanged.
      adds  b6feba5   Adding dumper creator.
      adds  4db569e   Changed "hasa" to "has_a."
      adds  d05353b   Added more description; allow options for db user/pass/dsn, skipping certain tables; better handling of script args; added header comment to generated script; also added use of Getopt::Long so it can accept "skip," "truncate," and "help" args (and be a real, grown-up script on its own).
      adds  ddeb20a   adding strict and quotes for barewords
      adds  bf4629e   Allow translation from parsers other than MySQL, Pg, and Oracle and just set up table more manually than using the "set_up_table" method; no reason to accept "$data" at beginning as it's not being sent anymore; no longer using "$USER" or "$PASS" as they were only used once; removed Class::DBI::Join as Michael Schwern (the module maintainer and Author Emeritus of Class::DBI) says that Class::DBI handles this fine now that this extra module will be leaving CPAN soon;   [...]
      adds  b6c0195   fixes for base DBI package setting db vendor based on $translator->parser_type().
      adds  8a990c9   Attempting clean up something.
      adds  b75f2b1   Fixed a bug-fix of mine that was contingent on my checking in another module.
      adds  5ddd74a   Added "()" to character class of "default_val" rule to allow "now()" to be accepted.
      adds  d8b3bc7   Removed redeclaration of "$parser_type," fixed bug in DSN, removed "s" on "has_many" field name.
      adds  0ffa050   Added "use Class::Base;" declaration to go with use base statement.
      adds  acbd521   Minor change.
      adds  390292d   I've tried to address Allen's concerns about naming of FKs, but still haven't touched the "linktable" code yet.
      adds  fe77d75   Efforts to re-enable Allen's many-to-many linktable code.  I have no idea if it works properly!
      adds  61a561d   Reversed earlier change to VERSION after Darren scolded me.
      adds  0b74bbf   Fixed VERSION.
      adds  aa3a951   Fixed VERSION to be CPAN-friendly.
      adds  34d2319   Strip field size qualifiers from index fields as SQLite doesn't like.
      adds  c703e51   had to fix up the format_pk_method (somehow it got broken, hmm...).
      adds  ae57c89   commenting shortcoming
      adds  d79af83   aliasing ugly tablename_fieldname ref methods where possible (ie create them for 1-M relationships between tables where the M end table does not allow a M-1 traversal to another table, thus giving a M-M relationship)
      adds  1bbd4a2   Made "pg_data_type" rules case-insensitive per a patch from Richard Clamp <richardc at unixbeard.net>.
      adds  6a20798   Added options to make an image map.
      adds  ad02944   Added a "table" section at the top to click right to a particular table.
      adds  f619512   Print out field comments using Oracle "comment on field" syntax.
      adds  88b8979   Allow embedded comments a la the PG parser, store the comments; also strip comments of comments chars and trailing whitespace.
      adds  5cb879e   Added options for specifying image map.
      adds  095b454   Added "character set" as field qualifier as this is part of MySQL 4 output.
      adds  03afabd   Some simple cleanups.
      adds  4b6a634   .cvsignore
      adds  80a8f8a   Oops, haven't added these yet.
      adds  0d51cd9   Applying (spirit of) patch from RT making keyword "table" optional in GRANT and REVOKE commands.
      adds  0d41bc9   New MySQL 4 syntax allows field names to be in backticks (and this is the default format of the latest "mysqldump").
      adds  da147d0   Added line to disable checking of FKs on import of tables.
      adds  13811af   Reversed the arrowheads.
      adds  761a28b   Reversed arrowheads.
      adds  5d8ea9f   Allow more producers than just the two graphical.
      adds  cd617ba   FK defs were leaving out the field name.
      adds  c957e92   Moved Producer::XML to Producer::SqlfXML. Added Parser::XML to parse the XML from Producer::SqlfXML.
      adds  f74c651   Added dependencies from new XML modules.
      adds  02069e4   Changed to use new "SqlfXML" producer.
      adds  5ff70f1   Fixed default value bug in Parser::SqlfXML.
      adds  b789c79   no longer using set_up_table method.  it incurs an overhead penalty by making it possible to define the class with less code.  why bother doing this when we are autogenerating code anyway?
      adds  2b2601b   Added TTSchema producer.
      adds  b353035   Added BUG notes and test about single tags e.g. <foo/>
      adds  5952d39   Changed term single tags to empty tags to mean <foo/> like tags, it being the correct term :)
      adds  0da6f15   D'oh! Fixed comment typo that chaged the meaning of the comment.
      adds  8c6684f   Fixed bug with emit_empty_tags. It now works and we get more explict values for things instead of lots of empty sets of tags ie <foo>0</foo> not <foo></foo>.
      adds  91c75ea   Fixing bugs as reported by S. Quinney in RT ticket.
      adds  d0c12b9   Added a test for Producer::SqlfXML.
      adds  33d0d6d   Added "set" rule, remove extra space after comment character.
      adds  0d0a615   Added explicit version of 1.13 for XML::XPath as the parser doesn't seem to work with older versions.
      adds  8b714ee   Changed to look at different constraints as NOT NULLs are now allowed as table constraints.
      adds  f04713d   Changes to make case-insensitive rules, fixed spelling error of "deferrable," change to default value rule to be more flexible.
      adds  40c5e2f   Fixed spelling error of "deferrable."
      adds  42c8fad   Added logic to ensure the PK fields are not nullable (thanks to S. Quinney).
      adds  10b40f9   Ran through perltidy, broke long lines, changed logic on setting of "$pkg->{'_columns_primary'}."
      adds  ede3a3e   More cosmetic changes to make comments pretty, added ability to set "main_pkg_name" variable as an argument, remove "use Data::Dumper," catch when a foreign key doesn't have a transform, added use of Text::Autoformat to break up long lines when declaring "->columns," removed code commented out after move to explicit column declarations.
      adds  a57ce76   Added "reset" method, check for existing Schema before called parser again.
      adds  71046f4   removing changes related to primary/essential/other categorization of fields.  this will be submitted as a patch to class::dbi::pg::set_up_table (and other dbds if they decide to follow suit)
      adds  a8e0cc1   Added attrib_values option.
      adds  546e4f2   Fixed bug where "layout" wasn't being passed to producer.
      adds  51fc358   Adding acceptance of a "title" arg.
      adds  5d6b741   Addressed Ken's concerns -- versions remain .02f floats.  Made Test::Differences mandatory, since tests fail without it.
      adds  67b984f   Added the new files
      adds  07a8252   Added support for the attrib_values option of the XML producer.
      adds  f8842e3   Changed default value rule slightly to allow the empty string.
      adds  2596668   Added "integer" conversion.
      adds  6858aad   Adding a few rules so that "make clean" isn't necessary before "make manifest."
      adds  b6ab0fe   Fixed bug in timestamp trigger syntax.
      adds  d7fcc1d   Expanded default value rule to allow a bare word like "current_timestamp," also make a more helpful error message when unable to add a table.
      adds  1853ba8   MySQL allows for length parameter on PRIMARY KEY field names
      adds  28c31cb   Applied patch #780781: Missing binmode in Producer/GraphViz.pm. See http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=780781&group_id=47619&atid=450051
      adds  eaf7c7b   Applied CPAN patch #3235 MANIFEST: missing some files [patch]
      adds  00e4143   Applied CPAN patch #3247: Missing ora_data_type dec(imal)
      adds  35ed60b   Fixed ENUMs (They were coming over as ENUM(n)). Changed NORMAL indexes to INDEX (NORMAL is not valid MySQL).
      adds  d14fe68   Stops Use of uninitialized value in numeric gt (>) at /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm line 594
      adds  0823773   zerofill has translated as 1
      adds  d939726   We need to quote the enum field values
      adds  dc8bcdc   Added test file that includes all (well, most) of the DDL for MySQL
      adds  4e02419   Added test file that includes all (well, it will) of the DDL for Postgres
      adds  5084047   Lots of Postgres fixes: All the basic types (int,real,string,date,blob,text) and variants (aliases) now work. Quotes appear around field names in indexes and constraints. Creates unique index names now. '
      adds  77d74ea   Added quotes around ENUM values in CONSTRAINT for Oracle & Sybase. This change is untested as I do not have access to these right now.
      adds  6661fc6   Added DOUBLE PRECISION. Parser::MySQL chokes on this
      adds  9304bd8   Added FIXED as DEC per http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Column_types.html
      adds  1f58ba7   Fixed ORA-02329 and ORA-00907 errors. LONG is depreciated per http://www.ss64.com/orasyntax/datatypes.html so I switched all BLOBs to BLOB, and TEXTs to CLOB. If it's really supposed to be BLOB => CLOB and TEXT => LONG, then please change it back, but maybe add a comment as to why, so the next newbie doesn't make the same mistake. I'm still getting: ORA-02327: cannot create index on expression with datatype LOB There are two ways to fix this: Change field type to VAR [...]
      adds  e6f063b   Use of "map," emit warning when changing PK from CLOB to VARCHAR2.
      adds  4524cf0   Minor cosmetic changes.
      adds  1eb08c8   Breaking a long line.
      adds  c81fbf9   Adding AUTHORS file per suggestion from Darren.
      adds  12d6888   Removed Sybase parser from MANIFEST, update TODO.
      adds  68186ea   Update of README.
      adds  cb1d902   Added some email addresses.
      adds  4a1ee60   Typo alert!
      adds  23fb91d   PODified smelto's email address.
      adds  490e7be   Added Paul and Jason, more e-mail addresses.
      adds  8318a5a   Adding some Sybase schema to parse, though it's from a pretty old version of dbschema.pl.  I'm hoping for something more up-to-date to come in soon.
      adds  88d2bfd   Adding Sybase parser test.
      adds  72ebf03   Replacing contents with Paul's output from dbschema.pl 2.4.2.
      adds  799df8f   Fixed pod oopsie
      adds  256d534   Added setting of field size for *text fields.  Did I get them right?
      adds  9fc9bfb   Changed "tinytext" to convert to "varchar2," undef field size when the datatype is "CLOB," print table comments.
      adds  a11fbae   Added code to print out table comments.
      adds  734dfc9   Added code to catch table comments (simply assumes that all comments before "CREATE TABLE" but after other declarations belong the the next table); had to create a separate (duplicated) rule for field comments; removed long-commented-out code.
      adds  d730d51   Almost functional.
      adds  d9656bd   Mostly functional.
      adds  b62d8c3   Added Sybase parser back in.
      adds  5204377   Added test number.
      adds  1ea530d   Updated MANIFEST. Updated tests. Added 'pretty' option to HTML producer. Compacted format_*_name methods.
      adds  29ecbf4   Forgot to add my new test, and made the use of CGI vs. CGI::Pretty more consistent.
      adds  41a7b98   Working changes I made to 1.31 back in:  Many cosmetic changes to make formatting more like the rest of the modules;  added ability to set "main_pkg_name" var with argument;  important fix on setting "_columns_primary" of package (reversing a couple conditions).
      adds  eb3b8ae   Some changes to "comments" method.
      adds  c5dabd7   Some minor bug fixen, additions.
      adds  bc05db0   All cosmetic changes while I was looking to find "uninitialized values," but these errors seem to be w/in the guts of XML::Writer and have nothing to do with how it's being called.
      adds  84474a8   Making sure that all vars are initialized to get rid of silly warnings.
      adds  7eac5e1   Fixed bug where the "is_auto_increment" flag wasn't being set for serial fields, other cosmetic changes.
      adds  6d27866   Added test to make sure that serial field has 1 for "is_auto_increment."
      adds  7a7e908   Changed test to match what "comments" now returns.
      adds  60e3ded   Changed test to match what's returned for the size of a "text" field.
      adds  fcc6f51   Added boilerplate header, some cosmetic/POD changes.
      adds  af05a25   Added small transform to turn "XML-SQLFairy" into "XML::SQLFairy" so that we can create hierarchical namespaces for the parsers and producers and not have them mixed up with other modules.
      adds  8ac2c35   Added "template" option for TTSchema produce, added docs for "pretty" and "template."
      adds  d3e9597   Started trying to think of all the changes for 0.03.
      adds  38a6a4f   Created a separate rule for "text" datatype and set the "size" to "64,000"; fixed "set null" and "set default" by removing underscores.
      adds  29b69de   Removed "use warnings" to make 5.00503-friendly.
      adds  1c89951   Bug fixes prompted by Gail Binkley: -   Make sure all constraints don't start with a number (pass "type" arg to "mk_name" always now) -   Unreserve name of reference table in FK -   More testing of default value to see if a string is being used in a number field, catch use of "current_timestamp," etc.
      adds  084cfa7   Fixed up POD, some other cosmetics changes, removed "use warnings" to make 5.00503-friendly.
      adds  91c59bc   Added a little to POD, some other simple changes to make more like other modules.
      adds  7bd4664   Fixed POD.
      adds  0a68910   Adding former "SqlfXML.pm" as "XML/SQLFairy.pm."
      adds  6746fe3   Moved to "XML/SQLFairy.pm."
      adds  5f56cfe   Adding it back and making it an alias to XML::SQLFairy.
      adds  b1e30bf   Corrections.
      adds  c725c5f   Moved XML producer.
      adds  9bcfe96   Increased field sizes to match what PG parser is storing now.
      adds  b8ea607   Changed the default sizes to be the width of the field, not the byte size.
      adds  7898fb7   Got rid of "our," changed field sizes.
      adds  0c1c8d2   Changed field size.
      adds  70dfd7c   Got rid of "our."
      adds  ac62dff   Modified to use XML::SQLFairy, changed field size to match MySQL parser.
      adds  295fe54   Changed to use XML::SQLFairy.
      adds  f002287   Added Ying.
      adds  1ef595d   Changed default layout type.
      adds  8adcda5   Some POD changes.
      adds  9cbbf4d   Chagned default.
      adds  08e7eb7   Changed default layout.
      adds  668c503   Added tests for check constraint.
      adds  637782f   Added test for check constraint.
      adds  b338429   Some cosmetic changes, some stuff dealing with check constraints, make sure to differentiate b/w a constraint and an index.
      adds  4dfb038   Wasn't adding check constraints!  Fixed.
      adds  8065e02   Now with check constraints!
      adds  3dd9026   Some special logic to handle check constraints.
      adds  53ded04   Some special logic to better handle check constraints (which don't have "fields"), also wasn't setting "expression" in "init," better returning of "fields."
      adds  841a3f1   Expanded on AUTHORS, added dumping of Schema object if debugging, added some POD.
      adds  4cdd7bf   Added link to CPAN ratings.
      adds  2ccf229   Fixed problem with "deep recursion."
      adds  cd9ccb3   Small change.
      adds  1e16125   Moving to XML/SQLFairy.pm.
      adds  0a1ec87   Adding old SqlfXML producer as XML/SQLFairy.
      adds  a5e624a   Cosmetic changes.
      adds  3015bf9   Changed the way "_list" works to use File::Find so it can go deeper to find all the parsers and producers located in subdirectories.
      adds  4241237   Adding XML and XML-SQLFairy producers.
      adds  2e11379   Changes to quit using "SqlfXML."
      adds  a7d50b4   Got rid of "SqlfXML."
      adds  41c5ac1   One day we'll make this the 0.03 release.
      adds  0fb2a4b   Added "META.yml" as newest version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker will add this on "make dist."
      adds  36ea90d   OK, I guess it's not necessary to explicitly add "META.yml" to the MANIFEST as this happens automatically, too.
      adds  b015e9f   Corrected the docs a bit (no more data structure to pass around!), but still need to expand a bit.
      adds  56435d6   Fixing docs.
      adds  0ec3d47   No real changes.
      adds  7d8b348   Moving files around, removing ".pl" suffixes, now all start with "sqlt."
      adds  44598b9   Moved POD around, added all options for all parsers and non-graphical producers.
      adds  fd72ea4   Fixed up POD, allow for other ways to specify db.
      adds  354b180   Adding new files.
      adds  a3e70d0   Changes.
      adds  cb002bb   Added "title" arg.
      adds  375f0be   Added default of PAargs.
      adds  2e8dfb7   Fixed drop table rule.
      adds  3cbbe72   Updated with new bin file names.
      adds  45df156   Used to be "sql_translator.cgi."
      adds  5210e29   Alias to XML::SQLFairy.
      adds  43202f2   Fixed script name.
      adds  067e3cf   Added drop table rule, saving of table comments.
      adds  e3910b4   No longer calling script "sql_translator.pl."
      adds  9e09fe5   Fixed EXE_FILES filenames.
      adds  67bb95f   Fixed docs.
