[libtest-mockobject-perl] branch master updated (379fe15 -> f4e8e2b)
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Sun Jun 21 01:40:31 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gregoa pushed a change to branch master
in repository libtest-mockobject-perl.
from 379fe15 update changelog
new 37364d1 Add debian/upstream/metadata
new 81be2e9 Update debian/changelog
adds f1d87e2 Checked in Test::MockObject 0.02.
adds f8942bc Updated to Test::MockObject 0.03.
adds 7b28180 Updated to Test::MockObject 0.04.
adds 17a7889 Updated to Test::MockObject 0.05.
adds 26e09c5 Updated to Test::MOckObject 0.06.
adds 2c1f8d7 Updated to Test::MockObject 0.07.
adds ac015f8 Updated to Test::MockObject 0.08.
adds 796315b Updated to Test::MockObject 0.09.
adds 98a6583 Updated to Test::MockObject 0.10.
adds 2e2668a Updated to Test::MockObject 0.11.
adds ab62aed Updated to Test::MockObject 0.12.
adds 0873d60 Updated to Test::MockObject 0.13.
adds 877fd69 Updated to Test::MockObject 0.14.
adds e213244 Updated to Test::MockObject 0.15.
adds 5ad95b6 Updated to Test::MockObject 0.20.
adds 86a4f16 Removed deprecated Test::MockObject::add(). Fixed stringification-finding bug (reported by water on Perl Monks). Bumped up version numbers. Added POD and POD coverage tests. Added some documentation. Allow catchable warnings in fake_module(). Modify delegation approach (reported by Adam Kennedy in RT #13200).
adds 277a8aa Set $AUTOLOAD in parent AUTOLOAD(), if delegating (RT #14251). Don't require parent module if it has a new() method. Use UNIVERSAL::isa and UNIVERSAL::can modules. Give the installed isa() and can() methods the appropriate names in T::MO.
adds 2b02447 r10946 at windwheel: chromatic | 2005-12-24 01:13:30 -0800 Avoid warnings in UNIVERSAL::isa and UNIVERSAL::can by always calling both as methods (oops). Marked dependency on Perl 5.6.0. Skip signature check without SIGNATURE file. Removed chdir/library logic from tests and added warnings. Cleaned up warnings in t/bugs.t.
adds 40e83ee r10948 at windwheel: chromatic | 2005-12-24 01:24:42 -0800 Made Test::MockObject::Extends warnings clean.
adds dea95ce r13084 at windwheel: chromatic | 2006-03-04 16:36:09 -0800 Improve signature test.
adds 267bb75 r13085 at windwheel: chromatic | 2006-03-04 16:36:22 -0800 Remove dependency on Test::Warn.
adds e76bf26 r13086 at windwheel: chromatic | 2006-03-04 16:39:39 -0800 Improved mock package loading in T::MO::E (RT #17692 from Badgersrc).
adds 85b11d4 r13087 at windwheel: chromatic | 2006-03-04 16:41:02 -0800 Fixed a test I previously unfixed before #17692 fix.
adds 80781ea r13092 at windwheel: chromatic | 2006-03-04 16:44:04 -0800 Clarified T::MO::E in-place mocking behavior as suggested by Larry Clapp in #17929.
adds 6bda277 r13093 at windwheel: chromatic | 2006-03-04 17:18:55 -0800 Named generated can() and isa() methods in T::MO::E. Cleaned up some extraneous whitespace. Allowed isa() to check reference type of mocked object once again (RT #15446 from PM).
adds ad2fb16 r13096 at windwheel: chromatic | 2006-03-04 17:30:10 -0800 Avoid circular references preventing mock destruction (RT #17941 from David Pisoni).
adds f1c85ef r13097 at windwheel: chromatic | 2006-03-04 17:45:09 -0800 Fixed inherited AUTOLOAD() calls from T::MO::E (RT #14445 from Adam Kennedy).
adds 6d5ca64 r14286 at windwheel: chromatic | 2006-03-18 14:13:44 -0800 Made T::MO::E mocking methods return the invocant (bugfix). Moved developer-only tests to t/developer/ to avoid running them by default.
adds 0acdc34 r15646 at windwheel: chromatic | 2006-04-08 23:04:20 -0700 Fixed anonymous sub name generation even if debugger is active.
adds 244c8b0 r15996 at windwheel: chromatic | 2006-04-20 18:09:35 -0700 Added __get_parents() to extended mock objects to work well with SUPER.
adds fb122fb Fix the documentation for re-enabling logging (reported by Nicholas Clark).
adds e3c470f Made fake_module() croak when faking a loaded module but not mocking any subs (RT #21049, reported by Mutant).
