[libtest-warnings-perl] branch master updated (e345c16 -> 911d1d5)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Sat Jun 13 20:09:53 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libtest-warnings-perl.
from e345c16 update changelog
new 396764c Update Test::Tester build dependency.
new e31fbc2 Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6.
new b5180a1 Add debian/upstream/metadata
new b6e1e61 Update debian/changelog
adds 9a6ee43 initial commit, via [Git::Init]
adds ba507be initial code and tests
adds 83c84ef ensure there is no (inserted) code before strict/warnings
adds 1f26e1f fix generation of LICENSE
adds baa9ac3 no need for a stash yet
adds 9146545 documentation!
adds 02a2577 more tests, and some examples containing demonstration failing tests
adds 7219dd7 spelling fixes
adds 09a270c copy auto-generated pod coverage test
adds 154281b patching pod test to plan for the Test::Warning test via END
adds f39d8ef older Test::Builder does not have done_testing!
adds 7deaee5 make our compile tests pass without confusing Test::Builder::_ending
adds 3bb9340 fix link
adds 48c393a use italics for emphasis, not bold
adds 974b60a s/Test::Warning/Test::Warnings/g
adds 856ab19 the blog post I made about this module
adds 75485fb initial version of these autogenerated files
adds 4121afa Test-Warnings-0.001-TRIAL
adds 591f03e oops, forgot to add a changelog
adds 470bdb9 fix link
adds cefd380 link to the blog post rather than including the text in the uploaded dist
adds 3f6fb89 :no_end_test, for when you really don't want to do things in END
adds 5ce651e demonstrate compatibility with skip_all
adds 0ee20f7 better heuristic for checking for done_testing (thanks ilmari!)
adds 497958e no need to export CMM sugar here
adds 405ef68 clean namespaces release test
adds f91d06e fix allow_warnings(undef) -> do NOT allow warnings
adds 112023d mark allow_warnings() and allowing_warnings() as experimental
adds a5bb2ee fix spelling test
adds ca0403c first non-TRIAL release!
adds f0f220b Test-Warnings-0.002
adds 420fd24 dist abstract automatically extracted from main module
adds ac051ac remove silly test with no purpose
adds f43ddea test that had_no_warnings() can override its test name
adds ccde2c2 move this test aside, to contain tests that use Test::Builder 0.9x
adds b6b7dc5 allow tests to run using TB2 (tested with Test-Simple-1.005000_006)
adds 0060a06 avoid adding these prereqs if we build in the presence of TB2
adds 7f48317 changelog
adds 26d39f1 Merge branch 'topic/tb2'
adds 5ccc197 Test-Warnings-0.003
adds b1130fe build with my new plugin bundle!
adds 5dc39c3 put stopwords right in pod, with the help of podweaver and the StopWords plugin
adds 6b2c88b comment to match its twin
adds 8523f11 test to demonstrate (now-fixed) behaviour with no_plan
adds 7518e33 remove unneeded parentheses
adds 455eea6 load this up front; we always need it
adds bb519ac emit warnings via note() rather than warn() when allowing warnings
adds 9874e5d plug strictures
adds 17a26f1 suggest, and test, "use if" syntax
adds 02649b7 run with a smaller test of kwalitee checks
adds c858258 Test-Warnings-0.004
adds 9b4677e use bulleted list for SEE ALSO
adds 1562861 clarify why we have a custom clean-namespaces test
adds e49c306 try to switch to [Test::Kwalitee::Extra]; fail, but document what happened
adds 5419d1b warnings { code } -- does for Test::Warn what Test::Fatal did for Test::Exception