      adds  39129b4   Fixed bug in comment rule.
      adds  b03b495   Added test for table comment as SQL comment.
      adds  b85a95e   Added rule for "create index" and fine tuned "default_value" rule.
      adds  ab8802d   Added some Oracle datatypes so you can translate Oracle-to-Oracle; better checking of default value and NULL values so as not to create a bogus default; no need to make up a new index name if one is provided.
      adds  7652721   The arg is called "output_type," not "image_type."
      adds  42b19e6   Trying to expand to cover all args to parsers and producers;  NEED HELP GETTING THE MIME TYPES RIGHT!
      adds  c00bb9f   The Turnkey package is based on the ClassDBI package (1.35) and includes functionality needed by the Turnkey SF project.  It generates a variety of xml, dbi, and visualization classes automatically based on the schema of the input file.
      adds  69c7a62   moving reusable (useful?) code into schema classes
      adds  c8515c9   more functionality in Table.pm, Turnkey.pm is broken (working on it...)
      adds  b75fe3e   firming up can_link()
      adds  bcb3dbd   Changed POD to match class name, added link to Turnkey project page.
      adds  870024f   Removed backslash-escaping of single quotes where unnecessary, ran new code through perltidy to make it match the rest of the module, fixed some POD and cosmetic issues.
      adds  88f2d2f   turnkey producer still broken, will try to get it working on the plane...
      adds  1ae0e8c   Typo fix.
      adds  4328d7b   PG was choking on a lot of small errors, and some of the translations didn't seem quite right.
      adds  1223c9b   Initial version of XMI parser.
      adds  0caaf4c   adding dg classes to represent schema.  these are currently dependent on the schema::* classes, but i'd like them to break away at some point as an alternate way to represent a schema.
      adds  d8dc07e   moved graph generating code (except hyperedges) to Graph.pm, producer class is now mostly templates.
      adds  681003c   adding more XMI files.  these are identical models in different XMI formats (rose xmi 1.0, poseidon/argoUML 1.2).  you should be able to produce the same data structure from both!
      adds  ef2d779   + Added visability arg. - Removed all the <UML:Diagram> ... </> stuff from the file to speed the test up.
      adds  026f23b   Fixed problems in foreign key rule.
      adds  f8ec05f   Refactored the internals so that the XMI parsing is seperate from the Schema generation. This should make it easy to work with and extend and is laying the ground work for making the XMI parser a seperate mod.
      adds  3bfe5e1   Allow space as part of default value.
      adds  91ed9c3   More refactoring and code tidy. We now have get_attributes and get_stereotype.
      adds  5cb154e   Added parsing of operations from the XMI. Do we have enough to do the Rational Profile now?
      adds  f77a985   Added alternate form of comments "/* ... */."
      adds  2eb042e   Added tests for alternate form of comments.
      adds  3731665   Added a comment for a test.
      adds  13d0808   Wasn't producing field comments.
      adds  11a08bd   Checking for field comments now.
      adds  f42065c   Split out XMI parsing to SQL::Translator::XMI::Parser. All the XPath is hidden in this mod so we can transparently handle XMI1.0 and XMI1.2. Schema gen is now based on the perl data structure returned from SQL::Translator::XMI::Parser::get_classes().
      adds  b4b9f86   Doc notes on version selection and added xmi.id to specs.
      adds  538293f   Started on rational data modeling profile.
      adds  5a53464   Added lib/SQL/Translator/XMI/Parser.pm
      adds  db443c2   Trying to correct header for HTML.
      adds  b2a00f5   Moved Rational profile code to its own mod. Added support for tagged values, so we can now model the data type, size and nullability of fields using rational. Updated the docs.
      adds  65157ed   this is pretty stable, and is ( i think ) generating usable class::dbi code.  still template problems for other output formats.
      adds  f9c5e79   fix for strange interpretation of 1liner
      adds  3d6c905   oops, missing }
      adds  7c4cf56   Added some rules to better handle the output of DDL::Oracle, now saving table options
      adds  81c2130   Removed unnecessary code.
      adds  51bb6fe   Fixed "parse_list_args" to not stringify reference arguments.
      adds  c8c17a5   No need to create constraint names if they don't already exist (and PG might still complain about existing ones);  leave off 'Constraint "name"' when no name is present;  remove default values for date/timestamp fields (a real mess when moving from MySQL);  max precision for a timestamp is "6," not "13."
      adds  021dbce   Push foreign key defs to end of file to avoid errors with referenced tables not existing yet.
      adds  600ac2f   Added comment for FKs (if necessary).
      adds  0b3f94e   The data, as it is being parsed, is added to $self->{model}. Anything seen before is then looked up in here and reffed so we don't go round in circles! Allows parser to build up self referncing data structure for the model.
      adds  93f4a35   Different versions of XMI now handled by sub-classes (still generating methods from specs) with the Parser mod returning the appropriate sub class. This keeps the specs in sperate files and allows for overrides of the generated methods for tweaking porpoises.
      adds  6d3f637   Kill size attribute if field data type is "text."
      adds  7f1e42e   Changed debug to dump xmi model data and not just classes.
      adds  42b5b9b   AssociationEnds gets an 'otherEnd' ref added so you can navigate associations from class to class easily.
      adds  a8ae1e5   Added FKeys from associations
      adds  9b35c8f   Added some test xmi files for rational profile (tests coming soon ;-)
      adds  215c6c5   Moved visibility test to its own .t
      adds  fd5abbd   Tidy up, as they seemed to be a bit of a mess.
      adds  aafe595   Removed debug warning
      adds  c76749e   Added test for the Rational profile. Removed product table from test DB.
      adds  72aa264   New SQLite parser.
      adds  6a9f7ba   Adding new DBI and experimental DBI::SQLite parsers.
      adds  5365ac8   Made dataType a proper obj instead of just a name.
      adds  e107f4d   Added options for DBI parser.
      adds  ef879f1   Added tagged values to DataType's
      adds  bdfd8a3   Streamlined.
      adds  34d79f6   Adding a MySQL/DBI parser that talks to the db for the structures.
      adds  da80413   Fixing AUTHORS.
      adds  f69e9da   Tabs suck!  Die 0x09, die!
      adds  b11c7cf   Removed definedness check for file-based data, for the DBI-based parsers, which will not pass a data or file element.
      adds  9d53a6a   Some mods.
      adds  86ee065   Adding Sybase parser for Paul.
      adds  e36f4ea   Fixed syntax error.
      adds  525905b   Adding new Sybase entries -- should the full "use" statement be used or should I defer to Translator->load?
      adds  70e2a18   SQL::Translator::Shell - and interactive Schema browser.  This is a placeholder commit.
      adds  e036224   Command-line wrapper for SQL::Translator::Shell.
      adds  a5fb2bf   Basic test for SQL::Translator::Shell
      adds  5974bee   Added "add_trigger" method.
      adds  e2cf647   New trigger class.
      adds  90fd4bf   Tests for triggers.
      adds  f996e1e   dump out views and stored procedures
      adds  1eb8ea8   extract out text of stored procedures and triggers
      adds  70698e1   Now parsing and adding views and triggers to schema.
      adds  02c2af3   Don't make up unnecessary monikers, added support for table options that DDL::Oracle has.
      adds  a5a882f   Lots o' refinements.
      adds  be53b4c   Disabling some suspect code.
      adds  2542703   No longer require file arg here -- let modules decide.
      adds  6e69459   Fixed serious bug in xmiDeref: was only working for tags with xmi.idref attrib, tags with xmi.id blew up XPath!
      adds  6c77f25   Added multiplicity to AssociationEnds.
      adds  182bc70   Removed some unneeded, commented out code.
      adds  3074447   Fixed broken otherEnd linking for assoctionEnds.
      adds  56c4b15   Removed TODO comment- cos its done
      adds  4e23817   Changed ends to associationEnds in the Association's spec.
      adds  96f38d8   Made debugging work and it now exports its parse method.
      adds  79dbb3a   Fixed a problem with POD.
      adds  d3fad39   Added YAML parser, producer, and basic test.  All need more work!
      adds  58f520b   Added YAML stuff
      adds  af53e4e   A better YAML producer, actually using the YAML module.  Updated test
      adds  2c0b3f9   Adding Paul's Procedure class.
      adds  b039cab   Fixed POD, added "schema" method, fixed DESTROY.
      adds  39ad178   Added "schema" method, added to object initialization and destruction.
      adds  66a9c13   Fixed spacing.
      adds  daf24e0   Added support for adding procedures, getting procedures and triggers.
      adds  22d567c   Added tests for procedures, expanded view and trigger tests.
      adds  f659517   Storable stuff
      adds  cb2966b   load test for sybase DBI parser
      adds  201642e   add methods for dealing with procedures
      adds  4262469   reverting to previous revision as I had duplicated some of the subroutines to handle procedures... sorry about that!
      adds  349af11   store in network order
      adds  ca0022d   still a bit hacky .. would like to use a method that will work on either "store" or "freeze" data. This will still break if you are passed in a file that contains the result of a freeze
      adds  5fcc85a   Adding SQLite parser test.
      adds  24e769f   New test data for SQLite parser.
      adds  b727fc0   Fixed bug that wasn't maintaining table order.
      adds  153b2e7   Basic tests for SQLite, will expand later.
      adds  51df59a   Fixed syntax errors.
      adds  6785b14   Fleshing out.
      adds  baff4db   No reason to see Excel parser.
      adds  e49d215   Needed semicolon on end of constraint def.
      adds  c960377   Small change to prevent "use of uninitialized value" warnings.
      adds  5eb4a35   POD changes, small change to prevent "use of uninitialized value" warning.
      adds  ae48473   Fixed normalize_name per DLC.
      adds  46a0635   Fix PK info if available.
      adds  7b09a30   POD fix.
      adds  5b9183f   Trying to be smarter about intuiting field types and sizes.
      adds  b57555a   POD fixes.
      adds  37b15d8   Fixing up "view_field" to use all the field attributes.
      adds  80ae061   Adding a DBI-Pg parser based on DBIx::DBSchema, but I'm not sure if I'm very happy with this approach.  It seems to get all the internal PG tables (which I don't need) and fails to get the PK and index defs (which I do need).
      adds  05078e2   Added PG support, more POD.
      adds  854b721   POD fixes, fix to field size for a float.
      adds  8545fe4   Fix to size of float field.
      adds  2cd6675   Work in filter mode -- accept data on standard input.
      adds  ec42851   Context fix.  Rar.
      adds  55e462b   Initial code for SQLFairy UML profile for the XMI parser. The name may need changing but I wanted to get it in cvs so its safe and I can work on it and worry about the name later.
      adds  f992cfa   PKeys automatically generated for Classes that don't set them explicitly with <<PK>>.
      adds  638e82c   use DBI and a recent revision of DBD::Pg
      adds  515a6a5   Minor changes.
      adds  ae15bb9   Added m:n joins. Can now model m:n association in your class diag and the parser will create a link table for it when creating the schema :)
      adds  62682f2   POD update for m:n stuff.
      adds  aba9fea   Made $0 a little nicer.
      adds  171fd49   Fixed some spacing and POD.
      adds  9156433   Fixing POD.
      adds  587a99b   Added boilerplate intro, fixed POD.
      adds  13b0b70   Fixed POD, removed commented warnings.
      adds  dd6fb3d   Added boilerplate intro/copyright.
      adds  df32118   Doc fixes.
      adds  0839c8a   Mostly POD fixes.
      adds  7c2e6f4   Small POD fix.
      adds  c855a74   Added some more POD.
      adds  3b2be65   Notes about DDL::Oracle.
      adds  ba096dc   Fixes to POD, mention DDL::Oracle.
      adds  20770e4   POD fixes.
      adds  4fc11ff   POD fixes, removed some unnecessary code.
      adds  75c75c5   POD fixes.
      adds  9c6eb8e   we need to rely on the vendor set_up_table() method b/c ddl may not have explicity sequence declarations, which is going to make Class::DBI choke on record create() calls
      adds  420f63c   cleanup for 0.03 release
      adds  6e86705   This module does not actually use any DBD::Pg calls, just DBI. However, the DBI calls are delegated to DBD::Pg and the revision on CPAN (1.22) does not have very usable table_info() and column_info catalog methods. Put in a nagging message so that the user does not get too shocked by the poor results if running with <1.31
      adds  b79348f   Trying to get sqlt to play nicely with DBI parsers which need no input file.
      adds  d6d2873   Added a little to the POD to explain version dependency.
      adds  ba3cb84   Be stricter about no comments.
      adds  1caf2bb   Fix: Now includes the Schema's name and database attributes
      adds  f11724a   Added missing test for attrib_values=>1. More detail added to test names.
      adds  e12ca55   Adding new schema differ.
      adds  c16f976   Added index view.  Dunno if it works. :(
      adds  a5d57a5   Slightly more verbose error reporting.
      adds  fd682c0   Small pod fix.
      adds  64e36ec   Almost all elements have consistently named classes, rather than hard-coded colors.
      adds  45e4da2   HTML producer test.  Uses HTML::Parser.
      adds  0ea7aa8   Sorted.  Added a few missing items.
      adds  e93454a   Updated YAML test.
      adds  71e9c5e   Brought the test up to date with some recent changes.
      adds  c406ab3   Added a libscan to supplement the default libscan.
      adds  ed6f968   sqlt-diff test (very basic)
      adds  0e8c206   Corrections.
      adds  bcc43c9   Moved all the XMI stuff from MANIFEST to MANIFEST.SKIP and added missing files.
      adds  cccff7c   Fixed broken --emit-empty-tags option.
      adds  3b80481   Bring tests to passing.
      adds  1e3867b   Added Views, Procedures and Triggers to bring it inline with the current Schema features.
      adds  19922fb   Added Views, Procedures and Triggers to bring it inline with the current Schema features and updated producer.
      adds  446dfcb   When using attrib_values the attribs are now written in alphabetical order rather than hash order. Should ensure the test passes for different versions of perl.
      adds  d671d3b   Refactored attrib ordering fix.
      adds  78d4bd9   No reason to distribute logo.
      adds  1f6b1a7   Removed "use Data::Dump" as it wasn't being used and makes tests fail if not installed.
      adds  27a8323   Not ready to distribute this script yet.
      adds  923c7bb   Keeping up with changes in code.
      adds  35ea7cc   Some refinements in assigning field types, size of field for floats.
      adds  7461b4e   Getting float sizes to work properly.
      adds  e966b2b   POD changes.
      adds  0a91d33   Fixing default datatype if unknown.
      adds  128e4af   Upped number of constraints.
      adds  7acfa31   Changed a little to make more interesting.
      adds  beb8e23   Keeping up with changes in module.
      adds  4e9ab1d   Update number of tests.
      adds  7dfd35c   Added YAML.
      adds  5bd0a66   Fixing error ""my" variable %format_X_name masks earlier declaration in same scope at t/20format_X_name.t line 11."
      adds  56746e2   Added "order" to tables (should have been there already, but was also causing the error "Use of uninitialized value in numeric comparison (<=>) at blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Sybase.pm line 334.").
      adds  206da8e   Added missing data file.
      adds  558d494   Added another missing test data file.
      adds  c9ca006   Added map to overcome "Use of uninitialized value in join or string at t/02mysql-parser.t line 378" error.
      adds  cc558ea   Corrections after adding scan fields.
      adds  60f751e   Fixen.
      adds  2d6dd8a   Added explicit unlink of the temp file; it wasn't always being deleted.
      adds  9979410   If no data is present, then assign a field size of "1" and not "0" (as the latter isn't valid).
      adds  c77202c   Changing test to keep up with module.
      adds  6808d3e   Some of the same changes to Excel.
      adds  a9dcf25   Updated for release.
      adds  d3b1f33   Updating for 0.03 release.
      adds  1bb5040   Updating for release.
      adds  6a86d61   Small fix.
      adds  dc3572b   Updated changes.
      adds  51af147   Fixed typo in POD.
      adds  e174270   Making a more thorough check of things.
      adds  8a12b90   Pushing up revision so make CPAN happy.
      adds  6b4903e   Increased VERSION to 0.04 to make a fix-up release.
      adds  f6aed47   Indicating changes for 0.04.
      adds  a212a6f   Hardcoding PREREQ_PM, removing code that set it dynamically.
      adds  250692b   Changed tempfile stuff to use "mktemp" to get rid of warnings.
      adds  ac397a4   adding COMMENT processing to Pg parser
      adds  59b2ec8   Handles order given as attrib.
      adds  8e9e79d   Initializing variable to suppress silly warnings.
      adds  04db860   quotemeta for directory names.  See https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=4505.