adds 6185a88 Fixed check_class_loaded() per RT #19448, reported by Adam Kennedy. Added regression and boundary tests for its behavior.
adds 9e68e48 Fixed incorrect dependency version for Scalar::Util (alexchorny, RT #21773).
adds 73e906d T::MO::E should die when called with an unhandleable method (Paul the Nomad).
adds bc098e2 Removed use of Module::Signature. Updated version numbers for 1.07. Fixed a POD error. Clarified class-mocking in Test::MockObject::Extends (reported by Praveen Ray).
adds ffe6a24 r4387 at waterwheel: chromatic | 2007-06-28 18:40:30 -0700 Removed noisy diag() calls from tests (RT #19444, Adam Kennedy).
adds 4981f82 r4388 at waterwheel: chromatic | 2007-06-28 18:41:08 -0700 Removed some magic in an @ISA assignment reported by Andreas Koenig.
adds e947f95 r4392 at waterwheel: chromatic | 2007-06-28 18:50:24 -0700 Updated to 1.08.
adds f8f5639 r4393 at waterwheel: chromatic | 2007-06-28 18:52:57 -0700 Updated README for 1.08.
adds 460c4d8 [Test::MockObject] Migrated to use lexical warnings for disabling redefinitions. Updated to 1.09; released. Reformatted whitespace. Required Perl 5.6.2 as the minimum version.
adds eaa0e79 Converted to Dist::Zilla.
adds 2b3ecfb Added -debug flag to load U::i and U::c on demand.
adds 7b95c30 Added .gitignore.
adds 7c4957f Improved test dependencies.
adds 3a55a43 Updated .gitignore.
adds d86f398 v1.20110612
adds 0d2f0ad add missing meta information
adds 6b67b1d add missing Changes info re -debug flag.
adds 3d43247 Merge pull request #2 from karenetheridge/master
adds 84a93d8 Updated UNIVERSAL::isa and UNIVERSAL::can deps.
adds 6545d75 v1.20120301
adds 3736499 Make Extends support fields objects (RT #84535).
adds 1dfdd23 Improved .gitignore.
adds 9ea99fc v1.20140328
adds 1ca92ef Add config for Travis-CI.org
adds c37c4c2 Travis-CI: disable 5.8
adds 14926b3 Merge pull request #6 from dolmen/enable-Travis-CI
adds 96431a3 Do not create %FIELDS if it doesn't exists
adds d8b3528 Constify $^V check to allow inlining
adds 7885276 Do not load fields.pm and Hash::Util
adds 9c19e1a Merge pull request #5 from dolmen/fix/FIELDS-once
adds d623543 Updated Changes for new version.
adds b64f173 v1.20140408
adds 8362af0 Simplified README.pod for the benefit of github
adds 44c8484 Merge pull request #9 from rvandam/readme
adds cdd0699 Updated CGI dependency.
adds 5126f4d Updated Changes for new version.
adds fba7632 v1.20150521
adds 43b025c Mark CGI, Test::More, Test::Exception as 'test/requires' dependencies
adds 22a0af6 Merge pull request #10 from dolmen/fix/dependencies
adds 5307cd8 T:MO:Extends remove useless "eval use T:MO" in import
adds 9edf3e6 Alias T:MO::Extends::import to T::MO::import
adds 24465d7 T:MO->import: use eval-block instead of eval-string
adds 419df32 Merge pull request #11 from dolmen/fix/no-eval-string
adds 552c6b6 Updated Changes for new release.
adds ad2c519 v1.20150527
adds 2b1ac71 Imported Upstream version 1.20150527
new c00f2b1 Merge tag 'upstream/1.20150527'
new 6668850 Update debian/changelog
new 24df005 Update years of upstream copyright.
new a0296ac Update (build) dependencies.
new 3dd6066 Mark package as autopkgtest-able.
new 25edc87 Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6.
new f4e8e2b releasing package libtest-mockobject-perl version 1.20150527-1
The 9 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
Changes | 8 ++++++
LICENSE | 6 ++---
MANIFEST | 3 ++-
META.yml | 11 +++-----
Makefile.PL | 23 +++++-----------
README | 6 ++---
README.pod | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
debian/changelog | 15 +++++++++--
debian/control | 6 ++---
debian/copyright | 2 +-
debian/upstream/metadata | 6 +++++
dist.ini | 6 +++--
lib/Test/MockObject.pm | 12 ++++++---
lib/Test/MockObject/Extends.pm | 11 +++-----
14 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 README.pod
create mode 100644 debian/upstream/metadata
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libtest-mockobject-perl.git
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