adds 0407414 whitespace in import list
adds f9b56c9 also add warning() (thanks leont for the suggestion)
adds 045469f add contributors data to meta and pod
adds 81f08d6 Merge branch 'topic/capture_warnings'
adds 1072bc4 depend on latest release of bundle
adds d7a0187 Test-Warnings-0.005
adds af1d6c6 empty commit to give leont credit for warning() -- closes PR#2
adds a256b69 remove a non-core dep we can do without
adds f277067 less prerequisites
adds 8239c40 Test-Warnings-0.006
adds 98f8243 assert that had_no_warnings is never called via a subtest's done_testing
adds 93019ef implicit done_testing in subtests was added in 0.95_01 (RT#86802)
adds ba9f7c1 depend on latest pluginbundle
adds 2468dfd copy auto-generated unused vars test
adds d2aa23a patching unused vars test to handle the Test::Warning test via END
adds 19dc216 remove unneeded shebangs
adds fa2b38c do not skip these release tests if prereqs are missing
adds b1f6c01 Test-Warnings-0.007
adds 2a61f92 ensure that all tests use strict and warnings
adds 5e9722c done_testing was added in 0.88; subtest in 0.94
adds dcd47e3 avoid letting the test modules generate a plan
adds 9039ff5 also explicitly mention we replace Test::Warn
adds 916978f changelog for release
adds f52f9c9 Test-Warnings-0.008
adds 329919b use subtests in all customized release tests, for simplicity
adds 3788344 depend on latest pluginbundle
adds 7968f15 affirm that we have no non-core runtime prereqs
adds 95b506e fix synopsis to import ":all" for warning()
adds b41434e add tests that verify the examples that actually pass all their tests
adds c5055ef a bit of doc clarification about warnings() vs. warning()
adds 61893fc new pluginbundle includes TK automatically
adds d07f188 keep track of why this is our minimum bar for core prereq checks
adds f4ac5ce affirm that this code is compatible with perl 5.6
adds c58fd61 caveat re embedding warning checks in a sub (for ribasushi!!!)
adds b6fe11e this test can be accomplished without Test::Tester
adds 82d3a17 :no_end_test should have always covered done_testing too
adds 8f655c3 keep $no_end_tests off if it was ever turned off
adds 5e28122 Test-Warnings-0.009
adds b669492 clarify docs for :no_end_test
adds 61b8cd6 Revert "keep $no_end_tests off if it was ever turned off"
adds 8c73d9e better test name
adds 9fec9c9 changelog for [Test::Compile] release
adds 7d7013d Test-Warnings-0.010
adds ee189de changelog for this release
adds 45289a3 new CONTRIBUTING file
adds 2853776 Test-Warnings-0.011
adds 15d5747 see https://github.com/dagolden/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-ReportPrereqs/pull/6
adds 23a9247 Test-Warnings-0.012
adds 8e87493 remove useless cruft entries
adds af69fd4 switch to Pod::Weaver 4, which uses [-SingleEncoding] in [@Default]
adds 2296fdc remove the ego lines; canonicalize timestamps
adds 1604a89 use head2 for functions, so they are listed in the table of contents
adds 65241d1 prevent t/01-basic-tb0.9x.t from irritating Test::Portability
adds 82e9c8c tweak core prereq checks
adds 76a896b changelog for updated generated files
adds 5e07deb Test-Warnings-0.013
adds 938bb0f tighten up entries
adds 3ce8da9 add vim modeline
adds d442157 use my new [Test::CleanNamespaces] plugin!
adds 5e262b9 add irc and mailing list info to metadata
adds 84bb6b8 minor doc wording and formatting fixes
adds 5d4cc3c test failed if FOO or BAR was set (sorry tobyink!)