      adds  8b183a0   Skip creating package if no name (must have been an error in the source file not caught by "validate").
      adds  00ef67e   Added more rules to handle all variations of the "ALTER TABLE" statement (though many rules don't have actions which actually do anything).
      adds  b3abc00   Added tests to keep up with new ALTER TABLE rules in the grammar.
      adds  0b383be   Fixed number of tests.
      adds  211e2e9   Minor changes.
      adds  a024951   Changes for Turnkey Atom class creation.  Right now DBI and Atom classes seem to be created correctly with the Turnkey producer.
      adds  63c988e   The Turnkey producer now uses the latest head on SQLFairy.  There may still be some bugs but the autogeneration seems to work OK.
      adds  7fbe3b9   Fixed problem with rendering atoms in Turnkey Producer.
      adds  1da1040   ya
      adds  304d682   removing hardcoded colors/styles to CSS
      adds  8bba52b   transfering functionality from branch
      adds  c01582e   factored out more styles to css.  atom macros are now focus-aware.
      adds  cf927f9   Fixed problem with Turnkey producer where the db connection string wasn't passes to the templates while generating the DBI output.
      adds  35276d8   fixing bugs on sf turnkey tracker
      adds  edee065   Search string in DBI output was fixed to escape @_ in template.
      adds  bed83b6   Added a method based to the template to correctly reformat module names to include cap chars after a '_' in the Turnkey producer embedded templates.
      adds  43167a3   Added a method based to the template to correctly reformat module names to include cap chars after a '_' in the Turnkey producer embedded templates.
      adds  02a21f1   Fixed errors in grammar as reported in "https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=4936."
      adds  09fa21a   Changed default_val rule according to bug report on RT.cpan.org.
      adds  623a0a9   Fixed constraints and indices.
      adds  472b787   Null out size if a blob field.
      adds  b0c196d   Various bug fixen.
      adds  b3d280e   Wasn't producing constraint defs, fixed indices to be a list.
      adds  556d050   Updated.
      adds  c2f4d5c   Small fix.
      adds  21f5bf4   Try to make usage clearer.
      adds  83efd5a   Changed max_id_length to 62, from previous 30, since PostgreSQL now allows longer identifiers than 30.
      adds  a2bec46   Added list of constants exported to the docs.
      adds  d342208   Order of schema objects properties in XML changed to something more sensible for hand hacking of the xml files, instead of sort order.
      adds  37ce746   merging patch from Dave Cash.  description:
      adds  d09e570   added credit for dave cash
      adds  d4becbf   Stifle undefined variable warnings.
      adds  4783ccc   Changed index creation to better handle output of DDL::Oracle.
      adds  0919510   Fixed test.
      adds  8c12c40   Fixed 'useless use of constant in void context' warning.
      adds  fbc0552   Robustify the tests a little.
      adds  dd7ea91   More TODO items.
      adds  2e2fc2b   Outline for manual.
      adds  db7232b   Added reference to manual, fixed copyright.
      adds  d2344c8   Being case-insensitive on datatype translations.
      adds  f6b0dc5   Added manual.
      adds  942485e   Changed to print out schema mutation statements (CREATE/ALTER/DROP) instead of just English descriptions.  Also made it a one-way comparison (how to change schema1 into schema2) rather than two-way comparison (just a description of what's different between the two).
      adds  6b06fc3   sqlt-diff is now functional enough to include.
      adds  6f20f0e   Updated.
      adds  7d42cdd   Added Dave Cash for his work on GraphViz producer.
      adds  cb9f653   Changed copyright.
      adds  daf4f62   Fixed copyrights.
      adds  4e51265   Updated.
      adds  ad8eaea   Fixed copyright.
      adds  6606c4c   Fixed copyrights.
      adds  9007586   Fixed copyrights.
      adds  977651a   Fixed copyrights.
      adds  bc0cf6e   individual tables now returned as a hash of separate tt2 templates, keyed by table name.
      adds  56d46c5   return hashref instead of hash
      adds  07c7a76   template files shall be lowercase
      adds  a3de76b   Minor bug fixes ("top" and table links didn't work), added borders to tables, added "constraints" table (for any but PK constraints).
      adds  60dcc98   Pushed field attributes to after datatype/size to make consistent with GraphViz producer (also lined them up); changed watermark to use main package version instead of producer version.
      adds  59cbb03   Fixing up new options for showing data types, etc.
      adds  8b3b2f0   Added some debugging comments.
      adds  7b908fb   Applied patch to pass new options to producer.
      adds  8705373   Added rules (REM, prompt) to help parse output of DDL::Oracle; changed top-level parse rule to return elements keys in hash rather than just the tables;  separate how "CREATE INDEX" statements get added to the tables so that one that references a table for which no "CREATE TABLE" statement exists doesn't accidentally make the parser think there's a table (that has no fields, etc.).
      adds  c314ec9   Upped $VERSION to 0.05, created a "version" sub to easily get this.
      adds  c012e81   Misplaced semi.
      adds  0f4ffe3   add file extension
      adds  d6b47dd   Reverse order of the Changes file, so that recent Changes are at the top.
      adds  49c0574   More TODOs
      adds  aea22da   Remove all those subroutine redefined warnings.
      adds  0df2ed6   Just the fairy.
      adds  d491c96   Integrate Dave Cash's changes.
      adds  8e8f495   Changed test to match output.
      adds  2a8f048   Adding another data file for sqlt-diff test.
      adds  afdf6a1   Some bug fixes, better formatting when no field size is applicable.
      adds  9e1ed4a   Updated to match new output;  also had to remove "close STDERR;" to get working.
      adds  f5d6ae2   Now installing sqlt-diff.
      adds  6262f77   The manual isn't in a state to send out.
      adds  8d062be   Small change to make installation easier.
      adds  7c67b30   Updated with what I can think has changed.
      adds  bc40219   Fixed conflicts.
      adds  873af5c   Added "SIGN" option.
      adds  5c22f7c   Adding SIGNATURE.
      adds  d3e319b   Adding SIGNATURE file.
      adds  8c75ef5   Apparently it's unnecessary for me to put the SIG in the MANIFEST as it's added automatically.
      adds  7858a5f   Added blibdirs, which recent MakeMakers create.
      adds  2d034ab   reference_fields now returns an empty list (or array ref) for constraints that don't have reference fields e.g. UNIQUE. Was returning an undef before.
      adds  e6c155d   Fixed so they test for empty list reference_fields and not the old undef return.
      adds  9bbbf40   Test::More Schema testing.
      adds  1c375f4   Uses Test::SQL::Translator.pm
      adds  a0eb602   Added schema_ok. Some tweaks to the test output.
      adds  9c36b41   Now uses schema_ok
      adds  090d438   Now uses Test::SQL::Translator
      adds  282727b   Fixed test count.
      adds  19458c2   Added Todo
      adds  a82fa2c   Modified comment rules.
      adds  fcc393c   Updated with comment tests.
      adds  0eb5d8f   Requiring a recent version of Spreadsheet::ParseExcel as an earlier version makes the test fail.
      adds  0ff797b   Make SIGN conditional based on MakeMaker version.
      adds  9f61e9f   POD update.
      adds  f135f8f   Will someone just frickin' fix XML::Writer already?
      adds  49133ae   Added maybe_plan function.
      adds  2d691ec   Update tests to use maybe_plan.
      adds  06f34bd   Removed 01test.t
      adds  dce6812   Removed unused Test::Exception
      adds  13cef90   Added lib/Test/SQL/Translator.pm
      adds  88a4375   Fixed bug in script which didn't actually escape single ticks in string vals.
      adds  f890ae8   no warnings for redefined methods
      adds  e8aa1b6   Added options for new Dumper producer.
      adds  fa44993   Adding a producer to replicate (and extend) what was being done in the "sqlt-dumper" script -- creates a Perl script from a schema for dumping a database.
      adds  960b4e5   Fixed indentation.
      adds  01fe35e   Getting translator options.
      adds  25a2e5c   Serializing translator options.
      adds  5a3f5c8   Changing to use new Producer.
      adds  e96fe4d   Some fixes.
      adds  d8b098e   Removed "sort" as it puts the tables in a different order than they appear in the body.
      adds  848f7c3   Moving to test module not script.
      adds  3c5dc86   Adding test for Dumper producer.
      adds  b7df9b7   Added "takelike" option.
      adds  034bdbe   Readding, at kyc's request.
      adds  04c13c0   Added tests for Dumper producer.
      adds  8061d27   Add test for closing file.
      adds  2c05ed8   Updated to match new YAML output.
      adds  c401ac4   Used code found http://www.mail-archive.com/perl-documentation@perl.org/msg00380.html to fix reading of STDERR (?).
      adds  007caf6   Some editing to make "make test" happy.
      adds  4f2cf9f   Fixed a problem for the Turnkey producer where the atomtemplate is not fully dereferencing the hash containing the field data.
      adds  a006efc   Fixed a possible infinite loop problem where the primary key accessor calls itself in the Turnkey producer.
      adds  f1c3ce1   Requiring latest version of XML::Writer where error was fixed.
      adds  5587979   Oops!
      adds  f382d57   Fixed bug.
      adds  71c4d5a   Fixed per Tony Bowden to allow all integer fields (including LARGEINT, MEDIUMINT, etc.) to be translated to "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY."
      adds  65dd38c   Added stringify to name and error check to stop creation of object without a name.
      adds  5ab9f4f   Tests for Table and Field stringify.
      adds  462ede1   Tweaked to use (test ;-) table and field stringify.
      adds  2304475   Removed check on field name when adding fields, as the fields constructor does it now.
      adds  4809213   Added full_name.
      adds  b9dc0b4   Doc tweaks.
      adds  0bf88ce   Doc tweaks.
      adds  c1e3c76   Added shortcut method to get the fields Schema object.
      adds  57fd48f   Added test of field schema shortcut and table stringify.
      adds  481b05f   Changed the 'id' field to 'age' on the first test constraint, so that one of its fields is a real field of its table!
      adds  ac095e5   fields returns Field objects when it can. Added field_names().
      adds  62d773a   Uses field_names when making constraint YAML to avoid field overloading.
      adds  e21fb9d   Tests of Constraint::fields() object return and Constraint::field_names().
      adds  a03aec4   Removed __WARN__ handler.
      adds  ebe4979   Opps, forgot the sub seperator comment.
      adds  719915f   Added field_names() and field/constraint lookup methods
      adds  81e0fe8   Added test of Table::field_names()
      adds  dcb49df   Tests for the Table, field and constraint lookup methods
      adds  8c54bff   fixes for code clarity
      adds  6659213   Adding Manual now that it is somewhat useful.
      adds  cfdcb09   Now with content!
      adds  9622375   Fixes.
      adds  21521f1   Added section on Dumper producer.
      adds  1b0fe90   Added a couple more sections.
      adds  6124b91   more readable tag names
      adds  30bda79   Added examples of plugging in custom parsers and producers.
      adds  90f6701   Just a couple tweaks.
      adds  49758c5   Massaging of Oracle varchar2 field if larger than 255.
      adds  0be5b22   Added TT::Table producer.
      adds  83a4223   improved element names
      adds  8a296cd   uri->object mapping changing from GET params to URI path encoding
      adds  7a1eb8c   bugfixes in Class::DBI method generation.  they were caused by bad schema graph representation, which were in turn caused by unexpected (and poorly documented) Class::MakeMethods::Template::Hash behavior.
      adds  7611bcd   aeshetic fixes, largely.
      adds  e204c7c   An update of the Turnkey producer to output with better css support. May be slightly broken, there've been lots of changes to this file lately for both layout and the schema object.
      adds  0be4a1f   many graph introspection problems solved.  method name generation is still fubar due to empty ([% %]) tt2 tags, need to trace through old commits to find out what used to be in them...
      adds  92c2965   updated turnkey regression testing schema.  added comments RE what role each table plays.  made FK field names consistent throught schema.
      adds  5c804b4   add test data
      adds  58bf08d   m2m FK link table import mappings now generate traversal methods.  whew!
      adds  c051e2b   no autocommit
      adds  8e1fc86   Doc fix.
      adds  816ce4b   Updated the Turnkey producer to correctly read the db values in the atom object layer.
      adds  f5f03b7   Initial crack at a base class for building TT based producers.
      adds  4097689   removed xlink tag
      adds  82cedef   Updates to the Turnkey templates for atoms, tt2 templates, and xml
      adds  e66764e   Updated a problem with the Turnkey template producer
      adds  c7a9e95   Fixes a bug in the way the Turnkey producer's macro.tt2 output renders minor focus panels.
      adds  ef6a678   Adding test data for Access parser.
      adds  7c44825   Committing new Access parser (yeah, Bill, we're coming after you now).
      adds  8777979   Added Access data types.
      adds  20b9b67   Adding tests for Access parser.
      adds  28ae473   Added dumper method.
      adds  8a41259   Updated heredocs to not be interpreted.
      adds  f552aa6   Fixed bug in Data::Dumper statement
      adds  2d3b34e   Updates for dump method.
      adds  6a36a3d   Added alternate way to declare unique constraints.
      adds  321cd17   Updated tests for alternate unique constraint.
      adds  2e82e0f   Upped version.  We should release soon.
      adds  2d99349   Give higher billing for manual.
      adds  25afc77   Added bit to help.
      adds  afff8ac   Fixed error in output.
      adds  6fedb92   As a quick test to see if Test::SQL::Translator really is quicker added tests for the 1st 2 tables in test scheam. 130 Ok's added in 15 mins :)
      adds  d2fd019   Removed some character escape problems with the Turnkey producer.
      adds  79989cd   Modified the Turnkey producer to correcly output URLs.  This method will need to be updated once we start using more than the /db/ prefix.
      adds  e6c65ff   URL link corrections
      adds  143a9dd   Updates to the Turnkey class bindings, will need to be revised later when we switch to search on it's own handler.
      adds  b5ae1af   Fixed merge.
      adds  57e7e32   Some changes to get tests to pass.
      adds  7f3fc88   Added hook for sub classes to set Template config. Docs next...
      adds  53ec8b7   Added test for tt_config
      adds  ce48bfe   Tweaked tt_schema
      adds  11a8c77   Documentation.
      adds  08a6f82   Initial stab at a section on building producers with TT::Base
      adds  f28712a   Tweaked to use the default reading of __DATA__
      adds  bfd86e7   Added experimental pre_process_schema method.
      adds  6d4ce9b   Fixed problems with non-unique names.
      adds  8dff25a   silence redefined warnings
      adds  e2a489c   Doc tweaks.
      adds  b89a67a   Updated to produce the new, single format sqlf xml.
      adds  8571d19   Updated to parse the new, single format sqlf xml and emit warnings when the old style is used (but still parse it).
      adds  ec79100   Updated to test the new, single format sqlf xml.
      adds  7266dab   XML test src changed name.
      adds  399a439   *** empty log message ***
      adds  4a268a6   Added docs about the legacy format xml.
      adds  3e069fa   Added items about the change of XML format and additional TT based producers.
      adds  983ed64   Added producer args to control indenting, newlines and namespace prefixing.
      adds  af2301d   Updated with the new XML producer args.
      adds  e0a0c3e   Added writing of field.extra
      adds  4ee5723   Allow extra to be set via constructor.
      adds  94ed484   Added parsing of field.extra
      adds  6fc634e   Fixed break due to XML Parser now supporting field.extra
      adds  e42b8ca   Added "enum" to string types.
      adds  43cf00a   Added 'date' to "string" types.
      adds  4ff660f   Class::MakeMethods prereq for Turnkey producer.
      adds  efcd92a   Changes to the Turnkey producer related to soap output, AutoDBI output, and comment syntax.
      adds  7a9287a   Updates to include special comments for Atom and Model classes to make it easier to split these files as part of a Turnkey install.
      adds  f408631   Fixed documentation in template.
      adds  9aeb116   Fixed docs.
      adds  bf46ec5   Correctly produces settings file for soap Turnkey components.
      adds  5e14531   Adding new Module::Build-based build script.
      adds  742d5d2   Changing to use Build.PL/Module::Build.
      adds  c4bf7f5   Updated.
      adds  1bd50a8   Fixed naming of file.
      adds  546dad3   sp_columns on Sybase 12.5.2 (and, perhaps, earlier) needs to be passed nulls explicitly so pass in list of undefs to column_info
      adds  de8ae81   Removing commented-out code.
      adds  f65806c   Just some cosmetic changes to the docs.
      adds  dbbe24e   Changes to the Turnkey producer to better support IE.
      adds  d2d944c   Removed some old code, make table type "InnoDB" if there's a FK constraint.
