[libdata-dump-perl] branch master updated (5105e81 -> 4aae0fb)

Salvatore Bonaccorso carnil at debian.org
Mon Jun 15 20:06:04 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

carnil pushed a change to branch master
in repository libdata-dump-perl.

      from  5105e81   update changelog
       new  3dc29af   Add debian/upstream/metadata
       new  454c0df   Update debian/changelog
      adds  9bc5151   Data-Dump-0.04
      adds  93f184a   Data-Dump-1.08
      adds  ffc903b   Data-Dump-1.10
      adds  69f9b4f   Data-Dump-1.11
      adds  69a4367   Typo fix; double on
      adds  d02d1de   I think this is better English.
      adds  c1bf6fd   Release 1.12
      adds  d504f83   First stab at some trace functions
      adds  cbc6908   Add mcall
      adds  293c0b7   Implement wrapping of objects.
      adds  f63a7d6   Use the object names in traces
      adds  50dc94a   Add autowrap function.
      adds  d87175f   Less clutter
      adds  2c06f76   Refactor; _ret_list and _ret_scalar
      adds  9f61a3a   Reserve spot for prototype spec
      adds  231cb96   Add todo list
      adds  e5c1d1b   Let's force the '$' in onto names in the wrapper.  Works for more cases.
      adds  182e70c   Add Data::Dump::Trace documentation.
      adds  5ac96c6   Release 1.13
      adds  8726d93   Missing $ on return names.
      adds  faad9e5   Things currently look bad when calls nest.
      adds  5e0b900   Restructure; introduce the Data::Dump::Trace::Call class
      adds  285ab57   Don't show empty argument list for method calls.
      adds  0177d4d   Cleaner 'git status' output
      adds  d9e64fd   Only color when output goes to terminal.
      adds  01d686e   Use % prototype and allow wrapping with prototypes
      adds  242abe4   strace only use '=' before return value; let's do the same
      adds  71489bc   Support out and in/out arguments.
      adds  af73bed   Display errno when syscalls fails
      adds  6523659   Document prototypes as currently implemented.
      adds  e0b2788   wrap(func => ...) should also take a prototype
      adds  4b27b56   Add trace() function.
      adds  2ffe175   Need to special case DESTROY
      adds  b229464   Release 1.14
      adds  7472e37   Typo in regexp to determine if hash keys are numeric [RT#48003]
      adds  85f7a1e   Treat 0.14 as numeric
      adds  84459ce   Release 1.15
      adds  3a4baa8   Don't quote long identifier keys; it just makes them even longer
      adds  265eed7   Stop quoting keywords used as hash keys
      adds  a8f039b   Identifier keys prefixed with "-" doesn't have to be quoted either
      adds  b3135e6   Add support for filter callback
      adds  90b20ad   If one hash key needs quoting, quote all the keys
      adds  791b798   Use case-insensitive sorting of keys
      adds  ff60faf   Add filter example script
      adds  c562b5d   Release 1.16
      adds  d4cd8be   Fix dump of "1\n" [RT#56595]
      adds  593f9ad   State additional dependencies
      adds  2f39d09   I'm guessing BUILD_REQUIRES was introduced in MM-6.45
      adds  49b5173   Documentation tweaks
      adds  60f60b0   Dump any CODE reference as "sub { ... }"
      adds  a833915   Use standard indentation when not using key padding
      adds  eb6b12e   Start using the range operator to shorten lists
      adds  8163bd0   Opps; debug printout left behind
      adds  05d04b8   Look for multiple sublists
      adds  7c0615f   Be smart about string ranges as well
      adds  aec83c8   Use the spell checker on the documentation text
      adds  b7d3cf2   Make indentation configurable
      adds  8560e1b   Documentaion; dump(1..5) doesn't return (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) any more
      adds  8ea28b1   Document configuration variables
      adds  cc38427   Release 1.17
      adds  7ef786a   Added some is needed missing words
      adds  6573aeb   croak on bad add_dump_filter argument
      adds  98b6ac7   use Test
      adds  a677ecc   Deal with the perl-5.13 (?^:...) regex construct [RT#61552]
      adds  3a859a1   Add support for vstrings [RT#60342]
      adds  758732b   Don't downgrade is_utf8-strings with MIME::Base64 [RT#60103]
      adds  5e9f889   Release 1.18
      adds  b141032   Skip tests that require perl-5.10
      adds  0d2aff9   Release 1.19
      adds  411a1d7   BUILD_REQUIRES was introduced in MM-6.55_01
      adds  bae9ff8   Limit our temp listen socket to localhost [RT#63534]
      adds  4cbedeb   Add depth() method to FilterContext
      adds  7cd6b71   Test dump($1) behaviour [RT#63883]
      adds  f4f4f48   Make dump($1) work [RT#63883]
      adds  ebefa82   Release 1.20
      adds  97119d4   dump($1) still doesn't work [RT#63883]
      adds  6caed8a   Fix dump($1) when $1 was numeric
      adds  96cb57c   Cheaper capturing of the dumped value before testing it for intness
      adds  c771f4e   More elegant way to test for numeric scalars
      adds  77a8218   Release 1.21
      adds  f00c47d   Deal with class names containing '=' [RT#72415]
      adds  f838fe6   Remove commented out debug prints
      adds  763a013   Added $ctx->expr method to obtain expression denoting current object
      adds  ee6524b   Release 1.22
      adds  2a051d1   typo fix
      adds  78fb204   typo fix
      adds  13509fb   Avoid "Negative repeat count does nothing"-warnings
      adds  301aee6   Release 1.23
      adds  60ac530   Imported Upstream version 1.23
       new  f15338e   Merge tag 'upstream/1.23'
       new  ebe6b7c   Update debian/changelog
       new  58eb791   Update copyright years for debian/* packaging files
       new  225f860   Declare compliance with Debian policy 3.9.6
       new  57ed008   Declare package as autopkgtestable
       new  4aae0fb   Prepare changelog for release

The 8 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Changes                  | 10 ++++++++++
 META.json                |  4 ++--
 META.yml                 | 16 ++++++++--------
 debian/changelog         |  9 +++++++--
 debian/control           |  3 ++-
 debian/copyright         |  2 +-
 debian/upstream/metadata |  5 +++++
 lib/Data/Dump.pm         |  6 +++---
 lib/Data/Dump/Trace.pm   |  2 +-
 9 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 debian/upstream/metadata

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libdata-dump-perl.git

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