adds 89a25a4 Test-Warnings-0.014
adds 23566e8 remove unneeded plugin
adds 5d6238b tighten up entries
adds 49b42cc fix wording of previous changelog
adds 542d24e add keywords to metadata
adds f36f73f remove all non-core prerequisites, becoming 5.6-friendly
adds a3805e9 TB2 as it was is dead; no need to test it any longer
adds 11b1833 Test-Warnings-0.015
adds 5117a91 rename this file for consistency
adds 69d528f add comments explaining the purpose of each example
adds b5019c3 refer to example script explicitly
adds 384099c move example tests to xt so their prereqs don't cause tears
adds e07672e Test-Warnings-0.016
adds b77f7ad add a placeholder .mailmap
adds 1729d49 now using [Git::Contributors]
adds f600629 document some examples of replacing Test::Warn usage
adds d014bc1 Devel::Confess before 0.007005 would hand us a warning message without a newline, causing Test::Warnings itself to be reported as the origin of the warning
adds fde89ad Test-Warnings-0.017
adds d4c3789 Carp 1.25 added a dot to the end of messages
adds ac1040b Test-Warnings-0.018
adds 2c4caff Unescaped filename in regex pattern causes test failure on Windows
adds e298f53 one more escape that I forgot
adds 0fac7a0 changelog for PR#7
adds eb23a18 Test-Warnings-0.019
adds 67f6fd0 be consistent with punctuation
adds 3cde069 fix unparsable $VERSION declaration (RT#101239)
adds 3c4e05d Test-Warnings-0.020
adds 5215408 let this test run for all commits, not just before release
adds 12919cf at long last, drop the use of fatal warnings in tests
adds 3429ee0 [Test::CleanNamespaces] is now provided by my plugin bundle
adds 9e6c800 remove unneeded entries
adds 7a86ac8 shorter pod lists
adds bdc5f50 fix vim modeline
adds 44a2ab7 File::pushd before 1.004 does "warnings->import" in the main namespace
adds b898b86 add a TODO
adds d056f4a use =head2 for options instead of =items
adds 58c8076 documented the caveats with interacting with warnings.pm
adds 55a311f Test-Warnings-0.021
adds 5183266 Imported Upstream version 0.021
new 7a7e3d1 Merge tag 'upstream/0.021'
new 02b6610 Update debian/changelog
new 50557e7 Add new build dependencies.
new 3a44d5f Add Breaks: libfile-pushd-perl (<< 1.004).
new b4082ae Mark package as autopkgtest-able.
new 911d1d5 releasing package libtest-warnings-perl version 0.021-1
The 10 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
Changes | 19 +
MANIFEST | 14 +-
META.json | 618 ++++++++++++++++++++---------
META.yml | 462 +++++++++++++--------
Makefile.PL | 31 +-
README | 4 +-
README.md | 221 -----------
debian/changelog | 17 +-
debian/control | 8 +-
debian/upstream/metadata | 8 +
dist.ini | 12 +-
examples/no_plan.t | 2 +-
examples/sub.t | 2 +-
examples/test_warning_contents.t | 2 +-
examples/warning_like.t | 2 +-
examples/with_done_testing.t | 2 +-
examples/with_plan.t | 2 +-
lib/Test/Warnings.pm | 78 ++--
t/00-report-prereqs.dd | 133 +++++++
t/00-report-prereqs.t | 277 ++++++-------
t/01-basic.t | 2 +-
t/02-done_testing.t | 2 +-
t/03-subtest.t | 2 +-
t/05-no-end-block.t | 2 +-
t/06-skip-all.t | 2 +-
t/07-no_plan.t | 2 +-
t/08-use-if.t | 2 +-
t/09-warnings-contents.t | 2 +-
t/10-no-done_testing.t | 2 +-
t/11-double-use.t | 2 +-
t/12-no-newline.t | 30 ++
t/zzz-check-breaks.t | 30 ++
xt/author/00-compile.t | 9 +-
xt/{release => author}/clean-namespaces.t | 4 +-
xt/author/eol.t | 29 ++
xt/author/examples_test_warning_contents.t | 2 +-
xt/{release => author}/no-tabs.t | 13 +-
xt/{release => author}/pod-coverage.t | 2 +-
xt/author/pod-spell.t | 9 +-
xt/release/changes_has_content.t | 2 +-
xt/release/eol.t | 8 -
xt/release/kwalitee.t | 9 +-
xt/release/portability.t | 1 +
45 files changed, 1273 insertions(+), 829 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 README.md
create mode 100644 debian/upstream/metadata
create mode 100644 t/00-report-prereqs.dd
create mode 100644 t/12-no-newline.t
create mode 100644 t/zzz-check-breaks.t
rename xt/{release => author}/clean-namespaces.t (80%)
create mode 100644 xt/author/eol.t
rename xt/{release => author}/no-tabs.t (86%)
rename xt/{release => author}/pod-coverage.t (88%)
delete mode 100644 xt/release/eol.t
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libtest-warnings-perl.git
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