      adds  4167a80   Make sure there's some size value for a character-based field.
      adds  bc60004   Add indexes for FKs as necessary.
      adds  2b69551   Check for >255 field size for all char fields (not just varchar); turn a boolean field into an ENUM; make sure double/float fields have a precision value (even if it's just "0").
      adds  44ffdb7   Take the defined field size if present.
      adds  4ae3a77   Added "version" argument to show SQLT::VERSION.
      adds  10f0924   XML test file changed
      adds  4457fd0   DOAP for SQL::Translator
      adds  23735f6   Move the list of methods to write as elements out into a global.
      adds  87c5565   Added collection tags for the Schemas objects (tables, views, etc)
      adds  f33f9d7   Doc tweaks
      adds  91f2846   Doc tweaks
      adds  1672901   Doc tweaks
      adds  466c88d   Doc tweaks
      adds  85633bf   Doc tweaks.
      adds  4c41d37   Adding Jess's DB2 DBI parser.
      adds  429f639   Applying patches from Markus Törnqvis.
      adds  88c7364   Fixed problems in POD.
      adds  01a182a   Allow "gutter" to be set by producer arg (Markus Törnqvis).
      adds  bb44ccb   Allow "gutter" to be set by producer arg (Markus Törnqvist).
      adds  d2f0a9f   Some updates to tests to skip when required dependencies are missing.
      adds  9d97c19   New column_info definition, correct nullable
      adds  173392c   Add Triggers
      adds  c72b8f3   Bug fix to keep FK constraints from being created twice, expanded a couple of rules to handle screwy input.
      adds  c4c363b   Moved "interval" rule.
      adds  2bc23e8   Trying to be smarter and stricter on translating FKs.
      adds  3000efd   The default too often was "tinyint," changed to only make it that when necessary and default non-float number fields to "int."
      adds  aa0a4c4   That last commit wasn't very thought-out.
      adds  be42bce   OK, I really got it this time.
      adds  ebee7d9   Modifications to the Turnkey producer to support file split in the Turnkey install process
      adds  d55fe5c   Fixed syntax error.
      adds  90e373b   Fixed POD.
      adds  919a167   almost working.  there is a package name mangling problem where the upcasing doesn't happen properly... i think it's the lack of callback calling in the right places, or an erroneous callback.
      adds  147d59b   lc the template files... flipflop
      adds  b046b0b   some refactoring.  moving to being able to call $schema->as_graph to do an OM translation.
      adds  47fed97   patch for parser/producer args courtesy of darren (w/ embellishments by me)
      adds  10f3692   Producer::Turnkey obsolete.  now rely on TTSchema parser (see concommitant turnkey commit).
      adds  e4a9818   fixed parsing of Pg COMMENT ON ... syntax
      adds  e1fa2c5   throws error if a comment is placed on a non-existent column
      adds  898c8e0   Fixing the error "Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at /Users/kclark/Work/sqlf/sqlfairy/lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/TTSchema.pm line 123."
      adds  b6a880d   Added SQL::Translator::Schema::Object, a base class for all the Schema objects and made them all use it.
      adds  d13e0f3   Added diagnostics on fail.
      adds  9371be5   Added _attributes class data to SQL::Translator::Schema::Object for sub classes to declare their attributes with and an init method to initialize the class from this data.
      adds  b178940   All Schema objects now have an extra attribute. Added parsing support (and tests) for this to the SQLF XML parser.
      adds  0eebe05   Added writing of extra data for all objects to XML producer.
      adds  7fc3834   Added extra and Schema::Object stuff
      adds  f4a59b6   Refactored producer() and parser() to use a sub, _tool(), implimenting their shared functionality, in much the same way producer_args() and parser_args() use _args().
      adds  da3a97b   Factored _load_sub() out of _tool(). Ground work for adding filters.
      adds  2304f60   I needed to be able to pass in additional information to the templates (beyond the schema object) processed by this producer. Before it only passed one argument through to the template but now I pass all items in the template args hash.
      adds  046d668   Re-added ttvars. Added docs and test for ttvars.
      adds  3c1274c   DB2 P::RD grammar
      adds  f85aea7   DB2.pm the first
      adds  13aec98   Applied Dave Howorth's MySQL parser patches - ignore INSERT statements - permit ALTER TABLE ADD FOREIGN KEY - allow trailing comma on last field in CREATE statements - collect the database name
      adds  329fc3f   Deprecated ttargs producer arg in favour of tt_vars
      adds  3658d74   Added tt-vars to pass variables to templates.
      adds  9d6bd3c   Template config is now passed using tt_conf producer arg. Deprecated passing it in the producer_args directly.
      adds  d955ed8   Added tt-conf option
      adds  f972539   Added TTSchema changes.
      adds  650f87e   Drop functions
      adds  952b266   Clean up
      adds  185c34d   Added schema filters
      adds  9c0bc5a   Re-added proper error trapping and reporting when trying to set the parser, producer or a filter to un unknown module/sub (accidently removed by filter work).
      adds  0c879b5   Moved graph tests out.
      adds  726cd28   Tests moved from 13graph.t.
      adds  b89d563   Accepted changes from Eric Just.
      adds  35b0679   localised setting of %Data::Dumper::Maxdepth (and Indent), to stop it polluting the rest of perl and breaking Module::Build!
      adds  53a533e   Removed (annoying) warning when order attributes are not used.
      adds  70c12e7   replaced by TT producer
      adds  14ad260   Fixed test name
      adds  24324d7   Made extra interface more context sensative.
      adds  5a0c7b4   mysql_table_type extra data and InnoDB derivation fix.
      adds  7a0ceaa   A SQLServer producer. (They made me do it! :(
      adds  3d4edd3   Made the field definition rows alternate "even" and "odd" classes so you can use CSS to change colors.
      adds  556b046   incrementing for next release
      adds  5eb35c1   *** empty log message ***
      adds  6f55900   fix to allow GraphViz to load -- someone who understands why this is needed please comment!
      adds  6f14664   Fixed YAML testi. Failed due to sqlfairy version increase and YAML not putting the YAML version in the output anymore (seems to have been commented out of YAML.pm some versions ago). Set YAML version in Build.pm so we know we get a version that works.
      adds  e7a96c9   Fixed. Broke due to changes in YAML.
      adds  31cf3a5   Added hack to remove the Graph stuff hack of adding a ref to the translator, to the schema. Also moved schema equality test to using Test::More::is_deeply instead of Storable to get better diagnostics on failure.
      adds  7f2b8f3   Upped version of Test::More req so we get upto date is_deeply().
      adds  017580f   Fixed error propogation when loading filters.
      adds  bb2929a   Fixed broken comment in test (from Chris Hilton patch)
      adds  495c5c2   Added Chris Hilton's patch so version number test is based on current version and not hardcoded.
      adds  41fa63f   Added explicit close on FILE and fixed spelling mistaked (from Chris Hilton patch
      adds  b13c0e3   Applied Chis Hilton patch to fix. (Test used non existant test file)
      adds  528c544   Fixed InnoDB table type errors (Chris Hilton patch)
      adds  c6a9363   Applied Chris Hilton patch to remove 'Use of uninitialized value in addition' warnings
      adds  4bb8137   Apllied Chris Hilton patch to remove subroutine redefinition
      adds  ef373e6   Applied Eric Just's changes to the Oracle producer. His comments follow:
      adds  c88b5f2   Added Class::MakeMethods to the requirements.
      adds  7b27e0c   Muffled a warning message, by changing '">&NULL"' (which I don't really understand) to '\*NULL' which is a nice pointer to the file handle opened in the line above.
      adds  e78d62f   Some changes that should have been applied a while back.
      adds  97382c6   Some cosmetic changes.
      adds  f9aa1ac   Parses extra attributes for tables. Tweaked debug output.
      adds  1ded851   Added mysql extra attribs for charset and collation.
      adds  819fe9e   Added test for mysql_table_type. Removed dodgey testing code so test works for everyone else.
      adds  da8ab52   Fixed small error that was causing a test to fail.
      adds  617f79f   Removed the @_ from the import statement, since @_ contains the path(s) to the module and not subs to import.
      adds  7389217   While trying to create CDBI classes myself, I found some of the decisions of this module didn't seem to make sense to me or follow the CDBI docs, so I made a lot of changes that just saner.  I hope they don't break anything.
      adds  44eb909   Tweaked filter interface to take args as a list.
      adds  6fa97af   Changes to work with latest MySQL TIMESTAMP columns.
      adds  70a5c3d   Added a couple things to the manifest skip file.
      adds  8625282   New Manifest
      adds  8c41a66   Added META.yml to manifest
      adds  f5d44dd   Added the header to the change file.
      adds  07f25b8   CPAN is complaining about the version, so I made a trivial change to get it to increment.
      adds  b2ea0dd   Made the changes suggested by Michael Slattery.  Made the column size undef if the data type is text of blob and made some other minor changes.
      adds  85a6c97   Added tests for other comments.
      adds  35843e6   Added "official" table and field comment rules.
      adds  62bff80   Field comments weren't printing.
      adds  f8b6e80   Put field and table comments into proper MySQL syntax.
      adds  602951a   Added Ben, changed my name.
      adds  c221319   Testing CVS checkin, added two new developers.
      adds  4eb28bc   A DBI Parser for SQL Server, mostly copied from DBI/Sybase
      adds  be4469a   A Parser for SQL Server, mostly copied from Sybase parser and geared toward working with SQLServer Producer output
      adds  461c1a9   Added mapping of ODBC connections to DBI-SQLServer parser
      adds  0d1ceb5   Added comments lines to test data forworking with new YAML Producer output
      adds  bd30a9a   Added collate and 'on update current_timestamp' field qualifiers Modified 'character set' detection to handle more acceptable variations
      adds  a16247a   Added character set, on update, and collate field qualifiers to field definition output Added name to unique constraint output Modified foreign key contraint output to put name in right place Added table options to output
      adds  3e0bcbf   Added to fields that do not require size argument Increased max identifier length to 128 Modified output text for views and procedures to remove carriage returns
      adds  b68bfdf   Additional tests for new parser capabilities
      adds  422738d   Added Data::Compare module to requirements list
      adds  a9a7238   Added equals function for base equality testing Added _compare_objects function for inherited classes to utilize when testing equality
      adds  abf315b   Added equals function for equality testing
      adds  6a25a87   Added case insensitivity option to get_table()
      adds  fb3e4ca   Added additional tests for sqlt-diff
      adds  d71512a   A whole lot of changes, but major additions include adding diffs for table options and constraints Many smaller changes for various quirks of SQL Server and MySQL
      adds  100684f   Changed references to on_delete_do to on_delete and on_update_do to on_update.  I tried to keep it backwards compatible.
      adds  7db5f12   Modified _compare_objects() to use ref_compare from Class::MakeMethods::Utility::Ref instead of Data::Compare. It seems more reliable and comes in a package we already require.
      adds  bb3cd44   Removed Data::Compare from requirements list
      adds  383067f   Modfied fields() to return empty array when there are no fields Modified equals() to compare field names, not objects
      adds  711e98e   Modified equals() to get scalar references to fields for comparison
      adds  686b14b   Fixed bug in equals() to exhaustively search sets of indices and constraints
      adds  568bf60   Fixed bug to exhaustively search for equal constraints and indices Modified how SQL Server drops a default value constraint on a field
      adds  7cfa0d3   Slight adjustment to parsing of identity/auto-increment field qualifier
      adds  4598b71   Made sure defined scalar references are passed to _compare_objects(). Removed is_valid comparisons from equals().
      adds  b3e23ee   Modified test text to reflect that fields() now return empty strings instead of undef when there are no fields
      adds  e034399   The short arg for "font-size" was colliding with the "f" for the parser.
      adds  80e716f   Fixed usage docs.
      adds  7c71eaa   Made some changes suggested by Michael Slattery to fix table level comments.  Also added in field level comments.
      adds  c7ea113   changes to allow subclass tables identical to superclass
      adds  c1addbe   If a DSN is defined but no 'from' db type given, we infer the 'from' type is DBI
      adds  11b7c9a   Changed the second "my $h" to just "$h" because it was throwing warnings.
      adds  d0cd8fd   backing out non-callback package mangling
      adds  2726c5d   Removed the line that declared YAML to be the producer.  This stopped the YAML warnings from ./Build test and didn't seem to affect anything else.
      adds  f7cde54   missed a spot
      adds  1426be0   Re-arranged to put null/not null before default value; looks and parses better
      adds  f5bfb6d   Removed '#' and '--' comments from being included in table comments; they aren't part of the schema and hose the schema diffing
      adds  121b3cd   Removed auto_increment from a field's extra attribute; it's already saved in is_auto_increment and this prevents it unnecessarily showing up in the field's comment when producing MySQL
      adds  3a7eb46   Fixed case-insensitivity matching for SQL Server and field names
      adds  ab8225e   It helps if you use the correct version of the case-insensitive field name you're trying to return
      adds  65e7a06   Removing foreign key check from field equality; foreign key inequality is better caught with the constraint check
      adds  3b668c8   Modified "create anything else" rule to not include table and index creates so any syntax errors in those are properly caught Added RUN rule Re-enabled constraint states except that hideous monstrosity of a "using index" clause Modified two word data types to return as two words so it comes out right from the Producer Added float data type
      adds  54e61f1   Added negative sign possibility to default number values. Modified constraints to not create a name if a name is already given. Commented out PK name creation altogether (and would prefer to do it to all constraints, as well). Made sure not to create UNIQUE constraints identical to the PRIMARY KEY; Oracle will create the unique constraint automatically when it creates the PK.
      adds  5705965   Use the overload::StrVal method to check if references are the same instead of the possibly overloaded stringify
      adds  b8d2448   Modified equals() to include type check, stringify field checks, and more case insensitivity when required
      adds  afb0748   Modified equals() to include case insensitive data type checking and removed is_unique check (better caught by a constraint check)
      adds  d6d1711   Modified equals() to include more case insensitivity when required
      adds  6be9534   Modified equals() to stringify field checks and use more case insensitivity when required
      adds  9ae898b   Added some constraint tests Removed YAML prereq, sqlt-diff doesn't use it anymore
      adds  769601e   Various tweaks to produce Oracle diffs
      adds  ef45b16   Adding non-zero exit status if differences were found
      adds  c77ae75   Original artwor, courtesy of Jason Williams
      adds  f9fe666   Moved to htdocs module
      adds  8585dc9   Removed doap.rdf from MANIFEST, since I removed it from CVS a few days earlier.
      adds  04bc93b   produce DB2 tables
      adds  d2522b1   revamped Pg DBI parser to query system tables.  This still doesn't work as far as I know, but it seems very close.  Perhaps more knowledgable eye could take a look.
      adds  31f1017   refining the parser, but it still doesn't do everything it should:
      adds  4330d04   Applied changes submitted by Paul Makepeace <sourceforge.net at paulm.com>.
      adds  4257646   Added mysql_character_set for 4.1+
      adds  6cedfc2   Experimental filters
      adds  a4fb1dd   Fixed missing schema table comments
      adds  50f63fb   Build support for installing templates.
      adds  35a1938   Intial code for Dia producer
      adds  80014bf   Just committing, but is it necessary?  It will be regenerated by Build.PL.
      adds  2d283c7   Moved YAML to a build requirement.
      adds  ea378e7   Changes to make more efficient use of memory with large tables.
      adds  9a64caf   Changed my name.
      adds  24bc721   Changed to build up schema from "show create table" statements and then pass to regular MySQL parser.
      adds  19c5bc5   Updates.
      adds  8fbe040   Backed out M::B ConfigData based installed templates and moved DiaUml producer to using evil hack of templates in INC.
      adds  0e45269   Removed un-used stuff left from CutNPaste of t/36-filters.t
      adds  8dc6a4a   Added Globals filter.
      adds  bef2169   initial adds for the oracle dbi parser and a simple test to make sure the use works
      adds  aaac058   adding in Oracle driver support and making the DRIVER keys alphabetical :)
      adds  65d6bc9   -O::Is, accidentally committed some debug, thanks to Darren Chamberlain [dlc at sevenroot.org] for pointing it out
      adds  7cc97e4   Fixed warning for tables with no order attrib
      adds  7abd9a6   Added constraint copy to Globals filter. (Seem to be getting lots of warnings from YAML now...)
      adds  bd356af   Added grammar for handling "unique" and "key" qualifiers to field definition.
      adds  2e8b852   Added tests for "unique" and "key" qualifiers to field definitions.
      adds  9ae0d32   Applying the patch submitted with this bug report https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=18096 by Nigel Metheringham.
      adds  fae069e   new: makes tables in latex format
      adds  40ec99b   Globals filter now copies extra
      adds  5c1850f   Removing.
      adds  b6749c0   Removed SIGNATURE.
      adds  7f6504d   Parser changes to accomodate function-based indexes and optional size modifier for data type
      adds  c4222ef   Fixed preservation of function call as field in function-based indices
      adds  4e0de84   Minor refactor to avoid uninitialized value warning
      adds  a7763b7   Fix field default value output bug I introduced
      adds  2a8fb46   Added 'default null' parsing
      adds  04a180d   Added ON DELETE and ON UPDATE clauses to FK output
      adds  188a97b   Fixed up ON DELETE parsing for FKs
      adds  e7ca845   Commiting.
      adds  dcac44e   Added use of graph.
      adds  51ffe5e   Initial devision of sqlt-diff: Most of the functionality into a module
      adds  69dad5b   Use DB2 Parser
      adds  9fb7423   Removed conflict markers
      adds  32d8b25   Added tests to catch Oracle problem with parser being reused
      adds  a74de73   Modified parse() to instantiate a separate RecDescent parser like other Parsers do
      adds  99b0dca   Ignore Oracle system constraints on source DB schema, also
      adds  0209d0a   DB2 producer tests
      adds  a0ea6c8   More DB2 producing
      adds  5e2c196   Producers can now return individual statements as s list, if wantarray set DB2 implements this, produces each individual statement on demand as well Also implements alter_field, add_field etc for use by Diff Added quote-field-names, quote-table-names params
      adds  216af0c   Added quote-field-names, quote-table-names options
      adds  ac9c4e2   Recognise & skip DROP statements when parsing Recognise CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (SQLite v3+)
      adds  0e1ec14   Document producer methods
      adds  0013ee2   Produce either a list of statements or a string Split produce() into multiple methods Add alter_field, add_field, drop_field for use with Diff
      adds  8ce5d61   Update Trigger to insist on a valid table for on_table on_table now stores a known table obj in the table() attribute, which can also be used directly Updated tests to match
      adds  8db4bd9   Add tests for new alter_field, add_field, drop_field methods
      adds  4faaaac   Typo fixing
      adds  da2f599   SQLite  and YAML tests broken, fixed Also made SQLite parser actually used the parsed table naem
      adds  9bf756d   Allow skipped insert statements and trigger bodies to contain quoted semi-colons
      adds  306c3c9   Add test to prove insert statements with quoted semi-colons can still be skipped
      adds  67a1819   Fixed a problem with the trigger_steps where it used to expect a string when it was getting an array.
      adds  3294d62   Fixed handling of NULLs.
      adds  d05e51f   Fix mysql_table_type .. (where did this go, or why was it not there?)
      adds  cd0ea0f   Improvements to MySQL producers foreign key and comment handling
      adds  8c4efd1   Lots of Pg Producer tests, some other fixes
      adds  bfb5a56   Splitting of MySQL, Postgres and SQLite producers into sub methods Added "alter_*" methods to MySQL and Postgres producers
      adds  1a736ea   Move Template into reccommends for now
      adds  18a8d64   Changes for 0.08_01
      adds  5c32ca5   Build files for 0.08_01
      adds  08d91aa   Add timestamp tests, make postgres produce timestamp(0) if asked
      adds  fe0f47d   Add quoting support to the mysql producer, thanks ash!
      adds  5cb666c   Fixed up tests to accommodate new DB2 producer changes and sqlite tests to not test for comments.
      adds  3866f0f   Default auto-inc fields to start at one, and increase by one
      adds  b0f2faf   Support Pg timestamp type followed by an optional size, which denotes the type of timestamp
      adds  8619aed   Fix typo, no_comments arg wasnt getting passed. Thanks Penguin!
      adds  8b3a5e8   Also collect function objects. Thanks Gordon!
      adds  bced3fa   Make TTSchema work with TT 2.15, somehow
      adds  a620382   Remove strange manifest entry
      adds  9866969   Get SQLT version dynamically
      adds  d4f0295   Remove row requirement for returning indices
      adds  8631871   Added MySQL 5.0 DELIMITER functionality
      adds  3e5e562   Added test for delimiter functionality and multiple comments on a line
      adds  e0a284c   Fixed passing references to GetOptions
      adds  bf459ae   Added comment to diff output if target database is not one of the few, the proud
      adds  f39e9c1   Add default timestamp support to Postgres producer
      adds  fa94b25   Make the DROP commands a separate item in arrary context (mysql producer)
      adds  f6af58a   Fixed tests for mysql producer changes
      adds  2aa47c7   Upped version to _03
      adds  ef8261d   Update TODO file
      adds  b08b541   Applied patch sent in by Daniel Westermann-Clark on Oct 11 2006.
      adds  2661d70   Added a semicolon at the end of the create trigger definition because SQLite seems to require it. Modified the test data to reflect this need.
      adds  af27376   Updated version number and Change log for recent patches.
      adds  cc00c03   Cascade drop pg tables to overcome key constraints when dropping
      adds  ca1b7c7   Update changes, oops
      adds  fb149f8   Patched mysql producer to name constraints sanely
      adds  e840ff6   Fix bug in YAML test
      adds  5c5997e   Added linefeeds so beginning of create view/procedure statements don't end up commented out
      adds  7321238   Slight change to comment parsing to allow asterisks in comments
      adds  da9f2af   Tweak previous comment parsing tweak for multiple lines
      adds  6a0f300   Changed Constraint.equals() to ignore ordering of fields and reference fields
      adds  d990d84   Added options to sqlt-diff to ignore index and/or constraint name differences
      adds  82f6b50   Don't test is_valid in equals()
      adds  03739eb   Skip constraint and index comparison shortcuts when ignoring the relevant names
      adds  ae8a4ce   Corrected index parsing on Oracle so every index is not a unique constraint
      adds  fb5ab40   Added output-db option
      adds  c243ec2   Made fields check in equals() ignore ordering
      adds  8b5b4c9   Added output_db option Removed Oracle SYS_ constraints hacks
      adds  2d4796c   Helps to actually pass the output-db option
      adds  5bb0a4e   Added GO to output after views and procedures
      adds  ff3dd52   Added cursory parsing of procedures, functions, and views (oh my!)
      adds  476d655   Removed mistakenly checked in debug code
      adds  deee3ae   Hacks for comparing sql attribute in equals() to ignore unimportant differences
      adds  7ac784f   Added diff comparison of views and procedures
      adds  ac0cd21   Small change to ordering of view and procedure diffs
      adds  f803dd5   Removed unused rules procedure_body and view_body
      adds  d31c185   Added cursory parsing of view, functions, and procedures (oh why!) Added pre-processing for /*! comments from mysqldump Added mysql_parser_version parser arg for enabling parsing not-before-version comments from mysqldump
      adds  0b1b149   Added mysql-parser-version command-line option
      adds  dc7506f   Added cursory parsing of views and procedures
      adds  d1a895c   Added options for ignoring the differences in SQL for views and procedures
      adds  b7ea3cc   Added command-line option for MySQL parser version arg
      adds  2d02c5e   Ignore views and procedures with no text (weeds out exatraneous results from SQL Server 2005)
      adds  027cebc   Applied Hilmar's patches.
      adds  7ed7402   Committing patches sent by Florian Helmberger.  Here are his remarks:
      adds  08918cf   Fix to not test while TT is broken
      adds  f51d8e4   Ignore all TT test while TT is broken
      adds  da5a1ba   0.0899_01 diffing fixes
      adds  401e5c7   Only run test if Graph::Directed installed
      adds  99f3fab   Fixed a problem where the deferrable definition required to have a "not".
      adds  866d012   Changed the name of unnamed foreign key constraints to TABLENAME_fk.
      adds  a20abbd   Allows schema-qualified table names. Fix suggested by Ken Clark.
      adds  9d93eda   Added fixes submitted by Peter Rabbitson:
      adds  6f28e7a   Added an 'alter sequence' line to the parser grammer which will simply skip over an alter sequence statement.
      adds  34338cb   Added a select section to the parser.  This is to handle function calls that may affect the tables during creation.
      adds  f8ce4e8   Applied patch submitted by Nathan Gray
      adds  f0630c2   Branch for diff refactoring
      adds  4d43854   MAss diff changes imported from Ash's local diff-refactor branch
      adds  07d6e5f   Some work on sanely normalizing fields
      adds  6b2dbb1   Some SQL_TYPE mapping stuff
      adds  9ab59f8   Fix some more normalization problems
      adds  1794569   Remove breakpoints
      adds  ace08c3   Fix test
      adds  1c680eb   Correct constraint names in preprocess for MySQL producer
      adds  929ef26   Move more normalization changes to preprocess_schema
      adds  cc74bcc   Added an 'alter sequence' line to the parser grammer which will simply skip over an alter sequence statement. Added a select section to the parser.  This is to handle function calls that may affect the tables during creation.
      adds  907f8ce   Fix after typo in merge
      adds  46bf565   Add renamed_from to tables.
      adds  1664676   Start transactions in a portable manner
      adds  f9ed5d5   Work round MySQL/InnoDB bug http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=13741
      adds  804f9d6   Fix BEGIN in sqlite diff test
      adds  4104f82   Better tests (and fix bug) in batch alter with renamed tables + constraints
      adds  e098600   Merging back Diff refactor
      adds  e56dabb   Update oracle producer, patch from plu. Update postgres producer, patch from wreis
      adds  54b6e49   Fix warning messages
      adds  934e1b3   Document significance of preproces_schema method
      adds  ecf7f25   Fix syntax for index dropping in sqlite producer
      adds  86d345c   Oops, fix tests for fixed syntax
      adds  11bebd6   Update changes/version for 0.0899_02
      adds  a7f49df   Add support for COLLATE table option to MySQL parser
      adds  bb4c66d   Allow DEFAULT CHARACTER SET without '=' (as produced by mysqldump)
      adds  74ca32c   Fix drop indexes for uniq constraints
      adds  5cf7104   Add DBI dep (oops) Update versions for 0.0900
      adds  1324312   Update changes with latest release date
      adds  c2e33ba   Remove breakpoint
      adds  4f0f87f   0.09000 not 0.0900 (cpan gets confused if numbers go downwards)
      adds  7467c45   Allow quote and other option to be passed to the producers.
      adds  5342f5c   Added support for proper enums under pg (as of 8.3), with pg version check, and deferrable constraints Patch from Debolaz
      adds  e802b21   Updated change file
      adds  7725e1e   Fix false-diffing due to order of table options
      adds  ca1f992   Add support for proper boolean fields in the mysql producer, as of v4.x
      adds  2c6be67   Fix suprious diff on cols with charsets/collates (MySQL)
      adds  041e659   waiting for patch to be applied
      adds  bdd8e79   implements options in oracle indexes
      adds  a83ffc2   Fix weird bug, caused by a double evaluation in ternary if
      adds  65ffb46   producer_args->{delay_constraints} can be used to add primary keys later
      adds  662258c   Document delay_constraints producer_args option
      adds  d4977f1   Define a name for pk constraint when delay_constraints is on
      adds  4157d61   Declares the new tests in the MANIFEST, remove useless warnings
      adds  9556363   Test for oracle alter_field
      adds  017ac5a   alter_field implemented. alter_field test Pass.
      adds  deb9a6a   Including new test and test data into MANIFEST
      adds  d888d44   Fix ORA-01442: column to be modified to NOT NULL is already NOT NULL
      adds  943ae54   Small fix in delay_constraints (missing ;).
      adds  7ad8d1b   Adding tests for Oracle->add_field
      adds  fe9f147   Implemented add_field, only the field is added, nothing more for now.
      adds  efd0c9e   Support uppercase foreign key target-columns.  Sent in by Daniel Boehringer
      adds  37e74f2   Made change suggested by Daniel Böhringer to allow "ID" integer DEFAULT nextval(('"AlleStudien_ID_seq"'::text)::regclass), to parse properly
      adds  f5405d4   Applied patch from Ryan to uniqify index names sanely for the mysql producer
      adds  4c4636e   Make Schema::Graph only load if "as_graph" is called on a Schema object
      adds  d51a158   Patch from ribasushi: Correctly graph self-referential constraints
      adds  7c1aae0   Added patch from groditi adding SET type support to the mysql producer
      adds  999859d   Applied patches written by Nigel Metheringham.  His notes follow. ---
      adds  d28afa6   Add views to mysql producer, thanks groditi
      adds  c6e5ac6   svk-commitdCGXq.tmp
      adds  83ddfea   Only create views for mysql on v5 and up
      adds  ec59a59   Added patch from groditi to support views in sqlite
      adds  296c270   Added patch from wreis, view support for pg producer
      adds  7ac8031   Add target_db to diff test as it was producing warnings..
      adds  5d666b3   Enormous patch from Peter Rabbitson making mysql version parsing saner and adding tests for it.
      adds  b9f7cda   Updated authors/Changes
      adds  75b8fbe   Update mysql producer test to saner field names, Peter R.
      adds  a25ac5d   Pg views and sqlite views, patch from wreis
      adds  24d9fe6   By royal decree, produced statements in list context shall not end in a semi-colon, or any newlines! (They may contain newlines) Also fixed SQLite index statements, which were missing vital newlines
      adds  2c273e3   Skip on newer Spreadsheet::ParseExcel Add new oracle bits to MANIFEST
      adds  d12f72f   lukes' patch: drop if exists under sqlite 3.3+
      adds  bc8e2aa   Now supporting scalar refs as default values! (rjbs)
      adds  3edb144   Missed file from default-value-improvements commit
      adds  531652d   Patches for/with jgoulah: - make mysql parser match anything as a col/table name when quoted - add support for spatial index parsing
      adds  3db73ef   Default sqlite_version so we dont get uninitialised errors when calling from ::Diff
      adds  8742e40   Patch from rbo to support multiple database events per trigger
      adds  9a96648   Patch from jgoulah for mysqls UNION (merge engine) option
      adds  4dec2e4   delayed adding semicolon in oracle producer
      adds  a7f999a   using unreserved table name for drop statements in oracle producer
      adds  e3aac68   ensure to not exceed max allowed size for oracle data types
      adds  d8886a3   add semicolon to CREATE TRIGGER after END which i have removed before accidentally
      adds  541d6e2   using unreserved table name for FK alter statements in oracle producer
      adds  64f8243   updated Changes
      adds  f92d79a   triggers may NOT end with a semicolon
      adds  535e5c9   If wantarray is set we have to omit the last "/" in this statement so it can be executed by DBI->do() directly.
      adds  e30b71b   Removed source_db and target_db accessors from Diff (throwback to old version, only output_db is used)
      adds  73c8e26   META.yaml is generated at build time and does not beling in the repo
      adds  2c5e662   added notes about changed behaviour when calling oracle producer in array/scalar context
      adds  7d89539   add support for a skip option to the parser
      adds  cc48d35   Skip tests for buggy Spreadsheet::ParseExcel versions (rbo)
      adds  f7f8196   added ignore_opts parser arg to ignore table options
      adds  5c1ffcd   add param to _apply_default_value so that certain values can output without quotes
      adds  ed53eb2   needed to tighten up regex added in last commit
      adds  0f4c1a5   reverting r1413 and r1414 in favor of passing a scalar ref to parser which the producer outputs correctly without quotes
      adds  f5fd433   properly compare fields
      adds  6d80a12   fix test expectations
      adds  3406fd5   PgSQL diff patch from wries (also fixed line lengths in Changes)
      adds  221f00f   Since MANIFEST.SKIP is in svn, this file does not belong
      adds  d6828ad   fixed 51-xml-to-oracle.t
      adds  0d3eb5d   fixed *old regex, added *tar.gz regex in MANIFEST.SKIP
      adds  13db351   removed semicolon from CREATE VIEW in oracle producer
      adds  5094211   added release-date to Changes
      adds  3e98f7d   Support for temporary tables in Pg, from nachos
      adds  b747852   - Updated GraphViz producer module per the modifications discussed on the sqlfairy-developers mailing list (http://www.mail-archive.com/sqlfairy-developers@lists.sourceforge.net/msg00223.html) - Cleaned up map{} code - Added show_indexes and friendly_ints options.
      adds  19ad0ce   - Minor documentation changes. Namely, noted that the index types are stored internally as uppercase; this is the only way to ensure the Producer modules still work properly. - Cosmetic change to avoid bareword 'NORMAL' for index types - simply surrounded the return value with single quotes
      adds  60979a7   Since Oracle understands a double precision floating point type, I added "double" to the ora_data_type file.
      adds  d6d6b20   - Added a show_index_name parameter which determines whether index names should be shown. If false, then the module will just print a list of tuples of indexed fields. - Fixed a bug where unindexed tables would have an extra empty box
      adds  8d11f4c   - Fixes a bug where _apply_default_value is not found (due to it being part of SQL::Translator::Producer); does this by simply making this PostgreSQL producer a subclass of the SQLT::Producer base.
      adds  d44b5f5   - Add support for 'extended' friendly ints (the nonstandard extensions provided by MySQL)
      adds  4e4608c   - Fixed POD producer Bug: constraints were not providing two newlines \n\n after each item; the =back command was not put on a different line, causing POD errors
      adds  821a0fd   - Added some stuff to MANIFEST.SKIP - Enabled svn:keyword's: Revision, Id, LastChangedBy
      adds  54ec262   - Some minor cosmetic changes - Added meta_merge for META.yml data
      adds  d28f968   - Added myself to the AUTHORS file
      adds  d3888c8   - Added myself to the SQL::Translator file as an author
      adds  6264cdc   - Merged some changes by myself, and also from ribasushi
      adds  38ecb2b   - Updated copyright, added myself to contributors list
      adds  fcd2a20   Added a Module::Build::Compat 'passthrough' Makefile.PL
      adds  478f608   - Removed use of $Revision$ SVN keyword to generate VERSION variables; now sub-modules are unversioned.
      adds  4d5d28c   Changed show_index_name to show_index_names to make it better match the other options
      adds  a38a822   Reverted VERSION so it was no longer dependent on $Revision$, the semantics of which are different under SVN
      adds  54360ac   Add sqlite roundtrip test (probably need to do the same for the rest of the parser/producer combos, possibly using a known xml schema as a starting point)
      adds  d0fcb05   svk-commitTn2OH.tmp
      adds  f9c9697   Fix tests!
      adds  47b3b29   Move XMI stuff to branches/xmi since no one has worked on them and the tests have failed for years, and they've been skipped from dists for an equally long time
      adds  347abf9   Release 0.09003
      adds  08dd659   Translate bytea to BLOB in MySQL producer. This fixes a few tests of DBIC if you run the full test-suite against MySQL instead of SQLite
      adds  2d4a3fe   Update autogenerated makefile
      adds  d8324f0   Another chunk of the GraphViz rewrite: - Remove internal VALID_OUTPUT check - determine whether valid by calling GraphViz directly - Streamline the handling of the out_file parameter (now can be a string, a FH or undef
      adds  d4f84dd   Strip evil svn:keywords
      adds  d02ba4c   This file is empty, tests seem fine... deleting
      adds  2f6cf72   Actually there was an empty test for it as well :)
      adds  da06ac7   Force everything to 1.99, hopefully will work
      adds  782b5a4   Reduce $Id to its normal form
      adds  bea9018   Minor test cleanup
      adds  eb38567   Cleanup part 2
      adds  b03926c   Remove all expansion $XX tags (isolated commit, easily revertable)
      adds  4924bc8   Forgot to up one VERSION
      adds  4b5c50b   Schema::Graph - switch ugly use of Log4perl to an even uglier (but at least available) use of Class::Base for debug messages Lose l4p dependency
      adds  4ab3763   Downgrade global version - highest version in 9002 on cpan is 1.58 - thus go with 1.59
      adds  b419bb2   Whop - forgot to commit 9004 changes
      adds  8d693a8   Support for mysql fully qualified table names (db.table) by Debolaz
      adds  4766697   MySQL parser patch by Tokuhiro Matsuno
      adds  44435b8   Adding option to skip tables.
      adds  fddd757   Adding option for skipping tables.
      adds  6acd7c9   Put double quotes and backticks around table identifiers to test rules.
      adds  f1fe509   Added double quote rule for table/field identifiers, cleaned up some code per Perl Best Practices and my own biases.
      adds  938464e   Added semi-colon for (DROP|CREATE) TYPE statements in the Pg producer (wreis)
      adds  12018c0   New method to clear out extra attributes
      adds  818e0d9   Per a suggestion from Darren, changed the skipping of tables in the GraphViz producer to either skip on table names or regular expressions: For example, if there are tables named foo, bar, and baz, with join tables foo_bar and foo_baz, and you only want to skip foo but not foo_bar and foo_baz, you would need to use the regex foo$, but this contradicts the "table name" part of the docs.
      adds  26b2ec8   Fixed typos.
      adds  d666c4a   Upped requirement of Parse::RecDescent.
      adds  e6642bf   Added patch from user.
      adds  ea09ae8   Added "FULLTEXT" as valid index type.
      adds  a383e9e   Added test for fulltext.
      adds  771479d   Some code cleanup, added clustering of tables, fixed a bug that kept circular arrows from being drawn, tried to figure out how to add ports to connect the fields in a FK relationship rather than just the tables, but gave up.
      adds  b93675a   Upped version to 0.10.
      adds  bf75ade   Return lines of output in a list context per user request.
      adds  d5132e1   Fixed name, perl.
      adds  969049b   Fixed my name, Perl shebang.
      adds  4d1e8cb   Return lines of input in a list context, fixed my name.
      adds  4348b2b   Lots of cleanup.
      adds  11fee3e   Lots of cleanup, removal of "foo" variables which are opaque.
      adds  df177fa   Fixed "database_events".
      adds  7f275a6   Fixed up "equals" to be more informative when there's a problem.
      adds  6c7e5b5   Fixed to pass tests.
      adds  3454185   Fixed "database_events."
      adds  dcb6877   Cleaned up, Template version no longer a problem(?).
      adds  5fefec2   Changed database_events to return an arrayref.
      adds  eca76a5   Cleaned up a bit, checked for interactive tty so that ugly warning doesn't show up in test suite.
      adds  52e2730   Checked for interactive so no ugly messages during test suite.
      adds  c16711c   Cleaned up, fixed db events.
      adds  2ae88fa   Now passes.
      adds  ee91ab6   No warnings during tests -- it's ugly.
      adds  3dbdbf9   No warnings on test.
      adds  774dea9   Template version doesn't matter.
      adds  1f4dd26   Fixed "database_events."
      adds  df78f12   Database events now returns a list.
      adds  758106c   Fixed "database_events."
      adds  222094a   Fixed "database_events."
      adds  8180e21   Use three-arg open.
      adds  d4924f2   Use three-arg open.
      adds  22b9814   Added CREATE VIEW subrules for mysql parser
      adds  9644fab   Make minor adjustments to the grammars in order to work around https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=45262 PS: Unable to adjust the DB2 parser as the grammar seems to be lost, only the compiled parser is present PPS: The (s?) in all changes above is probably bogus and should be (s). Leaving intact just in case
      adds  90726ff   Pg producer improvements by mo: ALTER TABLE / ALTER COLUMN / DROP DEFAULT
      adds  94929d1   Minor POD fix Fix a possible undef dereference in SQLite producer
      adds  2791dca   Merge 'trunk' into 'roundtrip'
      adds  6c9e954   Somewhat working global roundtrip test
      adds  ef1e1ee   Add an oversized varchar to schema.xml
      adds  daaf8bc   Fix mysql roundtrip glitch
      adds  0e0ca61   Test seems to be finioshed - massive bowl of FAIL
      adds  4c54981   Bail out from failing tests early
      adds  cbceab6   Translator/schema dependency test
      adds  e0d2b70   Todoify test - probably not in this lifetime
      adds  21d62b6   Changes to tests to go along r1512
      adds  af858b8   Teah xml parser about database_events
      adds  f38b767   Extra data and first test for xml database_event support
      adds  9768b20   Improve xml database_event deprecation warning Only issue warning if show_warnings was set on translator Fix tests to suppress warn noise
      adds  410d4a4   Teach sqlite how to deal with multi-event triggers
      adds  bc2ed06   Adjust xml-db2 tests
      adds  a4e2ba4   Add Carp::Clan to dependencies
      adds  5991fad   Merge 'trunk' into 'roundtrip'
      adds  3a328a0   Test XML roundtrip as well (also fail)
      adds  1022b15   re-fix tests after merge
      adds  ca96e7e   Rewind exhausted globs before attempting a read (on a side note all this IO::Scalar business is just silly, not touching because a rewrite is imminent anyway)
      adds  f8622fb   Do not add xml comment header if no_comments is set
      adds  ce6c267   Better debug output
      adds  d37416f   table/field counts are held per-object, not globally Tests adjusted (no idea why they were initially written this way...)
      adds  10aa04a   Concentrate on testing the 'big 3' for now
      adds  912e67a   Variable table and column names? wtf?!
      adds  ae60273   SQLite improvements: - Support parsing of all DROP clauses - Support parsing of field-level comments - When producing do not append table names to constraint/index names - it's useless
      adds  963fd5f   Adjust insane tests to pass (the expected returns at times are mind-boggling)
      adds  d4056aa   Fix a couple of mistakes in the PG parser
      adds  474910e   Add disabled YAML roundtrip test
      adds  330e468   VIEW support for Pg parser, also some cleanups
      adds  3910f24   Add parenthesis into the VIEW definition to make sure the pg parser still can deal with them
      adds  f59b2c0   The way we generate create view statements is not standards compliant (per RhodiumToad in #postgresql)
      adds  e2fb9ad   Multiple fixes for the SQLServer producer/parser combo - Rip out braindead parts of mk_name (just like sqlite) - Disable view/procedure production - they never worked in the first place - Improvements to the parser to be able to actually parse what the producer spits out (no functional changes)
      adds  ab0ec6e   Bring version bump back - there is still work to be done (reoundtrip branch), I think this is too early
      adds  6196ab8   Remove duplicate req
      adds  1c56cdb   Applied patch to switch dependency on XML::XPath to XML::LibXML (Closes: RT#32130)
      adds  19f36a9   Update changelog
      adds  de17672   MySQL producer skips length attribute for columns which do not support that attribute. Currently following column types are added to that list: date time timestamp datetime year
      adds  0e42fda   Add POD checker and fix a couple of POD errors
      adds  c734e9e   Reorder authors and consolidate them in one point (AUTHORS). Add link from main POD
      adds  6e64adb   Switch to Module::Install Create a 'share' directory to be used with Module::Install::ShareDir / File::ShareDir Move DiaUml tt2 files to share, adjust DiaUml producer (no tests but I think I got it right) Move grammar files to sharedir too (only one for now, but this is where we will eventually keep all of them)
      adds  8b075c9   added parser support for MySQL default values with a single quote
      adds  da810c3   Merge forgotten rewrite of the GraphViz producer - keep all the logic intact but do not do any parameter sanity checking - just pass things straight to GraphViz.pm
      adds  349ec4b   Graphviz does not like empty hahsrefs - prune those
      adds  b0a29a8   Merge 'trunk' into 'roundtrip'
      adds  6fac033   Make perlpod happy
      adds  016fda3   Merge 'roundtrip' into 'trunk'
      adds  af0094d   Strip exe bit
      adds  0a2d7cf   Fill in changes, todoify non-passing tests (to draw attention)
      adds  bd3c4e0   Release 0.09005
      adds  467b728   Fix a couple of tests and add forgotten dependency
      adds  00db1ad   Teach YAML producer to encode extra attributes
      adds  dc34f95   Create a YAML copy of the main roundtrip schema - this is what we use to run t/60roundtrip.t without depending on LibXML. The YAML is regenerated on every Makefile.PL run
      adds  05603c3   Switch the roundtrip test to the yaml base source. Add test skips
      adds  9f25d3c   More test sanification
      adds  ad25877   Proper support for size in pg timestamp columns (patch by mo)
      adds  01bdc5c   Saner Changes
      adds  c1e2579   (bugfixed) release 0.09006
      adds  f7abfd6   added triggers and procedures
      adds  e1b1c94   added expected trigger and stored procedure output
      adds  30d7530   fixed triggers
      adds  124b192   Backout teejay's changes to get trunk stable again
      adds  db4c8bc   Why the fuck did I do that ???
      adds  5bac76b   Mssql does not understand ON DELETE RESTRICT
      adds  9fa2a75   Do not cache the P::RD grammar - it breaks stuff
      adds  f9a5ee7   MSSQL fixes and improvements No additional tests as things are a mess. Besides t/60roundtrip.t does exactly what it is supposed to do
      adds  b245a5f   Release 0.09007
      adds  70289ed   The indexer does not understand license links
      adds  bf00a4e   Fix for bleadperl
      adds  f0fc3ac   Just made a little more readable.
      adds  c5e9acd   Need to call "load" as a class method rather than an object method.
      adds  53032df   Make a little more flexible.
      adds  67db39a   Catch case of specifying 'DBI-Driver' and quietly fix this.
      adds  3b21083   Added a little more POD on clustering.
      adds  f997b9a   Fixing my name (is this vain?).
      adds  3ee75ce   Adding.
      adds  e593dec   Use accessors instead of reaching down object guts
      adds  4863ba2   Added test for list context return.
      adds  c12a81e   Added return of diff as array in list context.
      adds  2e0b976   Changes to handle a constraint like: CONSTRAINT AVCON_4287_PARAM_000 CHECK (trait_category IN ('S', 'A', 'E')) ENABLE
      adds  ff3b6f2   Added tests for check constraint.
      adds  7d8f0a6   Test and data for FK in SQLite.
      adds  08e01b5   Parsing of foreign keys.
      adds  c857e37   Resolves RT#48025.
      adds  16fa91c   Use Readonly for constant value, some aesthetic changes.
      adds  97902ff   Added "using btree" for test.
      adds  fd11d3c   Added parsing of index types (btree, rtree, hash).
      adds  cfeaa28   Adding patch from user.
      adds  892573f   Some whitespace changes, create a default index name if one is not provided.
      adds  edc4b5d   Just whitespace changes -- I wouldn't normally commit something like this, but I got to working on this and realized I was changing the wrong thing.
      adds  02e19bc   Smoother regex (thanks Jim Thomason).
      adds  c3b0b53   Fixed my name, fixed some use of uninitialized vars.
      adds  f03a04b   Just fixed some whitespace.
      adds  52bc2e1   Resolves RT#35448.
      adds  30e85fe   Resolves RT#21065.
      adds  54c61e7   Resolves RT#8847.
      adds  02cc14b   Fixed some whitespace, resolve RT#13915 by requiring XML and YAML libs.
      adds  c0009a5   Upped version for 0.10 release.
      adds  8576b57   Upping version per RT#43173, fixed my name.
      adds  e189562   Some whitespace fixes, resolve RT#42548 (incorrectly inserts the size in 'time(stamp)? with(out) time zone' fields).
      adds  621cb85   Added patch from user (RT#42548).
      adds  6ceb5f1   Fixes per RT#37814 (parsing of field/index names with double quotes, also fix to AUTOINCREMENT col attr).
      adds  03d12de   Added tests for RT#37814 (parsing of double quotes, autoincrement).
      adds  557cc6c   Fixed test.
      adds  4ec6e69   Leave out empty bits.
      adds  ce150ad   Fixed test.
      adds  f5191f6   Just a cleaner version of "next_unused_name."
      adds  f4b8e04   Removing, make dist smaller.
      adds  ba506e5   Upped version numbers, cleaned up code, fixed my name.
      adds  35349e0   Changed version number to stay consistent with new scheme.
      adds  11ad2df   Changes + Reverts for 0.11000, see Changes file for info
      adds  dd299a7   YAML is a test-dep (or at least it's a good thing to have) Remove last piece of Readonly
      adds  1d195bd   Release 0.11001
      adds  9d4a26b   Changed "no_columns" arg to "num_columns" (I used to use "no_" for both "number" and "not", but I maintain backward compatibility on this arg name), added simple docs on all the producer args, made some args more flexible, added "skip_tables(_like)" arg.
      adds  507a1bf   Added "skip_tables" options.
      adds  475a7db   Makefile fixes + changes
      adds  6df1fbe   Release 0.11002
      adds  ca4db67   Sanify test
      adds  b679023   Real 0.11002 release
      adds  840447a   Fix pg matchtype parsing
      adds  343e2a8   Changes
      adds  9d69b5b   Cleanup changelog
      adds  abad172   Someone claimed this doesn't work
      adds  b5a782a   proper pg timestamp parsing (by mo)
      adds  9d35bb6   Fix RT#27438
      adds  89e1973   Enforce XML::LibXML version requirements
      adds  559aa8a   Make maybe_plan insufficent-version-aware
      adds  3e1ed76   Dep fixes and changes
      adds  6142e63   Release 0.11003
      adds  0a0aab7   Add a size/precision field to test file, make sure xml parser/producer work fine
      adds  5ca2365   Add numeric/decimal precision support to DB2 producer
      adds  e3472b3   Fix TT templates and tests
      adds  c3bddac   Fix RT49301
      adds  9190556   Oracle/SQLite test adjustments to deal with new testdata field
      adds  f4428c3   Changes
      adds  f2b20a7   When adding the edges, it's necessary to quote the table names exactly the same as when adding the nodes or else new nodes can be created.
      adds  64ac576   Fix Oracle producer creating numeric precision statements that the test case expects (no whitespace) Add Oracle producer creating drop view statements like PG producer does
      adds  42ef836   added myself to the list of authors
      adds  13b8c25   test I'm not committing to trunk instead
      adds  38b019a   initial things don't look at this yet
      adds  1586100   text -> varchar2(4000) instead of clob, get rid of reserved keywords, import oracle_version from DBD::Oracle
      adds  1ced2a2   missed some quotes and added tests to avoid that
      adds  9522798   missed some quotes and added tests to avoid that
      adds  1f5b262   changing SQL::Translator::Diff to use producer_args instead of producer_options
      adds  7769504   Cleanup tabs/whitespace
      adds  fb2ccad   Changes
      adds  06debaa   Changes2
      adds  62a64f6   Oracle fix primarily to have it not capitalize but quote instead
      adds  e0ae2f7   Release 0.11005
      adds  7179cb0   SQLite parser: handle named constraints, and don't choke on a comment before a table constraint.
      adds  3c8c112   double and float thou shall now be float
      adds  cd4dab7   fix committed
      adds  7de0715   tests
      adds  d570aec   text back to clob
      adds  eaaa8f8   Forgot to add the test data file for r1676
      adds  10f7049   fix a bunch of spelling errors, and add whatis entries (these are applying patches from Debian)
      adds  e19efc1   I'm not to be trusted with the chainsaw
      adds  7b8cffe   add to changes
      adds  07720cf   float doesn't need to be forced to 126 either
      adds  e83006d   Merge 'oracle_datatypes' into 'trunk'
      adds  b6b0696   Get SQLite to produce saner output
      adds  7b4b17a   normalize SQLite and Postgres version numbers
      adds  e0d1810   remove unnecessary bit of code
      adds  6af0ff5   Changes
      adds  4c0d31c   Fix SQLite producer create_view so it doesn't generate statements with semicolons.
      adds  3b9249f   patch from abraxxa (Alexander Hartmaier) to truncate unique constraint names that are too long
      adds  98ff558   update Changes
      adds  05e77ab   Changes reformat
      adds  644145c   Make 'default_value' behave like a real accessor
      adds  2047685   Fix index quoting for mysql
      adds  1c8ec56   Adjust view production for stupid mysql
      adds  06baeb2   Awesome non-quoted numeric default patch by Stephen Clouse
      adds  e40faf4   Release 0.11006
      adds  dd184b2   Even though it is in the depchain due to YAML - just go ahead and declare it
      adds  bc38e1f   Bump M::I dep to a version not abusing FindBin
      adds  d53db6a   Turn the roundtrip source generation fail into a warning
      adds  e83ad71   Add support for PostGIS Geometry and Geography data types
      adds  56b9e6a   Fix some legacy code to stop warning on newer perls
      adds  79f55d7   Support a custom_type_name hint for Pg enum creation
      adds  b307a0d   test + fix for Oracle multi-column constraint generation
      adds  1a45aef   Fix sqlt options not matching documentation (RT#58318)
      adds  d25db73   Use CASCADE when dropping a postgres enum type, to be consistent with table drops
      adds  cb490ce   Fix POD typo in SQL/Translator/Schema/Trigger.pm (RT#63451)
      adds  ee22632   Add support for triggers in the MySQL producer (RT#63452) ilmari++
      adds  227d4a0   tests for MySQL Producer triggers
      adds  104507a   Changes from abraxxa
      adds  3ebe2ce   Fix MySQL producer attaching View definitions to a schema in hash-key order (which sadly *appears* stable after 5.8.2)
      adds  7edba2c   Released 0.11007
      adds  140a1da   Correct postgis geography type insertion and linebreak fix for multiple geometry/geography columns
      adds  9358004   Remove copyright headers from individual scripts + This information is now kept in the main SQL::Translator POD + Different files had copyright dates out-of-sync with each other due to excessive duplication Remove AUTHORS file (information moved to SQL::Translator POD) Fix Makefile.PL to correctly indicate the package is GPL-2 licensed Update my e-mail address while we're at it
      adds  4465908   Revert my previous changes (rev 1722 reverted back to rev 1721)
      adds  431151a   Merging patch from ddascalescu+perl at gmail.com, for https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=44769.  I've not tested it.
      adds  00712a2   Revert last change becuase it broke a bunch of tests.
      adds  1e0b07d   .gitignore
      adds  5f31ed6   Make Pg producer consistent with the rest in terms of quoting and allowing functions in constraints and indices
      adds  4426fb8   Make autoinc PKs show up in GraphViz
      adds  f8a4f3b   Fix RT#64728
      adds  2822457   Better diagnostics
      adds  27ae9ae   add shim for non-lethal future development
      adds  3b69cdd   tear out useless unreserve hash
      adds  e5f65c5   whitespace changes
      adds  028386a   Parse new SQL Server stuff
      adds  0a6e5a5   Quote everything in SQL Server
      adds  d02c3cd   Turn off constraints before dropping tables in SQL Server
      adds  66444b4   Make true unique constraints if needed in SQL Server
      adds  0dbd236   Create and parse FK constraints in SQLite
      adds  42bab2b   PostGIS functions are case-sensitive
      adds  3f5ee66   fix repo url
      adds  aacb318   Simple change to make Postgres simple array types produce correctly
      adds  adcd544   Do not depend on implicit hash ordering in YAML load
      adds  f3fccb7   rename Shim to ProducerUtils for accuracy
      adds  5e4917c   ignore vim swap files
      adds  3e81493   Release 0.11008
      adds  ee6e2ec   quote reference_table
      adds  2c098ea   add quoted reference to check if the table name contain a full declaration, it quote it properly
      adds  368e3eb   quote properly all table name
      adds  ab15e42   test quoted for mysql
      adds  aa4dc4d   Update to version 0.011009
      adds  c2b7d8b   Add geiststeufel to the AUTHORs list
      adds  0e75801   Fix CREATE VIEW syntax.
      adds  25c74c4   Add test for DROP VIEW IF EXISTS
      adds  685e67e   Release 0.11010
      adds  122353c   Create unit test for ::Parser::DBI::PostgreSQL, fix parser namespace lookup
      adds  a23f9a9   Patch to get correct SQL data types from  Postgres
      adds  c601ca5   Fix index issue in Parser::DBI::PostgreSQL
      adds  fd52d7d   get Postgres table and column descriptions
      adds  c50d1a0   fixed alter_drop_constraint for foreign keys and applying multiple changes via alter_field to a column in Postgres Producer
      adds  681dc48   added a working mechanism for naming foreign keys
      adds  b3d7397   gitignoring
      adds  2627fb5   image is returned, not written w/o out_file (bug #71398)
      adds  a1afcdb   binmode STDOUT to not generate garbage in a UTF-8 environment (bug #71399)
      adds  56785c0   added kaitlyn's patch for mysql->sqlite translation
      adds  5863ad8   Call ->on_delete & ->on_update in SCALAR context not in LIST context
      adds  0d3badf   Handle on_delete => 'restrict' in Producer::Oracle
      adds  ea93df6   Whitespace
      adds  282bf49   take out duplicate docs
      adds  df39971   remove commented copyright
      adds  f27f922   use warnings
      adds  0c04c5a   our > use vars
      adds  6f2cf9c   fix doc typo
      adds  d06db85   Fix POD for Schema::Index::type method
      adds  20530f3   Avoid warning about exiting sub with next
      adds  c96cd4a   Add trigger support to PostgreSQL producer and parser (including trigger scope)
      adds  95044c7   better error messages for the SQLite parser
      adds  d8cf227   quote SQLite identifiers
      adds  c092c5b   patch from rt67989 applied, changes dependency from Digest::SHA1 to Digest::SHA
      adds  bc9932b   Default bits and double quoted strings are parsed now
      adds  22529e3   MySQL parsing fails if a table is defined more than once in the same file, if not, indices are messed up
      adds  1687dad   Names accepted (and ignored) as types of primary keys in create tables
      adds  55da13f   Name of unique keys are not written if empty
      adds  936e626   Integer default sizes are one point smaller if they are unsigned
      adds  67a44d6   Add giftnuss to contributors, awesome triage work
      adds  34248db   Change mysql parser to throw exceptions on unspecified default values (RT#4835)
      adds  d0a4031   Add (now passing) test with file from RT#70473
      adds  9023f08   Drop Class::Accessor::Fast in favor of Moo
      adds  88ad825   SQLT::Parser::PostgreSQL parses table def with default values
      adds  bdf6058   Use precompiled Parse::RecDescent parsers for moar speed
      adds  aee4b66   Tab/WS crusade
      adds  51c4e38   fixed typo reported in rt68912
      adds  ea4a3ec   Combined patches from RT#70734 and RT#44769
      adds  00bc9c3   Fix misleading Diagram POD
      adds  949968a   Fix ignored option to script/sqlt-diagram (RT#5992)
      adds  3e7db65   Changes for a1afcdb6
      adds  b98bd48   Bit size can range from 1 to 64, test added for size greater than one
      adds  d4c5bb7   sqlt-diff option to quote names
      adds  a389997   sqlt-diff arguments parsing reimplemented using Getopt
      adds  b62fa49   Fix for mysql producer drop primary key, refs #62250
      adds  7aa769c   Add forgotten contributors from various patches:
      adds  715b829   Fix spurious whitespace failures in t/17sqlfxml-producer.t (RT#70786)
      adds  c13f5f6   Pod fixage
      adds  1abbbee   Deprecate SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph, undocument as_graph()
      adds  ed2f075   Add a git mailmap
      adds  6a12468   Fix incorrect ordering in test (fails under unstable hash order i.e. 5.8.1)
      adds  30bcc9f   Fix MANIFEST.SKIP (MYMETA fail)
      adds  cc55331   Quote all dep versions (preserve trailing 0's and whatnot)
      adds  465cea6   Forgotten dependency used in bdf60588
      adds  0f35a00   Add forgotten test skip after removed dependency in 1abbbee1
      adds  f6e49d3   Correct SQLite quote-char
      adds  0a2833d   Really fix mysql CURRENT_TIMESTAMP handling (solves RT#65844)
      adds  e650b78   A set of placeholder directories for future refactoring
      adds  fd9f0e0   Move ProducerUtils into the new dir layout
      adds  598a246   factor quote method out of Generator::Utils
      adds  1ea76bf   start of hardcore refactoring
      adds  c661b77   use future stuff for SQL Server field generation
      adds  f699ffa   add comments, better default handling
      adds  a1552a5   initial SQLite Producer object
      adds  27df230   use future stuff for SQLite field generation
      adds  e6fcfab   factor out some basic constraints
      adds  2363a62   factor out unique constraints
      adds  38d0ddf   add foreign_key_constraint
      adds  280d92b   add enum_constraint
      adds  871f55d   less accumulators more reduction
      adds  7a16a53   migrate table to Generator::Role::DDL
      adds  8602eae   delete dead code
      adds  056238d   rearrange pod
      adds  11bfa99   migrate drop_table to future
      adds  837afea   dead
      adds  97a16cf   add remove_table_constraints to future
      adds  9b76e20   less accumulators more reduction
      adds  2ce8cf9   refactor table into more methods
      adds  f9356e0   add drop_tables method
      adds  507693d   add header_comment
      adds  f511a41   add table_comments
      adds  c709166   add foreign_key_constraints
      adds  3f9e80b   add unique_constraints_multiple and indices
      adds  9a6c1bf   migrate almost all code to Generator::Role::DDL
      adds  39bfaa8   better
      adds  28f1fad   lazify things
      adds  4b10273   migrate duplicated code into role
      adds  4df76cb   Merge branch 'people/frew/mega-refactor'
      adds  0eb3b94   Back out bdf60588b to disable P::RD grammar precompilation - until P::RD is fixed
      adds  1e54de2   fix for when we are adding /dropping columns in sqlite and need to roundtrip via a temp table
      adds  9683e26   setting the quote accessors separately no longer makes sense
      adds  2d23c1e   Default SQLite quoting to off until we are capable of disabling it everywhere
      adds  71fee1b   Silence prove -w warnings
      adds  f2ab584   Incomplete revert in 0eb3b94a5
      adds  860d365   Dependency cleanup
      adds  807290c   Honor supplied field order when adding fields to a table object
      adds  ae99f36   Switch to sane subcommand launch in tests
      adds  c3919fd   Stop the DBI parser from disconnecting externally supplied DBI handles
      adds  53d5396   Fix silly syntax error, introduced in 0c04c5a22
      adds  a68deb7   add support for "DEFAULT (\d+)::data_type" in PostgreSQL Parser
      adds  f2b76cf   sqlt-graph now has a --trace option.
      adds  aa4301a   MySQL Parser now handles views more completely
      adds  f9a2a1d   Some aesthetic changes
      adds  e6c5fb6   Added "tables" and "options" methods to Schema::View
      adds  09d9cd5   Add Jess as authority for new namespaces
      adds  3f281c0   Fix broken plan
      adds  d22073f   assign copyright to my new files
      adds  27f0e86   fix list of numeric types for SQLite
      adds  8224e2c   fix sizeless types and typemap for SQLite
      adds  ff6dc6d   fix excepted and scalarref quoting for DEFAULTS in SQLite (and SQL Server)
      adds  e3fc876   Hide deprecated stuff
      adds  7e666ec   Resurrect the DB2 precompiled grammar to which we lost the source While this is not optimal, at least things will somewhat work Khisanth is writing a replacement
      adds  4a9399a   This seems to no longer be used anywhere...?
      adds  22c0c10   Moar documentation, shape up license/copyright notices
      adds  ec79a1d   FINALLY A RELEASE!
      adds  6a84bf0   Fixor borked docs (we already test for this in t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t)
      adds  bd0a45e   Add missing quote function to SQLServer producer
      adds  2230ed2   address some issues with Pg producer and quoting
      adds  0d3019d   Release 0.11012
      adds  a8c541d   Ignore editor droppings
      adds  edb2e46   Adding DECIMAL_DIGITS to SQLServer size field for scale info: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa258832(v=sql.80).aspx
      adds  28f5cc1   Revert "Adding DECIMAL_DIGITS to SQLServer size field for scale info: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa258832(v=sql.80).aspx"
      adds  ad07140   Make MySQL producer add NULL for every nullable field
      adds  281c5d1   fix a test broken by ad071409cb8f526337abbe025a63aa1e67716165
      adds  cb83e08   release 0.11013
      adds  5f7fd74   Mooify SQLT::Schema
      adds  2cb3ea5   Mooify SQLT::Schema::Index
      adds  45287c8   Use 'isa' checks for attribute validation
      adds  558482f   Mooify SQLT::Schema::Table
      adds  dee1115   Mooify SQLT::Schema::Procedure
      adds  52068c9   Mooify SQLT::Schema::View
      adds  da0136c   Mooify SQLT::Schema::Trigger
      adds  96a5759   Mooify SQLT::Schema::Constraint
      adds  a14ab50   Mooify SQLT::Schema::Field
      adds  d81083c   Remove unused base class
      adds  46ad748   Filter undef from all constructor args
      adds  f8faea1   Remove unused variables and module import
      adds  b871c86   Remove pointless DESTROY methods
      adds  a5bfeba   Use weak refs for schema object attributes
      adds  4559585   Rename non-schema-specific roles to SQLT::Role::Foo
      adds  954ed12   Reinstate schema object base class
      adds  d24c55f   Make SQLT::Role::Error internals closer to Class::Base
      adds  90e0aae   Fix broken reset attempt
      adds  6419f0f   Mooify SQL::Translator
      adds  0fb5858   Factor list attributes into variant role
      adds  68d7520   Use quote_sub for trivial defaults
      adds  2bdef63   Check Moo version at runtime
      adds  c804300   Use quote_sub for trivial coercions
      adds  9593ed0   Wrap some over-log has statements
      adds  4e43db0   Document new roles, types and utility functions
      adds  4c3f67f   Add enum type
      adds  3757b98   Add Changes entries for mooification and leak fix
      adds  f878381   Carp instead of dying if arguments are passed to read-only accessors
      adds  3d86640   Add carping wrapper to SQL::Translator->schema as well
      adds  0224002   Make read-only SQLT::Schema::Table attributes carp instead of die
      adds  1cdbffb   release 0.11013_01
      adds  7c7966a   Add missing List::MoreUtils dep
      adds  f56361a   release v0.11013_02
      adds  b6bf982   Remove old dist tarball which snuck in during a14ab50e
      adds  111ead3   Remove SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph as announced in 0.11011
      adds  a3bbee7   Moo port makes both of these no longer needed
      adds  2b4cfb0   Both of these are pre 5.8 coredeps
      adds  b5bd458   Lose one more useless dependency
      adds  cb9a77e   XML writing is not strictly necessary for everything else to work
      adds  90097dd   No versions in use statements - encourages shit like autorequires
      adds  dd13bc8   include Moo version in a single place
      adds  b3e35b2   add missing Changes
      adds  bd5148d   release 0.11013_03
      adds  c45d3cb   switch to Perl Licensing
      adds  d0e2915   Release 0.11014
      adds  5bacf13   Fix stupid missing version number in SQL::Translator::Schema::Object
      adds  83551ff   release 0.11015
      adds  62d2a1c   Allow passing an arrayref to SQLT->filename
      adds  49c1f68   Test Str and ArrayRef input for SQLT->filename
      adds  a007791   release 0.11016
      adds  9fc1e74   Fix POD wording
      adds  97d0d77   Properly tag our XML namespace URI - it is not a real link
      adds  46417fe   Allow VALUEs to be enclosed in double and single quotes, specifically was a problem on ENUMs, so I added a test for this.
      adds  8953d9e   fix diff for altering two things per column - add ; at the end
      adds  f19edf3   produce_diff_sql(): list context
      adds  bc9b1c1   Fix Pg diff issue with drop constraint on primary keys
      adds  565563b   Support for SET NULL, SET DEFAULT and NO ACTION in foreign key clauses for SQLite.
      adds  aa06803   Use the API to access extra attributes
      adds  7b1bb65   Clean up properly after Parser::DBI::PostgreSQL tests
      adds  fcc1894   Use accessor for table options in MySQL producer
      adds  c540918   Don't reimplement perl's built-in default behaviour
      adds  fb7b9db   Fix typos in error messages
      adds  6d06026   Document append behaviour of options setters
      adds  4b2d911   typo fix
      adds  98f9d32   typo fix
      adds  266c228   typo fix
      adds  935e802   typo fix
      adds  5a51665   typo fixes
      adds  07473b9   typo fix
      adds  08abffc   typo fixes
      adds  63678b2   typo fix
      adds  a0ee29e   typo fixes
      adds  b8d523a   typo fix
      adds  0fe51e8   typo fix
      adds  10d7ce8   typo fix
      adds  5db972d   typo fix
      adds  8c5efe6   typo fix
      adds  9c2ad07   typo fix
      adds  e757697   typo fix
      adds  7e95adc   typo fix
      adds  92638f3   typo fixes
      adds  2fbdce2   typo fix
      adds  3a69e56   typo fixes
      adds  caa8542   typo fix
      adds  85ad00e   typo fix
      adds  a0e61cf   typo fixes
      adds  c94428d   typo fixes
      adds  09e3a2a   more typo fixes
      adds  a37acd3   typo fixes
      adds  c5b10b4   typo fixes
      adds  7ce70c5   typo fixes
      adds  dd021a8   Merge branch 'patch-1' of https://github.com/dsteinbrunner/sql-translator
      adds  b4456bb   Fix typo
      adds  a30bd95   Remove documentation for field moved to role
      adds  325e5e7   Add missing attribute name in header
      adds  df1a7d2   Fix typo in synopsis
      adds  cf915bd   Add SQL_TINYINT and SQL_BIGINT to %SQL::Translator::Schema::Field::type_mapping
      adds  588a60b   Change my E-Mail address
      adds  d90d858   Fix incorrect module names in conditional plan
      adds  1e80eb0   Add myself to AUTHORS
      adds  45f1968   Quote table_name to fix tables using reserve words as their name
      adds  beee10e   Add DECIMAL_DIGITS to SQLServer size field for scale info
      adds  edc7ae1   Add JSON parser and producer modules
      adds  3906ace   Suppress "Exiting subroutine via next"
      adds  0e5a4e9   TTSchema doc fixes
      adds  03b0fa2   Fixed autoincrement in primary keys for SQLite
      adds  deeb46b   Normalize Changes file to CPAN::Changes::Spec
      adds  7483dc9   add missing Changes
      adds  67dd145   release 0.11017
      adds  7313cec   Revert "Fixed autoincrement in primary keys for SQLite"
      adds  67fc882   release 0.011018 🎃
      adds  0c673d2   Fix confusingly erroneous variable name
      adds  baeea16   remove default Pg dsn
      adds  0142de9   Fix Pg DBI parser test
      adds  9f03b4c   Add Json and hstore types in the PostgreSQL parser
      adds  3e8e93c   remove spurious warning from 6+ years ago.
      adds  68d9304   Add .mailmap entry for Ash Berlin
      adds  f851dfe   Fix DROP TABLE in SQL Server Producer
      adds  ac217b3   Test against travis
      adds  329a9f7   add missing Changes
      adds  7d356ce   fixup! Test against travis
      adds  5f80c67   Stop Makefile.PL hanging at prompts under Travis
      adds  6035bee   Install author-mode configure reqs in Travis
      adds  29aac5e   Install DBI as well in Travis
      adds  f42bee6   Install optional test deps in Travis
      adds  85b80e6   Don't install Text::RecordParser, it's broken
      adds  1fb4f40   Produce DDL for MySQL table field with ref in 'ON UPDATE'
      adds  6c77378   Fix warning due uninitialized var
      adds  20ca8e3   Add Changes entries for 6c77378 and 1fb4f40
      adds  15128a2   Fix handling of views in MySQL DBI parser
      adds  e97278b   Install XML::Parser in Travis, it's used by t/05bgep-re.t
      adds  06707e6   Test Parser::DBI::PostgreSQL in Travis
      adds  4813fe2   Set all the env variables in one "env" entry
      adds  d81cb6b   Switch t/13schema.t to done_testing
      adds  6362d36   Test Schema::Table->is_trivial_link and ->is_data
      adds  2720228   Install Graph::Directed and GD to test Producer::Diagram
      adds  66411f2   Output the build log on cpanm failure
      adds  69b6a4f   Install the libgd development package
      adds  ba38445   Ignore Devel::Cover output
      adds  8178df4   Use a schema with FKs for diagram testing
      adds  21e3be0   Fix and extend link table tests
      adds  6b7dc6f   Add 'use warnings', test case-insensitive ->get_field
      adds  3ab19c1   Extend Field->equals() for numeric comparison
      adds  658991a   Add more data_types for sql_types mapping
      adds  bb09ba5   Switch to @haarg's perl-travis-helper, add 5.20 and blead
      adds  919c5e4   Use my fork of the helpers, for debugging
      adds  16bbaff   Die instead of warning if roundtrip regen fails
      adds  60650d2   Actually install Devel::Cover
      adds  cb9bbc6   Propagate switches when running perl in tests
      adds  0ce3181   fix Producer::SQLite::batch_alter_table rename field
      adds  627e37c   Add Changes entry for SQLite diff fix
      adds  4f1186c   Add Changes entry for numeric field default fix
      adds  0c610cc   initial batch_alter_table for ::Producer::PostgreSQL
      adds  591b4fa   test to demonstrate Pg diff failure with rename_table+rename_field
      adds  4d4d68c   Clean up Pg batch alter test
      adds  1007dce   Fix POD syntax for PODed-out code
      adds  e84e5bc   Document producer_args in SQL::Translator::Diff
      adds  fb54380   Fix argument documentation for preprocess_schema
      adds  86609ea   Factor out calling of normal diff-production functions
      adds  5502f49   Add Changes entry for Pg diff fix
      adds  59aa003   [merge] Batch alter support for Pg and refactoring
      adds  5ae23b5   release 0.11019
      adds  dbdb750   Fix test failure if Test::PostgreSQL is installed but not working
      adds  8e03c1a   release 0.11020
      adds  ae4a60a   Skip HTML tests if CGI is not installed (RT#98027)
      adds  ad5cf45   Fix Oracle producer
      adds  ac7adba   Fix broken POD links found by App::PodLinkChecker
      adds  7e21223   Fix undef warnings from Text::ParseWords when running tests with -w
      adds  34f636e   Add IRC metadata and update repository and bugtracker URLs
      adds  9082474   Update help/support and contributing POD section
      adds  4f2693e   Fix JSON and YAML tests if the defaults have been tweaked (RT#98824)
      adds  e3107d4   Switch back to upstream Travis helpers
      adds  e3bc3e3   Install YAML and XML::LibXML before build-dist
      adds  b7b5a22   Install YAML and XML::LibXML in the perl used for testing too
      adds  1011eeb   Switch back to my travis helpers fork
      adds  b6fda1d   Factor out quote option handling
      adds  f82112a   Clean up option parsing and identifier quoting in Producer::PostgreSQL
      adds  5e48784   Clean up option parsing and fix identifier quoting in Producer::MySQL
      adds  32d2b62   Fix handling of quoted identifiers and strings in Parser::SQLite
      adds  aaea005   Fix handling of quoted identifiers and strings in Parser::MySQL
      adds  501ed38   Fix handling of quoted identifiers and strings in Parser::PostgreSQL
      adds  060a3e2   Fix handling of quoted identifiers and strings in Parser::SQLServer
      adds  16fc4c7   Fix handling of quoted identifiers and strings in Parser::Oracle
      adds  0c42515   Escape the closing quote character when quoting indentifiers
      adds  4d6f8a8   Test table and field names with quote characters in them
      adds  1868ddb   Escape quotes in string values in producers
      adds  9055d33   Test round-tripping default values with quotes and backslashes
      adds  6dd0762   Test round-tripping decimal default values
      adds  0b45ad2   Test quotes in field comments
      adds  d1ca5a5   Quote table names in 'SHOW CREATE TABLE' in Parser::DBI::MySQL
      adds  855de32   Add Changes entry for quoting fixes
      adds  553b1ee   Merge branch 'quoting-fixes'
      adds  2d6f061   Handle ALTER TABLE ... ADD CONSTRAINT in Parser::Oracle
      adds  7368f0e   Add support for triggers in Parser::Oracle
      adds  4c9c21e   Narrow the scope of Oracle roundtrip TODO
      adds  485191b   Merge branch 'oracle-fixes'
      adds  75abfa5   Call close as a function rather than a method
      adds  90089d6   Fix erroneous PostgreSQL floating point type translations (RT#99725)
      adds  35a4c84   Remove executable bit from Parser/JSON.pm (RT#100532)
      adds  3658509   Update the Free Software Foundation's address (RT#100531)
      adds  c9c8f3e   Fix quoting of trigger name and table in Producer::PostgreSQL
      adds  2491a46   Provide default index names for SQLite
      adds  1fe06e3   Remove redundant entries from Producer::PostrgeSQL's type mapping
      adds  ada2826   Fix clob type translation in Producer::PostgreSQL
      adds  ebad059   Translate MS Access memo type to text in Producer::PostgreSQL
      adds  0444e68   Fix SQLite diffing on perl 5.8.1
      adds  e538585   Add Changes entry for 5.8.1 SQLite diffing fix
      adds  db195df   Fix multi-column indexes in Parser::DBI::PostgreSQL
      adds  2353aa2   Switch back to upstream travis-perl-helpers
      adds  9da488f   Fix array types and multidimensional sizes in Parser::PostgreSQL
      adds  d46a089   release 0.11021
      adds  2fe1bdb   Imported Upstream version 0.11021
       new  d4873be   Merge tag 'upstream/0.11021'
       new  8c81a59   Update debian/changelog
       new  3790d31   Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6.
       new  34917f1   Add explicit build dependency + Recommends on libcgi-pm-perl.
       new  9d9780d   Update years of packaging copyright.
       new  64091da   Update libgd*-perl in B-D-I and Recommends.
       new  6662043   Add build dependency on libdbd-sqlite3-perl for an additional test.
       new  28df4a6   releasing package libsql-translator-perl version 0.11021-1

The 8 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Changes                                        |  20 +++
 MANIFEST                                       |   1 +
 META.yml                                       |   9 +-
 Makefile.PL                                    |   7 +-
 README                                         |  45 +++++-
 debian/changelog                               |  10 +-
 debian/control                                 |  11 +-
 debian/copyright                               |   2 +-
 inc/Module/AutoInstall.pm                      |   2 +-
 inc/Module/Install.pm                          |  11 +-
 inc/Module/Install/AutoInstall.pm              |   6 +-
 inc/Module/Install/Base.pm                     |   2 +-
 inc/Module/Install/Can.pm                      |   2 +-
 inc/Module/Install/Fetch.pm                    |   6 +-
 inc/Module/Install/Include.pm                  |   6 +-
 inc/Module/Install/Makefile.pm                 |   2 +-
 inc/Module/Install/Metadata.pm                 | 102 +++++--------
 inc/Module/Install/Scripts.pm                  |   6 +-
 inc/Module/Install/Share.pm                    |   2 +-
 inc/Module/Install/Win32.pm                    |   6 +-
 inc/Module/Install/WriteAll.pm                 |   6 +-
 lib/SQL/Translator.pm                          |  96 ++++++------
 lib/SQL/Translator/Generator/DDL/MySQL.pm      |  22 +++
 lib/SQL/Translator/Generator/DDL/PostgreSQL.pm |   6 +-
 lib/SQL/Translator/Generator/DDL/SQLServer.pm  |   2 +-
 lib/SQL/Translator/Generator/Role/DDL.pm       |   3 +-
 lib/SQL/Translator/Generator/Role/Quote.pm     |  19 ++-
 lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/DBI/MySQL.pm         |   2 +-
 lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/DBI/PostgreSQL.pm    |  14 +-
 lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/JSON.pm              |   0
 lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/MySQL.pm             |  85 +++++------
 lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/Oracle.pm            |  68 +++++++--
 lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/PostgreSQL.pm        |  93 ++++++------
 lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/SQLServer.pm         |  52 +++----
 lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/SQLite.pm            |  22 +--
 lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/XML/SQLFairy.pm      |   8 +-
 lib/SQL/Translator/Producer.pm                 |  11 +-
 lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/GraphViz.pm        |   2 +-
 lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/MySQL.pm           | 181 +++++++++++------------
 lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/Oracle.pm          |  30 ++--
 lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/PostgreSQL.pm      | 197 ++++++++++---------------
 lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/SQLite.pm          |  14 +-
 lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/TT/Base.pm         |  12 +-
 lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/TT/Table.pm        |  11 +-
 lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/Constraint.pm        |   2 +-
 lib/SQL/Translator/Utils.pm                    |  47 +++++-
 script/sqlt                                    |   4 +-
 script/sqlt-diagram                            |   4 +-
 script/sqlt-diff                               |   4 +-
 script/sqlt-diff-old                           |   4 +-
 script/sqlt-dumper                             |   5 +-
 script/sqlt-graph                              |   4 +-
 script/sqlt.cgi                                |   4 +-
 t/02mysql-parser.t                             |  14 +-
 t/03mysql-to-oracle.t                          |   6 +-
 t/05bgep-re.t                                  |   2 +-
 t/09sqlt-diagram.t                             |   2 +-
 t/14postgres-parser.t                          |  18 ++-
 t/23json.t                                     |   3 +-
 t/24yaml.t                                     |   3 +-
 t/29html.t                                     |   1 +
 t/30sqlt-new-diff-mysql.t                      |  12 +-
 t/30sqlt-new-diff-pgsql.t                      |   3 +-
 t/31dumper.t                                   |   2 +-
 t/38-mysql-producer.t                          |   8 +-
 t/46xml-to-pg.t                                |   8 +-
 t/47postgres-producer.t                        |  47 ++++--
 t/56-sqlite-producer.t                         |  28 ++++
 t/60roundtrip.t                                |  13 +-
 t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t                     |   6 +-
 t/70sqlt-diff_script.t                         |   2 +-
 t/70sqlt-diff_script_old.t                     |   2 +-
 t/71-generator-sql_server.t                    |  15 ++
 t/data/roundtrip.xml                           |  23 ++-
 t/data/roundtrip_autogen.yaml                  |  47 +++++-
 75 files changed, 882 insertions(+), 675 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/SQL/Translator/Generator/DDL/MySQL.pm
 mode change 100755 => 100644 lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/JSON.pm

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libsql-translator-perl.git

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